Discord within the "Collectivist Junta" that is the LA 32 Neighborhood Council

Garcia, who we have nicknamed "Comandante Hugo" for his support of the Zapatista Movement in Chiapas, Mexico, upon his ascension to the leadership of the LA 32 Neighborhood Council, establish the Social Justice committee that met on a regular basis at the defunct Antigua Coffee Shop on Huntington Drive. Garcia and his allies from the Academia Semillas del Pueblo Charter School spent many evenings discussing and dreaming of an utopian, collectivist community model after Zapatista leader "Subcomandante Marcos"'s collectivist vision for Chiapas and Mexico.
But while Garcia muse about his collectivist hopes for "Pueblo del El Sereno", his leadership and the state of financial affairs within the LA 32, have become a "political drama' that has run through countless acts of political shenanigans.
Garcia, according to neighborhood sources, is going on two years running in regards to the supposed end of his term as president. but when you have friends in "high places" (Villar and Huizar), with neighborhood allies such as Don "CalTrans evicted me" Justin Jones, then it is going to take an concerted effort to address the heap of issues within the dysfunctional mess that is LA 32. That brings us to these latest e-mails which highlight the state of communication among the LA 32 members.
It starts out with a simple reminder.....
From: Hugo Garcia <mailto:hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net%3ETo: Hugo Garcia <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>Sent: Sat, October 24, 2009 11:11:24 PMSubject: Agendas: LA-32 NC Exec. Board & By-Laws Review Comm. Mtgs.
Stakeholders: Attached are agendas for the Exec. Board and By-Laws Committee meetings. Please review the agendas for further meeting details. All are welcome.Hugo GarciaPresident,LA-32 NC
Then this response........
From: VICTOR JUNE AYALA <victorjune@yahoo.com>Subject: Re: Agendas: LA-32 NC Exec. Board & By-Laws Review Comm. Mtgs.To: "Hugo Garcia" <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>Cc: "Tammy Membreno" <tmembreno2@sbcglobal.net>, "ANTHONY MANZANO" <rosehillsreview@yahoo.com>, "Sadra Larsen" <freyjaseidr@yahoo.com>, "Antonio Miguel" <a_miguel1@sbcglobal.net>Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 12:09 PM
good day hugo. the agenda for the by-law review is blank. you need to be more specific on what is being reviewed? you no 70% of the board do not have a copy of the by-laws so the board has to be clear on what is being reviewed.the same with the budget committee its blank? why?
Its starting to get deep!!
From: freyjaseidr <freyjaseidr@yahoo.com>Subject: Re: Agendas: LA-32 NC Exec. Board & By-Laws Review Comm. Mtgs.To: "Hugo Garcia" <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>, "VICTOR JUNE AYALA" <victorjune@yahoo.com>Cc: "Tammy Membreno" <tmembreno2@sbcglobal.net>, "ANTHONY MANZANO" <rosehillsreview@yahoo.com>, "Antonio Miguel" <a_miguel1@sbcglobal.net>Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 5:27 PM
Who wrote this email for Victor? How can you have decent spelling here and not in another sent on the same day?What is blank on the budget agenda?
A cry for professionalism......
From: Tammy Membreno <tmembreno2@sbcglobal.net>Subject: Re: Agendas: LA-32 NC Exec. Board & By-Laws Review Comm. Mtgs.To: "freyjaseidr" <freyjaseidr@yahoo.com>, "Hugo Garcia" <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>Cc: "Claudia Dunn" <Claudia.Dunn@lacity.org>, "Sarai Molina" <Sarai.Molina@lacity.org>Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009, 10:03 PM
Sadra can you please keep me out of your feuding emails with other board members? can you set an example as an executive board member? Tammy E. Membreño, LA 32 NC Membertmembreno2@sbcglobal.net
"Gangs and crews" within the LA 32?? Who would of known??
From: freyjaseidr <freyjaseidr@yahoo.com>Subject: Re: Agendas: LA-32 NC Exec. Board & By-Laws Review Comm. Mtgs.To: "Hugo Garcia" <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>, tmembreno@sbcglobal.netCc: "Claudia Dunn" <Claudia.Dunn@lacity.org>, "Sarai Molina" <Sarai.Molina@lacity.org>Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 8:29 AM
I am simply responding to emails that have been sent to me, I am surprised that you did not forward the other emails. The only reason you are included as you have been added by your crew not me. You may want to inform them that you do not want to be in the chain of emails. Your name appears in all types of emails from your gang that you are affiliated with. As far as an executive board member I have tried to set an example but my efforts do not work. Therefore, I want to fit in and be like the other board members like yourself.
Tammy is not happy........
From: Tammy Membreno <tmembreno2@sbcglobal.net>Subject: Re: Agendas: LA-32 NC Exec. Board & By-Laws Review Comm. Mtgs.To: "Hugo Garcia" <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>, tmembreno@sbcglobal.net, "freyjaseidr" <freyjaseidr@yahoo.com>Cc: "Claudia Dunn" <Claudia.Dunn@lacity.org>, "Sarai Molina" <Sarai.Molina@lacity.org>Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 8:48 AM
Sadrai will not engage with you at this level. this email is irresponsible and totally unprofessional. i take your "crew" and "gang" remarks very serious. i have never attacked you on a personal level as you have today. i have always try to respect you and your position as the treasurer on the board. if i worked with other board members to get answers to so many unanswered questions from the budget committee is my right and responsibility as a member of this neighborhood council.
Tammy E. Membreño, Exec. Dir.Barrio Action Youth & Family Center (323) 221-0779 - x 107 Phone/voice (323) 223-8417 - Faxmailto:Faxtmembreno2@sbcglobal.net
From: freyjaseidr <freyjaseidr@yahoo.com>Subject:To: "Hugo Garcia" <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>, tmembreno@sbcglobal.netCc: "Claudia Dunn" <Claudia.Dunn@lacity.org>, "Sarai Molina" <Sarai.Molina@lacity.org>Date: Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 2:55 PM
I am sorry that you took offense to the previous emails, as I stated I wanted to be like you and come to a meeting once a quarter and then complain about what the treasurer and/or budget committee is doing. I have come to realize and have learned from your leadership in the community that it is better to be part of the problem then trying to work together and solve problems. Thank you!! If you want answers regarding the budget then you should talk to the budget committee members that have the correct answers, and not listen to idle gossip from others that have poor attendance like your self. But since you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo concerned about the budget, I will look forward to you being at the meeting tonight! Dont take this so personal, it's politics!!!!
...... and some final words from Tammy.
From: "Tammy Membreno" <tmembreno2@sbcglobal.net>To: "Hugo Garcia" <hugogarcia1@sbcglobal.net>, tmembreno@sbcglobal.net, "freyjaseidr" <freyjaseidr@yahoo.com>Cc: "Claudia Dunn" <Claudia.Dunn@lacity.org>, "Sarai Molina" <Sarai.Molina@lacity.org><Arturo.Gonzalez@lacity.org>
Sadra\only you are responsible for your words. tammy
If you like to see this bunch in action, they meet on the first Wednesday of the month at the El Sereno Senior Center on Eastern Ave. We will post the agenda here.
Your thoughts......................
Labels: hugo garcia, LA 32 Neighborhood Council, Tammy Membrano
This is exactly why NCs make no sense.
Pfffft. This is child's play compared to some of the stuff NCs shout around to each other. Much of it on public lists on the Eastside. Try tracking the character assasination that passes for correspondence in the Glassell Park NC and the bigoted, name calling just across the freeway from 32 in Highland Park, now nearly decertified by DONE.
Besides, Red Spit, you're being inconsistent with your criticisms.
Tammy M. heads one of those inside, privileged "non-profits" you mock on a regular basis as getting preferential treatment from Huizar, for taxpayer funding.
Huizar and AV spent a yacht-load of tax dollars to help build her Barrio Action office, now an under-used show palace on Huntington Drive, with a CD14 field office on the bottom floor.
She's also the former Board of Neighborhood Commissioners member who most heavily lobbied to turn the Cypress Park neighborhood over to a multiple-convicted felon gangbanger as their "president" for the first several years, when cops had to be called to the meetings a half-dozen times - if they did meet.
Be careful who you stump for RS, Tammy's got deeper ties with the powers-that-be in CD14 than Hugo ever has, and she's got her hand in Huizar's pocket big-time.
OMG!!! The Gang Banger Mayor and Sleazy Huizy Dog @ Pony Show to drag around the new Chief will hit El Sereno at 6Pm Thursday, November 5th at the Senior Center on Huntington Drive and Klamath. You must rsvp so they can make sure all the kiss butts are the only ones to get in.
Why don't they just put a leash on the new Chief and drag him all over the city like they are going to. People should boo boo boo boo the Failure of a Mayor
WTF is this?
4:27p.m. wrong in so many counts! get your facts right for once!
5:22 I'm wondering the same. I think Red Spot completely lost it.
6:38 AM
I'm curious too. If anyone figures out what Red Spot is talking about please let us know. Thanks!
9:56 have you figured it out yet? I ran it through a few reverse dialectizers such as the Dumbass, the Elmer Fudd and the LAUSD Grad. Came up short
11:12 p.m.
So enlighten us, if you know it's "wrong on so many counts".
Start with one, for the sake of your own credibility, because 4:27's post sounds like a lot of what we all already know about the inside dealings in CD14. Ms. Membreno is the head of Barrio Action, they do share space with the council office in newly redesigned offices on Huntington, she does operate as an insider with City officials, her organization doesn't use the facility there all that much -- if so they don't publicize it much to the community, she was a BONK commissioner, and did side with repeat felon Art Pulido to run Cypress Park's neighborhood council without benefit of election for more than 3 years during which time he was charged with another felony and faced trial for it.
Police were called to guard his meetings many times - not by the thug-president, but by others on the council. That's public record.
CD14's El Sereno field office even allows Barrio Action the use of its constituent database for fundraising purposes, without the permission or knowledge of those receiving appeals.
The more I examine it, the more I think 4:27's post may be one of the most truthful ones posted here in recent months.
It's certainly more damning that anything Red Spot has against Legacy and that Jenny woman, who's main offense was probably rebuffing RS's clumsy advances.
Hey 9:56 - stop being an idiot at least for once. And take Jose Aguilar and the voice that no one reads withyou/.
What are we chopped liver?
wow!! im happy that i am not the only one that can see the horns on mr.garcia.for the last three years i seen mr.garcia miss use city tax payer money along with his girl!!! the tresurer! pay the wrong vendors.not fallow the by-laws! boberts roules of order! and the brown act! but thats only the tip of things if you want to see your tax payer money go only ware the dictator!! wants it to go like the reel rasquache latino film festival. latinos only! that got $5,000 for a event that the board voted on and did not get aproved!!! from the board! but when i ask d.o.n.e. to see the aproved minutes when the board aproved this event.. no one has this info so it was done illiguly!! and the only board member that has the city credit card is the tresurer and the dictator! mr.garcia.if you want to see more illigul activity go to the general board meeting.you will see more
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