The Institutional Culture of the, NOW "University of Scandalous Conduct (aka. USC)" continuous its devolution as Class, Loyalty and Respect for Rules, becomes the exception under the Leadership of President Max Nikias.
USC President Max Nikias overseeing his Administration's "Initiatives of Conquest", in pursuing its communal agendas.
** Blogger's Notes: It readily apparent in reviewing recent news items involving the "University of Scandalous Conduct's (aka. USC)" regarding actions of its Administration, communal allies, along with a certain "Former Politico, NOW USC Vice-President" at this past weekend's Democrat State Convention .........., that Loyalty, Respect for Rules and CLASS, are now the EXCEPTION under the supposed leadership of President Max Nikias, as we note below----Scott Johnson.
Can you FIND the current USC Vice-President, formerly known as Democratic State Senator Martha Escutia, who is clapping and laughing as out-going California Democratic Party Chairperson leads a "F$%# Trump Chant"?
CLASS: President Nikias, Board of Trustee and
ESPECIALLY current/future Republican Donors should take serious notice of USC Vice-President for Government Relations Martha Escutia's actions at this past weekend's California Democrat Convention. The former State Senator can be
CLEARLY seen laughing and clapping (with LA County Supervisor Hilda Solis and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi),
as out-going State Democrat Party Chairperson John Burton led a "F$%# Trump Chant (with a One Finger Salute)". Many discerning news observers will remember a certain
"Ex. Football Coach" who embarrass the University with his drunken conduct ..........., and likewise, the President Donald Trump Administration, along with the Republican-controlled Congress and Senate, are likely ............,
NOT to forget V.P. Escutia's actions when USC seeks future Federal Funding.

"Lil Bill" Flournoy reamins loyal to the USC Cycling Community .........., while the "University of Scandalous Conduct" shames itself with its apparent accomonidations (to family members) of the Political Establishment.

Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Land Use & Development Committee Chairperson Mario Marrufo, respects NO RULES in placing his Sister (and removing Board Members) on the Comm. under his charge.
RESPECT FOR RULES (NAUGHT): The University of Scandalous Conduct is seeking support
for a Corporate Welfare Scheme that would grant LA County-owned Properties (with LA County Board of Supervisor Hilda Solis support) for its ambitious Biotech Corridor Project .........,
but not without concerns from the surrounding community. In response to those concerns, LA County Board of Supervisor Hilda Solis recommended hiring an Outreach Consultant to engage Stakeholders, That said, USC and its Communal Enablers are not waiting for feedback as they disregard Rules (and the Brown Act allegedly), in crafting Support Letters for the Project, as witnessed with the actions of the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council. We noted previously that the LHNC Land Use & Development Committee, Presided by Mario Marrufo, held a meeting that was allegedly,
not in complience with the Brown Act, where support for the Brown Act Violation was approved. Yet, dispite of the legalities, the
was the entity that placed the Approval of a Biotech Support Leader on the April LHNC Agenda. We should note that Marrufo had remove LHNC Board Members from the LU & D Committee ..............., and installed his SISTER, without Public Hearing. More later----Scott Johnson.
Labels: Bill's Bike Shop, LHNC, Mario Marrufo, President Max Nikias, usc, USC Vice President Martha Escutia