7 on 7
Below I have listed the two campaign teams going head to head everyday until Election Day. While both campaigns have many more staffers working on the campaign, I’ve decided to only talk about the real campaign hacks and not the staff members who are taking a leave of absence or vacation time. And before you folks point it out, I realize that Julie Wong, Yusef Robb and Jeff Millman all originally worked in the city-funded mayor’s office before jumping onto the campaign.
Few Hahn tidbits for the readers – Carrick’s favorite book is the “Art of War” by Sun Tzu (mine too). Donnie Fowler is crashing every night in a spare bedroom in Beverly Hills and Edee Blevins was reprimanded by the GOP for using their e-mail service to campaign for Hahn – a big No-No.
Mayor’s campaign team
Bill Carrick
Kam Kuwata
Julie Wong
Jeff Millman
Yusef Robb
Donnie Fowler
Edee Blevins
A few Villaraigosa tidbits – Ace doesn’t file, he has never forgotten a single political item in his lifetime. Monica Gil worked on the Mayor’s race 4 years ago and went on to become an executive at Telemundo before coming back for the last couple of months with the campaign. Louis Vizcaino was not reprimanded by the Kerry-Edwards campaign, because he did not use their e-mail server.
Villaraigosa’s team
Ace Smith
Parke Skelton
Nathan James
Anthony Thigpen
David Doak
Monica Gil
Louis Vizcaino
Can we name every field operative in every campaign office – Hahn and Villaraigosa?
Name Away!
Few Hahn tidbits for the readers – Carrick’s favorite book is the “Art of War” by Sun Tzu (mine too). Donnie Fowler is crashing every night in a spare bedroom in Beverly Hills and Edee Blevins was reprimanded by the GOP for using their e-mail service to campaign for Hahn – a big No-No.
Mayor’s campaign team
Bill Carrick
Kam Kuwata
Julie Wong
Jeff Millman
Yusef Robb
Donnie Fowler
Edee Blevins
A few Villaraigosa tidbits – Ace doesn’t file, he has never forgotten a single political item in his lifetime. Monica Gil worked on the Mayor’s race 4 years ago and went on to become an executive at Telemundo before coming back for the last couple of months with the campaign. Louis Vizcaino was not reprimanded by the Kerry-Edwards campaign, because he did not use their e-mail server.
Villaraigosa’s team
Ace Smith
Parke Skelton
Nathan James
Anthony Thigpen
David Doak
Monica Gil
Louis Vizcaino
Can we name every field operative in every campaign office – Hahn and Villaraigosa?
Name Away!
Tonight KABC USA survey -- another poll -- Hahn needs the poll to show it around a 10 point race for folks to believe florida-gate had any impression. First post florida poll.
Antonio needs a an 18 point or better lead to show Floridagate meant nothing.
Watch tonight.
also isn't there a guy named armen? that works in one of the field offices for hahn?
and i know for sure daniel tamm is in the valley for villaraigosa.
rediculous comment above. The Survey USA poll is worthless. We know it's going to have Antonio with a huge lead because the method is discredited and the sample is 40% latino.
Both are ridiculous. Less than two weeks to go, the numbers ALWAYS NARROW.
The question is: How much is the normal narrowing due to increased interest in the race and how much is Floridagate or other factors?
I say the normal narrowing would have taken the poll to about 12-15 points.
A 10 point gap at this time could signal some effect, but not fatal for either side. If it is below 10, Antonio needs to go to the whip.
If it is over 15, Jimmy needs to talk seriously with Wardlaw and Carrick about the "Reiner Strategy", that is, just withdraw and save your dignity and money, because there ain't enough money or time right now to go the distance, union I.E.'s notwithstanding.
No one in their right mind would write a check to a guy who is 15 points or more behind with less than two weeks to go.
So, USA for ABC is soon, followed by LA Times.
And, don't forget posting of donations on May 5 (Feliz Cinco de Mayo, Alcade Jaime)at 5:00 P.M.
Hey, I haven't had this much fun in years. Maybe I'll stay for the victory parties before joining Sam and Bull in consoling poor Kenny.
hmmm... any African Americans on either theam?
Anthony Thigpen is black
Jimmy Hahn used to be black.
My Prediction is that Hahn's cut the lead to 7. Tony's on the run.
Please, please, please, ADV. Take the SurveyUSA poll very seriously -- whatever the margin. I want you to fall big, fast and hard in two weeks so it hurts like you've hurt CD14 with your lies and bogus promises.
Take it VERY seriously, get happy, and prepare for open wounds that never heal, you worthless piece of political shrapnel.
"My Prediction is that Hahn's cut the lead to 7. Tony's on the run"
Where can I get some of the shit you are smoking?
ADV has no idea how much his lead has been trimmed. His operatives keep him in the dark to political reality.
Hahn's hacks give him spin to deal with the media. ADV's make him believe their spin and hide him out from real media interrogation, so he can't hear the real truth.
First rule of flackery... don't believe your own BS. ADV does -- but it's not really his fault. His thin skin makes it impossible for his toadies to tell him the truth without risking he'll go nuts in public.
He's fiddling with endorsements while his lead -- never anything like 18 points to begin with -- burns away. People stopped caring weeks ago who was on what side and started listing to "here's the specifics of what I'll do the next four years" -- just about the same time Hahn started offering ideas, and ADV pulled his back and settled for pablum "to play it safe."
Timing, timing, timing...
If nothing else, this race will put an end to Survey USAas a viable business. Their competitors have only to flash the L.A. primary results, and S-USA will never sell another survey to an unsuspecting media outlet like KABC.
Anon 2:58 p.m., ask ADV for Vignali's number. I'm sure he can hook you up with some good "stuff."
Latinos are moving away from Villaraigosa as fast as they can, Florida connections, memories of Vignali... all reinforcements of stereotypes they worked their lives to downplay, embodied in one tarnished candidate. A Latino mayor, yes -- soon, but a good, upstanding, honest one -- one the kids can use as a role model. Not a barely reformed gang-banger like can find on any Eastside street corner promising things he never intends to deliver.
With the latest batch of attack ads, ADV looks like the bully -- not satisfied to be way out in front, he appears ready to bury a decent public servant under innuendo and destroy his future political life.
The American public doesn't like dog-piling and cheap shots when they've already started to assume you're going to win. The sleazy "Vignali-pipe-like" images of suitcases full of money will backfire on Hahn, who still has plenty of time to answer and claim rush to judgement on ADV's part.
Those loud bangs aren't a driveby shooting, it's ADV's media buys backfiring repeatedly.
Now NOTHING Hahn or Hahn's IE's can throw at ADV will seem like overkill -- just defense.
No more simpathy for little Tony. He's the bully now.
ADV's campaign expenditures show 5-6 previous full-time district field staffers now on his ME4MAYOR payroll, including the previously maligned-here Carreon-Lacey, and Areen, from his Eagle Rock field office -- the only player there who could make a call to city hall and get it returned by anyone.
El Sereno was happy to see the addled Carreon-hyphenate go, however, as she was useless.
ADV has left all three field offices shortstaffed by 20 percent or so, in order to beef up his campaign staff. Service was always poor in the district, now it's worse than ever.
What about the Big Zero? Isnt he on Hahn's campaign team?
I too would like to get some of the shit the Hahn people are smoking.
Good; you guys aren't there anyway. Yo are busy blogging all day long.
As part of his oppressive socialist liberal-guilt syndrome, Parke has a vast library of African American jazz music dating back to its early origins. He's not Black, and he feels VERY guilty about that and is trying to make amends for having been born a non-minority by making sure minority candidates are elected everywhere possible -- qualification for the job is a non-issue. He's a one-man reparations/affirmative action machine (but he's also happy to get rich doing that).
SurveyUSA is a cash ATM machine for some techno-nerds that haven't talked to real human beings in 10 years. PLEASE, believe the gap, whatever it is ADV. Rest easy, take it easy, prepare to FALL.
Insiders at F-H say the looming "next indictment" is another scare tactic -- nothing to it.
There have been no new developments in the investigation or related activities since Dowie filed his wrongful termination suit against F-H some weeks back -- which was his signal to the outside world that the investigation was close to clearing him of any wrongdoing and his lawyers felt comfortable going on the offensive for a change. Nothing is "on the horizon" except the afternoon sun.
No salvation there for ADV from his steady decline and own dirty money questions and investigations -- even if his hacks WERE able to spin furiously enough to make an outside consultant at a PR company fired years ago seem like Hahn's right hand "demon."
That jives with the corporate F-H people settling quickly with the City Attorney. They have no one to blame but their own inaccurate billing procedures and oppressive "bill every second/twice" fee mentality -- no new central bogeyman like Dowie to pawn the blame off on. Time to fold up tents and cut the best deal -- give back MOST of what they scored from the city during Hahn's entire term.
No charge for that digging around, either, Jim Hahn!
I think maybe you left off Bill Wardlaw?
What is he, a potted plant?
Since ADV CD14 staff is working on his campaign, he should send Gabriela Ortiz as well. She is such a Bit#@ and probably has the education level of a 3rd grader. I knew ADV was gang friendly but does he have to hire them? She could probably use the exercise of running around protecting him…..
3:35 ANON stated;
"As part of his oppressive socialist liberal-guilt syndrome, Parke..."
Is that what it is? I wonder if the Daily News will ever interview former County Assessor candidate Wayne Bannister. After being referred to Parke for consulting services, he was turned away at the door. As he turned to leave he got a swift kick in the ass when Allison Morgan, using her biting whit stated, "WE DON'T DO STRAIGHT WHITE MALES, JUST GAYS, LESBIANS AND MINORITIES..."
Wayne can still be found at the assessors office. I wonder how Parke's candidate selection process will fly in the valley.
Paul Hernandez, Dora Garica, Lisa Sarno, Mike Hill and the black guy from city hall. They have all been doing campaign work for ADV. In fact stupid Paul sends e-mails from the campaign.
"Insiders at F-H say the looming "next indictment" is another scare tactic -- nothing to it."
Those "insiders" must have missed the day in Court when Lead Prosecutor Adam Kamenstein represented to Federal Judge Gary Feess that a Superceeding Indictment would be coming shortly. He said that in response to the Judge's inquiry as to why he wsa seeking to delay the trial of F-H #2 guy, John Stodder until August.
But, what the Hell, the "insiders at F-H" are much smarter and know more than some mere Assistant US Attorney who is running a Federal Grand Jury, and who is really likely to lie to a Federal Judge.
So, stick with your "insiders at F-H". Hahn did, and look what it got him.
Thanks, Doug. You were always a lot of laughs around City Hall. We miss you, but you won't be living too far away, soon.
In fact, Terminal Island is real close to San Pedro. Jimmy will have lots of time to come visit.
All of you sorry, sad cd14 haters! what are you going to do on the 18th when everything is said and done? will we see you licking your wounds figureing out who you can hate next? Those of us who live in CD14 and are not haters know that Nick Pacheco is behind alot of this blog BS!!!! face it Nick your and X Councilman for a reason!!!
Edee Blevins is a joke. There's news that she got paid by Hahn. I think everyone thinks she's a bimbo looking to get fame.
Open email sent to Walter Moore: Walter Moore,
Do you not realize that I am the same person that had you several times to come speak to my group, Westside Republican Club, at Level One? Are you not aware that I helped with the San Fernando Townhall and other groups? Do you realize, I steered Ryan Gene your way and helped him greatly with regards to you? Finally, do you not realize that I was your largest advocate at several meetings introducing you as our next Mayor? You must not the way you speak of me in your email blasts and on your website. I must admit, I was wrong about you. I thought you would have been a great Mayor. You have NOT been behaving the way I would want my Mayor to. I would not want my Mayor to forget his base. I am tired of being your excuse of why you lost the election. I had nothing to do with it. If anything, I tried to help. Please remove me from your hate filled email blast list. I am so sorry I voted for you not only for the RPLAC endorsement but also during the primary and told thousands of voters to vote for you. But, you were my Republican candidate and I will vote for an "R" over a "D" any day.
I wish you luck in all your future endeavors.
Edee Blevins
Open letter to Edee Blevins
Again you lie about your part in sabataging Walter Moore. You have illusions of grandeur that you spoke to "thousands of people" when in fact any few volunteers you sucked in fled from you. Edee Blevins, we all know you are a joke, ok?
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