Daily News Endorses Villaraigosa
No words, no spin, just the biggest Valley Endorsement Left.
Villaraigosa for mayor
L.A. needs a bold leader with the courage to confront the city's big problems
Two names appear on the May 17 runoff ballot for mayor of Los Angeles. But only one candidate is up to the challenging job of leading the city in the years ahead, and that man is Antonio Villaraigosa.
The choice could not be clearer.
Mayor James K. Hahn has failed the city and its 3.9 million people badly over the past four years. He had the chance to pick up the torch from Richard Riordan and move the city forward. Instead, he took Los Angeles back to a time when corruption reigned at City Hall and special interests divided up the city treasury while public services deteriorated.
He had the chance to unite the city and make sure every segment of the community got a fair share and a fair shake. Instead, he divided Los Angeles, pitting community against community, and putting his own petty political advantages ahead of the public interest.
He represents Los Angeles' past, smugly comfortable and ineffective, at a time when our diverse city cries out for dynamic leadership before it becomes two cities, one rich, one poor, without a thriving middle class.
Four years ago, this newspaper endorsed Hahn - hoping that he would grow and learn, that he would embrace change, that he could be more than a bureaucrat and that he could dig deep down for the strong leadership skills Los Angeles needs in a mayor.
He has done none of that.
Even some of his previous strongest supporters privately acknowledge that Hahn has been a bigger disappointment than they ever thought possible. It is as if he is locked in a time warp - back when his father was a super supervisor and the world was a much less complicated place.
Villaraigosa, on the other hand, represents the future.
He is the living embodiment of the Los Angeles dream. Growing up poor in a tough neighborhood, he made something of himself while giving life to his ideals as a union leader, a civil-rights crusader and a speaker of the state Assembly.
He has learned and grown along the way. And he knows that the key to Los Angeles' future is the middle class - the preservation and creation of well-paying jobs, the development of a work force with the skills to take advantage of new opportunities in a fast-changing world.
Villaraigosa has reached out to all parts of the city, winning support from the three other major candidates for mayor in the March primary - Bob Hertzberg, Councilman Bernard Parks and state Sen. Richard Alarcon - among other prominent community leaders.
His greatest strength may be his openness and ability to connect with people of all backgrounds and try to bring them together. His record in the Legislature shows this, shows that he has a bigger political vision than just his own value system, his own interest.
Of course, there are questions about what Villaraigosa will do once he occupies the mayor's office, how he will deal with powerful figures like labor boss Miguel Contreras and billionaire businessman Eli Broad. He can hardly do worse, since they and all the other City Hall insiders got whatever they wanted out of Hahn, which is why they still support him.
L.A. cannot afford four more years of Hahn's lackluster leadership.
It needs a mayor who is energetic.
It needs a mayor who is bold.
It needs a mayor who is willing to take risks and accept responsibility when things go wrong.
Los Angeles needs Antonio Villaraigosa. The time is right, the choice is clear.
We urge you to vote for him on May 17.
Villaraigosa for mayor
L.A. needs a bold leader with the courage to confront the city's big problems
Two names appear on the May 17 runoff ballot for mayor of Los Angeles. But only one candidate is up to the challenging job of leading the city in the years ahead, and that man is Antonio Villaraigosa.
The choice could not be clearer.
Mayor James K. Hahn has failed the city and its 3.9 million people badly over the past four years. He had the chance to pick up the torch from Richard Riordan and move the city forward. Instead, he took Los Angeles back to a time when corruption reigned at City Hall and special interests divided up the city treasury while public services deteriorated.
He had the chance to unite the city and make sure every segment of the community got a fair share and a fair shake. Instead, he divided Los Angeles, pitting community against community, and putting his own petty political advantages ahead of the public interest.
He represents Los Angeles' past, smugly comfortable and ineffective, at a time when our diverse city cries out for dynamic leadership before it becomes two cities, one rich, one poor, without a thriving middle class.
Four years ago, this newspaper endorsed Hahn - hoping that he would grow and learn, that he would embrace change, that he could be more than a bureaucrat and that he could dig deep down for the strong leadership skills Los Angeles needs in a mayor.
He has done none of that.
Even some of his previous strongest supporters privately acknowledge that Hahn has been a bigger disappointment than they ever thought possible. It is as if he is locked in a time warp - back when his father was a super supervisor and the world was a much less complicated place.
Villaraigosa, on the other hand, represents the future.
He is the living embodiment of the Los Angeles dream. Growing up poor in a tough neighborhood, he made something of himself while giving life to his ideals as a union leader, a civil-rights crusader and a speaker of the state Assembly.
He has learned and grown along the way. And he knows that the key to Los Angeles' future is the middle class - the preservation and creation of well-paying jobs, the development of a work force with the skills to take advantage of new opportunities in a fast-changing world.
Villaraigosa has reached out to all parts of the city, winning support from the three other major candidates for mayor in the March primary - Bob Hertzberg, Councilman Bernard Parks and state Sen. Richard Alarcon - among other prominent community leaders.
His greatest strength may be his openness and ability to connect with people of all backgrounds and try to bring them together. His record in the Legislature shows this, shows that he has a bigger political vision than just his own value system, his own interest.
Of course, there are questions about what Villaraigosa will do once he occupies the mayor's office, how he will deal with powerful figures like labor boss Miguel Contreras and billionaire businessman Eli Broad. He can hardly do worse, since they and all the other City Hall insiders got whatever they wanted out of Hahn, which is why they still support him.
L.A. cannot afford four more years of Hahn's lackluster leadership.
It needs a mayor who is energetic.
It needs a mayor who is bold.
It needs a mayor who is willing to take risks and accept responsibility when things go wrong.
Los Angeles needs Antonio Villaraigosa. The time is right, the choice is clear.
We urge you to vote for him on May 17.
But wait a minute! Hahn tells us that the whole Valley supports him.
Can he be wrong? Jim Hahn out of step? Jim Hahn out of touch? His daddy was never that way, can it be that he is not his daddy?
"I don't know anything about corruption in my administration, but if someone has done wrong, they should be punished", but, he says "nothing has been proven yet".
Still, after an indictment and another announced by the prosecutor to be on the way, Jim has fired at least four mainstays of his administration, teminated a large contract with another close advisor, and still says that "Nothing has been proven yet". "Yet", seems the operative word.
Politics today is too confusing for me; I'm going back to where I've been in a couple of weeks and think about it.
In the meantime, as a long time Valley guy, I think I'll have to go with the Daily News, myself.
Daily News has egg on its face and will soon have more when the Richard Muerlo story is broken. All you Anti-ADV people tell 10 people and let them tell 10 people to write and call the DN and complain. For sake of argument both are being investigated. However, just compare the 2 records. There's no contest hands down Hahn has a stronger record. People are saying ADV is blowing it again with all the bad publicity he's getting on Miami money
The Daily News is a pathological liar!
End of story!
I rest my case!
Larry Elder http://www.dailybreeze.com/opinion/articles/1531037.html
Daily Breeze.....your opponent took the State Bar Examination to obtain a law license four times. What's more, your opponent, currently a city councilman, to date has never passed the exam.
your opponent attended UCLA and credits his success, in part, to UCLA's "affirmative action program." What's wrong with expecting that someone who attends UCLA, presumably at least in part at taxpayers' expense, and goes on to law school will, in fact, at some point pass his bar exam?
You watch the conservative radio talk shows are going to blast Antonio in the next 2 weeks. They call him a socialist and will do anything to make sure he's not the next mayor.
John Kerry is considered a very liberal Democrat. He did not do as well as he should have with Latinos and Catholics in his presidential bid in 2004. Kerry is not well liked by Conservatives and Republicans and Bush's base came out it droves to ensure a Kerry loss. The person to benefit most by a Kerry endorsement is John Kerry himself. This will keep Kerry in the public eye with Californians and it will serve to remind us that Kerry is still relevant.
Kerry endorsement will stimulate Republican and Conservative turnout in favor of Hahn. There could be so much of a dislike for John Kerry with Los Angeles Republicans that they may come out strong for Mayor Hahn. Republicans make up a good number of the electorate in Los Angeles.
THE ARTICLE YOU ARE SPEAKING OF IS AN "OPINION" PIECE. Chief Parker, you probably wrote the piece and sent it in yourself!
Villaraigosa pledged that, in making Los Angeles more "open" to South Asians, he would meet with leaders of the Indian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities on "a regular basis." Yup, he won't be in LA for long.
Hahn brought back community policing, senior lead officers, brought in Bratton, crime is down and what has Antonio done? Trys to take credit for Greg Smith proposal and had community clean ups. THAT'S IT. No record in 2 yrs. and people who are naive are actually going to vote for this guy. Timing..timing..timing....I believe another negative story about ADV is going to hit this week's papers. I hope ADV's team learn how to answer this time round.
Does anyone know who this group is?
Citizens Against Antonio Villaraigosa for Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa must be stopped
Help Save Los Angeles -- and your city too 818-989-9729
Does anyone know where Eliseo is?
I have two more people ready to sign the Recall Petition.
We are up to over seven now...
From Eliseo,
please call me if you want to sign the pitition, Need more signatures by the seventh. 323 271-6877
Eliseo, how may more do we need?
Eliseo, how many more do we need?
When I ask people who are voting for ADV tell me one accomplishment he's done in the last year being a councilman they can't answer. All media is reporting the Miami donations are hurting ADV. This story will not go away. It shocks me that people can be so dumb as to not know ADV's record as former ACLU member, being lone vote opposing child abusers when death results. Maybe we should ask Samantha Runyon's mom to come to LA and let the voters know that because of ADV her daughter's killer Avila will not get the death penality. Think that will wake people up! HELL YES
Daily News....he has a bigger political vision than just his own value system, his own interest.
Who are they kidding? This is laughable. Yes, that bigger vision is heading back to Sacramento. 2006 papers already filed. Get a clue voters. He's not staying in LA.
Nice prediction, Sacramentonighties. I bet you also pegged Carter over Reagan and Dukakis over Bush, right?
Where are you pulling your 52-48 for Hahn? Right out of your ass???
Rationalize away, crazies.
This is the ultra-right wing DAILY NEWS endorsing Antonio. This ain't no submitted editorial. This is the "paper of record" for the Valley stepping up and getting behind Antonio.
Whatever you may shout into this little echo chamber, this is a HUGE win for Antonio, almost immeasurable. Hahn is pinning his hopes on the Valley, and the Valley just kicked him in the face.
Have fun.
Lou, I remember when the Valley also said that Hahn didn't have a chance in "hell" winning the session issue. Remember Richard Close and all those idiots who thought it was in the bag? They said the majority of the valley wanted to split from LA. Well, they were dead wrong. When the other investigations on Antonio break in this week's papers the Daily News will feel like assholes. Good for David Z of Daily Breeze who was the only credible reporter to go after it. Then all the others jumped on board.
These are some of ADV's L.A. friends:
The Southern California Institute of Architecture's students, faculty and staff have been using a parcel of land adjacent to the school campus to park their cars free ever since the school moved to a gritty area of downtown Los Angeles from a nearby city along the coast about four years ago.
But earlier this year, that property sold -- along with two nearby parcels-- to Merco Group LLC, a firm set up by developer Richard Meruelo and Daniel Villanueva, according to Ken Jackson, director of sales at Dynamic Builders Inc., which sold the properties. Mr. Villanueva is chairman of a private-equity investment firm, Bastion Capital Fund L.P.
Now, "No Trespassing" signs have been posted at the site. And Ian Robertson, chairman of the avant-garde architecture institute, known as SCI-Arc, says school officials have been told that the property will be gated and a parking company will be hired to manage the site, bringing an end to the free parking.
The current situation -- and what led up to it -- has left school officials baffled and dismayed, says Eric Owen Moss, SCI-Arc's director. Mr. Moss says that late last year, he and Mr. Robertson met with Messrs. Meruelo and Villanueva and executives from Dynamic Builders Inc., which sold the three parcels and continues to own the property near the Los Angeles River on which SCI-Arc's campus sits. At that meeting, the parties agreed in principle, says Mr. Moss, that SCI-Arc would purchase the parcel on which its campus sits and the parking parcel for use as parking and student housing, and Messrs. Meruelo and Villanueva would purchase the other two parcels.
But Merco Group acquired all the parcels save for the one that houses SCI-Arc, and plans to build two luxury condominium towers.
Mr. Jackson, who was at the meeting, says no agreement was reached between the parties. Moreover, he says, Merco Group had a contract to buy the three parcels several months before the meeting even took place.
In an e-mail message sent to Mr. Robertson last month, Lisa Specht, a lawyer at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP, the firm representing Merco, made an offer. "In exchange for the School's support" for Merco's development, the message says, Merco would donate the parking site, "provide assistance to the school in connection with its negotiations to purchase the school site and will assist the school in its efforts to find funding for the acquisition of the site," among other things.
"This is typically the way things work," Ms. Specht says. Developers "seek support from constituents in the community." Messrs. Meruelo and Villanueva couldn't be reached for comment.
"The offer was generous," says Mr. Robertson, but the school's board turned it down. School officials would like changes made to the proposed project, he says. More important, he adds, "the school believes in consensus planning, and we would have to meet with the neighborhood to find out what would be best for the area."
School officials are looking for alternative parking for the 400 or so students, faculty and staff who drive to the campus during the week.
Hey 2:07:
If you recall, Hahn LOST secession in the Valley, and since those are the votes he's counting on, he's in trouble.
Rationalize away...
You may remember that the ultra right wing Daily News also supported John Kerry for President. They are simply trolling to increase their latino readership.
The bigger question is how do John Edwards and Hillary Clinton react to Kerry's endorsement which some have claimed is in response to a promise from Villaraigosa to endorse Kerry again in 2008. It will be interesting to see if there is a response.
Dov Charney (CEO, American Apparel)contributed $7,000 to Villaraigosa and ofcourse Villaraigosa has accepted this money...
"...I bought the issue of Jane Magazine in question. Yes, Dov masturbated in front of reporter Claudine Ko. And he did other stuff. Here are the relevant passages, since Jane Magazine is not available on-line (nor has the article been reproduced on the American Apparel Press page):
Ko goes out with Charney and an unamed female employee:
I asked him how he relaxed. Oral sex he says, settling into a chair behind a cloud of smoke. “I love it … I am a bit of a dirty guy, but people like that right now.”
Explaining exactly how the rest of the night unraveled is somewhat difficult. Let’s just say, the female employee helped him “put on a show” for me. I watched, trying to be objective, detached - sorta like a … war reporter?
Ko goes to Charney’s pad late one evening for an interview session:
Soon enough he loosens his Pierre Cardin belt.
“Are you going to do it again?” I ask.
“Can I?” he says adjusting himself in his chair.
And thus begins another compulsive episode of what Dov likes to call “self-pleasure,” during which we casually carry on our interview, discussing things like business models, hiring practices and the stupidity of focus groups.
“Masturbation in front of women is underrated,” Dov explains to me later over the phone. “It’s much easier on the woman. She gets to watch, it’s a sensual experience that doesn’t involve a man violating a woman, yet once the man has his release, it’s over and you can talk to the guy.”
Ko claims that in the month she spent with Charney, she watched him pleasure himslef eight or so times. She ends the article by describing how she leaves Charney in New York, interview completed, and hails a cab. “Then as I step into the depths of the backseat, I realize I don’t want this trip to end just yet.”
Isn't Lisa Specht now supporting Antonio? She's that weirdo female attorney. That might just be another link in the story above.
I would bet Hillary Clinton and John Edwards has no clue of Kerry's endorsement. Guilt by association and when all the bad publicity rather MORE of the bad publicity hits the fan they all will want to keep their distance. Everyone today is saying Kerry really fouled up big time.
Homero Meruelo contribution of $7,000
They are real estate developers and PRIOR CONVICTION OF INSURANCE FRAUD in Florida.
Dov Cherney (American Apparel) is the prized tenant of Richard Meruelo.
Daniel D. Villanueva (is chairman of a private-equity investment firm, Bastion Capital Fund L.P.)
gave $4000 to ADV.
******Daniel D. Villanueva set up a firm with developer Richard Meruelo called Merco Group LLC.***
Merco Group is a leading developer in Florida and is headed by Homero Meruelo.
Richard Meruelo just bought the land that was designated for the LAUSD high school. He is used to taking away property from under educational institutions.
Richard Meruelo did not return calls seeking information about plans for a 15-acre Arts District plot he and developer Daniel Villanueva purchased for more than $12.5 million. The developers, operating under the name Merco Group LLC, are said to be considering building two towers of up to 50 stories each, with more than 300 units. They have not been granted building permits from the city. The property, which sits west of the Southern California Institute of Architecture, has become a battleground. SCI-Arc Director Eric Owen Moss said that discussions about the property are being held, and he is hopeful a solution can be worked out
Lisa Specht former Hertzberg finance chair.
Daniel Villanueva
Bastion Capital Fund
Co-Founder of Univision
Television Network
Hey Lou, de-Cypher this: the Valley that voted for secession was not only voting to secede, they were voting to get away from Mexicans! Slice it any way you want, but that is the bottom line and this is what has Parke Skelton posting on here at 3:00 in the morning. Do you think these voters will vote for a Mexican? Add all the corruption baggage and Tony's lack of integerity and character and that voting bloc just expanded by 10% to 25%. Analyze your data.
Richard Meruelo
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(Independent Expenditure) Support Antonio Villaraigosa
Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005 - General (1275257)
[Election: 05/17/05] 04/08/05 04/08/05 Mailer $56,875.00
Richard Meruelo
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(Independent Expenditure) Support Antonio Villaraigosa
Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005 - General (1275257)
[Election: 05/17/05] 04/08/05 04/07/05 Pre-recorded telephone message $5,718.00
Richard Meruelo
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(Independent Expenditure) Support Antonio Villaraigosa
Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005 - General (1275257)
[Election: 05/17/05] 04/14/05 04/13/05 Pre-recorded telephone message $5,718.00
Richard Meruelo
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(Independent Expenditure) Support Antonio Villaraigosa
Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005 - General (1275257)
[Election: 05/17/05] 04/22/05 04/21/05 Mailer $5,500.00
Richard Meruelo
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(Independent Expenditure) Support Antonio Villaraigosa
Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005 - General (1275257)
[Election: 05/17/05] 04/22/05 04/21/05 Pre-recorded telephone message $4,800.00
Richard Meruelo
Los Angeles, CA 90021
(Independent Expenditure) Support Antonio Villaraigosa
Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005 - General (1275257)
[Election: 05/17/05] 04/29/05 04/28/05 Pre-recorded telephone message $4,100.00
Belinda Meruelo(slumlandlord), Florida
Owns: Rio Apartments
8841 Fontainebleau Blvd
Miami, Fl 33172
Thanks posters for all the info on the Muerlo family. Reporters who who monitor this blog print the postings before Chief Parker deletes them.
Antonio Villaraigosa (TONY VILLAR) is corrupt along with his corrupt minded crew. Crew? what are you speaking of, crew? Is it the VIGNALI, MERUELO crew?
"Take full responsiblity of it's actions."
The answer is: FALSE
Out of mere pressure from the people he is returning and he is praying the ethics commission does not look into this any further, he's hoping that with the return of the money it will just GO AWAY!
There is another that won't GO AWAY- THE VIGNALI CASE is going to do further damage by exposing the REAL ADV. ADV hides behind a fake candidacy and his corruption will only get worse.
VIGNALI case implicates Villaraigosa, Clinton's & Hugh Rodham, Roger Clinton (Vignali client), and many other local politicians from Gloria Molina, Becerra. Kerry is just here to make sure this all better GO AWAY! He is going to try and distract the voters away from VIGNALI, he is doing his own damage control for the sake of the Clintons. ADV+VIGNALI local corrupt individuals and don't underestimate Richard Meruelo, that is an entire different mess all together.
What were LAUSD officials doing, asleep on the job, why couldn't they see this coming? Or are they in cahoots with ADV-Huizar, just look into Huizar...it's CORRUPTION.
BOARD AGENDA - Oct 11th, 2000
Los Angeles to Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority
Regular Meeting
City of South Pasadena
1414 Mission Street
South Pasadena, CA
Wednesday, October 11, 2000
6:00 P.M. - Closed Session
7:00 P.M. - Public Session
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session
a. Conference with Real Property Negotiator (G.C. 54956.8) Property: Sierra
Madre Villa Joint Development Sites
Authority Negotiator: Habib Balian & Amy Freilich
Negotiating Parties: Meruelo Enterprises
SMV Technology Partners
Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment
4. Approval of Minutes a. Regular Meeting - September 27, 2000 - Action
5. Public Comments on Items On/Off Agenda
6. Consent Calendar
a. Adoption of Personnel Policy & Procedures Manual - Action
b. Resolution Certifying the Consistency of Authority - Action Expenditures Throughout the Project, Prior to and After the Inclusion of State Congestion Relief Act Funds
7. General Board Items
a. Approval of Purchase & Sale Agreements with Meruelo - Action Enterprises for the Chinatown Joint Development Site and SMV Technology Partners for the Sierra Madre Villa Station Joint Development Site
b. Approval of a Change Order to the Chinatown Aerial Structure - Action Contract for Relocation of LADWP Overhead Utility
8. CEO's Report - Information a. Matters of General Interest
9. General Counsel Report - Information
10. Board Members Comments - Discussion
11. Adjournment
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, October 25, 2000
City Hall, City of South Pasadena
1414 Mission Street
South Pasadena, CA
Downey, Calif.-based Meruelo Enterprises is a private, 30-year-old real estate company that focuses on commercial and residential real estate projects in Florida and California.
Blue Line Construction Authority November Meeting
Los Angeles to Pasadena Metro Blue Line Construction Authority
Regular Meeting
City of South Pasadena
1414 Mission Street
South Pasadena, CA
12:00 P.M. - Closed Session
1:00 P.M. - Public Session
Wednesday, November 22, 2000
d. Conference with Real Property Negotiator (G.C. 54956.8)
Property: Chinatown
Authority Negotiator: Habib Balian and Amy Freilich
Negotiating Party Meruelo Enterprises
Under Negotiation: Price & Terms of Payment
Sale of Joint Development Parcels
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 13, 2000
The reason for the Daily News endorsement can be summed up in two words
See Cession.
DN wanted to be the "big" paper, only paper, master paper of the SFV, as a separate city.
Hahn killed their chances and maed them look goofy and out-of-touch with their own readership.
They're still goofy and out-of-touch with their own readership.
A readers poll some weeks back went to Hahn.
Who is the editorial board serving or reflecting? The publishers -- also out-of-towners.
Simply put, the D-N hates Hahn because he was successful against them.
Bottom line.
Taylor Yard Parcel F property, which LAUSD
had an agreement in principal to purchase for use as the site
for a new Northeast LA high school, was unexpectedly sold to another
party, Richard Meruelo, without LAUSD's knowledge.
Assembly Member Jackie Goldberg is hosting a meeting for the
public to discuss the situation and its potential ramifications, and
hear from LAUSD and other officials on how to proceed.
BY ALL MEANS, Hahn-haters, rush over to the new "Hahnwatch" blog and join the circle-jerk. Five blog postings and a total of 7 comments between them.
Oh well, at least you more cowardly ADV-lovers (who hid out the whole time ADV corrupt contributions were being discussed here), will have another venue to vent at during Hahn's second term -- 2005-09, and can watch ADV run for something (ANYTHING) else within days.
Hey anon 2:01
Secession got 51-49 in the Valley. If the race is close and Antonio gets 51-49 in the Valley-that's a win. (Flip those numbers SacNighties)
The public meeting with ADV's scam developer buddy was held last week. ADV was MIA (of course), but his Florida-connected buddy Meruelo was there, seeming (to some observers), a bit (s)toked and VERY relaxed for someone who'd just ripped off 60-80 thousand residents of a proper high school for their kids.
Meruelo was also, reportedly, ADV's "connection" to several of the big $$$ contributors in Florida on his recent trip.
Here's the local newspaper account:
(From the HIGHLAND VIEW Newspaper, covering Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Glassell Park, Mt. Washington)
April 30, 2005
Northeast L.A. residents have long been pushing for the best use of the Taylor Yards, a railroad freight yard now vacant for years. The communities of Glassell Park, Cypress Park and Mt. Washington, in particular, have worked very hard to push for a Taylor Yard State Park and lately, a much needed new high school.
Negotiations were underway between A&B Legacy partners and the Los Angeles Unified School District to purchase the property, known as Parcel F. In a move that surprised and shocked many, the property was sold last month to developer Richard Meruelo for
$30 million.
Suddenly, a deluge of accusations started flying. An article in the L.A. Times reported that the developer was spending $62,500 to help elect Antonio Villaraigosa as mayor (Actually, it’s $78,611 according the Los Angeles Ethics Commission filings). E-mails were sailing all around the Northeast repeating those charges, with many wanting to know what the councilman had promised Mr. Meruelo to earn that money.
It was a surprise to me when neither Villaraigosa nor any of the School Board members showed up to a public meeting called by Councilman Ed Reyes and State Assembly person and former L.A. City Councilmember Jackie Goldberg. But, to let the ‘public have their say and to give the community a chance to speak their mind, the 6:30 p.m., April 28 meeting at Glassell Park Elementary School, gave them a chance to do so. The developer, Meruelo was invited, and as a surprise to some, showed up.
Meruelo said, 'We were approached to buy this property, as were many others.' His side of the story describes the seller, A&B Legacy, as getting frustrated with the delays of working with the school district’s plans to purchase the property. He reported that they had lost confidence that L.A.U.S.D was going to move forward with the purchase, so they went looking for other buyers.
The school district, or any government agency, is at a disadvantage when it comes to buying property because they cannot pay more than fair market value, and the required environmental studies and testing for a school site cause considerable delays.
Terence Fennessy, director of acquisitions fot L.A.U.S.D. said that the seller had set certain terms that they couldn’t meet, but that negotiations had not broken off. He claimed it was a surprise to him as well.
The community had plenty to say. Local mothers with school age children took it as an attack on their children and they were angry. One Latina lady said, 'It hurts me to see someone with the name Meruelo connected with spoiling the dreams of school kids.' Others echoed her sentiments.
Joan Lundy spoke out from her seat, 'I’ll never trust another developer again.'
It appeared that all the talk was for nothing when Murelo stated that the property was not for sale. However, he did say that he thought that a win-win situation could happen. He plans to develop much of the property, but it is large enough, he said, to still allow room for the planned High School. He added, 'My family is the only developer investing in inner city urban areas, I’m not here to spoil the dreams of school kids.'
As the scheduled end time for the meeting was getting near, Assemblymember Goldberg put both developer Meruelo and LAUSD on the spot, and asked for their public commitment to working together to make Glassell Park High School a reality.
Layering the pressures of economics on a developer, with the bureaucratic hurdles of a huge un-weildy organization like LAUSD, combined with uncertain developments like environmental impact reports or ground soil pollution findings could easily undermine the most agreeable efforts between all the parties involved. If a new school is to be built there, one thing for sure is that it won’t happen soon.
Funny, how out of all the ADV deficiencies and failures-to-perform SacNighties pointed out, the only thing REALY upsetting the ADV-lovers here is that final number prediction (which I think are the same numbers he/she's been posting for weeks -- even before the Florida dirt started surfacing). SN must know there's more bodies buried in ADV's back yard - including that high school proprty theft by his IE buddy.
The only thing the ADV lovers want is to win, and especially beat Hahn. Even if it means L.A. enters the equivalent of a "Dinkins" era of big city collapse, corruption, and paralysis (exactly what CD14 has been going through for two years).
ADV, right or wrong. ADV, love him or leave him. ADV, he stinks, but we're getting used to his smell. ADV, so he does nothing -- we'll deal with it. At LEAST he's not HAHN!!
It's typical.. ADV has done nothing, we know it, THEY know it. They've given up trying to prove it. Even the DAILY NEWS, which has someone covering City Hall full time, didn't mention ONE BLOODY THING that ADV has done in two full years.
I guess getting their little liberal-guilt riddled ADV-loving asses whipped by the bumbling Bush over "Vietnam hero" Kerry, really hurt bad -- screwed up four years of screaming that Bush wasn't REALLY president. Hurt SO bad that they're willing to accept this gang-coddling, accomplishment-lacking dinosaur pol, and think him being endorsed wby WRONG WAY Kerry is good news.
HA... the last two weeks is when the best and biggest skeletons come out of the ADV closet. Just like 2001. All those "Hahn was on the sidelines" ads have been cut, and are a total waste, onece the ADV "true dirt" hits.
And the news media will eat it up...
Daily News isn't an "ultra-ring-wing" newspaper, PLEASE.
Not even a right wing as the average Valley person, PLEASE.
Hope spring infernal, eh Lucifer?
We KNOW why you're backing ADV. He's good for YOUR business...
What are you guys smoking?
You post all this crap about people who may have given some money to one candiate or the other.
Didn't you hear what Kerry was saying while you were making all that noise trying to protest?
Every candidate has people who give him money that is suspect; what is important is that if he sees it is a problem, he faces it like a MAN and returns it, like Antonio did, and Hahn did not do.
You guys may be angry with Antonio, but don't you get it? You have a limp dick for a candidate in Jimmy boy Hahn.
You have a better chance with Eliseo and his failed recall petition, than getting people to vote for flacid penis Hahn.
This election is down to two weeks and limp dick is still not up on TV. If he comes with slime (when has he ever not come with slime?) Antonio is loaded for bear to put it right back in his face.
Every day that goes by is a day lost for Jimmy boy.
Your champion is flawed and going down.
Back to the recall or back to square one.
Two more weeks of denial (denial is a river in Egypt), then the moment of truth.
Ever been to a bullfight?
Antonio has the sword and cape and Hahn is the bull, only they have put an old cow with fake horns in the ring with him...
Adios, stupido...
(With profound apologies to Senator Lloyd Bensten, Jr.):
"Mayor, I knew Kenny Hahn; Kenny Hahn was a friend of mine. Mayor, you are no Kenny Hahn..."
The desperation level of a ADV lover is apparent when they resort to pornographic remarks. The only thing LIMP was ADV at the rally. I just saw the video and the Hahn supporters were much louder than the ADV supporters. The ADV crowd seemed uneasy at the presence of protesters and this clearly looked weak for ADV TEAM. Again, I did not resort to verbal slander, just facts.
Perhaps flaccid might be the best description of his performance Saturday and at the debates ... but if all the rumors about ADV are true, I would say he suffers from priapism. The derring-do of this working stiff, ADV, causes severe pain for him, his family and the females on his, er, staff.
That last one was the pearl necklace of money shots.
When Mayor Poopie read this endorsement, he pooped his pants.
The Daily News was the one paper he could count on; everyone, including Carrick told him.
But just like Stein, Edwards, Wong and Dowie, Hahn had to act like a MAN.
"No can do", said the Mayor.
"Nothing has been proven, yet", said the Mayor.
Here is what HAS BEEN proven:
This administration is the dirtiest since Frank Shaw cleaned up the city.
Poopie has pooped too much to clean up all of it before the May 17 massacre.
Charisma wins and Poopie poops...
A poll conducted by Zogby International released on June 12, 2002 showed that 58 percent of Mexicans in Mexico believed that the American Southwest rightfully belongs to them and 57 percent believed that they do not require U.S. permission to enter this country. Although most Mexican migrants come to the United States to find work and have no political agenda, many may unknowingly vote for candidates who support separatism. For example, Latinos in Los Angeles voted 4 to 1 for Antonio Villaraigosa, former Speaker of the California State Assembly, when he ran for mayor in Los Angeles. As previously noted, Villaraigosa had served as chairman of the local chapter of the radical MEChA organization when he was a student at UCLA
Thursday, February 22, 2001 12:38 p.m. EST
It Had to Be Hugh
America is a nation of laws, but Bill Clinton's America turns out to have been a nation of in-laws. Hugh Rodham, brother of Hillary Clinton, was paid nearly $400,000 to lobby the former president for the pardon of Almon Glenn Braswell and clemency for Carlos Vignali.
In case you've lost track, Braswell is the "Florida medicine man," in the New York Post's phrase, who was convicted in 1983 of perjury, fraud and tax evasion and got a full pardon from Clinton despite being under investigation on new charges. Vignali was the drug kingpin Clinton released after serving just six years of a 15-year sentence.
"The American system has been bought," police investigator Tony Adams, who worked on the Vignali case, tells the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. "Somebody needs to do the rest of [Vignali's] time. Somebody politically in either L.A. or Washington needs to do the rest of his time--and I'll do the paperwork for it."
Neither Braswell, Vignali nor their lawyers could be reached for comment. Calls to Rodham's Florida home went unanswered
Earlier this month, Hugh Rodham played golf near his home in Coral Gables, Florida, with Bill Clinton, his brother-in-law. He describes the former president as his "buddy." Rodham was also on hand in Washington for the swearing in of his sister to the New York Senate seat. Fifty-year-old Hugh Rodham first made his name in Miami as an assistant public defender in the county's innovative drug court program. There, he helped addicts try to rebuild their lives.
Hey ADV lover, Hahn doesn't have to be on TV cause with the media still as of tonight, reporting on the Forida money Antonio took his poll numbers are going down. ADV looked horrified after a debate when asked yet another question on the money. The fact that he gave it back makes it look more suspicious quoted one reporter.
Hahn can just sit back and let the media go after lame ass Antonio. They finally get it. They know he's a crook, thief and has major major baggage that will soon come out in the media. You can't blame Hahn for that. Conservative talk show host are going to tear him up as well. They know if his little butt gets in they will have to compete with more Spanish radio stations and do you really think they want more?????
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