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Monday, October 03, 2005

Lydia Kennard Rumors Ring True

After months of pushing this topic, here's the official release out today...

Board of Airport Commissioners Appoints Lydia Kennard Executive Director of Los Angeles World Airports

LOS ANGELES, CA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 10/03/2005 -- The Board of Airport Commissioners (BOAC) today announced the appointment of Lydia H. Kennard as executive director of Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), the City department that owns and operates Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and three other airports.

Her appointment was announced at a BOAC meeting following a closed session. She will fill the vacancy created by the recent resignation of Kim Day.

In announcing the appointment effective Oct. 8, 2005, BOAC Vice President Valeria Velasco said, "Lydia Kennard is eminently qualified to take the leadership role in ensuring our four airports do their part to meet the demand for passenger and cargo air service in the 21st century, and to make a major contribution to the economic well-being of our city.

I am also confident she is the right person to modernize LAX in a way we can all be proud of, and which protects and enhances the quality of life in the surrounding communities. We are indeed fortunate to have someone of Ms. Kennard's background and history with LAWA available to assume this position."

Kennard previously served as LAWA's executive director from March 2000 to November 2003.

"I was not expecting to return to public service when Mayor (Antonio) Villaraigosa reached out to me," said Kennard. "His compelling vision for Los Angeles and its airports combined with the boundless energy, convinced me to re-evaluate my priorities and pursuits. I look forward to joining his dynamic team and the Board of Airport Commissioners at this exciting and promising time in our City's history."
Before previously serving in the executive director position, Kennard was LAWA's deputy executive director for facilities design, engineering, and construction and maintenance.

The four LAWA airports have approximately 2,500 city employees and a budget of more than $800 million annually that does not require any contribution from the City's General Fund. Besides LAX, the other airports are Ontario International (ONT), Van Nuys (VNY) and Palmdale Regional (PMD).

With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Stanford University, a Master's degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a law degree from Harvard University, Kennard has a wide range of urban planning, design, engineering, construction, real estate and facilities expertise.

Before joining LAWA, she was president/principal-in-charge of KDG Development & Construction Consulting, a Los Angeles-based firm specializing in construction management for public and private sector clients. She was also a member of the Los Angeles Planning Commission.

In her legal career, Kennard was an associate lawyer with a firm specializing in real estate and construction law.

CONTACT:Nancy Suey Castles(310) 646-5260SOURCE: Los Angeles World Airports


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Ok - she has the glitz but will she clean up the mess she left for Kim - all that dead wood known as LAWA 'Management'. She needs to have a clear vison and convey it to the employees. Otherwise her work is cut out for her.

October 03, 2005 5:22 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Told you guys.

October 03, 2005 5:26 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

great pick!

October 03, 2005 5:41 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

antonio has shown why we elected him.

Real leadership.

Get day out.

October 03, 2005 5:42 PM  

Blogger Joseph Mailander said:

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

October 03, 2005 5:49 PM  

Blogger Joseph Mailander said:

Sorry, screwed up the last post. But what I wanted to say was that if you have info, as you did on Sept 29 in this case, it would help either getting a blogger ID, fake one is OK, or signing your own posts with some kind of ID. You can still be anonymous, but it's helpful to have some kind of ID to lend credibility to what you say.

A lot of anonymous people said a lot of anonymous things when the Mayor's press release regarding Kim went out--some here even had Bobzilla taking the job. If you want to say "Told ya so" in the future, it would help if you had something going on in your posts other than "anonymous."

October 03, 2005 5:54 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

No suprise, Lydia will take the airport no where as she did when the last time she was at the helm. Lydia although she is African American, is bad for people of color. Look at the upper managment positions she appointed and left before she vacated her position. Lydia is intimidatd by smart people, especially those of color. She will not bring on another person up the ranks who is of color. AV don't get it, he should have looked harder and the mess she left the last time. Don't forget this was the plan that Lydia put together before she got bounced out the last time. What else can you expect from AV.

October 03, 2005 7:36 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Lydia is a brilliant pick, a no brainer, really, for the mayor. As one of the commissioners said, the airport is fortunate to have her back.

October 03, 2005 8:04 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Let's see if those Florida donors get what they want at LAX.

From Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. Apparently, our tax dollars are paying for a personal WITH NO EXPERIENCE IN BUDGETS....

The Mayor's office staff is new, and we've been through this a couple of times. The Mayor's budget director is new, has never been in charge of a city budget, and has a staff of ..... count 'em .... one person. As a result many requests and concerns from Neighborhood Councils could not be attended to properly.

Neighborhood Councils are prohibited from endorsing political candidates. Individual board members may make endorsements in their personal capacity. Individual board member must make clear that their actions are in a personal capacity and not imply that their endorsements is made by or on behalf of the Neighborhood Council.

October 03, 2005 8:08 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Looks like Lydia could not say no to the mayor. It will be interesting to see how fast she moves to put in a new team. Heaven knows there is some dead wood that have to go.

October 03, 2005 10:10 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I knew Mailander would say something like that - in fact I told you so, more than a week ago.

Told you!

October 04, 2005 12:09 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I disagree with the anon poster bashing the Deputy Mayor for not being an insider. That is exactly what this city needs.

It's a hell of a lot better than getting tired of interviewing candidates for CLA and just hiring the assistant, who is privy to and probalby involved in all of the bad deals.

October 04, 2005 1:19 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Already they approved to pay environmental attorneys and consultants $3.6 million on a modernization plan. Then authorized $690,000 for company to defend the plan against state and federal lawsuits bringing total contract to $5.6 million over 21 months. Where in the hell is the money going to come from to pay these outrageous fees?

October 04, 2005 7:52 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If the Mayor feels Lydia is good for the task, then we should support the decision. Congrats Lydia

October 04, 2005 9:09 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

So is Phil running scared?

--Anonymous Poster #2

October 04, 2005 10:36 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It's official Florida will get the concessions for LAX. Mark my word!

October 04, 2005 1:58 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Yes, Phil is running scared. He saw his magic just run out.

October 04, 2005 8:44 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Phil is civil service, a gift from Tom Bradley and Jack Driscoll. Phil cannot be touched even if Lydia jumped up and down. Of course Phil has no value, all he's good for is taking trips on the airport's dime. When was the last time Phil accomplished something or took the leadership to get something done?? I guess you know the answer to that. Phil is known for do nothing and that's what he does best, Nothing! Lydia will get back in to her comfort zone and kill the aiport plan she help originated and don't forget the over $50 million dollars she spent on consultants when she was there last. Anyone looking at that, how about Laura Chick or the DA's office.

October 04, 2005 11:41 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Jane Doe said.....
Everybody, please don't forget that Lydia was the one who created a sheild around her when she created 12-15 Deputy Executive Directors Positions from the original 4. Don't forget she was who put Kim Day in place. Kim inherited her mess.
Currently Information Technology Group or should I call Division is in a bigger mess than before is because of Mr. Hook. Who hired Mr. Hook --- Lydia. I was told that she pushed him down Kim's throat. Also LAWA Associates and Hook are in bed. Apparently Parsons is getting lobbyist at the City Hall to make sure Hook is not out. Also, the fact is Mr. Hook bluffed the BOAC and go Motorola's contract piggybacked on a County of San Diego Contract under the name of Security and is having them do he design and construction of the Telecom Building design without Bidding or an RFP process. This is easily a 10-15million dollar project. Its a fact check out the Project Evaluation Form filled out for it under the CIP.

October 12, 2005 9:43 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Not a suprise now Louis Hook has nothing to worry about and can spend all the money he wants to hire his personal friends as contractors. So far his personal friend David Bezar has made $3 million alone. And Craig Jacob is the only contractor to be in charge of an entire department. Making over $150,000 a year. The actual security of the flying public is second to building the personal company owned by Louis Hook. He was asked to leave UCLA yet Lydia forced him on LAWA.

January 16, 2006 9:32 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If you are worried about Louis Hook, look at Lydia's new organization...Louis works now for Samson Mengitsu. Talk about a license to steal!

At a recent meeting, Lydia stated the new organization was about "function, not personality..." Lydia, we may not have gone to Harvard, MIT, and Stanford like you, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know you surround yourself with people who do nothing but kiss your butt.

February 14, 2006 7:06 AM  

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