Whistleblower hotline: (213) 785-6098

Friday, December 30, 2016

What's Bloggin Trendy Topics Merit Cyber-Coverage in 2017?

With the sun getting ready to set on 2016 for a last time on Saturday, we pause to ponder on the trending HOT bloggin topics in 2017.
Bloggin pondering on what Political Topics will be Trending in 2017.
** Blogger's Notes: GREAT Getaway Friday to ALL as rain drops (and snow flakes) replace the ticks on the clock, in counting down the remaining hours of 2016, With an engagement pending with the Almighty to witness the "Rising of 2017" from a location known only to Thee, we pause to reflect with our appreciative, cyber audience on "What's Bloggin Trending" regarding the political happening within the local Political Establishment ........., and beyond. Unlike many within "Cubafornia on the Pacific", especially those who will cite the 2016 Presidential Elections (and the Russians), as the root cause of a supposed, pending La Migra/Police State, we focus onward to a positive, Bloggin New Year, rich with multitudes of exclusive missives, laden with factually-based content that offers a contrary commentary to counter the Propaganda/Fake News Pronouncements of the "Sacrahavana-based, "Cubafornianista Super Majority"----Scott Johnson.

1. The Future Political Evolution of "Mayor Eric Gar-SOFT-ee": Pending a resounding re-election victory (60% plus), the Summer of 2017 will heat up the speculation on the future Political Evolution of a Rhodes Scholar, turned Two-termed Mayor ........., seeking to become "Senator Gar-SOFT-ee" in 2018?

2. The Grass-Roots vs the Machine in protecting LA Neighborhood's Integrity:The battle has commence and hopefully the electorate will decide that Developer's Contributions are NOT the paramount decider in regards to City Hall's policy votes affecting Ciudad de Los Angeles diverse (and historic) neighborhoods.

3. CD 1 Backlash Against Councilman Broken Deal Cedillo: From Pico-Union to the heights of Mt. Washington, the BUZZ is that many within the coalition that help narrowly elect the former "One Bill Gil" to replace Ed Reyes, are feeling betrayed by the now "Clowncilman Broken Deal Cedillo".

4. Backlash Against AB-109, Prop 47 and Prop 57-caused Crime Rate Increase: As the follies of Prison Realignment, mixed with downgrading criminal offenses become more evident, will the growing voter anger result in a backlash targeting the "Cubafornianista Super Majority" in 2018?

5. "The Cubaforniatnistas on the Pacific Super Majority" vs, President-Elect Donald Trump: As the Sacrahavana-based Cubafornianistas, with help from their propagandist companeros within the Main Fake-Stream Media are exploiting their Snowflaked Indoctrinated masses for a looming confrontation with the Federal La Migra Police State.

6. A New Federal Circuit Court District within "Cubafornia on the Pacific"?: Elections have consequences ........ and for the Cubafornianista Super Majority, being on the wrong side in defeating the resurgence of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, may result in a new Federal Circuit Court District to reestablish Judical Restraint, countering the Activism of the Ninth Circus Court District.

7. Appointments of Corrupting-busting US Attorneys: The likes of "El State Senator President Pro Tempore Kevin De Leon the First", "The Political Soul Brothers of the LA City Council Central Committee (Huizar y Wesson)", The Calderon/Chacon Political Crime Family should be worry that newly-appointed US Attorneys (mixed with a non-politicized FBI), may take up the task of uprooting corrupting, currently vacated by the likes of the LA District Attorney and State Attorney General.

8. The CD-7 Campaign Royale, 2017: Will the highly-informed electorate of CD-7, coalesce into a potent coalition that pushes back against the City Hall Machine-financed Money Candidates, seeking to replace "FU POLLOFUENTES"?

9. The CONTINUOUS Outing of the Public-financed Purveyor of Fake News/Smears Brian Hews: We can keyboard for sure that 2017 will witness EXPANDED COVERAGE on the Fake News/Propagandist Publisher of the Cerritos-based "Brian Hews/Los Chacon News".

10. The Continuing Monitoring of the Latest (and last) Political Hibernation of CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar: Memo to the "Dear Charro, Princeton Graduate (and ALL friends)", HAPPY BLOGGIN (with content galore pending) NEW YEAR, 2017!!


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Introducing our bloggin .........., "CD 7 Campaign Royale, 2017 Coverage"

Following on the heels of the City Clerk's Official Listing of Approved Candidates for the March Elections, the Mayor Sam Blog proudly commences its bloggin "CD 7 Campaign Royale, 2017 Coverage".
From Sylmar to the Summit of Mt. Lukens, let the "CD 7 Campaign Royale, 2017" cyber-dialog commence.
** Blogger's Note: With an acknowledgment to numerous friends within the Mayor Sam cyber-homeland of Sunland-Tujunga ........., and with blessings from a certain "Bloggin Creator" above, we proudly introduce our "CD 7 Campaign Royale, 2017 Coverage". The citizens of the Northeast San Fernando Valley Councilmatic Enclave, have been double-blessed, with the hasty departure of former Councilperson "FU POLLOFUENTES" ..........., and an expansive, diverse group of 20 candidates, seeking to replace the now "Sacrahavana-based Lobbyist". Many of our longtime followers will remember our "inclusive coverage" of the past CD-2 Special Election in 2009, which we desire to emulate ........, by creating an interactive, cyber dialog that engages the high-informative electorate of CD-7. In that spirit, we want to invite ALL candidates to submit for bloggin publication, a "Position PDF (by emailing Scott Johnson at redspotincd14@yahoo.com)" outlining your policy stances on the myriad of issues affecting CD-7 Constituents. We will post your "Position PDFs" in the order received on the blog and our Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Mayor-Sam-Home-of-Los-Angeles-Politics-158341927551799/. Its also bloggin apparent based upon the large pool of candidate (and in the spirit of granting equal coverage), that we create a "Mayor Sam CD 7 Campaign Royale 2017 Facebook Page (now active)" which serves as a Cyber Bulletin Board, for the dispensing of information on upcoming candidate forums, Campaign Royale Breaking News ........, and your comments. BTW, don't forget #CD 7 Campaign Royale 2017-----Scott Johnson. 
Who's name will replace the departed "FU POLLOFUENTES" in 2017?

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Monday, December 26, 2016

Nominations for the 2017 Mayor Sam Blog Political Ass Clown Awards

We PROUDLY present the Nominations (GALORE) for the 2017 Edition of the Mayor Sam Blog Political Ass Clown Awards.
Our Ass Clown Models Trio of Huizzy, Herman and a certain Bureau of Sanitation Project Manager (aka. "Bigfoot").
The Discombobulation of the Main Stream Media on Full Display. 
** Blogger's Notes: A GREAT,day after Christmas to our cyber audience as its time to convene again our yearly conclave (at an undisclosed Safe Space) of the Mayor Sam Blog Political Ass Clown Awards Committee. Unlike the purveyors of "Fake News (ie. LA Times/Observed, CNN, MSNBC, The Weedleaf of Record ....., and not forgetting the Brian Hews/Los Chacon News)", our panel of judges is made up of ordinary, tax-paying, American Citizens, currently maroon within the aspiring Nation-State of "Cubafornia on the Pacific". We should note in acknowledging the increase sensitivity (or mental melting of an indoctrinated, Cubafornia Demographic Group)  after November's Elections, that we will exercise discretion, NAUGHT, in dispensing with our annual endeavor of bestowing (dis)honors on the Payasos y Payasas of the One Party-ruling Political Machine. Below are our list of nominations for 2017, with awards being disclosed a week from today (January 2)-----Scott Johnson. 
Nominations for the 2017 Mayor Sam Blog Political Ass Clown Awards:
The Cheating, Democratic National Committee.
The Exclusive, Democratic Cubafornianista Super Delegates.
Cyber-trolling Hackers (not from Russia).
A Meekly, California Republican Establishment Party (and its Consultant Class).
The Cubafornianista Super Majority in Sacrahavana.
El Gobernador Geraldo "Moonbeam II" Brown.
Cubafornianista State Senate Presidente Pro Tempore Kevin De Leon the First.
Cubafornianista State Assembly Junta Speaker Anthony Rendon.
Cubafornia Indoctrinating Education System.
The Old Gray Fake News of Record on Spring Street (aka. LA Times)..
The Main, Fake Stream of Propaganda Media as fronted by the "Clinton News Network (CNN)".
Perishing SNOWFLAKES!!
Who is the political reincarnated, Cubafornia Gubernatorial Candidate Antonio Villargovea??
The Northeast San Fernando Valley Democratic Machine.\
RACIST Rosemary Jenkins.
Former CD 7 City Clowncilman Felipe "Pollo Fuentes".
Cubafornianista Secretary of State Alex Padilla.
Cubafornianista Electoral College Delegate Nury Martinez.
Cubafornia Gulag/Prison Reform via AB 109, Prop 47 and Prop 57.
Cubafornia Pension Reform (HAHAHAHAHA!!).
Legalization of Pot.
Cubafornia Sale (or lack) of Pollution Credits.
The Montebello Calderon Political Crime Family.
The Montebello/Commerce (with Carpetbag) Chacon Political Crime Family.
The Calderon/Chacon/Robles Crony Leeches of the Central Basin Water District.
The Purveyor of Public-financed, Paid to Smear Fake Journalism Brian Hews.
The Brian Hews/Los Chacon News.
The Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey (Indictment/Conviction-lacking) Office of Public Integrity.
Miscarriage of Justice for Bell Gardens Mayor/City Councilman Daniel Crespo.
The NOW LA County Gang of Five Politburo. 
The STILL LA City Clowncil Central Committee.
Illegal Campaign-financed, now LA County Gang of Five Politburo Member BABS Hahn.
LA County Minister of Propaganda Zelda Goebbel.
University of Scandalous Conduct Biotech Corridor-enabler Hilda Solis.
Not forgetting the Reigning, City Hall Strongman/Bully Boss D'Arcy Rizzo.
LAPD Chief/Strongman Charlie Beck ....., and his (Friend Ruby's) Media Relationships Department.
Hollenbeck CPAB just because ...........
LA White Nazi Street Gang (where??) Expert (and AB-109 Co-author) City Attorney Mike Feuer. 
The former Average Joe (now mega Development $$$$ recipient) of CD-15.
The current, benevolent CD-7 Overseer ............, and City Clowncil Central Committee Strongman Herman "Mini Amin" Wesson.
The Homeless Emergency.
Say ........, hey, does anyone remember Kevin James?
Does anyone remember DWP Reform? Oh never mind, its Election time.
The Resignation of Miguel Santana.
Has City Controller Ron Galperin ever follow through on his PROMISE to audit the CD-14 Central Los Angeles Refuge Transfer Station (CLARTS) Amenities Fund.
HAS ANYONE SEEN BIGFOOT ....., or husband Marco??
........., but many in CD-14 received an anonymous MAILER regarding "Bigfoot's" former Boss and Friends, regarding a Downtown LA Development.
The Political Devolution of the former "One Bill Gil" .........into now embattled, CD 1 City Clowncilman Broken Deal Cedillo.
........., and finally remembering a Rhodes Scholar, turned Mayor Eric "Gar-SOFT-ee".
Showing compassion, with baskets for the Homeless, thanking Ex. Cons for their "Service" and allocating funding for the Undocumented Legal Costs  ......, while ignoring the City of LA's growing Pension Obligations


Sunday, December 25, 2016

A Bloggin Merry Christmas to All ......, mixed with "Lumps of Coalsideration" for the "Politico Chosen Few"

On this Blessed Day of the Birth of Jesus, we want wish ALL a Special Christmas ........., and share some cyber, bloggin "Lumps of Coalsideration" with those in need (within the Political Machine). 
 The Bloggin Snowman with "Gifts of Coalsideration" for worthy Politicos.
Sharing some Carbon Love on this COLD Christmas Day.
** Blogger's Notes: Feliz Navidad Bloggin Companeros (translation, MERRY CHRISTMAS Bloggin Friends) to ALL from within the Nation-State Cooling (with sub-zero temps this morning in Big Bear) Enclave of "Cubafornia on the Pacific". On this blessed day we celebrate the Birth of Christ (via copious, economic-simulating "Acts of Giving", with family and friends), we cannot forget those among us, especially certain "Californianista Politicos (and their political brothers and sisters in Urban Blue Amerika), who are suffering from "Post Rigged Elections (allegedly), Secular Holidays Blues". Thus, we would be bloggin remiss if we did not take a few minutes (channeling our normal sardonic humor) to keyboard "Gifts of Coalsideration" to those worthy of our cyber act of giving, as we list below ........., and a SPECIAL NOTE, nominations for the 2016 Mayor Sam Blog Political Ass Clown Awards will be posted tomorrow evening-----Scott Johnson.
1. Public Schools and Universities-indoctrinated SNOWFLAKES: On this "Birthday of an Undocumented Homeless Child from Bethlehem (in occupied Palestine), our traumatized, indoctrinated products of government education, can find solace that the now, "Jesus in Heaven", has granted them with a natural, cold reprieve (with Mother Earth-produced coal for warmth) from the mystical ravages of the One Percent Capitalists-caused Climate Change.  
2. "Zelda Goebbel (aka LA County Board of Supervisor Sheila Keuhl)": Every One Party-controlled, Elected Body, is in need of a misinforming, propaganda-espousing Mouth Piece (with past Thespian experience) to mitigate dissent ........., and the now, "LA County Gang of Five Politburo" has gifted itself with new "Minister of Propaganda Zelda Goebbel", who knows the Verbal Art of Outing (via espousing) Fascism, in regards to President-elect Donald Trump's Immigration Policies.   
3. El Gobernador Geraldo "Moonbeam II" Brown: What will come first via "El Gobernador Geraldo Moonbeam II, the completion of his "High Speed, Cubafornia Prisoner Repatriation Choo Choo ..........., or Cubafornia's first Satellite to prove ........., that its does snow and get below zero in Southern Cubafornia. Sugarloaf in big bear this morning dropped to -1.7 degrees, the coldest temperature since 2012.
4. The Tyrannical Tonto Huevon of CD-14: With no apologies to the Princeton Graduate, we want to match his President-Elect Donald Trump-targeted "Tyrannical Pronouncement" ........., with a bloggin flashback to a UBER-misogynist moment in 2009, as noted in one of many comments.

If you ask me, I think this is were Herny got his domestic abuse skills. Huizar you are the scum of the earth! I hope someone on your staff has the courage to turn you in for what you did to that little girl, you disgraced all men. The worst thong of all this is that you had the gull to do it in public. That tell me that you think you are above the law. Well let me tell you this, you are not. I don't doubt it you are doing worst things to your wife at home. No wonder we never her see her anymore. She probably at home with a black eye and is ashame to come out in public. You arrogant little man, you will get yours.

5. The Curse of AB-109, Prop 47, Prop 57 (and Anti-Christ AL) on the Raider Nation: Despite the best of intentions of the US Ninth Circuit Court, El Gobernador Geraldo Moonbeam II, Cubafornia Gulag/Penal/Parole System and Low Information Voters, the Public-financed efforts to reinvigorate the Oakland Raiders Fan Base ..........., was all for SNAPPIN naught (this season), as the video below explicitly shows. .
Its Over Baby for 2016.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

AHHH Tony Villar Christmas Carol (via KFI's "John and Ken Show'))

A bloggin Christmas Classic ..........., featuring Ahhh Ex Failure Mayor Tony Villar (via the technical staff of the KFI 640 AM "John and Ken Show"). 
Former Failure Mayor Tony Villar with constituents.
A Joyful Christmas to All!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

On Holiday Schedule ............

Please pardon the bloggin hiatus due to Christmas Season Work Obligations ........, but stay tune for our annual Mayor Sam Political Ass Clown Awards.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Former LAUSD School Board Member Yolie Flores the Latest #CD 34 Candidate

Former LAUSD School Board Member Yolie Flores (then Aguilar) has re-emerged on the Political Stage as the latest 34 Congressional District Candidate seeking to replace Congressman (to be Attorney General) Xavier Becerra.
From the Facebook Page Cover Photo of the "Yolie Flores for Congress Campaign".
** Blogger's Note: The count of candidates seeking to replace pending California Attorney General (but still) Congressman Xavier Becerra, has ticked upwards again with the addition of former LAUSD School Board Member Yolie Flores. Local discerning political observers will remember that the then "Yolie Flores-Aguilar", was elected to the LAUSD School Board in 2007, as part of then LA Mayor Antiono Villaraigosa's unconstitutional (via AB 1381) attempt to control the Nation's second-largest Public School District. But unlike UBER Mayor Villar Booster Monica Garcia, Flores fronted an independence that garnered her community respect before leaving the board due to health issues----Scott Johnson.

Yolie Flores Congressional Campaign Statement:

For over 30 years I have dedicated my personal and professional life to advancing the idea that ALL children should have the right and the opportunity to pursue their highest aspirations, that parents and grandparents should have the supports and resources to meet their families’ obligations, and that communities should be anchors of support for children and families. I have fought for equity for immigrants and people of color, quality early learning and K-12 education, opportunities for women and girls, marriage equality, and I have been a strong supporter of health care for all. Today, everything we believe in and have ever fought for is in jeopardy. This is why I am running for Congress. 
At my core, I am a fighter for working people and an advocate for kids and families. My experience as a member of the LAUSD Board of Education, CEO of the LA County Children’s Planning Council, my roles in city government and philanthropy, my work at the local and national level, and my background as a social worker have given me the experience to fight at every level for education, family supports, health care, housing, immigration and jobs.
The 34th Congressional District needs a fearless leader in our nation’s capital to protect and advance the collective progress that we have made over the last 50 years. We need a leader that reflects the courage, resiliency and ingenuity of the people of the 34th Congressional District who will unwaveringly deliver the message that our country cannot, WILL NOT, turn back.
I stand ready to represent our district and to fight to protect America’s sacred freedoms and ensure its future is one where every child, every family, and every person lives to fulfill their American dream.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

A Pending, Dueling (Current and Ex) Huizar Staffers for #CD34 Campaign?

The pending 34th Congressional Special Election Candidate Vacuum, created by the health-related withdrawal of former California Assembly Speaker John Perez, may result in a potentially, bloggin-lucrative duel between current and ex CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar Staffers Jesse Leon and Sara Hernandez respectively .........., benefiting the Campaign of Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez?  
......., for pitting ex Staffer Colleagues against one another in respective, long shot Campaigns to replace Congressman Xavier Becerra.
** Blogger's Notes: As the now apparent Californianista One Party Establishment's "Chosen One", Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez, continues to grow a list of endorsements for his Campaign to replace pending California Attorney General Xavier Becerra in the 34th Congressional District, a potential, bloggin-lucrative candidate side show is developing between an ex and current staffer of CD 14 city Councilman Jose Huizar. Former CD-14 Downtown Staffer/Legal Counsel Sara Hernandez, who has formally announced her Campaign, may have a challenge for the affections of the "Huizzynistas" as current Huizar Staffer (and past Campaign Manager) Jesse Leon, STRONGLY broached his thoughts about entering the campaign proceedings. If the Loyola Law School Grad Leon joins the current CORO Southern California Executive Director Hernandez in seeking to replace Congressman Becerra, the resulting "factorization" of Huizar supporters, may ensure Assemblyman Gomez a spot in a sure Runoff ........., and prompt the disclosures of various "internal issues" within CD-14. Below we have posted Facebook-posted comments regarding the #CD34 Campaign from both Leon and Hernandez-----Scott Johnson. 
Former CD 14 Staffer Sara Hernandez.
This has been an unforgettable seven days. After talking to my family, friends, EMILY's List, and former boss Councilman Jose Huizar, I am excited to announce my candidacy for Congress in #CA34!
We need to send a fighter and a doer to Washington with the on-the-ground experience and understanding of how public policy decisions affect everyday Angelenos.
With Donald Trump threatening so many of our communities, I’m prepared to stand up and defend our immigrants, our public schools, our environment and our parents’ and grandparents’ retirement security.
I hope you will join my campaign and consider supporting me in this election. You can go to my website here: www.sarahernandezforcongress.com. I can't win this without you!
Current CD 14 Staffer Jesse Leon
Dear Family:
It’s official! I wanted to let you all know that I have started exploring my potential run for Congressional District 34. I spoke with my wife, Liz Leon (aka Rios), and she fully supports my decision to start exploring this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
I also want to thank my boss, Jose Huizar, for his kind words in saying that he believes I will make a very strong candidate for this seat. We spoke yesterday, and I let him know that my heart is in the communities that make up this Congressional seat. I’ve spent nearly two decades of my life fighting for and humbly serving these communities.
Those of you that know me can vouch for the work that I’ve done and the passion I have for that work. What most of you don’t know is that that passion is deeply rooted in every fiber of my being: I advocate for the homeless, because at one point my family was homeless; I volunteer to feed the hungry because several times growing up my family actually had to search for food in dumpsters; I fight for worker rights because I was a child laborer and worked side by side in unsafe factory conditions; I fight for youth employment because this is how I paid for my school clothes; I ran youth camps in Big Bear because I never got to leave the gang infested neighborhood I grew up in.
Long story short, I have dedicated the last two decades of my life selflessly serving the Downtown Los Angeles, Lincoln Heights, Pico-Union and Westlake communities, and more recently all the communities that make up our wonderful CD14 for one plain and simple reason: it is my obligation to serve. I was lucky enough to earn a degree from USC and a law degree from Loyola Law School despite my upbringing, and my life’s work is to give back as much as I can for as long as I can.
The one decision I am one hundred percent certain of is that I will forever regret not exploring this opportunity thoroughly. I care too much for these communities to stand by the sidelines.
The people I’ve approached already are super excited for me. One of them put together the attached campaign logo no more than 30 minutes after I reached out! If I decide to run, I think this will be a pretty great logo to use.
And if I decide not to run, rest assured that I will have our community’s best interests at heart when deciding who deserves our support and backing.
Stay tuned! I will be reaching out soon.
Forever Grateful,
-Jesse Leon

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday Evening Briefs on the #CD34 Campaign Proceedings ........, minus a First Cousin (of Tony V.) John

The surprise "Political Earthquake", epicenter within the confines of the 34th Congressional District, was renowned (and rotund) former Assembly Speaker John Perez, vacating his short-lived Congressional Campaign, due to undisclosed health issues. 
Former Assembly Speaker John Perez ........, regulating, now State Senator (and then Assemblyman) Anthony Portantino on the Floor of the "Sacrahavana Legislature".
A full length video chronicling the short-lived "John Perez for Congress Campaign". 
** Blogger's Notes: Beep, beep, beep ..................., and flat line (again), have gone the post-Assembly Speaker political aspirations of the First Cousin of former Failure LA Mayor Antonio Villar (then Raigosa) John Perez.
Unlike his unsuccessful, third-place campaign for California Controller a couple of years (a blog posts galore) ago, the rotund former Assembly Speaker withdrew from the growing field of candidates seeking to replace Congressman Xavier Becerra, citing medical issues, as noted in the LA Times.

The 47-year-old Democrat declined to offer specifics about his condition, citing a desire to keep it private. But he said it was serious enough that it would keep him from waging a vigorous political campaign in 2017. "The treatment is one that doesn’t lend itself to the intensity of a campaign that the community deserves," he said
With the withdrawal of the former Assembly Speaker, the "Sacrahavana-based, Californianista y Ciudad de Los Angeles One Party Leadership", coalesced their support behind the Campaign of Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez, vis the endorsements of "El State Senate Presidente Pro Tepore Kevin De Leon the First", Assembly Junta Speaker Anthony Rendon and Mayor Eric Garcetti.

But while the Establishment seeks to anoint the former Riverside-residing Community Organizer as the "Chosen One", the Times reports that former CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar Staffer Sara Hernandez has officially announced her campaign ............., along with former Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders Strategist Arturo Carmona.----Scott Johnson.

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Monday, December 12, 2016

Morning Briefs on the March Elections Candidate Proceedings for Monday

As the City Clerk's Office continues its vetting of Candidates for the upcoming March, 2017 Municipal Elections, its readily apparent that the likes of CD 1 City Councilman Gil "Broken Deal Cedillo", CD 5 City Councilman Paul "Nanny Spud" Koretz, CD 9 City Councilman Curren Price and LAUSD School Board Member Monica "Gorda Boo Boo" Garcia ......., will HAVE serious re-election issues.
CD 1 City Councilman Gil "Broken Deal Cedillo".
** Blogger's Notes: Great Overcast Monday to all as the employees of the City Clerk's Office at Piper Tech continue their task of verifying candidates for the upcoming March, 2017 Municipal Elections. With surely, many CD-7 City Council Candidate approvals still outstanding (along with long shot mayoral aspirants), we partake below in a bloggin review on the pending campaigns for the likes of CD 1, CD 5, CD 9 and a certain LAUSD School Board District Two Seat, that may defy conventional wisdom via a growing anti-establishment backlash (and racial identity issues)-----Scott Johnson.
CD 1 City Council Seat: Judging from the photo above, CD 1 City Councilman Gil "Broken Deal Cedillo" may be hesitating in already picking himself as the winner for another term ........, with good reason as his moniker denotes. Compare to four years ago, many community activists who supported the Career Politico, are creating a Grass-Roots buzz for challengers Jesse Rosas, and Cycling Activist Jozef Bray-Ali, that a local journalist compared to the successful Joe Buscaino Campaign in CD 15.
CD 5 City Council Seat: Challenger Jesse Creed has raised six-figures and secured high profile endorsements from the likes of former City Controller Laura Chick, as he attempts to exploits the negative political sentiments directed at the reigning "Nanny Spud" of the City Clowncil Central Committee.
CD 9 City Councilman Seat: This may be a long shot, but don't dismiss the Campaign of Homegrown Community Activist Jorge Nuno as an Act of Political Vanity ........., for the simple, demographic fact, that CD 9 is a majority Latino enclave (thanks to Herb Wesson). This fact (and the challenge via Candidate Nuno), may have been the reason for Councilman Price's (and Buscaino) City Council Measure to "legalize" Street Vending. 
LAUSD School Board District Two: Have the Charter School-despising, UTLA-supporting advocates of Public Education found the ideal, Home Grown Candidate (in longtime educator Lisa Alva), to take out the aspiring "Mexican Oprah (and Controversial Charter School-financed, mega-shill)" known to the local cyber sphere as "Gorda Boo Boo"? We think so. 
The aspiring "Mexican Oprah".

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Friday, December 09, 2016

Friday Morning Briefs on the Los Angeles/Californianista Political Machine for Friday

With the departure of former Failure Mayor Antonio (then) Villaraigosa's Education Ally Steve Barr from the 2017 Mayoral Campaign, its readily apparent that the Second Term-seeking Mayor Eric Garcetti will have a "SOFT-resistance" for another four years as the City of LA's Top Officeholder (before seeking upwards political advancement). 
The "Mayor Gar-SOFT-ee Political Brand" know no serious Political Challenges (for now). 
** Blogger's Notes: Great TGIF (especially for grieving "Naught Ready for Prime Time, Thursday Night Football Raider Fans") to all as the filing deadline for aspiring City of LA Political Candidates, has gone the way of a once-feared Political Machine (allegedly). 
With more details pertaining to the final list of approved candidates for the upcoming March, 2017 Municipal Election pending (once all the the potential CD-7 City Council aspirants are processed), we can for now,  keyboard that the former Failure Mayor Antonio (then) Villaraigosa Political Machine's attempt to "feign resistance" to a potential Second Term for Mayor Eric Garcetti, took a mortal blow via the withdrawal of the "Failure Mayor's Education/Charter School Ally Steve Barr from the Mayoral Campaign proceedings.
The withdrawal of Barr, leaves Matthew Schwartz as the only candidate (with past Failure Mayor ties), with six-figures financial resources to that can act as a "candidate speed bump" in keeping the Rhodes Scholar, turned Politico, from garnering 60% plus margin of the votes, for a Second Term ......, unlike a now re-branding "Gubernatorial Candidate Antonio Villargovea" in 2009.
** We pause our bloggin coverage to replicate the following EMERGENCY MESSAGE from former CD-14 City Councilman (and associate of "Gloria Marina") Nick Pacheco.     .  
From 2003 Re-Elect Nick Pacheco Campaign.
#WARNING# I feel obligated to warn all Xavier supporters seeking state offices that Antonio is likely to use his machine against them & their campaign.
Antonio opposed my run for City Council* in '99 so he could have a "friend" in CD 14 against Xavier. They were both my friends at the time BUT Antonio knew I did almost all of the mailers conceived by Xavier's consultant, Kevin Acebo, in his upset victory for Assembly in 1990.** Antonio knew I would choose to support Xavier because of his stronger credentials and superior intellect in the 2001 mayoral election so he worked against my campaign.

*he endorsed his cousin Former Speaker John Perez for the seat^^ but John had to drop out once Union Leader Miguel Contreras & Senator Richard Polanco admonished Antonio he was wrong in making the move without consulting with them. BTW then Assemblyman Cedillo had his own candidate in the race, too.
** Some comments from pending 34th Congressional District Candidate Sara Hernandez:

I am humbled by conversations I've had with Emily's List, friends, family and the community to run for #CA34. I am seriously considering running for the seat. I strongly believe that it's time for the next generation to assume the mantle of leadership in this country, to fight for the rights of all Americans, to push our communities forward, to stand up to the pervasive racism, xenophobia, misogyny and antisemitism that threatens America and our democracy.. 

Hmm, we wonder what the aspiring Congressional Candidate comments are regarding her former Office Boss Francine Godoy?-----Scott Johnson.

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Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Latina Candidates for #CD34? The Potential List is Growing

On the heals of Community Activist Wendy Carrillo becoming the third (and first Latina) candidate to announce their intentions to seek the 34th Congressional District Seat, speculation (with substance) is rampant that former CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar Downtown Staffer and Special Counsel Sara Hernandez will be the second Latina to enter the Race.  
 Home Grown Community Activist (and Congressional Candidate) Wendy Carrillo.
Former CD-14 Councilman Jose Huizar Staffer/Special Counsel (and likely Congressional Candidate) Sara Hernandez.
** Blogger's Note: As we near the mid-week point after California Governor Jerry Brown's SURPRISE selection of 34th Congressional District Officeholder Xavier Becerra as his choice to replace Senator-elect Kamala Harris as Attorney General, the potential list of candidate to replace the once 2001 Mayoral Aspirant continues to grow.
Home Grown, Progressive Community Activist Wendy Carrillo became the first Latina Candidate to announce her affirmative intentions to replace Congressman Becerra, as noted in the LA Times. 

"Together, we can build a campaign about the possibilities of what can be and what should be," Carrillo said in a statement. "I’m choosing to run because I want a seat at the table to advocate for the people who need it most. Public service is a privilege, not a game of musical chairs. I plan to put the people first.”

In the short time since announcing her intentions, Candidate Carrillo's Facebook Page has garnered 500 plus "Likes" and is show signs of organized outreach ........., but her moment as the so-far, lone Latina Candidate may be fleeting.
According to "Social Media Chatter" , former CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar Staffer.Special Counsel Sara Hernandez, is raising money and initiating "cyber protocols" for her own campaign as noted below.

 Dec 6Add one more sign pointing to becoming the 4th candidate to run in the upcoming special election to succeed
Sara Hernandez for Congress Domain Listing 

......, backed up with this Twitter Comment.

 22 hours ago22 hours agoInteresting race for , with everyone from Villaraigosa to Barney Frank is behind John Perez, but Sara Hernandez has raised 145K already.

If true, the now CORO Southern California Executive Director will have the cash needed to grow her name recognition ............, but her ties to the controversial CD-14 Officeholder, may (and will) be exploited by the other candidates-----Scott Johnson.

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Will "Disempowerment LA" Null and Void LA-32 NC Stakeholders Rights regarding the Electing of new Board President?

As the LA-32 Neighborhood Council meets this evening to, allegedly, conduct business on behalf of its constituents, discerning Stakeholders are pondering if the staff of "Disempowerment LA" will craft a "Directive", that would "Null and Void their NC ByLaws-granting Rights" to vote in selecting a new NC President. 
 "Disempowerment LA-assigned" Deputy City Attorney Darren Martinez (center) with Council 4 Councils Mentors (including friend Ex LA-32 NC President Marleen Fonseca).
** Blogger's Note: If anyone still had questions regarding ethical standing of the City Department responsible for "EMPOWERING" Stakeholder's participation in Neighborhood Governance, then plan on attending tonight's meeting of the LA-32 Neighborhood Council.

The same LA-32 NC Stakeholders, who will for most part, have a vote in selecting a new Congressperson in the months ahead, may have their "NC Bylaws-granting Rights" to partake in the voting for a new NC President to replace the departed Jennifer Markewych .........., "Null and Void".

The LA-32 NC ByLaws state the following in regards to Stakeholders Rights to vote in the selection of Executive Committee Members.

B. At the General Meeting when the new Board members are installed, all Board Directors AND all LA-32 NC voting Stakeholders present, shall vote to elect the five (5) Officers. Any tie-vote will be decided by a second vote of the two (2) highest vote getters. In case of a tie, the Board shall vote to break the tie 

But in a recent vote to replace the LA-32 NC Recording Secretary the former President DID NOT grant the attending Stakeholders their "ByLaws-granting Voting Rights", citing an undocumented (ie. unwritten) correspondence with "Disempowerment LA" legal staff. ** For the record, the denial of Stakeholder's Rights to vote in selecting the Recording Secretary, is the subject of a Grievance (filed by this writer ......, and former LA-32 NC Board Member/Recording Secretary).

That stated, the alleged "direction" granted to former President Markewych by "Disempowerment LA Staff" was another example of inclusion-denying (and legally-questionable meddling) that can be discerned to benefit the "Exclusive/Politically-Connected Board Members", who are merely tools to further the Political Agenda of CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar (and his anointed Special Interest associates). 

Thus, this evening meeting's of the supposed "Community Inclusive (and representing) Entity" should serve as a Affirmation on whether the LA-32 NC, places its Rights of Stakeholders paramount, or instead, the Political Agenda of its tyrant, micro-managing City Councilperson (with the meddling, enabling help of Disempowerment LA Staff MemberTom Soong) ......., that the likes of Board Members Marcia Guzman, Kathy Leal and current Presiding Officer Miguel Vargas know all too well------Scott Johnson.

 "Disempowerment LA;s" Neighborhood Empowerment Advocate Thomas Soong ........., who has repeatedly meddled in the affairs/decision-making of the LA-32 NC. 
Current LA-32 NC Vice-President and Land Use Committee Chairperson Miguel Vargas ........., was a former Councilman Huizar Staffer. 

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Monday, December 05, 2016

Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez is "IN" Campaign to Replace Congressman (soon to be Attorney General) Xavier Becerra

Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez announces that he will be a candidate to replace Congressman Xavier Becerra, now California Attorney General-nominee, in Washington D.C., join former Assembly Speaker John Perez (and NOT CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar) in what should be a VERY competitive campaign.
The Affable and Outgoing (via Riverside, now Eagle Rock) Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez. ,
** Blogger's Note: Its Official .............., that there will be a contested Campaign to replace California Attorney General-nominee, Congress Xavier Becerra, for what could be a long term stay in Washington D.C.
51st Assembly District Officeholder Jimmy Gomez announced today, his intentions to seek the soon vacated Congressional Seat currently held by "Sacrahavana-bound" Congressman Becerra ........., while CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar used Social Media to state that he was staying put ......., as the "City Council's reigning Tyrant".
The inclusion of the 51st AD Officeholder into the pending 34th Congressional District Special Election, is sure to highlight the contrast in mannerisms between the affable, out-going Assemblyman ....... and the domineering, gruff former Assembly Speaker.
Meanwhile, speculation continues that the likes of CD 1 City Councilman Gil Cedillo (a long shot), former Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustee Member Mona Fields, ........., and LAUSD School Board Member Monica Garcia are considering whether to be a candidate in the upcoming Special Election proceedings----Scott Johnson. 

First Thoughts on Perez-Gomez Match Up: This election will serve as a barometer on the influence of former Failure Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, now Gubernatorial Candidate Antonio Villargovea, who is sure to invest political capital in getting First Cousin John elected to Congress ....., and its apparent that Political Consultant Parke Skelton will manage the Gomez Campaign, via the Gomez Congressional Campaign Video Announcement posted on the SG&A Facebook Page, with Dave Jacobson guiding the Perez Campaign.  

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Friday, December 02, 2016

Meet NEW "NC Council 4 Councils Mentor" Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo)

The dysfunction of the City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council-regulating "Disempowerment LA" continues, as exampled by the selection of Ethically-challenged, former LA-32 NC President (and Terminated LAPD Employee) Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) ............, as a "Council 4 Councils Mentor".
From former Terminated (and current litigant) LAPD Employee, turned EAA Labor Representative, while serving the "Interests" of CD 14 Councilman Jose Huizar as President of the LA-32 NC ........, Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) is now a "Council 4 Council Mentor". 
Its M......entoring Time for Marleen and political friends.
** Blogger's Notes (LOL!!): With ABSOLUTELY no apologies to "Disempowerment LA (officially  Empower LA)" General Manager Grayce Liu, we have to bloggin state that the City of LA Department responsible for overseeing the Neighborhood Councils, has become a "waste of political enabling dysfunction", when the likes of former LA-32 NC President (and litigious terminated LAPD Civilian Employee) Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) ........, can become a "Council 4 Councils Mentor (were not F-ing kidding)". The accountability-challenged, terminated LAPD Civilian Employee, now employed as a supposed, politically-connected Labor Representative for the "Disempowerment LA staff-representing" Engineers and Architects Association (EAA), was nothing more than a "political favors girl" for CD-14 City Councilman Jose Huizar and allies (USC) during her contentious term as NC President. Since being termed-out of her board position last Spring, its been readily observed that the notoriously self-centered and vindictive favorite of some "Disempowerment LA Staff (especially a certain coat and tie-wearing "Male, Deputy City Attorney", pictured with her above, allegedly) ,has attempted to assert control over the current incarnation of the mostly, CD-14-controlled NC, via her "close ties" with now, FORMER NC President Jennifer Markewych  (and V.P. Miguel Vargas) ......... with the now apparent approval/sanction of "Disempowerment LA". Bluntly, as the documentation and video below makes evident, the "SELECTION" of Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) as a supposed "Mentor", is the latest indictment against the increasing, politically-intrusive regulating entity ............., and is cause for a Stakeholder Push Back against the subjective actions, initiated by its employees----Scott Johnson.      

From the Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes denoting the Termination Hearing of Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) for multiple, alcohol-related issues.

From the Civil Service Commission Meeting Minutes denoting the "Writ of Mandamus Lawsuit" file by Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo), against the City of Los Angeles.
Video from LA-32 NC Grievance Hearing against Marlenn Fonseca (formerly Caudillo)  in which she implies an alleged inappropriate use of LAPD Resources to refute a Stakeholder Grievance Petition filed against her.

An alleged (there are no records of a vote approving this document) LA-32 NC "Letter of Support" for LAPD Chief (and former boss of litigious, terminated employee........,and then President Marleen Fonseca, formerly Caudillo) Charlie Beck .
My name is "Disempowerment LA" General Manager Grayce Liu ........, and I approve of Marleen Fonseca (formerly Caudillo) as a "Council 4 Councils Mentor", allegedly.

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Thursday, December 01, 2016

Congressman Becerra named California's next Attorney General by Governor Brown

California Governor Jerry Brown has shaken up the local Los Angeles Political Machine by selecting Congressman Xavier Becerra to replace US Senator-elect Kamala Harris as Attorney General, setting the stage for a CONTENTIOUS Campaign and possible ensuing Special Elections.  
Congressman and soon to be California Attorney General Xavier Becerra.
** Blogger's Note: We pause our normal bloggin coverage to cyber cast the following SPECIAL MESSAGE via California Governor Jerry "Moonbeam II" Brown ..........., noting his selection of California 34th Congressional Officeholder Xavier Beccera to replace US Senator-elect Kamala Harris as Attorney General.
Many of the supposed, discerning Sacramento (aka. "Sacrahavana") Political Observers, were of the opinion that Governor Brown would select a "Caretaker" to oversee the day to day operations of the state's top law enforcement office ............, only to be surprise with the selection of the long-serving Congressman as the LA Times notes.
The choice will no doubt send political shock waves through California because Becerra was not on any of the widely circulated lists of picks. Before Nov. 8, the conventional wisdom had been that the governor would choose a caretaker, perhaps even a career staffer who would simply carry out the office's functions through the 2018 elections.
The political shock waves of Congressman Becerra's selection as Attorney General are already being felt within his Congressional District this morning, as the chatter commences regarding possible candidates to replace the former "controversial 2001 Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate" in a Republican-controlled Washington D.C.

We can only bloggin speculate but familiar names should include the following;
Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez..
Assemblyman Miguel Santiago.
** Former Assembly Speaker John Perez.has announced his intentions to run.
CD 14 City Councilman Jose Huizar.
** CD 1 City Councilman Gil Cedillo ..........., exploring all options.
An aide for Cedillo said he remained focused on reelection to the city council in March, but that he was still exploring all of his options.

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article118224098.html#storylink=cpy
State Senator Kevin De Leon ........., not running.
William Morrison.
........, and surely a whole bunch more.

If, and when the Los Angeles Political Machine coalesces behind the "Chosen Candidate", especially if the person of choice is a current Officeholder, then its a formality that Northeast LA-residing voters are downwind of multiple Special Elections in their near future-----Scott Johnson.

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