Sunday, April 30, 2017
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Bray-Ali Gets "EMANUELED (Again)" by Team Cedillo
“I am deeply disappointed by his highly insensitive comments in online forums that breed hate and dehumanize already marginalized communities,” O’Farrell said in a statement. “People that I love and care about are hurt by these comments. There is no place for this type of speech anywhere, especially in the City of Angels.”
It should be noted that current member of Cedillo's Campaign Team, the infamous Mario Beltran made the following comment in 2012, attacking NOW Assemblywoman Christina Garcia after her victory over Tom Calderon.
Garcia the 33 year old that for the first time in her life became a Democrat last year and lied to the democratic voteres that she's been a democrat all her life!!! The DUI convict that makes bad decissions and put other at risk. The Garcia that's a lesbian and "only needs the votes of the woman" the Garcia that devided a community (Bell) and took over a city because it's her way or the highway!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
A SPECIAL CD-1 Campaign Announcement from President Donald Trump (Tongue in Cheek)
Labels: 2017 CD 1 Runoff Election, CD 1 City Councilman Gil Cedillo, Developer Geoff Palmer, President Donald Trump
Another "Big Oil Monica Campaign Video Moment" ........, funded in part by Chevron
Oooops!! Lady M Rod did it again!!
Labels: 2017 CD 7 Runoff Campaign, Big Oil Monica, Chevron, monica rodriguez
Monday, April 24, 2017
HOT Afternoon Briefs on the Los Angeles Political Machine for Monday
Sosnick's philanthropy involves a number of outfits in the Los Angeles community that work in issues of transportation, civic space, and the environment. Recent grantees include Friends of Griffith Park, Friends of the Los Angeles River, Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition, an "advocacy organization working to improve the bicycling environment and the local quality of life," Southern California Streets Initiative, and Longbeachize an outfit founded by Long Beach State students to "promote biking as an ecologically health conscious and invigorating alternative to local commuting." In 2014, a $400,000 grant went to Mayor's Fund for Los Angeles.
Its obvious that despite the Cedillo Campaign's vile attempt to brand Joe Bray-Ali as a Racist, the Sunday Vote of the "Feel the Bern Democratic Club of LA", along with the Re-endorsement of the LA Times .........., and now the IE support of Aaron Sosnick, bids well for those seeking a better CD-1 under NEW leadership.
** This is a GREAT example how to fight back against purveyors of Political Agenda-driven FAKE NEWS/Propaganda ........., as practice by infamous Propagandist Brian Hews (pictured below) of the "Brian Hews/Los Chacon News (formerly the Los Cerritos News)".
A director of the water district serving most of southeast Los Angeles County is suing a Cerritos-based newspaper for libel over an article published in June 2016 accusing her and a Montebello councilwoman (Vanessa Delgado is also suing) of attempting to extort campaign contributions from a housing developer who wanted to purchase recycled water. Leticia Vasquez of the Central Basin Municipal Water District is seeking an unspecified amount of money from Hews Media Group, which publishes the Los Cerritos Community News and the La Mirada Lamplighter, among other newspapers and websites.
Hahahahahahaha!! It was only a matter of time before "Propagandist Brian" got himself in DEEP DOOKIE, again. FYI, since Brian will be in SERIOUS need of legal funds, we are prepping a "Brian Hews/Los Chacon News Journalistic Malpractice Disclaimer Special Report" which will present an ingenious option for infamous Chacon Political Family's DISINFORMER of Choice to support a NEEDED, future Legal Defense Fund (not financed at all by ads from Montebello Unified School District and other Public Entities).
** With absolutely NO APOLOGIES to the "Muckraking Three of Sunland-Tujunga (Arnie, Sonia and Eve)", we want to commend the LA Times Editorial Board for keyboarding its excellent points why to Elect Karo Torossian .........., the NEXT CD-7 City Councilman.
Torossian is the planning deputy for Councilman Paul Krekorian, and he’s an expert in development and land-use issues. As a staff member, he has developed a reputation for being a good listener, a consensus-builder and a policy wonk committed to finding solutions.
........, but ended by stating ............,
Voters have a hard choice between two strong candidates. In this case, The Times favors Rodriquez, the candidate who has spent two decades preparing for the job ..........., and was being PAID TO CAMPAIGN, allegedly.
Labels: 2017 CD 1 Runoff Election, 2017 CD 7 Runoff Campaign, Aaron Sosnick, Brian Hews, Karo Torossian
Sunday, April 23, 2017
A Special Message for Progressive Bernie Sanders Supporters in CD-1 ......., and Beyond
Labels: 2016 California Primary Elections, 2017 CD 1 Runoff Election, Bernie Sanders, CD 1 City Councilman Gil Cedillo, Developer Geoff Palmer, Yes on Measure S
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Ask A Blogger: Did OC Weekly's Gustavo Arrellano Keyboard the CLASSIC Retort against Petty Political Attacks (by the "Broken Deal Cedillo Campaign")?
Special Note to LA Times Reporter Dakota Smith and Editors ......... BIG DIFFERENCE between 13 and 97 seconds (1:37), regarding the "Ask A Mexican Video", featuring Joe Bray-Ali's, NOW infamous "Car Horn/Door Bell Question".
So imagine my surprise this morning when radio legend Tom Leykis tagged me on Facebook with a "Now look what you did!" and a link to a Los Angeles Times article that appeared last night. It appears that one Joe Bray-Ali, who's running against legendary Chicano politician (and current Los Angeles City Council District 1 representative Gil Cedillo), has apologized because he submitted a question to my YouTube ¡Ask a Mexican! in 2008. Then, he asked why Mexicans like to use car horns as doorbells. Bray-Ali's problem, at the time, was that they woke up his baby daughter, which he used as a prop in the video to score cheap sympathy points with me (it didn't work). Roll the tape (posted above)! Man, I miss that flowery shirt..
Cedillo's team—caught by surprise that they couldn't get Gil a win in the primary, and who now must actually work to ensure he wins the upcoming runoff—sent a version (an edited 13 seconds copy according to the LA Times Dakota Smith) of the video to reporters after a supporter yelled at Bray-Ali "Go back to India!" during a debate earlier this week. “Joe apologizes,” a Bray-Ali spokesperson told Times reporter Dakota Smith. “He says the comment was stupid and it’s amazing how social media can remind of the mistakes of youth. This was nine years ago.”
On Facebook, Cedillo's supporters (including the likes of USC's David Galaviz Martha Escutia and other assorted Race-mongers) are trying to use Bray-Ali's question as proof he's racist, ridiculing his spokesperson's assertion to the Times that George Lopez has made jokes about Mexicans as car horns. Bray-Ali, for his part, told one of my pals on Facebook that the reason he did the video way back when was because he's a fan of mine, but "Sucks I had an urge to make a video like this."
Fuck Smith for not doing her research and realizing that Bray-Ali's question was directed at me—that dramatically changes the dynamics of the story. Fuck Cedillo's team for responding to a racial taunt by one of his supporters by sending reporters the question to turn the tables on Bray-Ali (Cedillo, for his part, denounced the nastiness, although one of his fans is now leaving anti-Indian comments on my clip). Fuck Cedillo's supporters for not allowing Bray-Ali to ask a legitimate question about Mexicans to a column set up for that. Fuck any Cedillo supporters who think the very act of engaging with ¡Ask a Mexican! is racist—Gil sure didn't think so when he was a member of the Latino Legislative Caucus in 2008 when they awarded me with a Latino Spirit Award for what they said was my "exceptional vision, creativity, and work ethic."
Fuck Bray-Ali's supporters for trying to drag in former state senator Martha Escutia (we respectfully disagree) into the "Go back to India!" debacle. Fuck Bray-Ali's brother for sending me a Facebook message that got sent to that filtered folder bullshit—my email's pretty easy to find, bruh. Fuck Bray-Ali for apologizing and taking back his question—implies what you did was wrong, which it wasn't. With fans like you, who needs enemies?
Everyone involved: don't use my column for your pathetic needs. Take a deep breath, and concentrate on issues that matter in District 1, like housing affordability and the fact that gentrified* Highland Park is overrated
Labels: 2017 CD 1 Runoff Election, Ask A Mexican, Broken Deal Cedillo, Gustavo Arellano, OC Weekly
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Morning Briefs on the Broken Deal Cedillo Corruption Machine for Wednesday
Although the evening focused on housing issues, a jarring moment brought a loud crowd reaction when a member of the audience shouted at Bray-Ali to "go back to India.".
Its no secret that the audiences at CD 1 Candidate Forums/Debates have been UBER exuberant in expressing their support for the candidate of choice, but in recent weeks since the March Election, the racially-tinged attacks against Challenger Bray-Ali have become more pronounced.
Third, former LA Weekly Political Writer Patrick Range McDonald EXPOSED Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and the City Council (including "Broken Deal Cedillo") for REDIRECTING FUNDS from Measure HHH which was to EXCLUSIVELY FUND Homeless Housing.
But only weeks after Measure HHH was approved on November 8, the betrayal of the homeless — and LA voters — was well underway at the hands of Garcetti, the City Council (including "Broken Deal Cedillo"), and the City Administrative Officer. In December 2016, the City Council approved the final details of the AHOS program, which was organized by the City Administrative Officer with much input from the City Council and mayor. It had turned into something startlingly different from what City Hall politicians had been promising — and what the LA Times had been describing. The City Administrative Officer recommended, and the City Council approved, an AHOS program that now offered “affordable multifamily housing,” “mixed-income housing,” “affordable homeownership,” “innovative methods of housing,” and, finally, “permanent supportive housing” for the homeless.
We previously noted how "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Cedillo" LIED to the Lincoln Heights Community ..........., only to be OUTED for fronting a October, 2016 Press Conference denouncing the alleged ramifications of the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative/Measure S Passage on Measure HHH Homeless Developments.
But instead, the reality is ............,
City officials are currently sorting through the proposals for projects that will make up the AHOS program. With complete certainty, permanent supportive housing will not be built at every city-owned property — five sites in Lincoln Heights, which is represented by Councilman Gil Cedillo, have already been designated for “mixed-income” housing. As a result, the city’s use of Measure HHH money for the AHOS program will not go entirely to homeless housing, and homeless men, women, and children will not receive the full amount of housing and services that Mayor Eric Garcetti and the City Council had promised. Instead, an affluent professional, the only person who can afford market-rate housing in L.A., may land a nice pad on city-owned property in increasingly gentrified Lincoln Heights or near the beach on the Westside. It’s the very definition of a scandal.
........., meriting in NAUGHT granting "Broken Deal Cedillo" a Second Term----Scott Johnson.
Labels: 2017 CD 1 Runoff Election, 2017 May Runoff Election Jozef Bray-Ali, Broken Deal Cedillo, Gil Cedillo Jr., Go Back to India, Measure HHH, State Senator Ron Calderon
Monday, April 17, 2017
What's Bloggin Trending for Post-Easter Monday?
The Huntington Park City Council was faced with a crisis. Its longtime provider of bus service abruptly announced it was getting out of the business two years ago, and the city had 30 days to find a new operator. Without seeking competitive bids, the city contracted with Metro Transit Services. The company hired as its general manager Mario Beltran, a political consultant who worked for a campaign committee that promoted the three new council members (including CURRENT Cedillo "Campaign Consultant" Jhonny Pineda), campaign finance records show. The deal with Metro paid the company a 46% higher rate for the same service the old bus operator provided, according to city records.
Both Beltran and Pineda have been compensated $10,000 dollars-plus for their work with Team Cedillo, along with Convicted Felon Larry "Nativo" Lopez, who has apparently created a new "Swept Off Instead LLC", that specializes in "Voter Registration".
** Mayor Sam Exclusive: Did the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Land Use Committee VIOLATE the Brown Act on April 12, 2017? Just ask its Chairperson Mario Murrufo, pictured below.
From: Mario Marrufo <>
Date: Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Planning and Land Use Meeting Agenda 4-12-17
To: SSilvera <>
Cc: Ken Yoon <>, "Sevin (Martha) Riley" <>, benny wood <>, David Myers <>, "Armida (AOL)" <>
Is there a meeting tonight or not? Does anyone know? If so, where???SusanOn Wednesday, April 12, 2017, 11:12:34 AM PDT, Ken Yoon <> wrote:Mario and SevinI just noticed this email in my in-box. Really sorry for the delay. It’s too late to do a special. I’m not sure what to do at this point.KenKennneth YoonSecretary
Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council
Labels: 2017 CD 1 Runoff Election, CD 1 City Councilman Gil Cedillo, City of Huntington Park, Jhonny Pineda, Mario Beltran
Friday, April 14, 2017
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Friday, April 07, 2017
JUST SAY/VOTE NO to the alleged, Thieving (and Youth Exploiting) Risers of Hermon Neighborhood Council Scheme
Labels: Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council, CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar, done, Hermon, Joe and Wendi Riser, Los Angeles International Charter High School
Thursday, April 06, 2017
BREAKING NEWS!! CD-13 City Councilman Mitch O'Farrell ENDORSES Joe Bray-Ali in CD 1 Runoff
“Joe Bray-Ali understands the issues facing Los Angeles and demonstrates a sense of urgency in addressing the affordable housing crises, safety in our neighborhoods, and responsiveness to constituent needs,” O’Farrell said in a prepared statement. “His positive grassroots campaign has motivated more people to participate in the democratic process at the local level and become engaged in the pressing issues that affect Angelenos. This city faces daunting challenges and we need someone like Joe to bring a fresh perspective, new ideas, and an open mind to decision making for our city.”
Simple HUGE!!
Labels: 2017 CD 1 Runoff Election, 2017 May Runoff Election Jozef Bray-Ali, Mitch O'Farrell
Deconstructing a LA Times 34th Congressional District Post Election "Analysis"
Whoa, what just happened to the progressive Democrat movement in Los Angeles? Voters in the 34th Congressional District not only rejected the Berniecrats in the special election to replace Xavier Becerra on Tuesday, they veered decidedly Clintonesque.
.........., well, not exactly.
Being respectful, and cognizant of the FACT of your former San Fernando Valley-centric "Scope of Work" with the LA Daily News, we gladly contribute our endemic knowledge of the 34th Congressional District Political Topography, in extrapolating on the, REAL root causes for Tuesday's non-certified results.
First, a 28% Vote Tally for Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez is not a "Clintonesque Governess Mandate". The Riverside Native's support is simply from those who continue to support a Democratic Establishment that answers to whoever is anointed its Candidates, and dispenses with the Patronage.
Second, the successful support for Korean Candidate Robert Lee Ahn, was NOT rooted in his supposed, "Clintonesque, Moderate Policies Positions". The REALITY for Candidate Ahn's making the June Congressional Runoff, is the byproduct of a SLIGHTED, Korean-American Community Push Back, against the controversial 2012 City of Los Angeles Redistricting Process, that "cut and sliced" Koreatown into multiple Council Districts, by those in the same Democratic Establishment supporting Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez.
Third, the DELIBERATE, non-unification of the Progressive Grass Roots. The prospects of Bernienista Candidates such as Auturo Carmona, Wendy Carrillo, and Kenneth Mejia in making the June Runoff, were not helped by their respective, voter-diluting Campaigns and via the ENDORSEMENT of the Assemblyman Gomez Campaign by prominent Northeast Progressive Leader Luis Lopez ............, who ANNOUNCED his intentions yesterday (again), to seek a POSSIBLE, vacated 51st Assembly District Seat, come June.
Fourth, the REPUDIATION of the Clintonnesque Machine-like Governess of CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar. Female Candidates Sara Hernandez and Wendy Carrillo were the latest to FAIL in using the supposed CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar Political Brand, in seeking Political Office. Wonder why?
Fifth, former "Maxim Model", turned former President Barack "H" Obama Official and LA Times Editor, do not make successful Congressional Candidates. Enough said.
Your thoughts ................
Scott Johnson in the 34th Congressional District
Labels: 34th Congressional District Special Election, LA Times, mariel garza
Tuesday, April 04, 2017
Its looking like an Ahn vs. Gomez June Runoff for Congress
John Perez Speaks ........, regarding Today's 34th Congressional District Special Election
Labels: 34th Congressional District Special Election, Assembly Speaker John Perez