For the family of beating victim, San Francisco Giants Fan Bryan Stow, the "Roulette Ball of Justice" landed on "Miscarriage of", as the Thugs who nearly kill him, get off with light terms, influence by now City Attorney Mike Feuer's co-authoring of AB-109.
This supposed Attack Mailer from former City Attorney Carmen Trutanich, has today become a prophetic Campaign Flyer of Truth.
*Blogger's Note: For Angelinos, the senseless beating of a father, paramedic and San Francisco Giants Fan Bryan Stow, was a blunt reminder how the current state of sports rivalries, are becoming a reflection on our society. What was once an innocuous, verbal back and forth exercise in rhetoric, using clean language, has now became a serious introspection on degrading social mores, when partaking in the fan experience. Sadly, as social mores are dumbed down and incidents like the heinous beating of Stow, become too common place at sporting events, a check and balance to counter deviant social behavior, called Justice, has been degraded due to the actions of now City Attorney Mike Feuer. Continue below ...............

....... As Bryan Stow fought to remain alive, with the prayers of family, community and with the superb help of the medical staff at LA County-USC Medical Center, then Assemblyman Mike Feuer was in Sacramento, co-author what has and will be known as the Prison Realignment Debacle, or simply AB-109. Based upon political expediency, more than public safety, thousands of supposed "Low Level, Non Violent, Non-Revocable Parolees" are making their way back onto the streets, impacting crime rates (despite the propaganda of LAPD's Com-stats pronouncements),
and what affect did AB-109 have on today's sentencing of the duo that beat Stow into a life term of assisted living? Continue below .............

........... Thanks, in part to AB-109, the vile duo pictured above, face the following, after pleading guilty in accepting a Plea Bargain; Louis Sanchez, eight year in prison (** with credit for 1086 days served and may serve as little as two years in State Prison, thanks in part to AB-109), this considering the Prosecution specified that he cut and disabled Stow's tongue, put out an eye and slit his nose, ear and lip in addition to other injuries that left him brain damaged. No wonder this piece of crap was smirking as Superior Court Judge George Lomeli read the sentences. For Marvin Norwood, four years in prison (** with his credit for time already in custody appeared to account for at least the majority of that term. Deputy District Attorney Michele Hanisee said Norwood could be released immediately, without LA County Probation Supervision. thanks in full to AB-109). Thankfully, we still have the Federal Case involving firearms procession which may add 10 years to what AB-109 has taken away in reducing prison time. And consider the following ...........

Will now City Attorney Mike Feuer comment on today;s Miscarriage of Justice?
.......... This is a perfect example of the severe flaws with AB 109. Do to the overwhelming court cost, along with prison overcrowding, more than 75 % of current criminal offenders awaiting trial for serious or violent criminal offenses, are now being allowed to enter into plea agreements to lesser non violent criminal offenses. No longer are these convicted criminal offenders being held accountable for their violent criminal offenses. Thus, will the LA Times state the above again, come re-election time for City Attorney Mike Feuer in 2017? The growing AB-109 Body Count may influence that.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: AB 109, Bryan Stow, City Attorney carmen trutanich, City Attorney Mike Feuer