The old, dead, Republican Mayor is back from his trip to beautiful
Klamath in Del Norte County in Northern California. Thanks to Walter Moore for holding down the fort while I was gone.
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo has lost another battle. The Frisky Kitty strip club in Tarzana can continue to operate, a judge ruled today. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Dzintra Janavs denied a motion by the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office to issue a preliminary injunction against the club at 18454 Oxnard St. and its owner, Jamal Haddad.
Local activist David Hernandez continues on in his efforts to get Governor Schwarzenegger to veto AB 1381, legislation that would allow Mayor Villaraigosa to take over the LA schools. His "Republicans for Rational Reform" have set up a blog,
click here.
The folks at the Palms-Village Sun are all for a local condo conversion, except
they're a bit miffed at the buildings switch to a gray paint scheme and that the developer is telling folks the project is in Culver City, when its actually in Palms.
Fresh off being booted from LA Cityview
by Councilman Bernie Parks, the
Full Disclosure cable television program
has a two part interview with controversial Maricopa County (Arizona) Sheriff, Joe Arpaio.
Gary Toebben, writing in the LA Chamber of Commerce's Business Perspective,
has a report that the Automobile Club is making an adjustment as to how drivers' insurance rates are set, creating a net decrease in many motorists' insurance policies.
We need to rethink our love affair with the front lawn, according to a new report by the Public Policy Institute of California. Inland area homes in particular require two to three times more water for landscaping purposes than their coastal counterparts. Why are we so obsessed with the empty front lawn with all the mowing, watering and weeding necessary for its upkeep? And, with the increased strain on water resources, what, if anything, can be done to change our mindset about lush lawns? The topic will be discussed Tuesday on
Patt Morrison's radio program on KPCC, 2:00 p.m.
While we were gone,
Martini Republic set up a new blog.
Big Apple Martini, penned by TS, is an already a well-known NYC blogger. His blog
Tristram Shandy has been recently noted by the Columbia Journalism Review and on several prominent progressive blogs around the country.
City of LA Meetings for Tuesday
8:00AM - LAFD: Fire Commission EMS Committee
8:30AM - COUNCIL: Housing, Community, and Economic Development Committee
9:30AM - LAPD: Board of Police Commissioners
9:30AM - ETH: Ethics Commission Meeting
10:00AM - ZOO: Commission Notice - Moved from July 18 to July 25
10:00AM - COUNCIL:
Los Angeles City Council1:30PM - DWP: Board of Water and Power Commissioners
2:00PM - COUNCIL: Information Technology and General Services Committee Meeting, CANCELED
2:00PM - COUNCIL: Planning & Land Use Management Committee Meeting
3:00PM - LAFD: Board of Fire Commissioners
4:30PM - PLN: Harbor Area Planning Commission Meeting - Canceled
5:30PM - PORT OF LA: Port Community Advisory Committee Meeting
6:30PM - DONE: Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Meeting Agenda
LA County Meetings for Tuesday
9:30AM -
LA County Board of SupervisorsLabels: rocky delgadillo