Huizar and Hahn in Middle of Youth Center Funding Imbroglio
Activists in 14th Council District served by Council Member Jose Huizar aren't too happy with their elected official, but then again are they ever?
The erstwhile protege of Mayor Antonio "Papi" Villaraigosa is embroiled in controversy over funding of a local community center. Community leaders are attacking a plan by Huizar and fellow Council Member Janice "I Love to Park" Hahn to transfer nearly $25,000 in funds earmarked for a CD14 youth technology center to a Boys and Girls Club in San Pedro in Hahn's District.
Boyle Heights residents are confused why funds would be moved from their struggling community to another for the purpose of preventing youth violence in San Pedro when the Eastside community has similar issues of their own. City officials say this is simply an accounting matter yet locals have experienced broken promises, fraud, waste and abuse before so their skepticism is at least justified.
More importantly to note this is yet another example of why funding non-profits with taxpayer dollars leads not to answers to social problems but makes tempting for elected officials and others to engage in shenigans and make politically based decisions and payoffs. The better step would be to cut taxes and allow people to make contributions directly to worth non-profits. Of course, that would eliminate a lot of opportunity for power and jobs for certain people who couldn't get those otherwise.
The erstwhile protege of Mayor Antonio "Papi" Villaraigosa is embroiled in controversy over funding of a local community center. Community leaders are attacking a plan by Huizar and fellow Council Member Janice "I Love to Park" Hahn to transfer nearly $25,000 in funds earmarked for a CD14 youth technology center to a Boys and Girls Club in San Pedro in Hahn's District.
Boyle Heights residents are confused why funds would be moved from their struggling community to another for the purpose of preventing youth violence in San Pedro when the Eastside community has similar issues of their own. City officials say this is simply an accounting matter yet locals have experienced broken promises, fraud, waste and abuse before so their skepticism is at least justified.
More importantly to note this is yet another example of why funding non-profits with taxpayer dollars leads not to answers to social problems but makes tempting for elected officials and others to engage in shenigans and make politically based decisions and payoffs. The better step would be to cut taxes and allow people to make contributions directly to worth non-profits. Of course, that would eliminate a lot of opportunity for power and jobs for certain people who couldn't get those otherwise.
Labels: fraud waste and abuse, janice hahn, Jose Huizar
recall that fool!
Is he back at it again. I wonder what personal favor he is paying off to Hahn, maybe her endorsement for 2011?
How much money does the mayor pay Michael Trujillo to spin on Mayor Sam's blog?
CD 15
MOTION (HAHN - HUIZAR) relative to establishing the Cheryl Green Community Center in the Harbor Gateway.
AUTHORIZE the General Manager, Community Development Department (CDD), or designee to TRANSFER $23,000 in Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) savings from 20the Boyle Heights Youth and Technology Center in Council District 14 to the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Bay to establish the Cheryl Green Community Center located at the northern leg of Del Am Boulevard and Denker Avenue in the Harbor Gateway.
AUTHORIZE the General Manager, CDD, or designee, to TRANSFER $23,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) savings from the Day Laborer Program to the Boyle Heights Youth and Technology Center and to prepare a minor amendment to the 33rd Program Year Action Plan, in accordance with the City’s Citizen Participat ion Plan.
INSTRUCT the General Manager, CDD, or designee, to negotiate and execute an Agreemement with the Boys & Girls Clubs of South Bay in an amount not to exceed $23,000 to fund you programs at the Cheryl Green Community Center.
There isn't going to BE a Hahn endorsement (for Board of Stupidvisor I assume you mean), because Don "Obi-Wan" Knabe IS NOT retiring no matter how much she is praying that he does. He has already confirmed to Zuma Times that he IS running. And I believe him, because when I said, "Oh man, I'm gonna let Janice know and I'm gonna blog that then, I guess, Don said, "Can't you just keep that between me and you and not say anything?"
Guess not.
Huizar expects to be appointed by Villar to be the next Mayor, or Supervisor.
This gets even better for Huizar. He's getting an IMAGE AWARD, that's right folks, tonight from the Hollenbeck PAL a non profit. Look who is the President of the board of directors of this non profit, a mayor staffer,
Hollenbeck PAl board of Directors, Julie Magallanes-Guevara, President
City of Los Angeles, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
AND THE HUMANITARIAN AWARD GOES TONIGHT TO the company of another board of director. Talk about corruption and bullshit at its worst.
Gabriela Tovar, Vice President
Manager of Grants and Programs
LA84 Foundation
They are all in cohoots to give each other awards to make themselves look good. Are you reading this bullshit David Z
Your last two lines really nail the problem here in LA with the Democrats/Socialists in power.
---The better step would be to cut taxes and allow people to make contributions directly to worth non-profits. Of course, that would eliminate a lot of opportunity for power and jobs for certain people who couldn't get those otherwise.----
Excellent commentary.
I wonder who will be getting awards at this? $13,000 for what? Anyone know post it.
CD 14
h. MOTION (HUIZAR - LABONGE) relative to declaring the Third Annual Boyle Heights
Technology Center Community Awards Gala on May 29, 2009 a Special Event (fees and
costs absorbed by the City = $13,322).
All the community organizations in the Southwest Museum Coalition are going to be watching Huizar if the Autry expansion comes up for consideration this month.
Will Huizar follow up on his campaign promise to assure the SW Museum remains a museum or will he participate in a rape and pillage of the City's first museum by the Autry Board of Directors?
Political backlash will be intense if he does not fight (and we mean fight) for preservation of the SW Museum. The Autry lobbyists put the Mayor and Huizar in a humiliating situation - they held this big press conference about the Southwest Society raising money to preserve the historic Southwest and for nearly two years the Autry has failed to raise any money to conserve the building. We know there must be donors interested in saving the Southwest, but we bet they will only give money to the effort if it is preserved as a museum. The Autry does not want that so we bet the Autry is trying to get their money for the expansion in Griffith Park.
The Mayor and Huizar look like fools for letting themselves be USED by Jackie Autry to make the Southwest Society announcement at a big press conference. She must be laughing up her sleeve how the elected officials of this City will dance for her, and all for so little money.
Huizar sells out the heritage and cultural center of the Northeast, he will pay the price. This is the breaking point.
P-U-K-E. Nepotism Nepotism Nepotism.
These clowns are utterly shameless.
Are you sure Huizar isn't one of the illegitimate muffins Tony V's left around both side of the border?
Why do you keep writing about idiots like Huizar, Higby?
The people voted him in long after they knew him to be a dirtbag.
If the people in his District can't find an honest official among them, then so be it. They are satisified with poor representation.
That's just the way it goes.
I apologize if Zuma dogg thought of this first. I expect him to claim that thought too the same way he claims every thought.
Dear Mayor Sam,
Thank you for coming back to your own blog, if for only a brief, fleeting moment.
We will cherish the moment.
-your blog
This is just another example of Villar's spite and Huizar's lack of integrity. This youth technology was the brainchild of Nick Pacheco when he was councilman. In fact, this center was suppose to be named after Nick Pacheco but then Parke Skelton stepped in and changed that. Parke didn't like the fact that Nick didn't put on the knee pads for him, like Antonio and Huizar did.
Huizar was once a very loyal friend to Pacheco but politcal expediency and Skelton spite quickly took care of that. But if you look at CD 14's last three Councilmen - only Nick accomplished anything. Nick took care of his home district while Antonio and Huizar use it as a stepping stone.
Why is Parke stll afraid of Nick?
Historically, this blog and Higby have taken lots of right, left and middle positions.
Your contributions are getting better and more focused recently- and you are a great addition to this forum.
HOWEVER- Historically, while highly political, this is NOT a party oriented blog- In fact it generally is anti-party.
You will need at least some votes from Democrats and yes, even Socialists if you are to continue in the direction you want to move- Be careful. Your overt partisanship could come back and bite you in the ass down the line.
Other than that -keep up the good work!
Huizar is about the age of that son that Tony Villar gave up for adoption. And the common lack of back bone does make you go hmmmmm.
Dedication: "This goes out to Tony V and his loving son Huizie. In-breeding is a bitch."
(cue piano)
From the Bible to the popular song,
Theres one theme that we find right along.
Of all ideals they hail as good,
The most sublime is motherhood.
There was a man, oh, who it seems,
Once carried this ideal to extremes.
He loved his mother and she loved him,
And yet his story is rather grim.
There once lived a man named oedipus rex.
You may have heard about his odd complex.
His name appears in Freud's index
'cause he loved his mother.
His rivals used to say quite a bit,
That as a monarch he was most unfit.
But still in all they had to admit
That he loved his mother.
Yes he loved his mother like no other.
His daughter was his sister and his son was his brother.
One thing on which you can depend is,
He sure knew who a boys best friend is!
When he found what he had done,
He tore his eyes out one by one.
A tragic end to a loyal son
Who loved his mother.
So be sweet and kind to mother,
Now and then have a chat.
Buy her candy or some flowers or a brand new hat.
But maybe you had better let it go at that!
Or you may find yourself with a quite complex complex,
And you may end up like oedipus.
Id rather marry a duck-billed platypus,
Than end up like old oedipus rex.
I apologize if Zuma dogg thought of this first. I expect him to claim that thought too the same way he claims every thought.
May 28, 2009 8:35 AM
NO, I don't think of everything first, just the stuff I think of first. (You better go back and re-read that or you may misinterpret it, then cry like a baby-bitch about it.)
But the point is, I'm not the first to think of everything, but after three years, I have a history of being first and right on a hell of a lot of things that really matter, as a regular guy off the street, not on the job as a professional. (But even if you compare me to the paid media professionals getting paid, as they fight for the survival of their medium, I am still running circles around any of them, without even trying.
My biggest challenge each day isn't staying one step ahead of these soon to be criminals, but simply being able to stay awake...literally.
Something must happen to one's brain once they get paid by a professional media outlet.
"We're going to do it, "ZUMALITO'S WAY!"
8:12 Why are taxpayers paying for a gala?
Francine Godoy - one to watch
Francine Godoy - one to watch
I wonder how much CLarts funding PAL's has recieved in the past in order for him to get this award? Maybe i will look into that.
6;45 this is just crazy, why is Huizar giving away funds intended for his district to another district? that is just crazy! i smell a deal or payback for something crooked.
CD14 recall this bastard!
I appreciate your commentary, but politically, I cannot hide who I am. I am a Conservative Republican and I don't agree with Socialist viewpoints or Nanny State activity. I believe in the dignity of man...that each human being can make their own choices about what is best for them.
It might surprise you to find that I have a lot of Libertarian beliefs. I don't believe in seat belt laws or helmet laws. The State has no right to protect you from yourself. If they can infringe on your freedom just because you might harm yourself...where does that end?? Soon they end up like Comrade Jan Perry... telling people that they can no longer eat at McDonalds... (because fatty foods are bad for you).
I also think the state has no right to make marijuana illegal. It is a naturally occurring substance. It makes about as much sense as making a tree illegal, or making water illegal.
Man, Higby - You'll put your name behind anything (*since you were outed). Next time, you might want to post as Red Spot. You are Red Spot, right? (Yawn...) The TRUTH is the Boyle Heights Tech Center is NOT LOSING ONE DIME, NOR ONE NICKEL, NOR ONE PENNY you moron! End of story. Call Ozzie Lopez at the Tech Center and ask him if you want to be dare I say (gasp) impartial??? Before you post any content based on hearsay, innuendo and crap pulled out of thin air (you would then have to rename your blog "White Spot's Blank Screen Musings") you might want to check the media credentials of your "not so well informed" informants (but first do us all a favor and check your own). Ridiculous -- I feel sorry for the people who believe this crap.
Call Ozzie Lopez?????
Can he talk with Huizar's cock in his mouth?
Non-profits tributes to the mayor.
Ozzie Lopez of CD14 in the House!!
06/27/08 Oswaldo Lopez
(Exec. Director, L.A. Youth Opportunity Movement, City of Los Angeles)
Los Angeles, CA 90032 Antonio Villaraigosa
1305101 - Antonio R. Villaraigosa for Mayor 2009 A - Monetary Contribution Received
(IND - Individual)
[Period: 01/01/08-06/30/08]
August 10, 2008 6:06 PM
1:14 = Rick Coca CD-14
Go back to acting you suck in politics, oops.. you suck at acting too.
I guess CD-14 is stuck with you.
Patty Soto Rules!!!!
Not sure but Francine can.
Activists in boyle heights are not monica harmon and martha. Monica doesn't even live in boyle heights.2 people who email you and misread and misinterpret a motion is hardly cause for concern higby.
What, Hahn in the middle of questions about how she's spending money for youth i.e. gang programs? Nah it can't be so. Haven't you heard her banging her buzzer at every opportunity and gassing on and on and Hahn and yawn about how much she cares about the youth of Watts and San Pedro like the hahns before her did and how they're all caring people who need more of your money to show how much they care?
By the way what ever happened with her and Rosendahl meddling in the LAX area hotels wages to hotel workers? The city was sued by the hotels for selectively imposing on them unfair burdens that don't apply to other hotels in areas that could just as arguable be benefiting from city faciliities. The convention center for example is just as much a magnet as LAX.
How much did these two clowns cost us so far? What about Alarcon and some others singling out car washes for living wage requirements? Have they filed a class action suit yet?
ozzie the begger "please like me mr. mayor" will not burn huizie; both he and david galaviz are hoping huizie drops dead with a heart attack so they can run for cd 14, ask them where they live (el sereno); image award? are you f***ing kidding me? the only image he has is as a corrupt ass kissing, mayor puppet; just like the people who give him the award; by the way why are we paying for a police officer to be the executive director of the pal program and on the books getting paid from the police department? - fools we pay for her salary, ha ha ha ha that's why he gets awards! if only henry casas could come up with his own award for huizie since he is also still on payroll and fools we are paying for it! ha ha ha ha
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