Sad To See It Go

This legendary Valley establishment served all kinds of people over the years. I even had some poached eggs there in 1973. Many of the regulars knew the place was owned and operated by the sons of "June Cleaver," actress Barbara Billingsley.
The last few years this place has been harrassed by the city including almost going under due to that damn living wage ordinance. Further batterment by all the damn onerous regulations government puts on honest businesspeople and you just can't make it work if you're a mom and pop business.
What the socialists that run this city don't understand is the best way to get a "living wage" is to get a job, work hard and continue to educate/improve yourself so you become more and more valuable to employers. As well, the surest way out of poverty is to allow people to start small businesses and work their way up. As the owner of Billingsley's - Drew Billingsley - noted in the Daily News article, only the large corporations can afford to run individual restaurants with all the restrictions these days. Imagine a Larry Cano of El Torito trying to start his chain in this environment - you just can't do it. I guess if you want to start some Melrose, crap, small portion, shi shi restaurant where half a twig costs $45, you can afford to do that - but if you want to feed middle class families - forget it!
It's a real shame how things are going in this country these days.