Mayor Villaraigosa not to run for Governor, or is Villar in ??

Labels: gavin newsom, Governor's Race 2010, Jerry Brown, Los Angeles Times, mayor antonio villaraigosa, San Francisco Chronicle
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Labels: gavin newsom, Governor's Race 2010, Jerry Brown, Los Angeles Times, mayor antonio villaraigosa, San Francisco Chronicle
Labels: David Galaviz, Los Angeles Times, usc
Labels: Academia Semillas del Pueblo, American Indian Charter School
Labels: Ass Clown Award
Labels: cd 5, Councilman Potato Head, Mr. Potato Head, paul koretz
Labels: jack weiss, lawa, mayor antonio villaraigosa
Labels: "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR", A Collective SPACE, Creation of a "Connected Non-Profit" Part 1, fabian nunez, Jenny Krusoe, Legacy LA, Mayor Antonio Villarigosa
Labels: chief barry, lafd, lapd, open threads
Labels: bob hertzberg, carmen trutanich, robert philobosian, zuma dogg
Let's try " disgrace!!
Everyone who cares about protecting our civic and cultural history should call Mayor Villaraigosa, Councilman Huizar and the members of the Board of Referred Powers, to demand that a public hearing, with ample public testimony time be schedule so that the concerns of the public are fully vetted.
Mayor Villaraigosa (213) 978-0600
Councilman Jose Huizar (213) 473-7014
PARKS (e.o.)
REYES (e.o.)
B. Greaves (213) 978-1068
P. Lattimore (213) 978-1074
Labels: Southwest Museum
Labels: 2009-2010 City Budget, bernard parks, dennis zine, fabian nunez, lausd, Los Angeles City Council, Maria Elena Durazo, mayor antonio villaraigosa, paul koretz
Labels: fraud waste and abuse, janice hahn, Jose Huizar
Labels: los angeles city budget
"It was a harsh, negative race that had plenty of critics, including Councilman Jose Huizar, an attorney himself, who appeared at Weiss' Tuesday gathering at Canter's.
' The public doesn't deserve this,' Huizar told reporters standing on Fairfax Avenue. ' But that's the nature of the game.' "
So who and whom was the "Barrio Pimp, Jose Huizar" refering to with his comments ?
One e-mailer had this comment.
One wonders: Was Mr. Huizar criticizing the nature of a political campaign or was he saying that the Los Angeles public does not deserve to have Carmen Trutanich as City Attorney?
Or was he reflecting on how the results of the City Attorney Race would impact his political career as noted in these comments to Daniel Hernandez in his classic column on "MAPs, Mexican Ammerican Princes".
We did some research, and I am the first Latino immigrant on the City Council,” says Huizar, who was born in Zacatecas. “It encapsulates the growing Latino population in L.A. that someone like me” — his eyes flutter a bit — “can come to this country (Thanks to the Coyote ??), and because of the educational opportunities, represent the community. It’s huge.”
It’s also “huge,” he says, that he sits on the Princeton Board of Trustees, the first and only Latino to do so. He frequently points this out. He also admits that many of his achievements in L.A. politics have been due to his close relationship with Mayor Villaraigosa ("Papi"). Then, without being asked about the topic, Huizar brings up the possibility that he could one day succeed his mentor. “People say, ‘Oh you want to be mayor,’ but I’m happy doing what I do now. I’m very happy being a City Council member,” Huizar insists. “I’ve been dreaming about this since I was a kid. I used to ask myself, why can’t Boyle Heights have the parks, all the infrastructure. Now I can do something about that.”(How about honest government ??)
The whole time, Huizar is fiddling with his cell phone, tearing up a napkin, looking down. Even he seems to hardly believe himself.( A rare moment of truth).
Maybe the "Barrio Pimp, Jose Huizar", should spend more time looking behind, for one may find that some are gathering for a challenge in 2011.
CD-14 Briefs:
*Adelante and Whiteside Redevelopment Merger Moving Forward.
*Boyle Heights Activists Eyeing Monterey Park Ban on Street Vending.
*State Senator Gil Cedillo Bill on 710 Tunnel Resolution Moving Forward.
*Huizar's Proposal for Broadway Parking Garage Raises Eye Brows.
Labels: "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR", May 19 Special Election
Labels: billboards, cd5, david vahedi, Parke Skelton, paul koretz, prop 8
Labels: cd5, Parke Skelton, paul koretz
Labels: prop 8
Labels: barack obama, billboards, No On Prop 8
Labels: los angeles city budget, prop 8
Labels: carmen trutanich
Labels: "Notes on the Election Scorecard", bill bratton, carmen trutanich, Governor "Kennedy Republican", jack weiss, May 19 Special Election, Mayor Antonio Villarigosa
Labels: david vahedi, paul koretz, rick orlov
Labels: cd 5, david vahedi, paul koretz
Labels: angela reddock, arnold schwarzenegger, carmen trutanich, david vahedi, jack weiss, paul koretz, Tina park
Labels: carmen trutanich, city attorney