Chick and Parks go on the Airwaves Today
In an usual move the Villaraigosa campaign launches their TV campaign today.
Spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to pummel Jim Hahn everyday til election day.
After seeing the LA Times poll and the Survey USA poll, the Villaraigosa campaign doesn't give Jim Hahn one day of rest.
Here is the script to the commercials.
Villaraigosa for Mayor
TV: 30
As your Controller, I've been working to stop the connection between contracts and campaign contributions at City Hall.
Corruption undermines confidence in government and costs taxpayers millions of dollars.
It's unacceptable, and it's time for a change. That's why I'm supporting Antonio Villaraigosa for Mayor.
I know Antonio, and I trust him. As mayor, he'll work with me to crack down on waste and corruption and make government work for people again.
I'm voting for Antonio, I hope you will, too.
Villaraigosa for Mayor
TV: 30
For 40 years this city has been my life, it still is. I ran for mayor because we need a change.
I've worked with Antonio Villaraigosa. I know what kind of man he is. The best mayors reach out and work with people of all communities. That's the kind of mayor he'll be.
He knows how to listen. He's committed to economic development, to better schools, and public safety. I'm voting for Antonio, I hope you will too.
This cannot be a good day for Jim Hahn, with the Los Angeles Times poll on the front page and the stem cell story on the front page of the California section and now these same readers watching on their TV screens Laura Chick and Bernard Parks bashing him.
This Chief gets the timing issue, but is it really that much fun to have the daylights kicked out of you day after day, after day, after day.
Spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to pummel Jim Hahn everyday til election day.
After seeing the LA Times poll and the Survey USA poll, the Villaraigosa campaign doesn't give Jim Hahn one day of rest.
Here is the script to the commercials.
Villaraigosa for Mayor
TV: 30
As your Controller, I've been working to stop the connection between contracts and campaign contributions at City Hall.
Corruption undermines confidence in government and costs taxpayers millions of dollars.
It's unacceptable, and it's time for a change. That's why I'm supporting Antonio Villaraigosa for Mayor.
I know Antonio, and I trust him. As mayor, he'll work with me to crack down on waste and corruption and make government work for people again.
I'm voting for Antonio, I hope you will, too.
Villaraigosa for Mayor
TV: 30
For 40 years this city has been my life, it still is. I ran for mayor because we need a change.
I've worked with Antonio Villaraigosa. I know what kind of man he is. The best mayors reach out and work with people of all communities. That's the kind of mayor he'll be.
He knows how to listen. He's committed to economic development, to better schools, and public safety. I'm voting for Antonio, I hope you will too.
This cannot be a good day for Jim Hahn, with the Los Angeles Times poll on the front page and the stem cell story on the front page of the California section and now these same readers watching on their TV screens Laura Chick and Bernard Parks bashing him.
This Chief gets the timing issue, but is it really that much fun to have the daylights kicked out of you day after day, after day, after day.
"As your Controller, I've been working to stop the connection between contracts and campaign contributions at City Hall."
She will have her plate full of work with Villaraigosa or Hahn if she is trying to "...stop the conncection hall." Either candidate has had their share of deep pockets, but Villaraigosa can always say, "It's my lovable CD 14 people that love me who support me" I don't think so... Chick is supporting the wrong candidate and wait till she opens those books, that's if Villaraigosa has a chance to show them.
Good point, Sac -- ADV got his last burst of money because it looked like Hahn was starting to pick on him -- the same way he filled his campaign coffers 4 years ago at this time -- from pure sympathy.
Early assaults on Hahn by him can start to turn his own spigot off, too. Less diligent votes will assume he's already got it in the bag, and stay home next month.
This election isn't going to roll either way on a "mistake" touted 5 weeks out in local papers. It's old news by next week, and people are still being shot dead at the rate of one-per-week on ADV's watch (ha!) back in his district.
Jobs or death? What really gets people's attention?
These two ads cannot compare to the damage of exposing Villaraigosa on conservative radio will do.
Villaraigosa staff is guiding him by reading blogs such as "Mayor Sam's Sister City." This is actually and exellent blog site. The Villaraigosa blog site is dead, and I did notice some posts that seem to smell of staff posters. Chick and Parks cannot compare to the traffic of high profile radio announcers. They reach a far more "interested" mass.
BOY, Tony's people are feeding you info straight from the trough now, aren't they, Parker?
Does it feel good to be "inside" for a change? Say Hi to Mike Hernandez and Richard Alatorre next time they fill it up with their slop buckets, okay? You know them, the mismatched Powdernose Twins of the Eastside, always behind ADV's shoulder, whispering in his ear.
(One of ADV's paid consultants is just SURE she knows which storefront "front" Richard is buying his nose candy from these days). Ask HER where he's getting his lotto "quick picks" from now (wink, wink!!)
Breaking news: SurveyUSA executives to be indicted in new "poll for pay" scandal -- media calls to their offices are being returned by robots, however.
So, according to you it's "napping" Hahn, vs. "always out-of-town Villaraigosa" (Big F-ing improvement).
What's it like to be pummeled day in and day out?
Why not ask Antonio, who made the critical mistake of letting Jimmy do it to him last time around and didn't have the money to respond.
By the time he tried to raise it, Jimmy had trashed him so badly, he couldn't raise enough.
Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and Antonio has learned the lesson well.
There will be more; Magic, Yvonne, Keith Richman, others who hold office and the respect of the voting populace.
But, the best will be Lee Baca, who will counter any sluggish attempts by Jimmy to try to convince us that Antonio is a dope dealer, etc.
My father had a great saying which I think of often, and applies here:
"When you've got a man by the balls, don't let go for a better hold".
Good plan, ADV, by the time people starting thinking of who to actuall vote for, Chick and Parks' ads will be so much white noise?
"When you've got a man by the balls, don't let go for a better hold".
Even if it's illegal? Or tell me, is this the Villaraigosa office lingo. Pathetic
Clever, "F. Gump" at 11:54, What was it "your mamma always said!"
My Mama always said:
"A friend in need is a pain in the butt, the Hell with him".
That's what Jimmy is hearing daily now.
Funny how that works, isn't it?
By the way, Mayhor Yawn has missed those meetings because no one drove him there or told him about them.
"You can't blame me for something I knew nothing about, can you?"
90 percent of the people in the city are already saying "Laura who?"
Does she do that radio show about people's problems?
MY Mama always said:
Stupid at little things (like being a councilmember), even MORE STUPID at bigger things (like being a mayor).
Mama knows best. . .
(Isn't there some copyright law that prohibits posting entire newspaper stories on somebody else's blog, instead of portions or a link?) Is Mayor Sam gonna get SUED!
Hey Nerd:
There is one thing to complaining about being out of THE DISTRICT; some times that's necessary to get the job done. And VILLARAIGOSA can't get the job done while he is in THE DISTRICT.
(works that way, too...)
Nah, ADV's office motto, is "when you got the groupies by their love-sick, love-is-blind heartstrings, their "balls" fall off anyway!"
Ain't that right, mouthing-Ace's-patter-word-for-word-chief-parker?
Fix Potholes? Jimmy Hahn?
Are you nuts, or is it that you just don't drive a motor vehicle?
Potholes have never been worse than now; if he's fixing them, they must all be in San Pedro, because I drive everywhere else in Los Angeles and all I do is hit potholes.
How about you, folks?
This was a quote made by Ace Smith found in the L.A. TIMES.
"If the mayor could establish Villaraigosa as untrustworthy and too far left, then he could energize Republicans and moderate Democrats," he said.
Villaraigosa is untrustworthy and extremely to the LEFT, this is already a fact. I predict that conservative radio will take over the Mayors race.
Link to the LA TIMES story:,1,5563939.story?coll=la-news-politics-local&ctrack=1&cset=true
This was a quote made by Ace Smith found in the L.A. TIMES.
""If the mayor could establish Villaraigosa as untrustworthy and too far left, then he could energize Republicans and moderate Democrats," he said.""
Villaraigosa is untrustworthy and extremely to the LEFT, this is already a fact. I predict that conservative radio will take over the Mayors race.
Link to the LA TIMES story:,1,5563939.story?coll=la-news-politics-local&ctrack=1&cset=true
dream away fools
Parks and Chick is laughable. Parks is responsible for Rampart. Chick signed off on $4 million worth of bills from FH and then realizes "Oh NO...I should have looked them over. To add matters worst the LA Weekly nailed her on the private meetings she had with candidates at her home on that memo she gave them. Her city staff worked on them thanks to our tax dollars. Seems Antonio team is running scared already. Thanks to talk radio they're giving Hahn FREE time slamming Antonio on his MECHA liberal attitude and stating that LA will become Mexico City if he wins. Bill Handel slammed Antonio for supporting gangs. The highest rated talk show in the morning. Gee, I wonder where you can get the attention of more voters? In their cars. As chair of transportation Antonio FORGOT to collect $20 million in parking fines, but hey he's an ok guy. NOT!!
and they're also to blame for bad weather...
Wow. All these polls have Tony Villar beating Mayor Poopy by significant margins.
You can't cry fixed polls or margins of error when more than one poll has ADV leading by double digits.
Stick a fork in Poopy, he's done.
Maybe Gray Davis can get Poopy a job.
And who the fuck is the moron who said the god damn Valley Orange Line is innovative??? What a crock - yea, I do blame Riordan and Hertzberg for that, even good guys f up once in a while I suppose.
I just love the spin all you Yahnistas are trying to give.
First Antonio takes all your former black endorsements and makes them his own.
Second he out fundraises your guy.
Third he out polls Yahn with less then 5 weeks left.
Fourth he comes out on TV first with positive commercials.
Fifth all you can come back with is MEChA and Mexico City racist comments?
Please folks, don't further tarnish your guy with idiotic remarks like those above. The MEChA that Antonio was part of was a college club to find friends at. All, or granted most, of those former MEChistas are now lawyers, doctors, and teachers.
Mexico City has a much better public transportation system than we have, maybe you can get off your imperialistic high horse - take the hood off your head and see that we can learn from other people.
It is not a councilman's job to administrate, i.e. collect parking fines. It is the Administration, run by a guy named Mayor Yawn who is charged with that duty.
Similarly, it was Mayor Yawn who dropped the ball on the stem cell issue; it is not the councilman.
I am a Republican and listen to all the talk shows, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Michael Savage, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and that tutti-frutti Bill Handle who knows very little of the law; you know little about the Republicans or the Conservatives if you think those folks are going to center their lives on Mayor of LA.
We gave up on that years ago.
Sorry, Jimmy's gonna have to raise the money and do it himself; no free media rides this time for the Loser of the Year.
Less than six months ago, Laura Chick endorsed Jim Hahn for Mayor. Since that time she has switched sides twice. Do you think she really believes in Antonio, or is she just backing who she thinks will win?
NPR just did a story about the LA Times poll at the top of the hour news (5pm) Didn't sound good for Hahn considering that everyone in DC, Seattle and points in between heard the story.
Anonymous who posted
"...Mexico City has a much better public transportation system than we have, maybe you can get off your imperialistic high horse..."
Wish socialist Villaraigosa staffer are you? Why don't you have a meeting this weekend and we can ask the real people that support Villaraigosa who they are and why they are supporting him? Great for Mexico that they have a good transportation, maybe this is why there are so many jobs there too, no poverty, no crime, and this is why Mexican citizens DO NOT want to risk their lives and come to a place called, "California." Typical (MECHISTA) socialist propaganda, if L.A. is so bad for you, I'm sure Mexico will recieve you with open arms, give you a job, and use their better public transportation, right? Here we go again with the Villaraigosa staff getting offended for opening up the creaky door to their secrets.
Anonymous who posted:
"I am a Republican and listen to all the talk shows, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Michael Savage, Shawn Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and that tutti-frutti Bill Handle who knows very little of the law..."
A real republican would not have been incompetent enough to name all of the shows... It is irrelevant to post that information. Are you the blogger staff for the day in the Villaraigosa office in East L.A. Headquarters psting as a republican?
To Mustang,
thank you Gynthia Ruiz.
It's not Villaraigosa's ethnicity that concerns me, that is not even an issue. What concerns me is Villaraigosa supports his staff of socialists. Enlighten me with the communist propaganda Villaraigosa's staffers promote. I'm sure you very well know the chants, repetitions, and manipulation of giving false information to the community he so call serves. Hahn does not need any help from any party, all he needs is for the truth to be told about Villaraigosa-the liar.
5:57 Anon, Yeah, I'm guessing Hahn is real scared that everyone in Seattle, D.C., and between are going to vote for ADV. Where's their Polling place - Des Moines?
Mayor Yawn, Poopy, Hahnistan -- gotta hand it to the Hahn-haters for variety, if not real creativity.
"Attention Deficit Villaraigosa" is still the best spin on this blog for capturing the essence of any one candidate's known flaws, especially since the race is still on in his district (like some bad employee contest), to complete just ONE DAMN significant project before Hahn's people figure out that's a viable poke at ADV.
Of course being liberal dems themselves, the Mayor's troops can't really use that term - not without fear of being sent for sensitivity training by the mental health establishment.
(And none of ADV's field staffers is even close to "winning" the complete-a-project paid trip to a new city hall office-space).
A real republican would not have been incompetent enough to name all of the shows... It is irrelevant to post that information. Are you the blogger staff for the day in the Villaraigosa office in East L.A. Headquarters psting as a republican?
To start with, I can spell, so that is a fundamental issue. Yes, I am a REAL live breathing, voting, Republican, and I do support Antonio and have known him for about 15 years or more.
You can ask me some questions or take it on faith, but my Republican background will shine through, believe me.
Jimmy is a huge disappointment to me. He has given Miguel and his wife, Maria Elena Durazo, everything they have asked for, and Julie Butcher the same.
Jimmy is a wimp. The best thing that has happened is that Miguel has backed Jimmy and Jimmy is still getting his butt kicked around the block.
This tells me that Antonio is not beholden to him anymore. Maybe, just maybe, the unions will lighten the grip on LA so we can attract some business. You know, JOBS.
Anyway, keep on blogging away, because the pain of the reality on May 18th will be more than you can bear.
Republican, and I mean it.
P.S. Check out the dusted off resumes surfacing from the Mayor's office. Lots of folks covering their bases these days...
Good point Athena. I agree with you. But I think Hahn should try and revive his campaign with the following step.
Steal a random car and lead the LAPD as well as the California Highway Patrol and Los Angeles County Sheriffs on a high speed pursuit preferably during afternoon or evening rush hour. It'd be a good way to get some tv time.
Antonio is not "beholden" to anyone?
If by that you mean, because he never plans on keeping his promises anyway, then I'll give you points for creativity in spinning it that way.
If you mean he hasn't promised things to EVERY special interest on the planet to get THIS far, then you're absolutely insane, certifiably. I've personally heard him promise two exactly OPPOSITE, competing things to different people in the same large room, while working the rubber chicken circuit.
PLEASE! If you think you've found the "unblemished" candidate, the last honest pol in VILLARAIGOSA. . . well, then I'm speechless at the ignorance displayed.
When figuring up the ad buys,
don't forget, ADV has those independent expenditure funds primed to pay for some ads for him --including the fund where the land thief that just swiped the Eastside's best location for a much- needed high school - at Taylor Yard - just dumped a wad of campaign cash to benefit Tony V.
Did you forget to tell YOUR supporters that YOU support LAUSD, Tony? Why is one of the richer ones trying to rip off the city's education funds for millions, in broad daylight on the eve of your "coronation?"
Maybe they didn't believe that silly line about your kids staying out of LAUSD because you're Catholic, either. (Cardinal Law is Catholic, too -- and he shelters criminals, as well).
In this day and age I can't believe that the blacks are still just as ignorant and racists as ever. They endorsed Hahn in 2001 because he was the best candidate. Now they're saying the only reason they're voting against him is because he booted the worst police chief, Parks. Can they really be that stupid in 2005? ABSOLUTELY. This is why conservative radio talk show hosts are going after Antonio. He's just as racist as they are. They are the ones using the scare tactics to wake LA up what this city will be like with a sleaze bag Mexican who can't do anything in his own district, has no major accomplishments to speak of and like the media has reported doesn't have a vision but just attacks Hahn.
I just heard an update from Laurel Erickson. Hertzberg is endorsing Antonio at 10 tomorrow morning.
The anti-Antonio crowd is hilarious.
Every endorsement AV gets doesn't matter or is a political disgrace.
Magic, Laura Chick, Parks, Maxine, you name anyone. Funny enough, some are people who supported Hahn last time over AV. And Hahn sought the endorsement of ALL of them this time.
The anti-Antonio crowd doesn't have any political campaign sense. Hahn is down and getting hammered in the media everyday. Of course you don't let up. Promote AV early this time with ads to (1) define AV before Hahn smears him with 20-year old mud and (2) cut the Hahn's fundraising support. As Hahn loses traction in the polls, contributors are way less willing to write checks.
My favorite part of this campaign is that by the end, Pacheco (Sac Nighties) won't have a fighting chance for CD14.
It's either tomorrow or Friday.
Sorry the logic escapes you on these endorsements. For those of us who have had to put up with con man Villaraigosa for the past two years, it's simple.
If someone is willing to endorse him, knowing he's done nothing and breaks every promise he makes, then their endorsement isn't worth shit.
I couldn't care less if Hahn courted them -- their judgement is obviously flawed is they would lock arms with a pathological liar like ADV.
Enough explanation?
Anon-in-the know beat you with the Hertzberg news by an hour or so, sorry!
Jill Stewart on KCAL 9 just said that Hahn is the Clark Kent of politics. Even if Hertzberg comes out for Antonio don't count him out. He's come from behind before especially with session. Remember everyone thought that was a done deal with everyone strong from the valley for it. Well, guess what? They were wrong. These last couple of weeks will be exciting. You don't think Cedillo knows where Antonio's bodies are buried? You don't think Antonio has made enemies in the 2 yrs he's been in? YES HE HAS.
For some of you Villaraigosa supporters boasting about a possible Hertzberg endorsement, it is ironic to see this group of supporters once thought of Hertzberg as a...
The following post is found at:
12. Right on, Mario. Hertzberg’s campaign pretends to be the “Man on the White Horse ” who will save LA but in fact, is just another slimy politco who sends his minions to attack people on their site. Try seeing if anyone is allowed to criticize Internet Bob on his site, I doubt they do!
Comment by Oswaldo — 1/14/2005 @ 10:36 am
Anonymous : 9:39 PM
I'm curious, can you elaborate on the Cedillo topic?
Controller Chick, you're a traitor to your own gender (and, No, I'm not talking about the ADV personal life allegations), that dinosaur pol denigrates women on staff like nobody's business. He's got a thicker glass ceiling than anybody in the top rungs of L.A. city public life (well, since Nate Holden, anyway), and won't have a strong woman in his organization, period. It's well documented.
Chick's TV spot for Villariagosa is the death blow to the Hahn campaign. The City loves and respects her. She could have walked away with this election if she had run but she got out for her friend Bob. Too bad, because with AV likely to be elected, that will leave the Chick out in the cold by four years when she's termed out. AV will surely serve eight years killing the chance for many of todays electeds who will be all but forgotten in 2009!
Who are you kidding? Rocky is said to be waiting in the wings for the next chance for mayor. Chick lost a lot of the female support when she signed off on those checks and then tried to act like a man with balls and had that private meeting with candidates at her home. Read the LA Weekly that called her a sleaze bag for doing it. Just proved she doesn't know how to play with the big boys and she should be home cooking. She's a flip flop just like AV. People are seeing her now as a cutthroat villain. She will do anything for media attention. She needs to come out of the closet first though.
How BAD does it Hert? HA HA!
Even 50 feet tall, Bobzilla can't get NO respect. ADV's Website SPELLS HIS NAME WRONG ON THE ANNOUNCEMENT of Bob H.'s endorsement, says:
"Hertberg on Board"
(This is your "next" Mayor's STAFF, you wish, ADV-lovers!!!!)
P.S. Check with NC gadfly Daniel Wiseman, I think that means ADV's people are ANTI-SEMITIC, since SAYING Villaraigosa's name wrong is RACIST (he says...)
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