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Friday, April 07, 2017

JUST SAY/VOTE NO to the alleged, Thieving (and Youth Exploiting) Risers of Hermon Neighborhood Council Scheme

Voting Stakeholders of the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council and within the Hermon Enclave, should JUST VOTE NO to the alleged, "Thieving Joe and Wendi Riser's (with supposed CD-14 support)" Scheme to create their self-serving "Mini NC". 
The aspiring "Hermon Mini NC's Emperor Joe and Empress Wendi Riser", with enabling CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar.
** Blogger's Notes: In an ideal Council District 14 Ethical Envoronment, alleged, self-serving THIEVES are not rewarded in anyway, especially with their own Mini Neighborhood Council ......, unless you're a Documented Jose Huizar Loyalist (with Community Influence, allegedly).
Yet, that is EXACTLY, what can happen tomorrow (Saturday) as UBER Huizar Loyalists Joe and Wendi Riser (along with Mark Legapsi), are granted their desired dream of having Hermon become a "Mini NC (with Funding)" ............, pending a "YES VOTE" from Arroyo Seco NC (including Hermon) Stakeholders.
The Hermon Breakaway Initiative is the second "Mini NC" to be voted upon in CD-14 this week, with the aspirations of a Skid Row Neighborhood Council being narrowly defeated yesterday and the chances of Hermon avoiding the same fate, is the FOUNDATION for the latest CD-14 Ethical Controversy. 
Its an OPEN SECRET, that Councilman Huizar (with enabling staff) has exercise bias in supporting the efforts of Joe and Wendi Riser (not forgetting Mark Legaspi), to become the Hermon Ruling Troika, but that support may vanish, especially with the OUTING below, of alleged THIEVERY .........., and potential VOTING EXPLOITATION of students from the Los Angeles International Charter High School (LAICHS) ......., in return for "pledges of future funding (allegedly)".
THIEVERY (allegedly): The photos below were taken during an Empower LA/LAPD/Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council (ASNC) Action to retrieve ASNC Property that "somehow" was taken WITHOUT APPROVAL, relocated to the LAICHS Campus (prompting safety concerns) .......... and relabeled as the "Hermon Emergency Bin" (that lacked proper permitting). According to the LAICHS Website, Joe Riser is a Board Member .......... and allegedly kept information from School Staff regarding the true ownership of the "Bin"; pictured below.
YOUTH VOTER EXPLOITATION: According to sources, the Student Body, Parents, Staff and Board Members of the LAICHS are being pressured to VOTE YES for the Hermon Mini NC, with the promise that the Non-Profit Charter School will receive Public Funding from the NC Budget (as what happen during the LHNC Election in 2009). The FACT that Joe Riser is a current Board Member and VERY LIKELY a future Hermon Mini NC Board Member, is a IRS/Los Angeles County Board of Education/District Attorney/Ethics Commission Investigation, waiting to happen ....... especially if this ethically-challenged SCHEME is successful----Scott Johnson
ASNC Property, relabeled (without approval) as the "Hermon Emergency Bin" on the Campus of the LAICHS.
LAPD Officer checking the Lock on the Bin.
ASNC Members "cutting the lock" during the Action undertaken to retrieve its Property.
Empower LA Staff Member Jeff Brill video documenting/inventory of the Bin Contents before its removal.
The former Bin Lock after its removal by ASNC.

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