The Political Backrooms of Southeast LA (especially those within the Congressional District of Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard), are a continuing source of alleged, Ethical Misdeeds, as exampled by the likes of the infamous Mario Beltran, Assembly Candidate Efren Martinez and a certain "Offspring/Municipal Attorney" ………, of an Incumbent Officeholder.
From a Southeast LA Congressional District where moral, ethical and legal misdeeds, merit "Formal Recognition".
** Blogger's Notes: On this first day of the month before November Elections, its time to reacquaint ourselves with the "Wild, Wild Southeast Backrooms of Political Misdeeds", where daily political acts of moral, ethical and legal indecency, are alleged benchmarks standards for future recognition by those in Higher Office. For decades, the current 40th Congressional District represented by Lucille Roybal-Allard, has been the epicenter for political scandals that have rocked and provoked outrage in the largely Immigrant-populated municipalities such as Cudahy, Maywood, Bell Gardens, Vernon, Huntington Park and Bell. Yet, after years of communal protests, countless of missives chronicling municipal misconduct and Indictments of Officeholders such as John Noguez, Hugo Argumedo, George Cole (pictured above with the Congresswoman) and the Calderon Brothers, the Incumbent Congressperson has mostly remain silent ...….., for what reasons? As we note below, Congresswoman Roybal-Allard's passive denial of the continuing ethical issues afflicting the municipalities under her purview, may be rooted in the inconvenient facts pertaining to
family members questionable conduct ………., including an
"Offspring/Municipal Attorney (Rick Olivarez)". Thus, prompting an increasing amount of voters to ponder a vote for
Republican Challenger C. Amtonio Delgado on Election Day
----Scott Johnson.
Being anointed a member of Mario Beltran's (lower left with glasses) Southeast LA Flock of Enablers, is conditioned on delivering the "Consulting Fees (allegedly)".

Does former Huntington Park (and Bush Administration Treasurer) Official view her endorsed Assembly Candidate Efren Martinez as "John Noguez 2.0"?
For longtime observers of the "Wild, Wild, Southeast Backrooms of Political Misdeeds", will agree that a constant in the on-going municipal tumult, is the power play by those seeking lucrative legal contracts to act as hired City Attorneys. From the days when the likes of the formerly
Leal & Beltran Law Firm were initiating Recalls of political opponents, in pursuit of gainful employment, to currently with the Glassman Law Firm enabling Legal Marijuana Businesses (and enriching dubious Consultants) in its contract cities of Huntington Park, Montebello and Commerce, the opportunities for inflating a Law Firm's Bottom Line,
is a documented given ………., as
Rick Olivarez (son of Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard) may attest to. Olivarez (with Mommy help?) some how found his way into garnering the City of Cudahy Legal Contract and if his legal work in the aftermath of the Delta Airlines Fuel Dump on Park Avenue Elementary School, is a barometer of his work on behalf of Cudahy residents ……., someone needs to ask his Congresswoman Mom to explain the following.
Hundreds of irate residents attended a January 17 town hall meeting in the hopes of getting justice for being subjected to this environmental abuse. One person who wasn’t in attendance was Roybal-Allard.
A look at Roybal-Allard’s campaign contributors provides another set of interesting facts. Her 2020 re-election campaign has drawn $7500 in donations from Delta, despite the fact that she doesn’t even serve on the U.S. House’s Aviation Subcommittee and she doesn’t represent the area that includes LAX. It’s also the only airline on her list of top 100 donors.
That amount was 50 percent more than the $5000 Delta paid her in 2018. One can also find that the National Air Traffic Controllers Association donated $10,000 to the campaign – placing it in the top 10 contributors to Rep. Roybal-Allard’s re-election despite the fact that she, again, doesn’t have any direct dealings with the aviation industry or LAX.
Both Delta and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association declined comment when asked about why these large donations occurred.
Then take into consideration that the City of Cudahy did not file a lawsuit against Delta despite the extensive environmental risks the airline subjected its residents to. Famed attorney Gloria Allred is leading a private lawsuit against Delta by four of the endangered teachers from Park Avenue Elementary

Did City of Cudahy Legal Rep. Rick Olivarez place the political interest of his Congresswoman Mom, before the Environmental Health of his contracted city's residents?
Labels: City of Commerce, City of Huntington Park, Congresswoman Lucile Roybal-Allard, Efren Martinez for Assembly, Mario Beltran, Rick Olivarez