Jim Hahn and his Republican Support
From our friend over at Boifromtroy.
GOP Can't Give Away Tickets to see Jim Hahn
I knew many of my readers could care less about L.A. politics, but this is embarassing. The Lincoln Club--a group of GOP moderates--has been pushing its members to attend a $250 a person reception to support Jim Hahn's election. The event, held Sunday at the home of former D.A. Rovert Philibosian has a host committee of GOP heavyweights (think, Jane and Bert Boeckmann et al).
Unfortunately all the GOP's horses and all of their men can't apparently put on a fundraiser for poor Jim. As of this afternoon, a Lincoln Club officer is sending out an email offering free entry into the event for you and up to three guests! Hmmmm....Sunday evening with Jim Hahn or Sunday evening at Size. You don't have to be a dum dum to know where I will be!
GOP Can't Give Away Tickets to see Jim Hahn
I knew many of my readers could care less about L.A. politics, but this is embarassing. The Lincoln Club--a group of GOP moderates--has been pushing its members to attend a $250 a person reception to support Jim Hahn's election. The event, held Sunday at the home of former D.A. Rovert Philibosian has a host committee of GOP heavyweights (think, Jane and Bert Boeckmann et al).
Unfortunately all the GOP's horses and all of their men can't apparently put on a fundraiser for poor Jim. As of this afternoon, a Lincoln Club officer is sending out an email offering free entry into the event for you and up to three guests! Hmmmm....Sunday evening with Jim Hahn or Sunday evening at Size. You don't have to be a dum dum to know where I will be!
LA Times Commentary....Councilman Antonio Villaraigosa removed the words "Born to Raise Hell" that had been tattooed on his right arm as a teenager. To the Weekly, that tattoo symbolized the attributes Villaraigosa supposedly developed during his "harsh formative years: the brashness, fighting spirit, the impetuousness." The years, presumably during which he was thrown out of Cathedral High School and arrested after a brawl at a restaurant. (The jury ultimately deadlocked 11 to 1 for acquittal.)....But to me it is not the tattoo that serves as a metaphor for Villaraigosa's personality; it is the erasure of the tattoo...... But in this campaign, his volcanic reactions to Hahn's attacks are beginning to reveal what POLITICAL INSIDERS HAVE KNOWN FOR YEARS: The former Assembly speaker can be thin-skinned, easily angered and even vindictive. Although great politicians learn to distinguish between what is political and what is personal, Villaraigosa has not. He can try to hide this side of his personality, as he has erased his tattoo, but, so far, he can't make it go away......councilman repeatedly lost his cool during four debates.....He can try to hide this side of his personality, as he has erased his tattoo, but, so far, he can't make it go away...
Despite a double-digit lead in the polls, a slew of prominent endorsements and a formidable fundraising advantage, the councilman repeatedly lost his cool during four debates.....He visibly seethes, furrowing his brows and clenching his jaw. When he reminds voters that Hahn's administration is the most investigated in L.A. history, Villaraigosa comes across as the nastier of the two. When panelists ask him to respond to Hahn's charges, he reacts indignantly, as if he resents being challenged.
Votes are what counts, not fundraising tickets ADV love-puppies.
You're all making the same serious errors in your calculations that made ADV lose the race in 2001:
You presume that every conservative in the city is a Republican (so not true);
You presume every moderate can stomach ADV's ACLU background and now his ties to dirty money (Oh, yeah, he gave his back, once caught -- like anyone cares about that wrangle but the contributors themselves, who are now looking at stiff fines);
You presume ADV's own bases are holding, when they're eroding faster than ever;
You boast about how ADV will get a few thousand more Black votes this time than Hahn (when that group is a dwindling minority in the city, and is FAR less motivated this time around).
Meanwhile, your boy's support has maxed out in the Valley, where nearly half of the likely voters live... (Daily News circulation is still under 200K in a city of 4 million -- it may be L.A. second largest paper, but it's circulation is still very small, even in the Valley). Hahn's people kissed that endorsement goodbye with Hertzberg;
You presume the only way to win a race is have more ad money (like ADV did 4 years ago and still lost), meanwhile your cowardly ADV avoids hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of free drivetime media;
You believe the print media's own spin -- based on what it's more liberal editorial boards put out - but ignore what the writers themselves are focused on every day now. One-issue Tony (corruption), now looks just as dirty as he's tried to paint Hahn. Dirty AND hypocrital trumps dirty anyday.
And all the names of insiders and contracters you post here mean nothing to anyone but internal hacks like you. Dirty money coming from some Eastern state is like poison to most of L.A. (except those Eastern transplants that already swoon when Tony stutters and stammers in public).
So Hahn passed a bunch of you poor, bitter ADV-lovers over for promotions and now you're willing to stick L.A. with this conman ADV out of sheer spite.
Do the city a favor -- get over it. It's obvious by the rationalizing, lack of logical thoughts processes, and redundant lack of creativity you probably couldn't do your low levels jobs you already held -- just like loser TONY.
Endorsements never seem to deal with the core issue of this race, that being...
Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do anything he says he'll do.
Someone prove me wrong.
End of story!
What's with ADV's boring, retread ads. He's got all the money in the world supposedly - unless he thinks he's going to have to give a LOT more back - and his ads are like 90 percent that same drivel about his humble beginnings, with a new "hahn's been on the sidelines" tagline at the end.
Where does he think anybody with ahlf a brain or more thinks he's been for two years.?
Tony has to keep beating people over the head with his rags to (dirty) riches stories, because he has no current record to talk about. When did he leave assembly, 1999?
People are putting 2 and 2 together and realizing he's short on answers and long on "poor me."
Villaraigosa is using his council time, money, and staff for campaign purposes, AGAIN. Campaigning on the city dollars. This time its a "crappy little press release" response to the Mayor's budget... did he do this in past years? Do other CM's do it?
No, only the one's who want his job -- and we pay for it. Gotta love the hypocrisy of one of the Sacramento tax-and-spenders that nearly bankrupted the state suddenly getting fiscal conservative "religion" and preaching responsible budgeting:
April 20, 2005 P: (213) 473-5803
M: (818) 415-3134
Statement by Antonio Villaraigosa on Hahn’s 2005-06 Proposed Budget
Los Angeles City Councilmember Antonio Villaraigosa issued the following statement regarding Mayor Hahn’s 2005-06 Proposed Budget:
Jim Hahn ran up the City's credit card by raiding our reserve funds by an additional $160 Million -- a move that will only add to our structural deficit of $300 million. As Mayor, he has an obligation to present a balanced budget. He may have made it look that way on paper, but it’s clear that this is just an election year budget that papers over our City’s fiscal situation and fails to present a long-term vision for our city. It’s flush with spending and remarkably short on savings.
What is even more outrageous is that he did it just one day after the City Council adopted a policy to close the city's $300 million structural deficit.
Where are the efficiency measures? Where is the commitment to putting our fiscal house in order?
He has entirely misrepresented how many additional officers his budget funds. In fact, his budget does not include any more police officers than those already approved by the City Council earlier this year (Smith-Villaraigosa-Weiss-Greuel plan for 278) and an additional 90 officers I proposed with Councilmember Jack Weiss from lease savings associated with purchase of the Transamerica Building.
I am also deeply concerned that his budget leaves funding for Business Tax Reform entirely unclear and once again fails to fully fund the City’s Affordable Housing Trust fund.
# # #
Finally, one of the Times most prominent Latino commentators says what countless anonymous (out of concern for payback) posters have been saying here for months:
"The former Assembly speaker can be thin-skinned, easily angered and even vindictive. Although great politicians learn to distinguish between what is political and what is personal, Villaraigosa has not."
YES, he acts out of bitterness, anger and vengence. It's his PRIMARY motivation.
There's no GREAT CONCERN for the future of L.A. -- if there was, he would have done something about his own district -- one of the poorest -- when he had control there for two years. NOTHING!
If he wins, he won't know what to do next. His ONLY goal has been to get Hahn back for embarrassing him four years ago and for revealing his own sordid, thug-coddling past.
You're nothing but a vendetta prize, L.A. Thrown away for the next prize -- who else has crossed thin-skinned Tony and needs to be beaten before we move on to the next payback on the list.
What's on his list of great ideas and improvements for L.A. Nothing. The only list he cares about is his enemies list. Hahn's on top, just like he is for the Hahn-haters on this list.
Only 300 people at a Kerry/ADV rally in the Valley. Pity-full. 1.5 million people living up there, and you can barely get enough to fill the chairs.
MEANWHILE, dozens of Anti-ADV Latinos drive all the way up there from Eastside -- where Tony's supposedly "loved" -- to flash a sea of Hahn signs at L.A. Times photographers so they can run a one-third page photo of it that looks like it's a 50/50 crowd.
HA, ADV's gonna be real pissed about that. Kerry rally organizers better watch out - heads will roll if you embarrass him, especially.
And you ADV-lovers think he's making inroads in the Valley? No hardcore converts -- that's for sure -- not people willing to give up an hour on a Saturday, even to see the "great" John Kerry (probably no interested in 30-year-old war stories). Maybe not even committed enough to show up to vote, or mail in an absentee.
That's the greatest fear of ADV's hacks --that's why 18 points ahead in one poll and making tons more money from dirty out-of-ton contributions, they're STILL flogging the fewer and fewer faithful saying "don't give up,we haven't won yet, Hahn's going to ATTACK, Defend out little boy Tony, give more money" -- because $10 million wasted dollars and two years out of CD14 productive life is worth having a do-nothing mayor -- to his campaign hacks, anyway. They make a good living from him and the "faithful" - win or lose.
Ha. ADV's own contributors attacked him better than Hahn could have hoped for... and HOW STUPID are ADV's people to see ALL those $1,000 check s coming in from the same companies and addresses over and over and to let them through without flagging them. And, after beating Hahn up over laundering his contributors did without HIS knowledge years ago.
How STUPID? CD14 field staff stupid, unable to complete a SINGLE community improvement project in TWO YEARS stupid, please the boss at any cost - even corruption exposure stupid, tell him anything he wants to hear - incuding that he can win citywide stupid, ADV-lover stupid.
That's TOO stupid to run city hall.
WAY too stupid to win, previous Anon.
Rule #1 when ADV's campaign set out should have been obvious to anyone. If we're going to attack Hahn for supposed corruption, pay-for-play, campaign money laundering -- then we DON'T take a bundle of money from employees of one company -- because THAT's what we're screaming at Hahn about.
AND, we don't take a bundle of money from someone obvioulsy looking to do big business with the city, while screaming about contractor deals.
AND, we don't walk in and make a big scene in city council (the same week) over extending contracts for the SAME damn type of business we just got big bucks from out-of-state.
(He HAD to know what business these people were in -- he just met with them. And you don't think his hacks came running in to ADV and patting him on the back and bragging that their little junket just brought in $50K from one gift shop company? PLEASE!)
Rule #1 should have been to avoid these scenarios LIKE THE PLAGUE, proactively, not make plans to give it back if caught, or try and spin it later.
Avoid it, ALL DAY, every day.
It is, as Steve Lopez said, ADV's ONLY campaign issue.
WAY too stupid to win.
Rep for AV you sound like a high school girl in love with the football player high school. You're gonna find out he's been screwing around behind your back. Wake up!! Tell me ONE thing ADV has done while being in council? Tell me how can you support ADV when as ACLU member he opposed gang injunctions? ADV out spent Hahn by $3 million in 2001 AND STILL LOST. Hey, the media is doing a fine job slamming ADV why should Hahn waste his money at this point. Those poll numbers are going down drastically everyday. Reporters are still asking ADV on camera about that mony. You can tell he's been coached on what to say. IF ADV has a problem with Hahn's budget he should go to the budget hearings. ADV never has a clue how to fix anything he just critizes.
You people just create your own reality, don't you?
300 people at the Kerry rally, and protesters from the eastside?
The protesters were being paid by the hour by Hahn, and left at the end of their shift, which just happened to be in the middle of the Kerry speech.
You people are nuts.
Prove me wrong!
End of Story!
Previous poster sounds like MEAT aka Michael Trujillo. Word is Padilla can kiss his lame ass career goodbye. Jose Huizar is already being tarnished and can kiss that CD14 seat ADV promised goodbye. Huggy's wife is getting ready to kiss his weirdo self goodbye for endorsing ADV. Corina can hardly wait for this to be over so she can kiss ADV goodbye and stop the "pretend family" persona for media. ADV field staffers that had affair with ADV have been kissed goodbye. What a great group of people! These events ADV touts as "Countdown to Victory" are a joke.
Well, since I know quite a few of the people who were protesting ADV (9:09 a.m. Anonymous) and they're NOT on anyone's payroll, and they would cross the desert for FREE at their own cost for an opportunity to tell ADV how disappointed they are in his lies and broken promises (and these are NOT rich people like ADV's dirty money contributors from Florida), and MANY were previously ADV supporters. . .
You are proven wrong.
Your story is not at an end, however, even if ADV should win in two weeks. Then the next big betrayal begins.
In the end, it is just a sad, sad tail of bitter Hahn-haters embracing a tarnished, even more bitter and vindictive little dinosaur from the last century named Villaraigosa.
Does he thrill you with Chicano movement stories from the "good old days" the same way Kerry thrilled you with tales of Christmas in Cambodia before HE lost?
Cultish slavenly rationalized following is always rewarded the same way -- with abandonment in one form or another, be it idealogical abandonment, or simply moving on to a better gig before anything really gets done.
His bags are packed, and he already has his story concocted about how he can do even BETTER things for us all -- from afar.
Fake GOP4AV -- ADV is NOT a liberal, he is a rabid socialist that NO honest, legitimate Republican can stomach.
You're credentials are forfeited. Good thing you anonymous, because you SURE wouldn't be invited to anything stamped GOP in the future it you had the balls to state your real ID.
Bogus pretender...
Speaking of jilted lovers! The previous poster should call a broken heart club for advice.
Hahn will never fulfill your expectations, because he has never filled anyone's expectations.
You lay out dirt on Antonio's wife; maybe you should investigate what happened to Jimmy's.
Look here, no one says Antonio is pure as driven snow. He is a politician, and a slick one at that. But so is Jimmy, and Jimmy is one that cannnot get out of his own way. He is lazy and uninvolved, and has zero charisma or contacts or relationships in either Sacramento or Washington D.C. and has appoited, then fired a slew of corrupt commissioners who have cost the city a fortune.
As a consequence of that, we lose Millions, if not Billions of dollars in aid every cycle because he has no friends in high places.
Our business is a a standstill. No cranes, no construction anywhere. This town is not development friendly.
Antonio will change that, and Jimmy has had four years to try and NOW he comes up with some "new" proposals. Where has he been for four years?
I'll tell you, he's been hiding in San Pedro and working three hours a day.
You want more of the same? Then vote for him.
Me, I want a change.
Give me a f--king break. With the way crime was wayyyyyy up in LA and the reputation it got thanks to that loser Parks and Rampart when he was chief drove tons of businesses away. I don't know where you live but I can see development all over the place. Take a ride into downtown LA moron. All you ADV lovers refuse to answer one question. WHAT HAS ADV DONE IN THE LAST YEAR AS A COUNCILMAN? JUST ONE THING AND DON'T TELL ME THOSE LAME ASS CLEAN UPS
The ONLY thing ADV will CHANGE, lovesick puppy dog at 10:02 a.m. is the thing he always changes -- the date on his next campaign fund.
If he was only willing to sit still for a year as a councilmember before jumping up to run for mayor -- a job he REALLY wanted, but spent half the two years away from in DC, etc. -- how LONG will he sit still as L.A.'s mayor.
You want CHANGE -- hell, yes, elect ADV. He'll give you ANOTHER chance for change in a couple years when he jumps ship, AGAIN (having done NOTHING in the elapsed time)!
"MEANWHILE, dozens of Anti-ADV Latinos drive all the way up there from Eastside -- where Tony's supposedly "loved" -- to flash a sea of Hahn signs at L.A. Times photographers"
These were Mayoral aides and union workers who were on the clock.
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