8:30 AM -- Palms Residential Care Facility, a neighborhood-based housing and service center that serves the HIV/AIDS community, and Jackson Limousine Service will host an annual Thanksgiving turkey giveaway event.
Councilman Bernard Parks and
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa are scheduled to participate at
9 a.m. and
10 a.m., respectively. Jackson Limousine parking lot, 3669 W. Slauson Ave.
8:30 AM -- Councilman Tony Cardenas will hand out Thanksgiving food baskets, first to about 600 needy San Fernando Valley families until
10:30 a.m. at his district office, 8135 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley; then from
5:30-7:30 p.m. to another 600 families at the Valley Municipal Building, 14410 Sylvan St., Van Nuys.
8:30AM -- LA City Council's Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Committee meeting. City Hall, Room 1060, 200 N. Spring St.
9:00 AM -- Assembly Majority Leader Dario Frommer, D-Glendale, will hand out turkeys and trimmings to about 200 families. Locations include: Cristo Rey, 4343 Perlita Ave., Los Feliz at
9 a.m.; Glendale Police Department, 131 N. Isabel St., at
10 a.m. (GPD will begin distributing food at
9:30 a.m.); Burbank Temporary Aid Center, 1104 W. Magnolia Blvd., at
11 a.m.; and Ralphs supermarket, 10900 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, at
9:00 AM -- LA City Council's Information Technology and General Services Committee meeting. City Hall, Room 1050, 200 N. Spring St.
9:30 AM -- LA County Board of Supervisors meeting. Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, Board Room, 500 W. Temple St.
9:30 AM -- LA Police Commission meeting. Parker Center, Room 150, 150 N. Los Angeles St.
10:00 AM -- LA City Council meeting. City Hall, Council Chamber, third floor, 200 N. Spring St.
10:00 AM -- LA school board is expected to decide whether to hold a special election or appoint someone to fill the seat being vacated by
Jose Huizar, who on Nov. 8 was elected to the Los Angeles City Council. At
noon, the board will temporarily recess to closed session for a conference with
Superintendent Roy Romer, acting as a labor negotiator, and to discuss Romer's employee evaluation. At
6 p.m., the board will vote on whether to reactivate the Human Relations Education Commission. LAUSD headquarters, Board room, 333 S. Beaudry Ave.
3:00 PM -- LA City Council's Budget and Finance Committee meeting. City Hall, Room 1010, 200 N. Spring St.
5:30 PM -- Mayor Villaraigosa and
Councilman TomLaBonge will help kick off the DWP Holiday Light Festival by flipping the switch to light a 40-foot-tall Christmas tree. At
7:30 p.m., another ceremony will be held to light the entire one-mile-long display. Los Angeles Zoo, 5333
Zoo Drive.
6:00 PM -- Para Los Ninos, an agency that assists low-income families and children, will host its annual Thanksgiving celebration for about 500 people.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and
Cardinal Roger Mahony are expected to help serve meals to 500 children and their families. The mayor is set to arrive and speak to attendees at
7:30 p.m. Cathedral's Conference Center, 555 W. Temple St.
6:30 PM -- Councilman Bernard Parks will give away vouchers for turkeys, available on a first-come, first-serve basis. District 8 Constituent Service Center, 8475 S. Vermont Ave.
6:30 PM -- Sun Valley Area Neighborhood Council,
in the assembly room at the Villa Scalabrini Retirement Center, 10631 Vinedale St., Sun Valley. Call (818) 768-8342.

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From the Daily News -- Neighborhood Meetings (Updated 11/21/05):
Here is a list of upcoming neighborhood council meetings:
Granada Hills North Neighborhood Council,
6:30 p.m. Nov. 28 at Van Gogh Elementary School, 17160 Van Gogh St., Granada Hills. Call (818) 360-4346 or see www.ghnnc.org.
Neighborhood Council Valley Village will hold a board meeting at
6:30 p.m. Nov. 30 at Colfax Elementary School, 11724 Addison St., Valley Village. Call (818) 766-2932.
North Hills East Neighborhood Council,
7 p.m. Dec. 5 in the library at Sepulveda Middle School, 15330 Plummer St., North Hills. Call (818) 891-0060.
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council,
7 p.m. Dec. 14 in Room 1-B at the Marvin Braude Constituents Service Center, 6262 Van Nuys Blvd., Van Nuys. Call (818) 908-1840.
Panorama City Neighborhood Council,
6:30 p.m. Dec. 15 in the second floor meeting room at the Mission Community Hospital medical building, 14860 Roscoe Blvd., Panorama City. Call (818) 756-9422.