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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Morning Briefs on the Los Angeles Political Machine for Tuesday

We bring you this Public Service Announcement regarding a Downtown LA Protest this afternoon via a "Gorda Boo Boo/ Molina Boo Boo Production". 
Its easier for LA County Board of Supervisor Gloria "Molina Boo Boo" and her Staff Deputy (and LAUSD School Board Member) Monica "Gorda Boo Boo" Garcia to choreograph this rally from the nearby confines of their office.
** Blogger's Note: Great Tuesday AM to our blogging friends as yet another Downtown LA Rally/ Protest is set for the Civic Center at the end of the work day. We want to extend this blogging PSA to all our Civic Center readers, to give you adequate planning time for today's 4 PM exercise in drumming, dancing, chanting and feigning discrimination, on behalf of the lucrative 1% Educational Collective, Academia Semillas del Pueblo, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Mark(os) Aguilar-Ferguson. We would not doubt that today's theatrics are being choreographed in part by the new Hall of Administration duo of LA County Board of Supervisor Gloria "Molina Boo Boo" and her now Deputy Staffer Monica "Gorda Boo Boo" Garcia. This in the hope of putting pressure on the LA County Board of Education and its Superintendent, to change their position in supporting LAUSD's Charter Revocation of the Semillas High School Campus. Thus, for those leaving work around the Civic Center later today, think of the chants of protest, being in actuality, a celebration of governmental oversight, done properly in the spirit of closing down a failed and fraudulent educational enterprise---Scott Johnson. 
Now we bring you this bloggin disclosure in the spirit of propose new FPPC regulations, regarding "compensated musings", on behalf of political causes and personas (as approved by our alleged blog owner Campaign Consultant Eric Hacopian ; ).
 Dedicated to the "Gatto Truthers" (BTW, is that Kevin Harrop under the foil hat?) at the "Burbank (Astro Turf) Blog".

** An Approved Bloggin Disclosure: In the course of our daily bloggin musings, we come across, are made aware of, or are the focus of those who conjure up delusional commentary about this blog's alleged fiscal ties to Supreme Campaign Consultant Eric Hacopian. Thus, was born the moniker "Gatto Truthers".  
"Gatto Truthers" were born out of a California Majority Report Blog post by now Assemblyman Mike Gatto mentor Dario Frommer, who insinuated that this blog was "controlled by Mr. Hacopian", during the fierce 43rd Assembly District Special Election Democratic Primary in 2010. Out of that campaign, a (paid?) cyber cadre of fanatical supporters of Gatto, have known no political bottom of class, in attacking opponents of their new leader. Thus, the bloggin moniker has stuck.
Now, in the spirit of the propose FPPC regulations to force disclosures on "compensated astro turf bloggers", we would like remind our bloggin audience of what is truly an "astro turf blog", the Burbank Blog.
Last week, in response to the West Valley Assembly Special Election and a Glendale News Press Column by Ron Kaye, the Gatto Truthers of the Burbank Blog went into cyber action in support/ attack of their Dear Leader Assemblyman Mike Gatto, with these respective blog posts, excerpted below.
This was a huge victory for Brad Sherman and Mike Gatto.  Since 2010, they have won four straight races where few gave them a prayer.  First, locally, there was Gatto, prevailing in an upset, and without one endorsement from the State Legislature, despite over $250,000 spent against him from various Sacramento interests.  Then, Joe Buscaino.  He won with just one endorsement: Mike Gatto, and a healthy dollop of Brad Sherman money and advice.  Next, of course, was Brad Sherman himself, the giant killer, knocking off Howard Berman, again, despite all the endorsements, money, and wiseguys going the other way.  Now, Matt Dababneh.  It's an impressive string.
Then when Ron Kaye merely asked "Lil Porno Mikey" for background on his alleged stonewalling on the Porn Industry HIV Condom Bill, the Truthers exhibited their known cyber disdain for the former Daily News Editor. 
There are many rumors about Ron Kaye's biases and how he came to be so.  The notion that he is biased stems from his obsessive fixation with slamming certain local officials (Bob Blumenfield, Mike Gatto), while engaging in hagiography of others (Zareh Sinanyan, Anthony Portantino).
Folks who think Kaye has fallen far and fast would at least be a little reassured if some if his biases could  be explained by traditional causes, for example, partisanship, a la Fox News.  But since since the various officials on both sides of Kaye's equation are philosophically almost identical, people have been wondering aloud if something more might be going on.  Notably, Kaye's suspicious fixations with slamming come are well contrasted with his
multiple puff piece defenses of an admitted racist.
We hope in the near future that bloggin 990's of the Gatto Truthers at the Burbank Blog become public record, but rest assure that their Dear Leader will likely stonewall those disclosures like he did (allegedly) the Condom Bill .......... and by the way Eric, where is my bloggin pay check (tongue in cheek)?
Your thoughts ...............
Scott Johnson in CD 14

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