Villar raises over $1.8 million
Today the Tony Villar campaign unleashed a press release proclaiming that they have hit the $1.8 million dollar mark.
They have raised around $1.2 million in 15 days -- whoever their finance team is -- must be one of the best in the nation. Considering that the most any one contributer can give is $1,000.
Does anyone know who is raising Tony's money? Must be some professional hacks.
How much has Hahn raised -- anyone know?
They have raised around $1.2 million in 15 days -- whoever their finance team is -- must be one of the best in the nation. Considering that the most any one contributer can give is $1,000.
Does anyone know who is raising Tony's money? Must be some professional hacks.
How much has Hahn raised -- anyone know?
Another nail in the Hahn coffin - don't know how many more nails this coffin can take.
NO, you lie... Hert_berg was the LAST nail, everyone said so -- even teh people that said that MAGIC was the last naile, and MAXINE was, and PArks was.
Only think worse than a befuddled, empty suit challenger is a ZOMBIE INCUMBENT WHO WON'T DIE.
RUN, ADV, RUN AWAY to the next job on yuur very long "I wanta be a..." list.
WORD ON THE STREET...Hahn is near $850,000, not too far behind AV, but does have some work on his hands.
Even "word on the street" (lame Hahn spin) doesn't cut it - $1 behind. I'll believe it when they file.
So he should be applauded for dragging a bunch of East Coast money in here to influence the L.A. mayor's race?
What's their stake -- what's their investment buying them? A better place to visit on the way to Disneyland. Doesn't sound like it's the people of L.A. are served by this approach.
ADV raised $1.2 million in two weeks while hiding 1.3 million in community improvement funds for his own district for TWO YEARS.
6:36 p.m. said: "Even 'word on the street' (lame Hahn spin) doesn't cut it - $1 behind. I'll believe it when they file."
(Almost slipped and posted that as a NON-anonymous, huh Parker?"
We know you do it, nothing to be ashamed of. MIA Sam left you in charge of the big house, go hog wild!
But I think you meant $1 million behind.
this blog is about as obsessive compulsive as is.
Listen, no one gives a shit about this campaign. Turnout is gonna be below 30%. only whites are gonna vote. they are gonna vote hahn unless antonio gets his ass in the valley hardball. antonio should be spending time in tarzana, not tarrytown.
as for the daily kos, that guy is a total no-op. he had a little PAC and sponsored 12 candidates in 2004. all 12 lost.
ADV knows how to get money from all this out-of-state sources, SURE. While he was witholding funds from his own needy CD14 constituents, he was spreading around his leftovers from past campaigns thousands at a pop to 80-100 different causes and groups around the country...
It's just a cute way of transferring funds from an account he can't dig into for this, to get money he CAN use for this race from others -- included some of the same people and groups.
He accused Pacheco of doing it in 2003 (no proof; no charges ever filed) -- his hacks said then that CM race contributions were payback for city funds he lined up for some group's needs in the district.
SO, taking a page from the "dirty" opponents he wants to VANQUISH, ADV gives his parked, untouchable money to organizations and causes all over the country for the past two years (except in CD14, of course) THEN, goes back calling when he's running for Mayor this year.
"Remember my gift to YOU when you need it -- well, I need some fresh funds now myself... KNOW WHAT I MEAN?"
It's the shady, grey area political form of laundering dirty money. I'll fill YOUR coffers NOW, then later, you fill MINE!
It's annoying to hear about all those nails in coffins, think of a new one please!
Villar raised alot of money from St. Vignali and his connections. It must be easy for him to launder mafia money under his friends names---FBI--coming soon to a meeting near YOU!
The Miami fundraising was just bringing the "Organized crime groups from the East together with the organized crime groups from the west." He's very good at engaging drug lords and having their thugs for his protection. I give him an A+ for being able to bring people together, that is drug lords, easy access for money laundering...he met some key figures, those that are bought off by mafia. They have the money to give even double of what he raised, just that AV is not trustworthy, but has illegal connections.
Are you sure any of the money he fundraised is not from the district?
Want to see AV?
Public Safety Meeting
April 30th
RSVP 323-254-5295
Questions must be submitted by April 28th
If you need to contact the CHARO corp that has nothing to do with AV (per ther rep) contact
Telephone: (323)269-0751
Fax: (323) 266-4326
OH yeah, ADV's raised money from his district -- selling off park names and community identities to the highest bidder.
Wanta name something in CD 14 after a family member (Art Snyder style) or another friend of loved one... STEP RIGHT UP!
Are you sure any of the money he fundraised is not from the district?
What I meant above was if any of that money he raised is from the district funds that he has been sitting on for a "rainy day" like now.
BTW, I don't think that Antonio Villaraigosa will be a productive politician for the racial issues that are present in some of our communites. For example the Jefferson H.S. incident. Antonio Villaraigosa extreme left wing racism is going to make the communities worse. Racial relations will be delicate and his secret racist views will be shown by decisions he makes for all communities. He is going to cause another RIOT. I do not want this to happen, and he needs to be stopped. This is just one of many qualities Villaraigosa does not posess, we do not need someone that is going to engage people into racial tensions.
Do you think Antonio Villaraigosa cares about your community? If you have thousands of $$$ to spare, maybe...but his extreme racial agenda will divide groups and instigate problems. In South L.A., some parents are worried that he will cater to only the Latino population, and leave the African American community at bay. I agree with this. He has the support of some African American leaders but what promises did he make to the politicians, and what promises is he going to break next for the African American constituents. He is too far to the left and will make sure his people (latino-mafia) survive at all costs regardless of who else needs help. Look at his district, he does not care. He is even screening his possible attendees, what a crooked bastard!
Many blacks and whites are worried Antonio will pay more attention to the spanish speaking communities. South LA High school fights are caused by Blacks being angry that Latinos are now a force in the South and are taking over their community, i.e. drugs, gangs. Antonio can't even take care of these same problems in his own district. Would these same people have given ADV the money after he embarrassed himself at Sunday's debate. NO!
Does anybody have a tissue box full of tissues big enough for all these crybabies?
The endorsements, the money, the polls, have all gone in Villaraigosa's favor. Hahn is going to the debates and the media attacking with scare tactics and trying to bring fear with the subtle "brown = soft on crime, supports gangs" theme. Hahn's best debate performance was this last Sunday, and even then, he only hit a double in a debate where he needed a grandslam to revive his campaign.
Tick tock, tick tock... Time is running out.
Can you hear it now? I hear it. All the paper shredding taking place in City Hall's 3rd Floor, the secretaries deleting Hahn's schedule and e-mails that he refuses to make public. Shannon Murphy crying because her old work place that helped her get to Hahn's administration, Fleishman-Hillard, agreed to pay $5.74 million back to the city for their involvement in corruption at City Hall.
Tick tock, tick tock...
Someone should make Laura Chick pay back that $4 million check she signed and then questioned it.
Moron field staffer Dora is calling certain organizations in CD14 to find out if they are going to Public Safety meeting. IF they are she needs their names and questions. When ADV had the 1st meeting 2 yrs ago it was an open meeting, anyone could attend, questions were asked on the spot.
ADV's staffers have handed out tons of flyers that didn't have the rsvp or questions in by April 28th. What will they tell those people who just show up? You didn't rsvp so you can't come in. It's all about censorship and control. ADV wants to look good in front of cameras. He'll have nothing but HIS supporters there who will say what a great job he's done. None of the most active community members who are against him and disgusted with his ZERO accomplishments in 2 yrs
Hey MEAT what happened to ADV's press conf. where Mark Ridley Thomas was suppose to endorse him? Nothing on the news.
Skelton Tactics 101
Your candidate is still taking a beating after his lousy performance two days ago. The press is starting to ask pointed questions that Tony won't be able to dodge much longer. A community meeting in his home district is about to blow up.
What to do:
Distraction, distraction, distraction - let's put out a press release on how much money we've raised - nobody is going to be able to verify it anyway.
I saw a bit of that press conference on the news, but it barely mentioned the endorsement. It was at the tail end of a story on Hahn visiting Jefferson High School - Tony's follow up, "I can bring this diverse city together." - that's why I am here at another enodersment press conference while my opponent is actually at the site of the most recent race violence. Again, all talk and no action. People are starting to get to know Tony and they don't like what they are finding out.
I can't believe the mailer ADV sent out today. He PROMISES to add 1,600 police officers but of course doesn't say how. He PROMISES to do something about traffic and schools but again doesn't say how. Anyone can come up with this shit. He insults the intelligence of voters.
He's also going to bring the city together - but doesn't say how. He's going to build a first rate transportation system - but doesn't say how. He's going to bring business in - but doesn't say how. What the heck, it sounds good.
Hey Parke, why don't you promise the voters a house like Al Robles did in South Gate - that worked for a while. At least long enough for Robles to walk off with nearly 12 million dollars. Can you guys believe Al Robles only faces 4 years, out by 2 with good behavior. Not a bad take.
Hahn's strategy so far (by way of Kuwata and Carrick) has been to bring up doubts about Antonio.
That much we all know. But how will Hahn bring it home?
The same way Deukmejian won in 1986.
Think of this way. No one wants to look in teh mirror and say they won't vote for a brown man. Hell, they'll even tell precinct walkers and pollsters that it's not an issue.
But in the quiet solitude of the voting booth -- or the living room for you AVB voters -- race does matter and no one will know.
Look at the anon AV haters for example. In person they'll say it's not about race, it's about performance. But look at the venom they post.
Yes, I'm also including you self-loathing Latinos (I met some of you at the Democratic Convention).
I want to believe in you, Los Angeles, but first you have to believe that race doesn't matter and prove it when no one is watching.
With all this money, (Villar, AV, Villaraigosa, Tony, and moron) he cannot even produce the list of neighborhood watches which include, the date that specific watch began, names of members, address, phone and times and dates of meetings. I'm sure he would have had money to pay someone and xerox some copies....Hint, Hint-I'll give you a head start AV, produce the proof, because that is just the tip of the iceberg of requests that we will ask from you at the meeting. We want proof, not excuses! Maybe some of you are right, the Latino community is too complacent...but the african american community would not and will not stand for Villaraigosa's lies.
I was able to get a flyer for the Public Safety Meeting and it has no RSVP or number, so I will show up with my group, signs and all, with a long list of questions, and you better let me in because the invite I have has no RSVP. I will work on media contacts to be there with me and witness what how you AV and your staff treat us as a collective group of concerned citizens that wish to recall you immediately for failing to do your job!
Put a fork in him; Jimmy is done.
Fleishman-Hillard agreed to repay $5.7 Million???
They have maintained that they ONLY overbilled $400,000!!!
This is a revelation.
The Superceding Indictment, referred to in Court last week by Adam Kamenstein, lead United States Prosecutor, should be coming down from the Federal Grand Jury any day now.
Since the requirement is that a Superceding Indictment add at least one more Defendant, the speculation is high that the added Defendant will be Doug Dowie, who walked around Room 300 like he owned it (Well, he did)and who was a close advisor and confidante of Jimmy Boy.
If it comes before the election, I cannot help but believe that Antonio will use it to club Jimmy Boy to death like a baby seal.
All that money was paid by LADWP, at Hahn's Administration's request, to provide PR support of Jimmy Boy.
Does that upset anyone in CD 14, or is it just the rest of us that are upset at such corruption?
Fleishman-Hillard agreed to repay $5.7 Million???
They have maintained that they ONLY overbilled $400,000!!!
This is a revelation.
The Superceding Indictment, referred to in Court last week by Adam Kamenstein, lead United States Prosecutor, should be coming down from the Federal Grand Jury any day now.
Since the requirement is that a Superceding Indictment add at least one more Defendant, the speculation is high that the added Defendant will be Doug Dowie, who walked around Room 300 like he owned it (Well, he did)and who was a close advisor and confidante of Jimmy Boy.
If it comes before the election, I cannot help but believe that Antonio will use it to club Jimmy Boy to death like a baby seal.
All that money was paid by LADWP, at Hahn's Administration's request, to provide PR support of Jimmy Boy.
Does that upset anyone in CD 14, or is it just the rest of us that are upset at such corruption?
Hahn is dealing with top issues like public safety, schools he was at Jefferson High advising that the Human Relations Commission will help students and traffic. Antonio on the other hand is still out having press conf. Antonio told community groups public safety was his top priority when he became councilman. Now its education. Again flip flp.
Hey poster, the first flyers that ADV staff handed out didn't have an rsvp or to submit questions. I think MEAT or others who monitor this blog for ADV told him to control and censor. Hope you get in.
ADV-lover says" "Fleishman-Hillard, agreed to pay $5.74 million back to the city for their involvement in corruption at City Hall."
Funny, that's not what every CREDIBLE source says -- F-H is paying for picking the city's pocket, no one in city hall TOLD them to, no one CONDONED it, no one COVERED it up, no one PROFITED by it.
That would be "CORRUPTION" -- loke it up Tony-Lover.
Oh, I was wrong the city makes couple million dollars PROFIT off getting its pocket picked. Kudos to Rocky on the settlement which returns more than the original overbilling, because this kind of charge is a BITCH to really prove in court.
How much did the Transportation Committee lose under absentee charismatic Tony? 20 million. Hmmm, $2 million profit vs. $20 million loss. . .
334: a.m. says: "Put a fork in him; Jimmy is done."
REal original --- like 16 times a day here since Decemeber.
How about "stick a (Vignali) coke spoon in ADV, he's dung"
Jiminy Cricket -- isn't that the one made Pinocchio a real live boy?
Trying to make ADV a real live mayoral candidate?
Better wish on a whole constellation, because his days in the lead are numbered... people as JUST starting to pay attention now, coicidentally he's JUST now starting to fall apart.
Just like 2001, Just like every day since he took over in CD14.
He's a paper-thin toy tiger with no teeth.
He's too thin to even BE toast andn Too thin to even GET a fork into. A non-candidate riding non-solutions to non-issues.
Payback's a bitch, especially when you can't afford the ticket.
Did someone want to know how much Jimmy has raised?
No sense asking Jimmy, he wouldn't know.
You could ask his staff, but they are not supposed to know, and probably don't.
I'd say the best source would be to call Alice Borden and ask her.
Her number is (818) 905-5420.
By the way, the person running Antonio's fundraising is a bright young woman named Bronley Luhrs.
His operation is low key and very effective. Contrary to what the CD 14 Ranters Association have to say, Antonio is a skilled manager who ran the Speakership office with great success.
Managing 80 Assemblymembers (and all the staff) is a difficult proposition and requires skill, tact and smarts. It is sometimes alluded to as being more difficult than "herding cats".
This city is not business friendly; we need to make it so that employers want to be in Los Angeles. That is where the jobs and employment opportunities come from.
And we need to have development here; there are few cranes or buildings going up; look at San Francisco if you want to see development. Willie Brown may be gone, but he made it happen.
Jimmy has been asleep for four years.
F-H story just became a non-issue, maybe even a plus for Hahn.
What are you going to fall back on now, Tony-lovers?
Campaign signs at union work yards? Yeah, that one helped a lot, lets drag its sorry ass out again.
People just keep trying to put more nails in Hahn's coffin -- too bad he was never in it, ADV-lovers. "Corruption" story's been falling on deaf ears everywhere but in the Times editorial offices and among the "faithful" in Pope Tony's enclave.
Less and less true believers out here everyday, your holiness. Maybe when Hahn ACTUALLY dies you might get another shot.
Better be careful how fast that money comes in folks. With Tony's record of raising "dirty" drug money being in the news EVERY time the mayor's race is mentioned now, people are going to start getting SUSPICIOUS.
Just like in the neighborhood when someone who NEVER does any real work (like ADV) starts showing up in a better ride, and wearing FINE clothes out of the blue... EVERYone know ehere the money's coming from, they're just afraid to say it out loud.
Fleishman Hillard got the city contract from Villaraigosa supporter Dick Riordan. Delgadillo states that he filed a lawsuit in July. Sleazy Chick wants to take credit but Rocky says her audit was done after and finished in Oct. Chick also worte a check for $4 million to FH without even questioning it. She's a lame brain.
Again, ADV had more money in 2001 and he still lost. ADV lovers name me one ADV accomplishment in the last year. You can't use the lying 80 neighborhood watches. C'mon MEAT ONE THING HE'S DONE IN A YEAR. This is our argument for all us Anti-ADV people. ONE SIMPLE THING ADV HAS DONE IN 1 YR. NAME IT!
Hahn - Dowie
Villaraigosa - Alatore, Snyder, Hernandez
Who got more dirty crooks in his posse THESE days
Hal is on the warpath.
Antonio Villaraigosa is the former Chairman of the UCLA Chapter of MEChA, an anti-American and anti-Israel separatist group vowing to liberate Aztlan (the U.S. Southwest), who refer to themselves as La Raza (The Race).
Antonio Villaraigosa refuses to repudiate MEChA
Antonio Villaraigosa refuses to repudiate Anti-Semitic web site La Voz de Aztlan.
Antonio Villaraigosa jeopardizes the public's safety by rewarding illegal aliens with Matricula Consular IDs
Antonio Villaraigosa never passed the bar exam despite four triesAntonio Villaraigosa hangs out with bad company.
Antonio Villaraigosa refuses to cooperate with the federal government to deport illegal alien gang members.
Do you want a mayor who doesn't keep promises?
Do you want a mayor who is endorsed by someone who is cozy with an anti-Semite.
Antonio Villaraigosa never lifted a finger to support Sheriff Baca and D. A. Cooley, to persuade the Mexican Government to extradite more than 300 Mexican fugitives.
Antonio Villaraigosa, the unprincipled hypocrite who failed the bar exam four times, wants to be a leader in educating your kids.
Antonio Villaraigosa wants amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens.
Hahn - John Stodder, Doug Dowie, Leland Wong, Ted Stein, Troy Edwards, James Acevedo, Chris Hammond
Villaraigosa - Alatorre, Snyder, Hernandez
Slightly different result, no?
Hmm...the names under your Hahn list only show ONE person who has actually been indicted. Anotnio's list shows several.....
Does anyone know anything about this Bronley person?
Do the people from CHARO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. know that there is going to be a protest?
This community entity is important to us, so they should know about AV's presence on the 30th, and the protest.
Telephone: (323)269-0751
Fax: (323) 266-4326
8:37am Never show your cards. Now AV will cancel or not show up. Do what you have to do but NEVER EVER let ADV know what you're up to.
Interesting all of ADV's endorsers are people who want payback on Hahn. The valley people because he had the guts and kept LA one city. The Parks people cause he had the guts to get rid of a loser chief and they want revenge. None of them have said that ADV has a vision, leadership, experience, is qualified.
Bronley is not only smart, she is charming and very pretty BUT the real wizard behind the screen is a well kept secret. Here is a hint--initials are same as mega tape corporation. The winner gets to contribute a $1000 to the next race this wiz wins.
Tony isn't going to show anyway. Parke wouldn't open him up for this kind abuse, not with their perceived, insurmountable, lead in the polls. They'll find an excuse to cancel at the last minute.
Regarding CHARO. Richard Amador has always been a shrewd operator, eventhough he couldn't get his son elected. He's cozy with Alatorre, Hernandez and in the past, Snyder. Robyal-Allard was an accountant for him before she ran for office and I guess by hiring Alvin Parra he thinks he is making some brownie points somewhere.
But knowing Amador, he'd take any pubicity and turn it into a positive - his organization is not at risk. At least not any more risk than by hooking up with a liability like Parra.
If he AV does not show up, we will show up at every press conference, campaign appearance, campaign offices therafter to protest and have the the media witness how the CM VIlliaraigosa is trying to hide from us. This is more damaging than not showing up at the meeting. We will leave it up to him.
Some of the media has been interestingly viewing this blog. It would be a perfect story to print on how Villaraigosa "promised" to show up at the meeting and instead decided to hide out and not face the music. Great! Why would you want a WEAK individual like this.
Some of the signs actually criticize CHARO for allowing money laundering, cheating, pathological liar AV on its premises. Maybe CHARO is in deep in Villaraigosa's +Vignali $$$$$$$$.
CHARO decides to cohort with drug lords money man Villaraigosa. THis type of publicity is not good, no matter how you twist it.
What I find interesting is why is the meeting at CHARO? Last time it was held at Bravo Magnet school. There are plenty of venues that are open to the public. This is sending the wrong message to the community. I bet when community members show up who haven't rsvpd they will say there's not enough room. ADV as always will make sure ONLY HIS SUPPORTERS GET IN. That way it is controlled and censored to be positive. He doesn't want to hear the complaints of his constituents.
Why does it say at the bottom of ADV's public safety flyer (the one with rsvp line) Computer Generated: Labor Donated? Isn't this something that is being done by CD14? Why is labor involved and obviously paid for these flyers. This isn't suppose to be a mayoral candidate event. ADV has $1.34 million right now. How could he not pay for this himself?
what other races has Bronley done?
Anon 9:29 --
"Labor Donated" doesn't mean that Labor donated the flyers...
What it means is that the labor for printing the fliers has been donated.
Know what I mean? You're basically saying that the fliers weren't union printed, and that the labor to print them was donated for free.
Don't get into anymore crazy conspiracy theories than are absolutely necessary!!
Did Villaraigosa promise Vignali $$$ to CHARO, or it's officers?
What did Villaraigosa promise Alvin Parra, a new editor position with the paper of L.A. TIMES?
Did Villaraigosa promise Parra a position for CM, you know how bad you want it. Parra has his own skeletons in the closet, the protesters should make signs on Parra and his manipulation of funds. BTW, Villaraigosa will tarnish whatever he touches.
Anonymous 9:29 AM,
Can you scan and put the flyer on this site?
Some of us did not get that flyer, we got the one with no RSVP. I want to forward the one you are speaking of to the media.
Anonymous 7:21 AM
As usual, you anon posters don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric.
I was Pinocchio's conscience who attempted to keep him out of trouble.
The Blue Fairy made Pinocchio a real-live boy.
None of this matters in the grand scheme of things, but you see, Mr. Anonymous 7:21 AM, you didn't even bother to get your story straight before you posted.
This reflects poorly on you and any credibility you wished upon a star for.
As for the rest of your post... Mr. Villariagosa is an intelligent, dedicated public servant. The same is true for Mr. Hahn.
However, Mr. Hahn did not let his conscience be his guide when he was raising all that money to fight secession.
Mr. Hahn's situation is very similar to Mr. Davis' during the recall. Both men leave the impression they cared more about raising money than leading.
Both men are aloof loners, but skilled campaigners when their job is on the line. However, the fatal flaw you will see develop with Mr. Hahn campaign is a lack of enthusiam on the part of his supporters that will grow with each damaging news story.
But that's not what Hahn campaign is about these days. It's about depressing turnout. It's about racheting up the fear-mongering.
Will it work? Maybe.
Look at Wilson in '94, GHWB in '88 and GWB in '00 and '04.
Mr. Anonymous 7:21 AM, you wrote "Payback's a bitch, especially when you can't afford the ticket."
Who has Hahn been paying back? And who will pay if Hahn wins?
Student's death prompts calls to make L.A. schools gang-free
Mayor Hahn and Superintendent Roy Romer seek to expand or add new injunctions to protect district campuses.
By David Zahniser
Copley News Service
Alarmed by the shooting of a 15-year-old outside a South Los Angeles high school, Mayor James Hahn and schools Superintendent Roy Romer called Monday for the creation of "gang free zones" outside the city's most dangerous campuses.
Four days after Deliesh Allen was gunned down in front of Locke High School, the Los Angeles Unified School District agreed to begin meeting with city officials to draft a plan for improving school security in high-crime neighborhoods.
School officials said they plan to hire 30 additional school officers, while Hahn said he will ask City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo to create new gang injunctions or expand the boundaries of existing ones.
"We will do everything in our power to let kids feel safe about going to school, because nothing is more important to the future of this city than our young kids getting a good education," Hahn said..."
Cricket, sorry, I haven't spent a lot of time with the "classics" -- missed that liberal arts education you must be profitting from.
I'm too busy trying to read and understand the Controller reports showing that ADV has been hording more than $1 million in community improvements funds dating back MORE than two years, while he TAKES money from his own NCs, and tells other groups "we have no money in the district - Pacheco (whos; been gone two years), took it all (in advance, somehow)."
I find ADV's "fairy tales" about providing community service, bringing people together (to protest him, now), and inventing 80 invisible new neighborhood watches.
I'll believe there really IS a "blue fairy" before I swallow and more of ADV's lies and promises... "I'll end corruption in city hall," he says (So, where exactly will you be outsourcing your own brand of corruption to if you become mayor? Somewhere where the "labor" costs are cheaper ADV?)
8:07 p.m. (ADV's list is MUCH longer, AND he's still hugging his crooked indicted cronies, tight" -- not firing, not "resigning" them.)
Follow the money. . . It's not Bronley. She is great and has worked hard since arriving from the other coast. Hint Mother's Milk Money.
Thanks poster. I understand now that the labor had to be donated since ADV's field staffers are out helping him campaign. Gee, who would do the real work of his council office but volunteers.
Thanks poster. I understand now that the labor had to be donated since ADV's field staffers are out helping him campaign. Gee, who would do the real work of his council office but volunteers.
Daily News Poll Page 2 Monday April 19th:
The question was straight forward.
Will you vote for Antonio Villariagosa?
39% Yes
61% No
Is there trouble in Huggy Boy City?
Attention Deficit Villaraigosa (ADV) while speaker of assembly did nothing to help schools.In fact, the voted against many bills to help them. Now he's flip flopped again and says education is at the top of his list. public safety should be at the top of his list with 15 homicides in his district. Gameboy Padilla had a motion passed yesterday in council and partnered with Prez Jose Huizar to help schools. Didn't Huizar endorse ADV?
Talk about having a sleaze factor on staff, check this out:
Campaign Staffers for Alatorre Face Criminal Charges
Los Angeles Times
July 18, 1986
A 16-count criminal complaint charging that Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alatorre's political committees accepted nearly $85,000 in illegal contributions before his election last year was filed in Municipal Court on Thursday by the city attorney's office.
Rather, the complaint alleged that violations were committed by Alatorre's two campaign committees--Friends of Alatorre and Citizens for Alatorre--and two campaign treasurers, Ernest Camacho of Citizens for Alatorre, and Cecilia Alatorre Kunkel, the councilman's sister and treasurer of the other group.
Also named in the complaint was Mary E. Brooks, who Hahn said disbursed funds from both committees.
The three campaign workers face arraignment Aug. 7 in Municipal Court. If convicted, each could be sentenced up to six months in jail and fined $1,000 for each count. Kunkel was named in all 16 counts, while Camacho was named in nine and Brooks in six.
Hahn said none of the principals agreed to talk to investigators, and that the city attorney's office did not have the power to compel them to testify.
Alatorre's sister is on staff with Tony. Isn't ironic that it was Hahn who was pushing the investigation. Can you say payback?
"Now he's flip flopped again and says education is at the top of his list."
Good point 10:15 anon, what people dealing with ADV don't always realize is that he's got LOTS of lists with LOTS of tops, depends on who he's talking to, when, and where.
It's gotten SO confusing they had one of the printers in Beverly Hills (don't trust those local CD14 merchants!) pre-print whole pads -- like those tacky "Things I have to do today..." pads they sell.
Except ADV's say, "Things I have to lie about and say are at the top of my list TODAY!"
(Since nothing ever get's checked OFF as completed on his lists, no "check boxes" are required, however.)
Cecilia Alatorre
Council Aide
Cecelia has extensive experience in public service dating back to her days as a long time former aide to Assemblymember Walter Karabian in the San Gabriel Valley. Currently, Cecelia performs casework and constituent services in my El Sereno field office.
There should be a BACKGROUND CHECK on all HIS STAFF!
FOUR TIMES AS MANY (new) neighborhood watches as there are polling places?
FIVE TIMES AS MANY (new) neighborhood watches as there are neighborhoods?
This just KEEPS getting better. Pretty soon he's have more new (invisible) neighborhood watch organizations than there are cops on the Eastside (all shifts combined).
If this KEEPS UP, we won't need any cops in CD14 AT ALL.
(Just a direct number to the Coroner's office and a fresh supply of body bags).
THANKS, Attention Deficient Villar for making PUBLIC SAFETY you number one priority for the past two years.
If he DOES make education his NO# 1 priority as mayor, we'll be able to hold combined graduation exercises for all the high schools in the district in that tiny pocket parke he sold the name of to a contributor/fundraiser.
Local Funds in Jeopardy
by Tom Topping
"...I finally had enough information to call Villaraigosa's office. I got the run around of my life. My patience was wearing thin by the time I got a hold of communications director Joe Ramallo.
He said, "I'm still new here, let me call you back."
"Wait!" I said. "This is my question." I read off the list of the three Eagle Rock organizations and included the Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council who was supposed to get $50,000 for a copy machine. "Are any of these organizations are in danger of losing their funds?" I asked.
About an hour later he called back. "No," he said. "All the groups you mentioned are getting their funds."
It seems that if the organization has a contract in hand the funds will be safe. But on the other hand no one in the council office would answer the question of what exactly an "executed" contract was. Lisa Sarno did not return my call as promised. Jimmy Blackman did not return a call either. According to the dictionary, the term "executed" means that it has to have been performed or fulfilled or carried out, and that is the word used in the motion. It sounds like if you haven't fulfilled your part, and brought the contract into effect, it is in jeopardy.
Anon 10:32
?? Elaborate
Villaraigosa is only going to hamper and progress we are trying to make as a community regarding race.
His extreme views about Mexico and it's meddling in local politics just proves that he will open the door to Mexio pulling it's weight in politics and influence. His racist agenda will hamper any progress we as a society project for the future of L.A. To prosper and live in a productive diverse society we need someone who does not abide by racist and believe in too far to the left racist agendas.
Villaraigosa is dangerous to Latino & African American relations, he will be the nightmare that will cause an uprising and riots in our city.
Villaraigosa is only going to HAMPER ANY progress we are trying to make as a community regarding race.
His extreme views about Mexico and it's meddling in local politics just proves that he will open the door to Mexio pulling it's weight in politics and influence. His racist agenda will hamper any progress we as a society project for the future of L.A. To prosper and live in a productive diverse society we need someone who does not abide by racist and believe in too far to the left racist agendas.
Villaraigosa is dangerous to Latino & African American relations, he will be the nightmare that will cause an uprising and riots in our city.
Calling CM members for RSVP and disclosure of questions to be asked of the "fake" CM Villaraigosa?
Dora, have you stooped this low to censor the constituents you serve?
You still have time to make a change and stop AV from continuing his SOCIALISTIC PROPAGANDA.
Dora, Dora, Dora...
Dora Garcia
Field Deputy
Dora is a graduate of California State University Los Angeles and performs casework and constituent services in my Boyle Heights field office. She has also served as the coordinator for special events in Boyle Heights including our Days of Service. Prior to joining my Council office Dora served as a key volunteer in my campaign for City Council and worked as a Customer Service Specialist for the Bank of America.
10:31 a.m., well, at least it's a bit reassuring they're not just stupid enough to keep giving constituents the runaround every day, they also do it the the media!
(Lisa SarNO!, Deputy Chief of Staff to ADV, at a public meeting several weeks back):
"Someone here just said one of my staff members didn't return their call, aned I take that VERY serioulsy. If that happens to you, you call ME, and I'll deal with it personally!"
(Constituent, meekly), "Um, Lisa, I did call you after that, but you didn't return my calls either."
Silence. . .
OH, well he recuited field staffers from BANK OF AMERICA... That explains EVERYTHING!
"... The idea was to keep tabs on the park's progress, keep channels open between neighborhood and city councils, as well as all other parties concerned.
What they got this night was District 14 Field Representative Monica Garcia, her supervisor Lisa Sarno, and project engineer Robert Gutierrez. They offered mostly vague answers to mostly specific questions.
About 15 cold metal chairs were put in a tight circle, and everyone was asked to introduce themselves and sign in. With this went my only remaining chance of just being a fly on the wall. Oh well.
Putting her public speaking and N.L.P. skills to good use, Sarno sounded very official as she agressively prated about landscaping hold-ups, "sky-rocketing costs," and meetings with other groups. She also cited that there were definitely people opposed to the project.
"How many people?" asked Nancy, a local resident.
"20% are opposed," offered Gutierrez.
"But in numbers. That's vague," Nancy persisted.
No answer. Moving on..."
What is AV boasting about? Neighborhood groups that are leaving in droves? What is going on AV, I thought you had the support of thousands and thousands, it is all Villaraigosa BS! Please read...
Council President Resigns
by Tom Topping
"Anita Hultman, President of the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council resigned her position last week. In a letter of resignation dated March 20th, submitted to the board by e-mail on the 28th, she stated that a "the lack of responsibility and cooperation shown by many board members and stakeholders is an inaccurate reflection of me, as a leader and as a human being." She wrote, "this last week was enough," and relinquished all her duties and responsibilities to Vice President Michael Nogueira.
This tops off a year where about half of the council members elected last year have given up and walked away. Officially, the majority of them resigned for personal reasons. However, any reasonable observer could see the friction of the various personalities during the year's meetings. This, combined with the fact that very little was getting accomplished, would lead most anyone to reject wasting their precious time for such a dysfunctional community group..."
Anon posted
"They offered mostly vague answers to mostly specific questions."
Absolutely! AV and his staff are masters at this, they might not return calls, but they can definitely paint a pretty picture that makes absolutely no relevance to the question.
They learned it from the King AV, King of pathological lying and wording distortion. Ace Smith must have taught them too. Ace is the GOD of word distortion. I have been reading many news comments, and remember Hahn used the word "Rhetoric" in the debate? Well Ace Smith has now been using it to describe Hahn. So they pay you 50k a month to copy rip off other's comments, I am in the wrong business.
Having fun are we dum-dums?
Natalie Reyes,
Donnie Fowler,
Shannon Murphy,
Jeff Millman,
Yusef Robb,
By the end of the week we will know everything about you guys.
Who you dated, who you didn't date, whose cheating on whom, where each one lives, how much of an alcoholic one or some maybe, who just moved into town because Carrick asked them, who hasn't had a date in years.
All these questions and more -- answered by the end of the week.
Next week's addition includes,
Art Pulido -- just how straight are you?
Hal Netkin - What were you doing socializing with known KKK members last year around this time at the Beverly Garlen Hotel in Valley?
And of course Jim Hahn -- going back to the City Controller days i will, i will, going back to the first days of the ethics commission i will, i will. Going back to every wife beater you let out early i will, i will.
Wanna get dirty?
blog away
OOOOOHHHH...someone sounds mad.
Meta doesn't want to elect a mayor, he wants to run a matchmaking service for downtown hacks!
You go, boy, a happy city staffer is a productive city staffer, right?
(Damn, ADV's field staff must have blue balls the size of city hall -- even the women -- because they are COUNTER-productive).
This is getting ugly.
What does any of the vitriol have to dowith AV raising $1.8 Million and JH sucking air?
Can't any of you stick to the thread?
I think th ewater in CD 14 must be tainted.
Sounds to me like someone ragged on MEAT's girlfriend, here, is it Lisa SarNO!, Meat?
(Nah, couldn't be.... not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that).
Mr. Useless-es can be SO defensive about the other field deputies when pushed.
NO, the water in the BLOG tank needs to be changed. This thread is SO yesterday -- only ADV-lovers want to stick to the threads that make THEIR daddy ADV look good (which is ALL Vice-Mayor Faker posts here).
"I think the water in CD 14 must be tainted.
YES, the ADV-lovers are starting to catch on... something else to blame ADV for (not that we need ANY help), but you're welcome to jump in.
Bad schools, bad crime, bad field staff, bad (absentee) CM, and NO bad water.
That must be why, when ADV carpetbagged into CD14 2 years ago, he rented a house hooked up to SOUTH PASADENA water, like several dozen on the outer edge of that community are.
City water isn't GOOD enough for him, NO! (And he's too busy pointing out "corruption" over settled lawsuite like F-H/DWP to deal with anything that ACTUALLY affects his constituents.
Er, make that "... and NOW bad water"
Got so EXCITED about finally converting one of the Hare Villars from that cult, I rushed it.
Meat asks, "Want to get dirty?"
After you prove the 81 percent approval rating in the district and find the 8o invisible nw neighborhood watches (and I won't EVEN mention the 68 MILLION constituents that have been mobilized, at least that's the figure for the next debate), I have a much harder task for you, if you're up to the challenge?
When, in ANY recent election campaign he's been a part of, has Villaraigosa not started, "gotten" and ended up being "dirty" against the other guy?
He wouldn't know what to say...
Sounding a bit rancid there, aren't you? Why wait until the end of the week Ullysees? Your boy Tony is obviously getting tarred and feathered by the minute. Why the wait? Is it because people know who you are? Are you afraid that if you post something the target of your wrath might slap you with a defamation suit? Everyone knows were to find you. Either at the East L.A. office or at Victor Griego's office. Better clean out your computer, subpoenas can get pretty nasty, I'm sure Victor doesn't want lawyers snooping around his office, not with all those skeletons he has hiding there. Why don't you just stick to web design, you've proven your not much of a political operative anyway.
Who's Victor Griego and Ulysses?
Dumb dumbs you people truly are.
If meat says those people he lists are BAD, I believe him, he's always been right in the past (right?).
So, I've made up my mind, I'm not voting for:
Natalie Reyes,
Donnie Fowler,
Shannon Murphy,
Jeff Millman,
Yusef Robb,
Art Pulido
Hal Netkin
for Mayor.
(I thought Art Pulido was Alarcon's boy -- the guy that just endorsed ADV so heartily? What's the matter, the ranks behind the endorsing Kumbayah boys not holding up so well? First the DN poll shows the Valley rejecting ADV 2 to 1, days after Hertzberg endorses, and now Alarcon's errand boys are on ADV's hit list).
Looks like we won't need to pound nails in Tony's campaign coffin, he's crumbing so fast, they'll just sweep him up with one of the leftover public works push brooms from his faked "community clean-up" photo-ops.
Who cares! They're non-factors in any of this. What else is going on out there?
Mr. Cricket's as "creative" as the rest of the ADV-lovers. Try this one, no one's posted it in 10 or 12 minutes...
"stick a fork on Hahn, he's done"
Bring it on Tony's little MEAT-pie, but check with your buddies on CD14 staff first, to see if they really want to start having people "outed" in a full-on range war.
(It's a VERY small district when you get down to it... Too small for 80 new neighborhood watches, and WAY too small for even a chief of staff to keep personal secrets).
HEY, it is time for a new thread...
How about "race riots" at the alma mater of Mr. "bringing people together?"
Victor Griego is one of Tony's old buddies from back in the day when they were both after Maria Elena Durazo at Local 11 in the mid 80's. Victor used to be Ricahrd Alatorre's Chief of Staff and roomate at the height of Richard's cocaine addiction. He now runs DSO, Diverse Strategies for Organizing and he supposedly does political consulting. At present his consulting firm has a stellar 10% victory rate. Victor was really hurt whn Tony picked Parke to run his campaign in 1994, but they keep throwing bones to Victor anyway. DSO was investigated for fraudulent voter registration drives in the early 90's. One of his "bounty" workers was able to register nearly 300 people at East L.A. Calvary Cemetery. Talk about raising the dead. Ullysees is a brown nosing, star struck wanna be political operative who got a position at DSO because of his computer skills. DSO has many contracts with MTA and LUASD for "community outreach" - which of course can't be substantiated, just easy money. Every activists in the eastside knows that eventhough DSO can't run campaigns, they are experts at double or triple billing public agencies.
Oh, and Victor was the conultant Nick Pacheco hired when he decided to run for office in 1999, that is before Victor decided move in from South Pasadena to be a candidate himself - backstabbing is one of his specialties. Victor took much of Nick's information and strategies but being the loser that he is, Victor lost that race too, despite having the endorsement of virtually every Latino elected offical, including Tony.
There is so much more, like his dealings with Ron Martinez, Gloria's husband or his dealings with Mike Hernandez (his best man at his wedding) but why bore you. Just another example of Tony's sleaze factor.
Or, how about, where ELSE can ADV be confronted with his lies and broken promises in the near future in CD14 (RSVP required... but DON'T bother, there's LOTS of room).
Bring a bullhorn if you got one, and LOTs of protest signs for this RARE, outdoors campaign stop INSIDE CD14.
Here's GREAT opportunity (the "CM" says he BE there):
FRIDAY, April 29, 9:30 a.m.,
5566 Via Marisol (between Avenue 57 and Monterey Road),
Highland Park
To Meat:
I am assuming that you think these people posted something or did something you don't like-
Natalie Reyes,
Donnie Fowler,
Shannon Murphy,
Jeff Millman,
Yusef Robb,
Why don't you post your name too so we can find out "everything about you" too?
But you won't because you are totally chicken shit.
You are such a loser, it makes me LAUGH.
Antonio has to be stopped, but it will happen with the people, they have the power to put him in his place for all of his lies.
Hey, if MEAT keeps up, he'll "stop ADV" single-handedly. I sometimes think he's a Hahn plant, because the "pro" tony stuff he puts up here is MORE harmful than his bogus, innuendo-based "Anti" Hahn stuff.
(NO way he's a staffer, though, they would have canned his ass months ago for all the embarrasing stuff he's put up here that's flown back in Tony's face, 81 PERCENT OF THE TIME!)
So, Antonio brought in this Bronley check from somewhere outside of CA? What, the fundraisers in LA aren't good enough for him?
Ok you Anti-ADV people I'm with you but let's get back to issues. You are going to make innocent people get slammed because you're angry just like me with Antonio's lame ass staff. MEAT is Ulyssess and he got in big trouble for that goof of spelling Hertzberg's name wrong on ADV's website. They're desperate cause ADV isn't looking too good no matter how much money he raised. They raised more in 2001 against Hahn and he still lost.
Hahn's main issues public safety, schools, traffic, affordable housing, after school programs, LAX expansion, gang reduction programs etc. MEAT is yet to list ONE accomplishment in the last year that Antonio had completed. JUST ONE. How many days has ADV missed on city council would also be nice to know. It looks like he missed 2 days this week alone.
CHIEF PARKER PLEASE CHANGE ARTICLE. Anti-Antonio people start debating the issues.
Nice try Athena, but you're subtle attempt at humor is very weak. Tarzana would be so lucky if they were turned into Tlatelolco, wasn't that the business and commerce center of the Aztec empire - I'm sure Tarzana can use the new businesses. And South Pasadena ground water is much more unhealthy than DWP aqueduct water. Check out the environmental reports from all the environmental groups that endorsed Tony.
Great idea, but do you really think Chief Parker will change the topic t actually discuss issues? From what I have read, this is just an anti Hahn site. I can't beleive any Hahn supporters even log on to this site-it is a waste of their time. The people on this blog are not undecided-they know who they are voting for. This is just a chance for mean spirited jabs to go back and forth.
Everyone KNOWS the people who writing these comments-on both sides. Why don't you just say these things in person?
Oh, that's right-not a pair of balls among any of you
Yeah let's change the thread. This one got all tangled up. How about a thread on what's happening in the news. Jefferson High School Chief Parker - were do these candidates stand on race relations? Maybe the Samantha Runyan case, that should tie in to the Michael Jackson case: were do these candidates stand on pedophiles? What about the Los Angeles Dodgers of Chavez Ravine or the Los Angeles Angels of Disneyland, were do these candidates stand on team names? Come on Chief Parker, we're getting bored.
Chief Parker is checking with Ace to see if it is okay to change the thread....
I take your point, 1:21 p.m., but a "debate" implies 2 sides.
When the "anti-ADV" issues are brought up, having mostly to do with him being unfit for even his CURRENT job, let along the promotion he wants, the response is either...
...or the kind of unsubstantiated smear tactics back about Hahn's guilt-by-appointment and guilt-by-contractor-relationship "corruption."
ADV-lovers have stopped even TRYING to prove he EVER did any work in CD14 while taking two years worth of very heft paychecks. They consider that some kind of paid sabbatical on city time, while he pondered all the GREAT things he would HAVE done if he hadn't lost and WOULD do when he ran again (still a top secret of the campaign, apparently).
If someone had only told the people of CD14 they were getting a part-timer as a CM, no doubt the vote would have been different two years ago.
THAT is an issue -- like it or not.
Take one job, as cover to run for another and complete nothing means you're not fit to continue serving the city in any capacity.
What kind of settlement will ADV pay the city (a la F-H), for overbilling them for his district time. He's "fudged" more time sheets in CD14 than all the F-H cronies put together.
You are telling me to get a life?
First of all, you identify yourself as a REPUBLICAN, which is a Nazi in KKK clothing, as far as I am concerned, and you tell me to get a life?
Look outside of your self for a moment and tell me me to get as life for stating my political views on a political blog?
I'm adding that the list of trite, pro-ADV sniglets, GOP-Faker... I didn't expect more from a RHINO, but some of these liberal arts grads kissing the ground under ADV should be able to do a LITTLE better:
"train has left the station"
"stick a fork in him"
"last nail in his coffin"
The rest of the list of abused cathc phrases is around here somewhere, on a cocktail napkin.
(I don't now anybody's identity here, but I guarantee nobody's writing for Leno, even the Daily Breeze)
OH yeah, that one, too..
"get a life"
"take a pill"
"take your meds"
ADV-lovers use them ALL. Maybe you should talk to Jimmy Blackman about using some of that $1.3 million ADV is hording in district improvement funds - since 2003, to set up a creative writing class for you CD14 field staffers.
(REALLY boring... try even reading a book, sometimes that breaks the writer's block!)
"But if I change the thread, Ace, they might find some way to talk about (brrrrr...) CHILDREN!
Hungry children, children who's gangbanger daddies just got blown away in Hollenbeck, children of single mothers who make their kids wear torn clothing (even though they have middle-class jobs). Oh, that last one was okay, that's Tony's line...
Happy to talk about ADV's fundraising. What IS he promising these people in other cities and states?
Since he can't complete ONE single project in CD14, he can't promise that. Since his "support" for an issue or candidate is the kiss-of-death (ask Kerry, or the county half-cent sales tax promoters) he can't be promising that.
What can he promise, and still deliver?
Nada, zip, zilch!
Anon posted
"What kind of settlement will ADV pay the city (a la F-H), for overbilling them for his district time. He's "fudged" more time sheets in CD14 than all the F-H cronies put together."
The recall should include Antonio Villaraigosa to reimburse the district for all the money he soaked from them.
AV was the DNC boy or a while, the news today is he is not the boy they want at the moment to get near to.
I always questioned MEAT's intelligence, but Art Pulido - what a joke. How many votes did Alarcon get in the Northeast/Eastside? MEAT really shouldn't be posting about our area if he is so unfinformed. But I always get a good laugh reading his rants and, yes, MEAT does more harm than good to Villaraigosa.
Ace Smith is going to get on MEATS behind...let's see what happens in this blog with Villaraigosas internal turmoil. There are too many in their circle ready to talk, they are tired of AV.
FRIDAY, April 29, 9:30 a.m.,
5566 Via Marisol (between Avenue 57 and Monterey Road),
Highland Park
What type of meeting is that above? What type of place is it being held at?
Is this the play called, "The Villian of L.A." played by AV-your one and only candidate of all criminals. He will not discriminate on the criminals that support him, he will launder money, steal, and talk about other people's kids, just doesn't want anyone talking about his.
What's wrong with you AV staff. AV has no record! Nothing at all!
This was at the AV site
"Yesterday, Jim Hahn took a swipe at Antonio’s record on education, claiming Antonio “failed our schools” as Speaker of the California Assembly..."
Cry, cry, and cry, you AV staff. Don't you get it? Antonio Villaraigosa is crooked, he did fail us, and will continue to fail? Our community will not stand for this absent wannabe CM Antonio Villaraigosa. The democratic party should see that he is killing the party in Southern California-he is poison to the party!
Bunch of whiners!
Campaign photo-op (that's EVERY meeting). Public place, open air, all are welcome (just don't RSVP!!)
FRIDAY, April 29, 9:30 a.m.,
5566 Via Marisol (between Avenue 57 and Monterey Road),
Highland Park
ADV says he WILL be there (not that his promise means anything!)
Just 1 mile from the Recall HQ (ask about it in any "sleazy bar")
Especially is he get's wind some of you guys are one the way over!!
Especially is he get's wind some of you guys are one the way over!!
The spinsters are trying to portray AV as a candidate of all people to the African American community in their blog posts. There is a problem, the african community by (word of mouth) is getting the TRUE information about the RACIST VILLARAIGOSA!
AV will only damage the hard grass roots work that people have been doing to unite all ethnicities. He lies, he will make the people focus on differences and he will cater to Latinos, and only some Latinos-Mexican. The rest will feel the pain of having to deal with this racist socialist. AV you can't erase who you really are, just don't use the people and fake slogans to get elected, tell them the truth, you are a racist liar that steals from the poor and gives to Miami drug dealers. Who is your negotiater there, still the MM.
NEXT BLOG thread "Villar raises 1.85 million" (only good news he's getting this week).
ACE SMITH, tell your AV candidate for Mayor to stop stealing ideas! Do you think that I or others might not just give the media what they want, more proof that AV Plagiarizes for ideas.
What is plagiarism?
The definition of plagiarism is to use another person’s work (words or ideas) without giving clear credit to the source of that information.
*********Is this what they taught you at that Communist Law School, as long as you made the communist movement thrive. You are a dirty liar and I will forward everything I have to the recall, protesters and let them have a field day with you.
This should help Antonio respond to all the lame ass attacks Hahn is trying. There's still time left in this race but I hope Antonio keeps it up. He's not a good debater but from what I can tell Hahn was even worse the other day at the debate. That doesn't help Hahn. Plus Antonio continues to respond to Hahn's attacks, which is a positive step and he stays on message. "A Fresh Start". And god willing, that's what it'll be come the morning of May 18th. We won't know election night cause' even if Hahn is blown out Frank Martinez will take several days to count the votes. And then still manage to do it in a dubious, confidence undermining way. Now that guy needs to get fired.
Attn: To all AV Protestor
Take your video cameras where ever you go to protest, regardless if there is media. Record all actions of his staff and AV, this will be good media coverage for evening news for the last weeks of the election. We want to know the truth and we want to find out how far AV and his staff will go to try and CENSOR us. We have our rights and we have a right to tell him he has not done his job, and a right to RECALL VILLARAIGOSA!
Oh Yes, "A Fresh Start" is one of AV's slogans...this only means he will have a fresh start to steal from a NEW source of money. A fresh start for him to break new promises, and a fresh start for us to feal the wrath of corruption.
The only FRESH START his going to give are to his CRIMINAL buddies, mafia, and all the people he made deals with to get endorsed. Money is his specialty, and he does not discriminate from where it comes from....did I say Vignali, Mexico politicians, Miami drug Lords, local drug lords, and the funds of the most needy district CD 14.
I don't understand the level of hatred and out right bigotry on this blog. If you have real issues, then raise them. But all it seems that this blog can manage is people posting the same thing over and over again. There is nothing new or substantative, from either side.
The personal attacks on folks is also not necessary. I am not a Hahn supporter, but Frank Martinez is a good man, who does a good job.
Mayor and Chief, if the level of discussion continues as it has, I suggest you shut the blog down until May 18th.
Right now it adds nothing.
Ace Smith don't spin this one too. Gee, you are really getting annoying with the constant spinning. Shut down the site until election day? Ace, Parke, AV, Sarno, Blackman, this is CENSORSHIP TO THE FULLEST. You really want to destroy the fabric of this nation.
For the one who is suggesting the blog to shut down.
It adds nothing to AV, that is obvioius. What, the truth hurts? AV take it like a man and face the protestors and on camera too.
Do we have to follow you everywhere like a reality show to request a meeting? What a reality show that would be! It would be called, "THE INVISIBLE MAN!"
You say "hatred" - I say "I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore" -- from Attention Deficient Villaraigosa.
This guy who "brings people together" has created an unheard of new level of anger and rancor -- and it's NOT because of what he DOES (nothing). It's because of what he PROMISES to do (lots of "vague" things), BEFORE he does nothing.
If you can't understand that promises from a candidate are a "contract" with the people he represents, then WHY even let them speak and address what they will do before the election.
Let's just post both of their "prettiest" pictures on the wall and everyone can pick who they "like" best.
Note: is now recorded as taken, by one Ulisses Sanchez, of New Jersey Street, Los Angeles. Oddly, the two-year-old registration record, due to expire 11/04, did not show up in NetSol upon previous searches.
A Ulisses Sanchez is listed as webmaster for the Mexican American Political Association and has served as a Villaraigosa spokesman in the past.
This Ulisess AV staff member must one of the people who had their hand in coordinating those Mexican government officials to be at the East LA headquarters meetings.
"The Mexican American Political Association, founded in Fresno, California in 1960...Only by penetrating the system can we move our issues to the top of the agenda. That is why Latinos and Latinas across the country must claim a place in the political arena."
Ok, Ulisses, I have no quarrel with the association helping Mexican American politicans in America, but don't let the Mexican Government penetrate our local governments--What happened to homeland security? I forgot, you guys want open borders!
Mexican American Political Association
Hey, that's not a dog park, it is a front.
That's where Antonio sells crack in his spare time.
He also rapes girls there and lies to the fake dogs he keeps for cover.
He has buried all the money he has promised to CD14 right there as well.
It is buried under all the hidden neighborhood watches that don't exist, because he lies about them as well.
He also keeps his car and guns there for his drive-by shootings.
Have I missed anything?
Does this resemble a CD 14 blog? I am practicing for the big time. Wait, let me get my bullhorn and megaphone.
I guess I should bring a toothbrush as well, as disrupting a lawful public assembly is still a crime for which they can arrest you, isn't it?
You immature people posting with your comments please stop! You are making the rest of us who are not supporting Antonio look bad. You're behaving like school children. I'm not supporting ADV because he hasn't done anything about the illegal vendors in Boyle Heights. They are blight and making hundreds of tax free money selling drugs and alcohol. Yes, ADV has one of the worst staff in years. They are rude, disrespectful and act as if the community doesn't matter. WE are paying their salaries. Did anyone look into all those staffer like Paul Hernandez who took a paid leave of absence and yet has been working in the valley on the campaign? The homicide rate ADV hasn't addressed. You anti-ADV people do what you want but don't be dumb enough to post it here. What the ADV lovers don't understand is if ADV hasn't done anything as a councilman in 2 yrs how could anyone possibly think he could run the city?
Harriman-Thena, it IS easy to check this stuff out -- the same site says this:
Who names the baby? Should somebody else go around deciding what the park gets named? We think that since Hermon is kind enough to open their doors to this park, they should be honored with the name. They want this too. But other people think differently.
Please help us show that the home Neighborhood Council should be the one to decide in matters like this.
Here is some suggested text. Copy and paste it if you wish, then click here for an e-mail form :
Honorable Mr. Villaraigosa,
As a Neighborhood Council boardmember, I stand in solidarity with the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council in their belief that they should have the leading voice in determining how city services are identified within their own community.
Please accept my request that the Council Office honor the desire of the Hermon Dog Park Organizing Committee and the Hermon Neighborhood Association as reflected by their representative Neighborhood Council, the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council, and recommend to the Department of Parks and Recreation that the proposed Off-leash Dog Park at Hermon Park be named Hermon Dog Park.
AHHH, but, Antonio DIDN'T honor the wishes of the community or surrounding NC -- after pitting other NCs in the district against the home council (NCs that didn't even KNOW about project 6 months ago) his staff picked another name entirely -- one that NOBODY wanted and forced it on them, without benefit of a community meeting.
How DARE those neighborhood councils try to "advise" me, when I need to keep fundraising cronies happy. I'll show them!!! Damn them and their unanimous votes.
HAH, pushed it through!
ADV and his field staff couldn't push crap through a goose fed stewed prunes!
The CEQA report is handled by Recreation and Parks, and THEY had been waiting for more than a year for CD14 field staff. Last month, THEY said the whole project could have been completed in 2003 -- start to finish (if just about ANYONE else had been in office).
(I think the organizers we're trying to be, um, "diplomatic" to keep things moving along -- slow is better than not at all, which is the situation with every other improvement in the district.)
You guys don't like the name that has been chosen?
"The Robert Hertzberg Dog Park"?
I THINK this is where the embarrassed ADV staffers pretending to be "real" people pop in and say "it's JUST a dog park - it's SO petty," why aren't we talking about big issues like HAHN'S STAFF'S MISTAKES. (That's an issue, ADV staff mistakes are always someone else's fault).
It's important like that petty little queezy feeling you get when you're catching pneumonia is importnat. It's just a small symptom of the bigger disease that is Tony V. Big screwups all over LITTLE projects, HUGE screwups all over bigger projects.
But mostly, just NOTHING getting done.
The Los Angeles area remains one of the worst places in America to do business while the neighboring Inland Empire, with a friendlier government attitude and lots of land, rates as one of the best, according to a survey in the May issue of Inc. Magazine.
This is Antonio's fault, not that of the Mayor of Los Angeles, who takes responsibility for nothing.
Yeah, they were going to have some of ADV's bosom buddy supporters (past Eastside CMs), come but Hernandez and Alatorre kept trying to snort the white chalk lines that the parks people put down on the lawn.
The Villaraigosa Off Leash Hound Park
I think our stone-walled "progressive" city council and the laws and regulations it passes has a LITTLE bit to do with the business environment, verdad?
Lucifer's Hell Hound Park
Some of the folks in the Northeast wanted to pattern it after "Hazard Park" further south -- in honor of ADV's keeping it back-burnered so long... call it "Recall Park."
Sorry guys, it's obviously Hahn's fault the projects in CD14 have all been stymied. He wouldn't agree to cough up any of the $4 Million profit the city made off the F-H settlement.
Selfish. . .
Villaraigosa You Dog Park?
You know you guys are as negative as the candidates you criticize.
Stop listing those you believe are dishonest and the candidates they are supporting.
How about listing the people of integrity from the various communities that are supporting each candidate.
I think you will find a great imbalance there......try it and you will figure out who will win this election and how big it will be.
Good luck !
Previous Anon said: "...disrupting a lawful public assembly is still a crime for which they can arrest you, isn't it?"
GOD, yes, be careful... they don't arrest gang-banging homicidal maniacs in Hollenbeck, but I'm SURE they can take a break from breaking up race riots at the schools in the back yard of the candidate who "brings people together," to make sure nobody shouts out an unplanned question that ADV might stutter and stammer over. . .
"I, uh, it's Jim Hahn's fault I broke all my promises as a councilmember -- HE's 'corrupt' and he MADE me lie to CD14..."
Maybe by "bringing people together" he means with rocks and bottles and guns in their hands?
ADV did sent cops out to protect his boy toy Alvin Parra at LA32 NC so he could pretend to be the NC president for 2 weeks (until DONE slapped his hiney and told him to shut up and let the ELECTED president). It was important that no one "distrupt" the illegal "coup" meeting that time, so Hollenbeck had to pull TWO officers off patrolling one of the worst crime areas in the city, to protect ALVIN!
WHAT, Harriman-Thena? No garbled, mottled, half truth statistics to back this one up, and bail out your boy and his inability to move the ball 5 yards with CD14 projects in TWO YEARS?
Come one, make something up -- tell us ADV has completed 17.47 percent of the 16.9 percent ratio of projects completed by Nate Holden from 1867 to 1902, divided by pi?
I'm disappointed. My calculator was waiting.
The theme song for the ADV Campaign is Fantasia Barrino's "Baby Mama."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
ATHENA, it's in "Hermon Park" and in the Hermon community, a recognized 100-year-old, blue-signed L.A. district.
Why isn't it being called "Hermon Dog Park?" Isn't that what all of that community's organizations and the surrounding, certified, elected Arroyo Seco NC voted for unanimously (and what the City's Parks department called it, too? ... until ADV's staff interferred)
Silverlake Dog Park is in Silverlake
Venice Dog Park...
(and outside L.A.)
Sierra Madre Dog Park...
Long Beach Dog Park...
Redondo Beach Dog Park...
(Because, FOLLOW THE MONEY. . . . )
TOO bad 'thena, you got caught! You obviously missed the lessons on the "3 '-ings' of Successful Blogging" -
and Berating
Probably AFTER your time...
OH, and Tony V.'s parke-name-buying, campaign fundraising buddy now has a legal restraining order lodged against her by neighbors who she physically attacked and then vandalized one of their cars in El Sereno.
(The one that wants "Mayor" ADV to make her a "doggie" commissioner.) Again, NICE company you're keeping Tony...
HA! Looking forward to THAT confirmation items on the CC agenda. Where are those public comment cards I swiped last week.
Yup, Sac Nighties was right - there it is, two years late, and just seconds before the runoff vote, and still not approved by any city departments to move ahead.
Like ADV's staff -- not ready for prime time yet...
ITEM NO. (30) - Motion Required
CD 14 COMMUNICATION FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to the establishment of an Off-Leash Dog Exercise Area in a portion of Hermon Park.
Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR: PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE amending Section 63.44 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code to establish an Off-Leash Dog Exercise Area in a portion of Hermon Park.
Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.
(Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Committee waived consideration of the above matter)
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