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Monday, October 03, 2005

Weekend Wrap Up

Speculation abounds that Lydia Kennard - former Airport Department head under Richard Riordan and James Hahn - will be named as the new General Manager of Los Angeles World Airports. If selected, Kennard will replace former airport head Kim Day who was unceremoniously dumped by the Villaraigosa administration. An announcement could come after today's Airport Commission meeting.

Supporters of Council District 14 candidate Juan "Johnny Jay" Jimenez have are showing no bones about it when it comes to their disdain for their former Councilman and now Mayor Antontio Villaraigosa. They're keying into a report that shows the workers on the Gold Line light rail line discovered a series of bones buried underneath a former hospital from the 60s and 70s as well as an indigent cemetary from the 1870s. Their contention is that Villaraigosa did nothing to protect these historic finds during the rail contstruction.

West LA Online is reporting that Councilman Bill Rosendahl is coming through on campaign promises to install left turn lanes at various intersections on the Westside.

Joe Mailander at Martini Republic parses the budget survey Mayor Villaraigosa has sent over to Neighborhood Councils. Mailander thinks its a sign of good relations to come between the NCs and the Mayor.

The Dodgers ended their lackluster season with a loss in today's final game of the season, against National League West leader San Diego, who finally reaches a winning record despite their first place standing. The Angels, now claimed by Los Angeles once again, begin the first of a best of five American League divisional series against the New York Yankees at home on Tuesday.

How was your weekend?


Anonymous Anonymous said:

I don't doubt someone accuses you of being a Juan "johnny Jay" Jimenez supporter for posting about his e-mail blast.

October 03, 2005 7:04 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

There is much more than just dead bodies on the Gold Line route. Right over the First Street bridge is where Pio Pico led a Mexican Army against the Mormon Brigade of the U.S. Army during the Mexican American War. There is a memorial to this next to the what used to be a ceremonial water fall on Hill Street, on the east side of the hill of the former LAUSD headquarters. The history books say this battle took place on the white bluffs east of the river - now Boyle Heights. But then again, Tony wasn't much of a history student - or any kind of student for that matter - and the other Latina on the MTA Board, Molina, barely got through high school so don't bet on construction being held up for this insignficant episode in L.A. history.

Chances are these bodies are war dead from the 1840's. Maybe if Tony were to realize that Boyle Heights was the first large Jewish settlement on the west coast and that these bodies might possibly be Jewish settlers, then construction would be halted immediately. Can't offend master!

October 03, 2005 7:51 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Juan "Johnny Jay" Jimenez, well if his campaign is trashing the mayor, that is his right. We live in America, but what I am more interested is why did Gloria Molina send the health inspectors to "El Mercadito" 40 x's in one year and why did her husband get 29 million dollars through barrio planners?

October 03, 2005 9:25 AM  

Blogger Joseph Mailander said:

My weekend was a lot of fun, Mayor, thanks for asking. I spent almost all day Saturday at Hermosa and escaped the Burbank plume. Yesterday Lynn went out to the Inland Empire to babysit some nephews for a few days.

Also, I LAObserved another local scribe to say that "nobody matters" in the CD 14 race other than Pacheco and Huizar. I think there will be 25,000 votes in that race, and if other candidates in aggregate get over 2,000 votes, it could matter. Heckmann will run at his strongest, I think, in Eagle Rock, north of the Boulevard (Colorado), precincts that actually went for Hahn in the recent election. Ruby is known along south Eagle Rock Boulevard pretty well.

Today is the PLUM committee hearing on the big developments that may be coming to Sunland. It could make for very good theater.

October 03, 2005 10:17 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The highlight of my weekend, other than "Rome" on HBO, was the "CURRENT" section of yesterday's Times, with its thought provoking and encouraging columns on the tragic shortage of park space in Los Angeles.

While most of the commentary was centered around L.A. river restoration, the same arguments hold true for the waterfront in San Pedro.

Check it out.

October 03, 2005 11:41 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

for shits and giggles...


October 03, 2005 3:22 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

After reading Noel's post, I have to give my opinion about "Rome" an HBO original series is one of the best programs ever produced.

Fantastico programa!

October 03, 2005 4:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Come on you posters. Villaraigosa is doing well for the Latinos. Don't you think the average Latino kid suffers from lack of achievers in their neighborhood. Why don't you just let the mayor be an idol to these young folks. Let little Pedro dream big, and all because the mayor did it too. The dropout rate will not change, Latinos are lazy. Some Latinos that have Jewish mixed ancestry are the ones that should get ahead and become somebody. Those are the only ones that we can work with, the others well, that's life.

October 03, 2005 4:40 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Did the mayor drop-out or flunk-out?

Perfect role model...

October 03, 2005 7:24 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

7:24 PM

He did more than that:

He got kicked out of Santa Teresita Elementary - in the 1st grade.

He got kicked out of Cathedral High School for peddling joints.

He flunked out of Roosevelt High School - hard to believe anyopne flunking out of this school.

Then he dropped out of night school, only to jump back in and get his diploma which somehow qualified him for admission to UCLA were he made the Dunce List with a 1.8 GPA.

But hey, that's still better that Gloria Molina.

October 04, 2005 8:44 AM  

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