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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Padilla Playing the Rags

First we get the spam mail from camp Padilla:

September 29, 2005
To: Interested parties
Re: Padilla for Senate -- Campaign Update #1

Alex Padilla’s campaign for the State Senate is off to a great start. Just eight weeks after announcing his candidacy, the Padilla campaign is attracting endorsements, contributions and grassroots support.

Prominent Democratic women rally to Alex

In the past three weeks, nine of the most respected women representing Los Angeles have endorsed Alex Padilla’s run for the State Senate. California’s dynamic team in the United States Senate, Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, endorsed him just after Labor Day. Boxer appeared with Alex at a press conference in Van Nuys celebrating his work on behalf of small business owners in the Valley.

Also supporting Alex is L.A. County Supervisor Gloria Molina, who made history as the first Latina elected to the Assembly, the L.A. City Council, and the Board of Supervisors and continues to be a role model for young Latinos.

Rounding out the month, a majority of the Congresswomen representing Los Angeles in our nation’s Capitol announced their support of Alex just before his fundraiser last week in Washington, D.C. -- Congresswomen Jane Harman, Juanita Millender-McDonald, Grace Napolitano, Maxine Waters and Diane Watson. During the event, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard arrived to make a surprise announcement that she too was joining the Padilla team.

Kickoff fundraiser tops its goal

Our first major Padilla for Senate fundraiser was held on September 14 and was a huge success. Over 100 people attended and the event exceeded its goal of $150,000. This show of support so early in the campaign demonstrates Alex’s deep support in the district and his ability to compete and win.

The Padilla grassroots army

In 1998, Alex Padilla ran the grassroots campaign in the 20th State Senate district, coordinating over 1,000 people to Get Out the Vote on Election Day. Many of those same activists helped in Alex’s three city council campaigns. Now veterans of these campaigns and brand new supporters are coming together to build a grassroots team for Alex. When this team hits the streets, they will make a huge difference in turning out Padilla supporters to the polls in June.

Coming up: TechNet reception for Alex

In early October, TechNet is hosting a reception for Alex at the Microsoft offices in Silicon Valley. TechNet is the technology community’s political network of CEOs that promotes the growth of technology and the innovation economy. Alex earned a degree in mechanical engineering from MIT and has a unique understanding of the issues facing the technology community. He has met with TechNet officials in the past to hear their concerns. TechNet has been a strong supporter of many Democratic candidates and elected officials, including Senators Boxer and Feinstein.

Adding to the puff piece parade, we get the MIT alumni publication: Padilla Makes Politics Personal
Alex Padilla '94 proves that you can go home again - and make a difference. ...
As a kid, Alex Padilla remembers waking up to the sound of the phone ringing ...
In additional coverage we also link to the San Fernando Sun article entitled : Controversy Over Pacoima Asphalt Plant .

The cities of Los Angeles and San Fernando clash over expansion plans for All American Asphalt Company. Residents and community organizations oppose the project. L.A. City Councilman Alex Padilla is undecided.

Blog Away!


Anonymous Anonymous said:

The political arena is fantastic at this time, we have a mix of different candidates, this is democracy.

October 04, 2005 8:47 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The Sierra Club is expected to endorse as well, atleast that's what the APAD camp is saying!!

October 04, 2005 8:49 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Interestingly, all those endorsements are women, yet NONE are no where near the Valley.

In the 20th, Female voters out # male voters by almost 20%.

If the Hahn campaign thought anything, don't bark up Laura Chick's tree.

October 04, 2005 9:41 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Mayor Sam,
Great photo on your thread. Alex + Arnold, wasn't that when they cut their deal to de-fund education in 2004?

Woah, word is that padilla's is having a press conference with the conservative League of Cities against Prop 76 torrow? That true?

AP is obviously changing his tune now. Flip Flop if u ask me.

October 04, 2005 12:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Anonymous said...
The Sierra Club is expected to endorse as well, at least that's what the Alex Padilla camp is saying!!

October 04, 2005 8:49 AM

With the AP enviromental record that makes Richard Pombo look like an enviro miracle maker, I couldn't stop laughing at this suggestion.

Just a tip: Who was the only incumbent in the recent City of LA City Council races who wanted but did not receive the Sierra Club endorsement?

And ethics wise: The city Ethics Commission yesterday accepted a settlement under which Council President Alex Padilla is to pay more than $78,500 in fines and penalties—but not before some panel members expressed concern that Padilla could simply raise the money from campaign donors.

Padilla earlier this week released a statement that he would be repaying the money he received in matching funds in exchange for limiting his spending. He admitted exceeding the spending limit in his 1999 campaign for office after a commission audit found he overspent by more than $54,000.

Under current city law Padilla can raise the money from the same donors who contributed to his election campaigns, and Padilla spokesman David Gershwin said that’s what the council president would do.

That led Commissioner Dale Bonner to suggest Padilla’s statement that he would repay the money was inaccurate.

“It seems to me that what he’s really going to be doing is raising additional funds,” Bonner said.

Some commission members also noted that donors can pay Padilla and other elected officials even more for their legal defense funds than they can for their campaigns.

The per-donor limit for a council candidate is $500, but contributors can give up to $1,000 to the legal fund.

Perhaps AP thinks all the developer money will buy him a State Senate seat. It may well may.

October 04, 2005 7:17 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Rumor has it A Pad wants to male a motion to enact the Kyoto Protocol in Los Angeles, this was his people are telling the green organizations + funders.

October 04, 2005 7:37 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

err, make a motion

October 04, 2005 7:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The Sierra Club endorsing Alex Padilla?? That is hysterical. No way.

October 04, 2005 11:43 PM  

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