The Next Indictment
We here at Sister City pride ourselves on hearing things well before they happen in the Los Angeles media world.
For example, we know the Times is working on a masturbatory story on Meruelo that the Hahn campaign tricked them into writing.
But that little story is nothing compared to what's coming down the pipe in terms of another indictment. The superseding indictment is coming within the next 10-12 business days and will be the cluster bomb that finally helps Los Angeles flush mayor poopy down the dirty toilet he sprang from.
So Mr and Mrs LA Times -- question --are you going to let the little daily breeze's Z-Man get you again when he releases the story a day early -- or are you going to finally do your job?
Happy trails.
For example, we know the Times is working on a masturbatory story on Meruelo that the Hahn campaign tricked them into writing.
But that little story is nothing compared to what's coming down the pipe in terms of another indictment. The superseding indictment is coming within the next 10-12 business days and will be the cluster bomb that finally helps Los Angeles flush mayor poopy down the dirty toilet he sprang from.
So Mr and Mrs LA Times -- question --are you going to let the little daily breeze's Z-Man get you again when he releases the story a day early -- or are you going to finally do your job?
Happy trails.
Since we are in the "Happy Trails" mood, I suggest a reading from, "The Cairo Trilogy by Naguib Mahfouz." It's sort of like ADV the self indulgent maniac with an oppressed wife. But in the real life of ADV he is the one causing the TURMOIL on society not the other way around.
TIMING, TIMING, TIMING... "12 business days" is TOO late to do ADV any good.
Meanwhile, Muerelo will piss off every parent, grandparent and teacher in L.A. AGAINST ADV.
I wish I felt more sorry for ADV. But I LIVE IN CD14, and he owes us 2 years pay.
Indictments are coming... indictments are coming...
(Day 214; Yawn!)
No law enforcement agency in the free world would release indictments related to candidates in a mayoral race days before the final vote.
Never... not in your wildest noctural emissions, Parker.
You're the one masturbating this time -- not the Times.
What is this, another contractor that picked the city's pocket... Which means squat to Hahn's campaign.
Blow smoke somewhere else, we've all hacked this before for you.
Well, it's about f***ing time you guys got on to this story.
It has not been hidden. Adam Kamenstein (Prosecutor in Charge of Investigation and case) said in open court last month, to Federal Judge Gary Fees, that a Superceding Indictment was being sought and would be coming momentarily.
Since it is the Fleishman-Hillard case, let's think here - who could it be?
Troy Edwards? Naw, they got other stuff on him. Leland Wong? Naw, other stuff.
Matt Middlebrook? Well, maybe. He was in the Hahn boondoggle before he left for Fleishman-Hillard. Was it a payoff? Maybe.
Doug Dowie? Bingo!
Is that a nail in the coffin? Naw, it is a STAKE THROUGH THE HEART!
Spin that one, Kuwata.
Or, let's have a blog from one of the CD 14 crew on duty to tell us it is Villaraigosa being a pathological liar again.
Whatever the masturbation thing is, it ain't going to get picked up by the press - too complicated for a sound bite and ever since Janet Jackson's "malfunction," the electronic press is skittish.
Now if ADV were caught spanking his monkey at say, a local Starbucks, that would be news!
So stealing a $20 million school site, while ADV is running ads saying he CARES about education is a "little" story, while an indictment of some flak who gave a couple thousand dollars to Hahn's campaign and overbilled pennies on the dollar in their legitimate contract is HUGE?
You ADV-lovers are mental midgets with more hate for Hahn than compassion for the people of L.A. and their poorly educated children.
You ought to be horse-whipped, if only I had a horse!
Well, since it IS appropriate (and no one's proven me wrong) - happy to add in again:
Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do what he says.
Don't bother trying to prove that wrong -- none of you would know a LIE if it bit you in the Ass.
Day 42... Story ends May 17 with ADV in a fetal position screaming obscenities at his campaign hacks... AGAIN!
What happened to compassion for individuals, ADV has no compassion for fellow man, he only cares about $$$$$$$$$$$, his campaign is about $$$$$$$$$, his decisions are about $$$$$$$$$$$$, but the decisions he makes are not for the benefit of the community, they are solely for himself.
Mereulo knew the history of that land he stole from under LAUSD, he was fully aware and did not care, ADV knew too, he did not care, he does not even show up at local meetings, he is MIA. He shivers in anger when people or journalists asks him questions that are not to his liking. He needs this ferver of control, and the skeletons out of his closet, are out of his control. Ace Smith should have done his research on his own candidate ADV, he has more skeletons that will come to light and they are not any where near nice. The drop out rate is awful and we need more schools if we are to have smaller classes, ADV is defeating the purpose of his ads. Now I know why the other poster keeps posting that ADV is a pathological liar, he is. The only ones that suffer are the students and families. ADV does not suffer he has pocketed and will pocket enough money from Meruelo, in return, what other land or promises has ADV given this man and all of his family and friend connections in Florida?
This huge Meruelo story! Meruelo, who has contributed to Antonio, has also bought a piece of industrial land in Council District 1 (Reyes, isn't he a Hahn backer) that LAUSD may or may not want for a school.
Did he "steal" the property? No, he bought it from a private owner. Can the school district obtain the property if they want it? Why of course, that's what imminent domain is for. Will the district have to pay more for the land? No, they pay market value, as determined in a judicial proceding, regardless of who the owner is.
And finally, what in the hell does this have to do with Villaraigosa? I have yet to see any, nay, even a shred, of evidence that he had anything whatsoever to do with this transaction.
Even if he is elected Mayor, he will have no influence over whether or not LAUSD buys this property -- and at what price.
Another land speculator who bought a piece of land the school district wanted was Bert Boeckmann - one of the most prominent Hahn supporters. Those Republicans always seem to put their pecuniary interests first. Surprise! Welcome to America.
Nothing was legitimate in the F-H contract. They were running a PR operation for the Mayor and billing it to LADWP.
Who knows how many millions they leaked out.
We know that we just lost Four BILLION because Hahn's Deputy Mayor cannot read a RFP and figure out mandatory requirements.
Hahn has his staff busy doing deals for his contributors on a daily basis; no time to complete a response to an RFP and get it right. After all, they only had SIX (6) WEEKS to work on it.
So we lose FOUR BILLION DOLLARS worth of good jobs for our City.
Come on,these guys are a bunch of amateurs. The Keystone Kiddie Korps masquerading as Deputy Mayors. Most of them not dry behind the ears.
How much money did Ted Stein cost us at the Airport, giving contracts to those who paid to play? Will we ever know?
How much did Troy Edwards cost us at the Harbor and DWP doing the same thing? Sweetheart Leases, who knoiws what else they got away with.
All of these pending indictments to discover the true cost of having Lame Jim as our Mayor. It is about time.
He ain't no Kenny Hahn, that's for d*mn sure.
The meruelo family is well connected politically in Florida. Majority of their projects are near Airports, businesses as slumlords.
Meruelo famly has ADV in their pocket and vice versa. They will be loyal to each other for the love of $$$ regardless if the kids have a school or not, regardless if they steal it from under the LAUSD noses. Jose Huizar had no idea of this? I differ, Jose Huizar is a major supporter of ADV and publicly announces smaller schools as the educational agenda. Their smirks on their faces are saying, "It's so easy to rip off LAUSD and the people, they are so stupid." No, not everyone will tolerate your blatant abuse of Power!
Before we get too far along the lines of Jimmy being squeaky clean, let's remember that the largest donors to his campaigns (including his so-called 'independent expenditures) are Charles Fitzgerald and Mark Abrams.
Both are being prosecuted for fraud, and laundered $300,000 in contributions or stolen money to Jimmy.
Fitzgerald even fled the country to avoid prosecution.
And Jimmy STILL refuses to return that dirty money.
Hey, was the money ever returned to Casden's VP Archibald, or to Pierce O'Donnell when they laundered money and gave it to Hahn?
Last I heard it HAS NOT BEEN RETURNED. So add that to the Abrams/Fitzgerald boondoggle that has not been returned, either.
So, Antonio does the correct thing and takes responsibility for his campaign staff's mistake and immediately returns the money, but Hahn greedily holds on to all of it. And Hahn has the Chutzpah to point a finger at Antonio?
Where is that in the LA Times or the Daily News?
C'mon Patrick and Rick, a little fairness in reporting, please.
Searching for empty topics...previous anon, you are desperado. The people that protested at the LAVC rally was not anglo/racist/ many of you would like to put it. THey were legitimate residents of Los Angeles tired of Villaraigosa's lies and this is what scares YOU>
Skelton & Ace,
You guys are desperate throwing bones at LA TIMES. You guys sound utterly stupid by posting on this site taunting the papers. Typical posting Mr. Ace, you should have researched the skeletons of ADV first before agreeing to represent him. ADV will tarnish both your images.
ADV people,
You get caught RED HANDED, and now you point fingers. ADV you better come to CD 14 and face the music after this election. We will fry you with questions, you will not like it.
You want to know the connection to Richard Muerlo and ADV. Muerlo and his family have donated over $100,000 to ADV campaign. HELLOOO That's what raised the red flag. You ADV lovers have been slamming Hahn since last year on the corruption charge. Its old news. ADV corruption is NEW. Put both their baggage aside. Who has the better record let's say in the last 2 yrs. HAHN. What the hell has ADV done in 2 yrs as councilman? MEAT (Mike Trujillo) PARKE, ACE, refused to answer the question. Hey Chief where is your investigation of non existent neighborhood watches? You don't think the media is running after that story? ADV LIED as recently as a couple of weeks ago on that one. The LA Times use to love the Golden Boy. Lets see who breaks the story first.
Hahn doesn't have to do shit to give reporters stories. Idiots! The LA Times was the golden boy's favorite. Remember they endorsed Huggy and ADV together. Its the CD14 people who are smarter then the ADV lovers and tell the media cause who knows ADV better then they? You guys have been saying for months about indictments. You've been blasting Hahn since last year and he's still here. Take a deep breath and know that your little napoleon syndrome Antonio is going to be hit hard this week. Its about time!!
Morons, you could indict every flak past, present, future that ever worked for F-H... A PRIVATE COMPANY. And it wouldn't mean squat about Hahn.
You want to nail the "big boss" go after Mr. Fleishman and Mr. Hillard, all the indictables worked for THEM.
(Course they're probably both dead).
But so it this constant "corruption" by way of association thread.... dead, dead, dead, like ADV's career.
THe next indictment will be of Antonio Villaraigosa himself for being a pathological liar and upsetting 4% of his entire district by not paying attention to the minority of National Party members and doing what they want.
They have decided to recall him, just as soon as Eliseo gets the correct amount of signatures; it is just that the correct amount is not known or achievable because all the decent, honest, hardworking members are occupied in posting blogs on sites areound the Internet to be sure that everyone knows what a pathological liar he really is.
So, if the recall fails because of lack of signatures, it is Villaraigosa's fault and he should be indicted and hung, then stand trial!
End of story!
I rest my case!
The next indictment is an elected official very close to Antonio. Had it confirmed.
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