The Daily News reports that FH may have billed the expense of a Nick Pacheco fundraiser linked to Mayor Poopy to the DWP. About $4000 of public funds may have benefited the re-election efforts of Pacheco as he ran against, and ultimatley lost to Mayor Poopy's one time and once again challenger, Antonio Villaraigosa.
The Daily Breeze also had a story on the matter as well.
"It's a smoking gun. I mean, it's a smoking Uzi."
City Controller Laura Chick
Could this be the begining of the end? What did Poopy know and when did he know it? Which City Council Member is going to be Bob Dole going to Richard Nixon and go tell Poopy its time to resign?
Its going to get interesting!
mayor the newspapers again. pacheco didn't get $4000 from FH. and the fundraiser was months before antonio villaraigosa announced he was running. when antonio villaraigosa asks, "when is somebody going to be accountable?" shouldn't he (and laura chick)wait for indictments and convictions rather than blacken the names of possibly innocent people.
Again I agree with the poster. Chick, Antonio, Parks and even Huggy Bob all were involved in Fleishman-Hillard so they are the last people to be attacking anyone. Antonio has nothing better to do cause 1. he doesn't have a clear vision for the city, 2. His police plan was lukewarm received and 3. He has no message. Instead of taking the high road with class like Alaracon is and speak on what you would do as Mayor for the last couple of weeks Antonio has been attacking. People are now seeing that as a big weakness in his camp. If you have nothing to say be negative.
To the first poster, I'm sure that Mayor Sam wasn't saying that Pacheco directly received a monetary donation from Fleishman-Hillard in the amount of about $4,000, but rather that the the $4,000 tab that came about from the fundraiser organized by Hillary Norton-Orozco was put forward to DWP to be paid. The reports state from FH people that the bill was spotted before DWP paid it and removed, but why would a bill of that nature end up with other bills being sent to DWP?
As far as tainting people's names, I agree that we need to make sure to wait until substantial information has been put forward before we starting firmly pointing fingers. But with the information detailed by the Daily Breeze, going in debt as to the work that Hillary Norton-Orozco, her husband, and how FH and DWP were tied together, along with all the reports coming from Laura Chick and the pending investigations from the City Attorney's office, it's hard not to start putting those associated under a spotlight.
Well, I bet the Mayor is happy the week is over. Let's see what comes out next week.
i agree that FH looks very greedy and sleazy to say the least and that ms. norton has some explaining to do.
ahem...ahhheeemmm, sorry i was clearing my throat. I really don't know where to start, this one is so good. So the Daily Breeze, not Antonio releases this very juicy info of more scandals that are paralyzing this city to a halt. The fact remains that we are seeing a systematic selling off of our government to the highest contributor, and to those that say Antonio is tainted because of a campaign contribution you are wrong. You know John Burton said a long time ago if you can't accept a contribution one day and the next day tell that contributor a big fat NO then you don't belong in elected office.
I think we all can see where this mayor fits on that simple test.
For Christ sakes, lets look at some god damn facts!
I didn't say that $4000 was handed over to Pacheco. I said the paper said the bill for his fundraiser went to the DWP.
Next, rumors and innuendo are one things but reports in the newspaper and investigations by government agencies are far more serious. Maybe no one did anything wrong here, but its looking more and more like it doesn't pass the smell test. Surely, if it did the Feds wouldn't be getting involved.
I have to say I love how all you Poopy-istas are getting out here and trying to spin this back to Antonio when Antonio has nothing to do with it. In fact, if Antonio had been the subject here - not Poopy, Pacheco, et al - you jackals would have been all over him like white on rice.
One more thing - people keep bringing up Hertzberg, Chick, Parks, George W. Bush, Mother Teresa, etc. all accepting donations from FH. So what? Until someone claims that they were diverting DWP FH dollars that's meaningless.
I really believe Poopy is not going to be able to spin his way out of this.
sorry mayor sam but you wrote: About $4000 of public funds may have benefited the reelection efforts of pacheco...." sounds to me that you are saying, well, what you wrote. and as for having nothing to do with villaraigosa, why did the times have his name in the headline above the story? it didn't have hilary norton-orozco's name, it didn't have pacheco's name. and it didn't have laura chick's name. don't you think antonio is manipulating the press with all these F-H stories?
And, you can keep mentioning Parks, Villaraigosa, Hertzberg and Chick all you want. But, the fact is none of them are being investigated by two grand juries.
These Hahn lovers are freaking morons! Go gargle with razor blades you tinhorns!
City Hall+ Downtown special interests=corruption. When does it end? Yeah that's a good one...Oh, and the answer is NEVER.
If as the Chick says, ' is a smoking gun, a smoking uzi.', then why doesn't someone pull the trigger already !!! The shot pattern would wipe out all the crooks at City Hall and beyond. (Just an analogy...not a serious don't freak).
We have heard this from Laura before and she probably is correct to a large degree, however, we are still waiting for the other shoe to drop, the boot to drop, the shoe department to fall over .....and nothing seems to happen.
We really need sometihng to happen before election, either way. Clear them or convict them. The people need to know !!!
Hey from the cheap seats --- you are right Antonio did get some cheap publicity, unlike this mayor who had F-H charge joe taxpayer and arm and a leg for some dumb publicity.
Cheap versus corrupt? give me cheap any and everyday.
You'd agree yes?
To Meat:
I see you didn't challenge Cheap Seats assertion regarding Villaraigosa's interest in CD 14 developing much later than March 2002.
Any ideas why the Controller's office is getting a pass on this? They approved the payment for all these bills. Why didn't they stop it when it happened and not wait until later? Chick started her job at the same time Hahn did, right.
Hahn was not corrupt for using Fleishman for publicity, but he will have to answer the question regarding "pay to play."
Everyone wants to blame Chick but was she supposed to instantly assume the Mayor was corrupt in submitting bills?
I guess she should have, I don't know.
The City should NOT have been paying FH to fight secesion. If City funds were spent on that, the mayor should go to JAIL.
Valley residents are taxpayers (in fact the lion share of LA taxes come from the Valley) and it would be completely unfair for their taxes to be spent against them. As well, there were residents in the city who were FOR secession as they felt it would be better for their part of LA for the city to be smaller.
If anyone knows about the Mayor spending public funds on opposing secession, Mayor Sam needs to get that out there.
These are the facts I know. Laura Chick who started all of this has an alterior motive. She's up for re-election. Let's also not forget that she was found GUILTY of campaign violations by the Ethics Commission and ordered to pay thousands of dollars. She also endorsed last time round and is endorsing Bob this time. Fact, Bob was a consultant for FH and why isn't the Daily Breeze reporting how much he was paid and what clients he worked for? That's goes to the heart of his crediability but then again he's a valley guy so other people are looking into it. Antonio took money from ENRON who's had major indictments. We want to know HOW much they gave Antonio especially because it was for senior citizens retirements and hard working people's 401K. Has he paid it back? Antonio, Parks and others have taken money from Fleishman-Hillard. If they're now coming out saying how crooked they are WHY HAVEN'T THEY PAID IT BACK. Oh, and let's not forget that Antonio has taken money from neighborhood councils. Why doesn't the Daily News look into that? They can have it on a silver platter? So no one is above accusations cause it looks like those doing the accusing have their own scandals.
Chick should have checked the bills before they were paid, not after. She is responsible for checking the supporting documents for every invoice in the City of Los Angeles, including DWP.
The Mayor does not submit bills; the vendors do and the departments forward them to the Controller.
Do you think the Controller will ever admit her department screwed up by paying bills that had little or no explanation for work done?
Hey, isn't the Lee Andrews Group the group that the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment hired under Rosalyn Steward(thier first general manager....who now works for Gruel) over the objection of the Commission to do who knows what for a lot of money ?
What I want to know because a previous blogger has raised a good point is how in the world can you pay $4.2 MILLION and then realize you should have questioned it first? As city controller how many other companies has she paid millions of dollars to without questioning them? She's coming off as the idiot here because does she just have a name stamp and put it on checks? C'mon people why aren't taxpayers more outraged at her incompetence?
I think voters will be more interested in Chick paying millions first without checking them out. As many a City employee can attest to, there seems to be millions of forms, questions, re doing of forms, justifications, etc for every penny spent or trip taken for employees. Why isn't the same type of scrutiny used for million dollar contracts? Had I known that Chick didn't look at them, maybe I would have become a pr vendor....seems like easy money!
The FH scandal, however, won't hurt Hahn, as much as all of you would like to think. Most people have NO IDEA what a pr company does and the news involving FH is very convoluted she said/ he said type of crap that turns most people off. Do you really think the average voter will understand that people are accusing the Mayor of using pr time for himself when they are under contract at dwp? doesn't dwp report to the mayor? so most people won't understand the big deal.
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