Hahn Goes Up Tonight
In about 15 minutes Hahn will go up with his new blistering attack ad. KABC will be showing it tonight.
Probably right when the KABC USA survey shows Antonio with a substantial lead --
Tony Villar - 62%
Jim Hahn - 33%
Probably right when the KABC USA survey shows Antonio with a substantial lead --
Tony Villar - 62%
Jim Hahn - 33%
Time to call out the Ira Reiner strategy.
Another shovel on that coffin.
Ahhh poor little hahn guys -- they were expected to go up later this week, but because Antonio actually attacked first, has the Hahn people running scared.
Get that delivery boy over to Channel 7 as fast as you can -- too bad you now have to spread your points out across more days than the last 10. Which was your plan.
oh and that crap about us being up 12 in your poll -- is BS. we are higher.
Antonio isn't up by 12, Meat! Some of Antonio's recent endorsers are beginning to believe they are being fed false numbers. The next bearhug may crack Antonio's ribs.
This is what a 50 percent dropout rate will do to a once great city.
L.A. may just be too damn dumb to save from the blight of ADV.
This does represent a change - though not much -- gap closes by about 5 percent, Hahn gaining ground among conservatives in the Valley.
(i.e. 3 points = 5 percent of original spread)
PEOPLE, PEOPLE, people... It's SurveyUSA -- off DOUBLE digits in the primary with 4-5 other players in the race.
Again, ONLY 5 percent undecided -- 2 weeks out? In what twilight zone does 95 percent of the voting population make up their minds by now? Not EVEN in the last presidential race, which was considered a HUGE anomaly to be in the low double-digits undecided.
And with 75 percent of the media buys and mailers still to hit?
Again, it's SURVEY-USA, the roto-rooter of campaign garbage statistics.
Because, SurveyUSA is the "pathological liar" of elections polls -- its stats can be trusted -- especially not any cross tabs, which are minute fractions of normal poll samplings.
End of story!
Villaraigosa 64%
Hahn 32%
Undecided 3%
Damn - that's a problem! If the numbers were reversed I am sure they wouldn't be trashing the poll.
Chief Parker
You were tough on the mafia and Nikita Kruschev for the betterment of Los Angeles. And now you've risen from the dead to be tough on Jim Hahn. Good for you. This poll shows a small but insignificant slip for Villaraigosa. It's within the margin of error too so the margin may be the same. Now being a Villaraigosa supporter, I'd love to see him win with over 60% of the vote but I really can't see that happenning. Still, he's clearly in the lead and with 2 weeks left to go and almost no money for ads, Hahn is not in good shape.
Please Hahn was behind in 2001 24%. That Richard Muerlo story is the talk of the town especially since ADV has been talking about education. Hey, MEAT you guy ADV sits on the Eudcation and Neighborhood Committee and hasn't done shit about education. Then he cahoots with Jose Huizar to let Muerlo buy that land and now there won't be a school. Loved Laurel Erickson who asked ADV why he wasn't at the meeting with Roy Romer and the rest of the group talking about the schools this morning. Was he afraid he would get hammered by media? TIMING TIMING
Miguel Contreras and Julie Butcher have just left on a 17 day cruise to New Zealand. Their ship does not have communications equipment aboard.
We regret to say that in their absence there can be no checks cut from the Mayor 2005 Election Campaign Funds.
They will return on May 18 and be in their offices on May 19.
In the meantime, we appreciate everyone waiting patiently for your funds.
Julie and Miguel
Anon 7:50,
Hahn was NEVER behind by 24% in 2001. Antonio might have been but Hahn was pretty much always in the lead. But anyway, we'll see if these numbers hold up on Election Day. Turnout will be extremely low so it's still a race. Just like in the primary.
Maybe there is a reason for the high dropout rates...our children isn't learning.
3%/33% = 9% not 5% for a 3-point shift to reflect 5% change, the lead would need to be 60%.
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