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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

State of the Blog, September

September was a good month for us as traffic was up over August. In September, we had 55,088 page loads over 52,083 in August, 26,711 unique visitors up from 23,412 in August of which 10,890 were first time visitors and 15,821 were returning visitors as opposed to 11,319 were first time visitors and 12,093 were returning vistors in August.

Some of the more popular articles:

Politicians Who Spam
Observations Regarding the Kim Day Resignation
Maybe Another CD14 Choice?
The Calm Between the Storms in CD 14
TV Stars and Autographs
DWP Contract Approval

Top Referrers were:

Top areas our vistors came from:
Los Angeles, California
Coudersport, Pennsylvania
Sacramento, California
East Rutherford, New Jersey
North Hollywood, California
Newbury Park, California
San Francisco, California
Long Beach, California
Marina Del Rey, California
Panorama City, California
Norwood, Massachusetts
Chatsworth, California
Columbus, Ohio
Burbank, California
Plano, Texas
Tujunga, California
San Dimas, California
Gardena, California
Hawthorne, New Jersey
Santa Monica, California
Sterling, Virginia
Oakland, California
Covina, California
Escondido, California


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Looks like whether to bring back Pachueco drives a lot of the traffic. So what happens when we don't have "I'm not a crook" Tricky Nick to kick around anymore?

October 04, 2005 7:51 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Pennsylvania? What party dominates this area, democrat or republican?

October 04, 2005 8:43 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Consider changing that pic. If you look at it carefully, he looks like Antonio V. and posters may confuse this pic.

October 04, 2005 8:55 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

CD 14 news might be one of the reasons to increased traffic. This election is unique. You have a Mayor who was elected and served as CD 14 councilman. Candidates who seem to be well versed and intelligent, at least the top two. You have an election coming up where the voters are split literally in half. Both Pacheco and Huizar are likable candidates. If I was allowed to vote for two candidates, I would vote for both.

The excitement is on who will replace the Mayor in CD 14? The spotlight will be on this individual. The winner will get national exposure. Why wouldn't a die hard politician want this to happen in their political career.

October 04, 2005 9:05 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Attn: Huizar

I want you to win, but I don't see that many signs while driving through Council District 14. Your volunteers may consider putting lawn signs, it does make a big difference. While driving through council district 14 to work, I see Jimenez and Pacheco signs.

Mailers are ok, but consider lawn signs. (visible)

October 04, 2005 9:12 AM  

Blogger Joseph Mailander said:

I'm surprised that we're not in your top referrers. FYI, you are our sixth top referrer over the past two weeks, and fifth if you roll google and image google into one:


I'll ask both our readers about this, and try to find out why they aren't clicking over more.

October 04, 2005 9:55 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Pacheco did a great thing this past weekend and that was to get his volunteers to clean up the Evergreen path. Mind you he's not even in office but this was a duty Antonio and his morons should have done a long time ago. Oh yeah and Paul Hernandez aka "Urkel" and Ulyssess aka "Doe Boy" people saw you driving by and checking out the situation. Pacheco has always cared about the community even when not in office. The grass root people are really supporting him.

October 04, 2005 10:14 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Last week, Supervisor Mike Antonovich told Los Angeles Downtown News that he is endorsing Eagle Rock resident and attorney Brian Heckmann. After speaking at a Tuesday evening Heckmann fundraiser in Mt. Washington, Antonovich sniffed at the suggestion that only Huizar and Pacheco have a shot at winning the Nov. 8 ballot.


October 04, 2005 10:21 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

HEY, Mayor Sam, looks to me like by listing the locations of people posting you're trying to RAT out some folks and destroy their anonymity. Some of these little towns out in boonie-ville, Idaho, etc. might be recognizable to insiders as home base for only a handful of ex-pats from L.A., and such.

You would think having been "exposed" yourself, you'd be a little more sensitive to that.


October 04, 2005 10:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

--Will debates derail Gold Line?
By Lisa Mascaro, Staff Writer

--The Buzz: Democrat's post with Shriver grabs attention

The puzzlement among some Democrats was palpable, considering that earlier this year Zingale was advising a Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Controller Steve Westly. "It's a great addition because the governor will need someone who's experienced in shutting down an administration," was the snarky response from Steve Maviglio, a spokesman for Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez and Zingale's former Davis administration colleague.

Found at sacbee.com

October 04, 2005 10:37 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Visit the Blogger.com homepage and read "Privacy"


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October 04, 2005 10:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

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October 04, 2005 10:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Where did Fabian find all this money to give to an industry that supports itself and drug addicts.

"To combat the erosion of filmmaking in California, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez (D-Los Angeles) recently introduced a bill giving up to $100 million a year in tax breaks to producers who remain in California. But its fate is very much up in the air, with some Republican legislators and public interest advocates already lining up to oppose the plan."

October 04, 2005 11:18 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

*Entertainment Purposes only*

"In This Week's Radio Address, the Assembly Speaker Says..."

"This is Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez. (The coyote human smuggler from south of the border)

Four years ago, Californians lived through an unprecedented energy crisis. (The one your friends and Steve invested in heavily)

And just this summer, recent blackouts remind us that we still don’t know if the lights will go on when we flip the light switch. (Sure, DWP buddy of yours had his employee blackmail the residents, purposely caused the blackout for MANY reasons; DWP union contract, new energy legislation, and strongarm the less powerful of society)

We’ve learned a lot about market manipulation (Villaraigosa, Molina, Meruelo, Barrio Planners), corporate scandals (LAUSD, City Hall/Villaraigosa, Huizar/land contracts, Molina/Barrio Planners, Gonzalez/SVREP)and the importance of conservation (photo ops and propaganda), but the underlying problem has not been properly addressed. (How these liberal demmies are available to the highest bidder, shhhhhh don't tell anyone I said so...)

Just last month, approximately 2 million customers around Los Angeles went black due to the error of 1 employee. (Yes, my the orders of Villaraigosa Crime Family)

And before that, in August, the system went down due to an oil gauge problem and left 500,000 customers without power. (Yes, by the Villaraigosa crime family)

We still do not have extra power to cover for accidents or natural disasters. (Because you use the money to fund campaigns illegally for you and your friends, give the money to foundations headed by your family and friends, and create bogus positions for them too)

That’s why Democrats have been working hard to give the state a new vision for energy security. (And this is why the party is going under, how many have left you to join the Republican and Independent Party? Muchos, my boy. Ethnicity & pity game are old tactics boy.)

First, continued population growth means we need more generation on line. (Yes, indeed, we have a population growth and welfare reform, citizens that do not have health insurance and you still want illegals to come here and get free healthcare. All of this while working citizens cannot afford or be given free healthcare because it goes to immigrants who never worked here and collect public assistance.)

October 04, 2005 11:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Laborthug you have some of the most creative avatars I've seen anywhere.

You have over 500 views despite short blogging time, that's pretty good, higher than an other blogger with a profile.

October 04, 2005 12:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Can you conduct your own poll on CD 14 at this blog Mayor Sam?

October 04, 2005 1:18 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

To quote one of Mayor Sam's OWN posts:

"Attacking people who choose to participate in publicly run campaigns is fine -- as long as their participation is as the donor, candidate, or staff.

Anyone else who just volunteers or is an innocent family member - OFF LIMITS"

Looks like he broke his own rule. Dirty and despicable to attack someone's child.

October 04, 2005 6:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Why would someone post this crap below at another thread!
Any news of Huizar ridding himself of his inept staff?

This Day Three calling on him to rid himself of the 4 stooges so that he can bring in folks who will help him, because he is the best candidate, but might have the crappiest staff.

October 04, 2005 6:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Those dumb asses' need to be scrutinized, the issue was on point. Expellent thread on Padilla's shady dealings.

October 04, 2005 6:53 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I think Pennsylvania is pretty even. The western part is a little more Republican and the eastern part is a little more Democrat.

October 04, 2005 11:49 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

everyone should really look into voting for BRIAN HECKMANN. while pacheco and huizar are career politicians, Heckmann is not and he seems like he actually CARES about making a change and improving the streets. it even actually looks like if he can continue to mobilize his success of a grassroots campaign, he can win the District 14 seat through a runoff. look into him!!! votebrianheckmann.com

October 26, 2005 2:29 AM  

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