Getting dirty are we?
Looks like MEAT as usual has started another war of words.
So let's fight.
I want all the Pro Villar and Pro Hahn crazies to use this post to get as dirty as you want.
Everyone keep your mouthpieces in at all times, everyone must wear protected cups, and no hitting below the belt.
Have fun.
So let's fight.
I want all the Pro Villar and Pro Hahn crazies to use this post to get as dirty as you want.
Everyone keep your mouthpieces in at all times, everyone must wear protected cups, and no hitting below the belt.
Have fun.
". . . use this post to get as dirty as you want."
(...there I said it, now I've got to go wash my mouth out with soap!)
How is this any different than what we always do?
That other blogger was right -- Chief Parker just couldn't find anything GOOD to post about ADV in a very BAD week for him, so he's stalling...
Sorry, CP, it's probably going to be like this for the rest of the race -- Antonio's facade is shredding faster than crepe paper in a confetti factory.
How many more ads will people tolerate about "my wife's a teacher (SOMEWHERE ELSE), so you know I'LL improve schools" (especially since I 'patronize' private schools SOMEWHERE ELSE).
(Note how I did that CP, didn't mentions the forbidden "K" or "C" words there).
It's ALL in the material, and with ADV, there's nothing REAL to work with -- you can try and sell bologna six different ways, but in the end, when people gotta buy it... it's still just BALONEY!
Where do you want us to start Chief Parker?
Tony's drug dealing in high school?
Tony getting that girl from Sacred heart pregnant, then blaming it on his friends?
Tony passing out reds to girls?
Tony's attempted rape of June from the Venice Room?
Tony beating on his daughter?
Tony getting beat up by that female staffer at the Capitol garage?
Tony and Martha, his comadre?
Tony and Helen, you know, Mike Hernandez' girl whose sexual harrassment case was thrown out?
Tony and Ron Martinez snorting?
Whew! I'm out of breath already.
Seems like there's mud and dirt flying everywhere so that no one side has a monopoly. Despite all the muck on the blogs, it seems that one thing both candidates did agree on during the debates is that Chief Bratton is trying to do a good job. If their supporters could only build on those positive comments by the candidates and focus on issues exclusively, we would all be better off.
I just heard from an Antonio campaigner that for the next 4 weeks ADV wants to have cameras showing his support all over but more importantly especially on the Eastside. This SATURDAY he's getting a lot of seniors together to walk starting at 1st/State Street. His stragety is to show media he has support in his own district. Get those video cameras, protest signs out and be there. His staffers are hurriedly calling everyone who they think of to be there. There's a glitch, not as many people are supporting him so h's bringing in people from the County like he always does. PROTEST PROTEST PROTEST PROTEST. He's using the community again for his own selfish reason.
The theme song for the ADV Campaign is Fantasia Barrino's "Baby Mama."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
"I got love for all my baby mamas."
How about the fact that Attention Deficit Villaraigosa is still in communication and hanging with the Vignali family who owns that body shop on Figuerora Street right in his district! You would think he would want to be more discreet about this relationship.
Do I hear PROTEST... ANOTHER CHANCE, step right up:
FRIDAY, April 29, 9:30 a.m.,
5566 Via Marisol (between Avenue 57 and Monterey Road),
Highland Park
ADV says he WILL be there (not that his promise means anything!)
Maybe you can get Ace Smith to tear up a campaign sign -- get it on camera. . .
That's page 595 in your Thomas Guide. . .
LOOK OUT, bloggers, this smells like is a MEAT trap, working through Parker. They're gonna log the IP addresses of people dissing ADV supporters, so MEAT can fire back personally next week with individual dirt!
(See those black helicopters swirling overhead).
All of a sudden Antonio remembers what he did as assembly speaker to help schools. This one he lists is an outright lie.
Secured City funds to complete the funding package for the Boyle Heights Technology Center, a computer training center currently under construction on Fourth Street in CD14.
Yeah, why would Chief Parker an Antonio supporter want people to post dirt on ADV knowing that the media is reading this blog? Some people think Chief Parker is in fact MEAT. Does smell fishy! This close to election stuff posted here could actually hurt ADV. What's up Chief? I thought Mayor Sam came back.
I noticed that work of fiction myself.
BTW> Why don't we have a topic called: "Has Antonio Peaked Too Early?"
That's not an "issue" blogger -- let's talk "issues"
Why do YOU hate James Hahn?
(Now THAT's an ADV-lover "issue").
No, I've got an "issue" -- how do you "feel" when ADV says, "I love this city" on his DREAMY ads?
OOOOH, don't you just want to eat him UP!
Villaraigosa took $832,000 from trial lawyers in a four-year period ending in 2000, according to the Civil Justice Assn., a lobbying group that seeks to limit litigation. He endeared himself to the lawyers by backing legislation in 1999 to lift the $250,000 cap on punitive damages in medical malpractice cases. The bill died in the Senate.
Chief Parker wants everybody to vent right before Tony starts his Eastside tour. If people can vent their "Tony" anger on this blog, maybe they won't show up. Or maybe because they are not getting enough responses on those community meeting RSVP's (ridiculous), MEAT needs this blog to ascertain the type of questions that will be coming their way.
One more question, is there a difference between a "Tony Hater" and a "Truth Lover." It seems both go hand in hand.
MORE Tony sightings coming in CD14 -- (he hasn't spent THIS much time there in TWO YEARS), GREET him in the style he deserves, protestors. . . (don't feel bad it you can't afford a ticket).
"Los Angeles United School District President Jose Huizar, City Of La Canada-Flintridge Mayor Anthony Portantino and Neil Silver, President of Local 1277 of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) have come aboard as co-sponsors of "Bring it On Home," a gala mid-day banquet event supporting the Antonio Villaraigosa
mayoral victory, to be held 11am-2pm on Saturday, April 30 at Philippine Village, 4515 Eagle Rock Boulevard in the Eagle Rock neighborhood.
Chairman level tickets to the event are priced at $1000. Sponsorships are available at $500. Patron-level tickets are available at $250 and general ickets will be sold at $100."
Boy, Jose Huizar had so much going for him. Now he's just digging his own grave, deeper and deeper. Hey Jose, or Gasca, or Shallman, how are you going to explain that multi-million land deal at Taylor Yard. $60,000 of that money is already going to a Tony I.E.. Maybe you can think up the same excuse when people jam you on your $150,000 toilet. Activist in the eastside won't forget.
First Belmont, now Taylor Yard.
And the schools are going to be SO much better off with ADV as mayor, especially when that dirty money from the IE-paying land speculator comes right out of their budget for school supplies and DIRECTLY into Tony's campaign hush money fund.
It's all a conspiracy - Hahn is not really losing the LA Times really has him up 18 points but they flipped the numbers, Hahn really has more money but the Ethics Commission is deliberatly putting out false numbers, Hahn really won the debate but the press spun it for Tony, Chief Parker is a spy and Mayor Sam is an secret Tony supporter who only said he supported Bob to throw us off his scent...
5;32 Poster-
yes-the word is out, no Eastside supporters from Boyle Heights , the far away no nothings from the county are sucked in.They just dont get it, this is not 2001, now people know the truth about the man.
Hahn on Al Rantel radio show this p.m., another major media point for L.A. ADV can't touch (won't) out of fear. Rantel, a savvy, gay conservative who rates two shows on KABC - a.m. and p.m., made a point of saying "Mr. Villaraigosa has been invited several times, but declined.'
Then at one point referenced a sponsor's ad for "dyspepsia" medicine, Rantel suggested ADV might have a nervous stomach after hearing what Hahn was hitting him with (unanswered) on the show to his drive-time audience.
Hahn nailed ADV on public (private) schools, illegal immigration stances, getting more police on streets, ethics & "corruption" charges (handled the F-H query VERY well... best I've heard, and a number of other areas ADV will never be able to reach back with for these listeners.
Cowardly mayoral candidate can't appear on ANY major radio talks shows in L.A. -- the city that lives in its cars.
Okay, and NOW he's also edging away from TV, too --ever since Linda B. finally threw him a hardball in Hert_berg land.
ADV's career is stuck back in the 20th century, pretty soon, his "media" strategy is going to be heading back into the 19th, relying on telegraph and pony express runs.
Maybe he can do one of those cross-city whistle-stop tours on the local Amtrak, back and forth, back and forth.
Hahn on local radio for an hour every other day or so for free -- what's that worth in raw campaign funds Antonio has to shell out from his coffers to make up for... $50-100K a week, minimum?
Radio voters VOTE in higher percentages than boob-tube people, too!
Jim Hahn is LA's Tom DeLay (OK, not that bad, actually nowhere even close considering I like Hahn no matter what ends up happening and DeLay's the gum on the bottom of my shoe), and Antonio Villaraigosa is LA's, well, something, the id-yots on here can come with names, but damn the Daily Show is funny tonight. DeLay's about to eat what's coming out of his holes. Anyway, back to it, Antonio is LA's...?
From the way he's conducting his campaign, dodge and weave, dodge and weave, I would say Tony is L.A.'s Bush. But I dont want to give him that much credit, Bush did get a degree from Yale and Harvard - even with all the tutoring. No, Tony is more like L.A.'s version of Marion Berry. He's got all the drug connections and Berry did get elected after getting caught on tape hitting that crack pipe - who knows, it might have been right from Vignali's stash. Just goes to show that a certain kind of charisma makes a mockery out of democracy. Our founding fathers never said it was a perfect system.
Awww is the above poster one of Hahn's newbie phone-bankers.
You are welcome to blog here and keep on trying with the metaphors. Nice start but i can't wait to see what you are saying the weekend before election day.
blog away!
So, Jose Huizar is hosting an event in Eagle Rock for Antonio Villaraigosa? Or is Antonio introducing Jose to Eagle Rock? These guys don't care about the people, this is what they have brokered between them: Tony wins the mayoral race, Tony's friend, Jose, is the chosen one to replace Tony as CD14 councilmember. Jose's friend, Eric, is the chosen one to replace Jose on the LAUSD school board. It's all worked out without a single vote being cast. Men of the people, eh? Democrats? I don't think so.
Dirty = Jim Hahn's friends- Ted Stein, Troy Edwards and Leland Wong. You can tell the character of a man by the company that he keeps.
Write-in Mayor Sam for Mayor- whoever he really is! I am sure that he will replace Bratton with Chief Parker.
Anon 11:57
If anyone is LA's Bush, it's James Hahn. The idiot son who coasts through life, slings mud and racially tinted insults, does nothing for his constituents, and is generally corrupt. Well I wouldn't call him LA's Bush because George H.W. Bush was no Kenny Hahn.
One more thing, don't beleive all the media lies and slander. Marion Berry was addicted to crack and it created his downfall but he was actually one of the best mayors Washington, DC ever had. If Antonio is anything like Marion Berry at all (hopefully minus the crack addiction), Los Angeles will benefit greatly.
Whoever wrote that "Dirty = Jim Hahn's friends- Ted Stein, Troy Edwards and Leland Wong." needs a little help.
You left out: John Stodder, Doug Dowie, Art Gastelum, James Acevedo, Chris Hammond, Mark Alan Abrams, Alan Casden, Pierce O'Donnell and a cast of thousands.
This ignores the litany of top union officals (Julie Butcher, Miquel Contreras, Maria Elena Durazo, etc.) and lobbyists who sit on Hahn's LA City Commissons.
Is there any wonder that there is corruption abounding in the City of Los Angeles? Hahn has put the wolves in charge of the henhouse.
MEAT name ONE accomplishment in the last year Antonio has made. JUST ONE. I heard that Antonio staffers are now calling around trying to get free WALKERS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS FOR THAT WALK on Saturday on 1st/State in Boyle Heights. How low is this? He wants to have the Senior Citizens shown with walkers cause it makes for a great photo op. FAKE FAKE FAKE. I hope media is reading this. Using senior citizens and the community again
Clearly you are not involved in the judicial system or you would know that the people you named above (okay not Stodder-I give you that one but I think one thing we can ALL agree on s that he is taking the fall) have not been indicted, therefore they have the presumption of innocence in this country. Maybe you forgot about that.
Using the same principles, I can not beleive Anotnio is guilty of all the things the Hahn folks are saying (raping, abuse, etc) unless there is hard proof of it.
Like all rumor and speculation, I am sure all of the negative things on both sides are based in some truth-
It certainly looks like there was some sort of kick backs/ pay to pla/whatever you want to call it with Leland Wong. Whether the Mayor's staff knew about it, who knows? Clearly Fleishman Hillard has bilked this city of millions, but what's to say that other PR companies aren't doing the same thing or have in the past? The Controller should have been watching fo rhtis-that is HER job.
As for Antonio, is he a Communist? No. Is he a rapist? No. Is he guilty of indiscretions that should have remained between him and his wife? Yes.
Hahn druken binges in college. Hahn's unpaid overdue fees on his library card.
6:40 ANON states:
"As for Antonio, is he a Communist? No. Is he a rapist? No. Is he guilty of indiscretions that should have remained between him and his wife? Yes."
Is Tony a wanna be radical, leftist, progressive - keep in mind - wannabe? Yes. Is Tony an attempted rapist (there is a difference)? Yes. Does Tony love his wife? No, his actions speak for themselves.
Did anyone hear KABC host Al Rantel nearly cum all over Jim Hahn last night as he lied, lied, lied.
I don't give a rat's ass if he lies about Tony Villar but Jimmy was lying about himself trying to make Big Gay Republican Al believe that Tony is a communist and Jim is a Reagan Republican. Even based Gray Davis for good measure.
Talk about battlefield conversions. In today's channel 7 news I saw Tony, the former ACLU president, leading a prayer meeting at Jefferson High, a public high school. Hey Mr. Reformed Catholic, how many bullets have prayers stopped over in Boyle Heights. L.A. is seeing you for what you are, a hypocrit! Jefferson has about 5,000 students, how many were at your prayer meeting Tony, around 10-15? Yeah, that's the way to stop racial violence.
Hey Meat-where are your exposes on those Hahn people? I can hardly wait for you to look like an even bigger idiot than you already do. You do realize that everyone thinks you are ridiculous, right?
11:44 ANON
It doesn't matter what Jim Hahn says or doesn't say on radio if Tony doesn't have the balls to step up to the plate. If he's lying, have Tony go on radio to repudiate. He won't because all those radio hosts will hold Tony's feet to the fire on all the lies he's told, and continues to tell.
What were the results of that Daily news poll? Is this the reason Tony is going back to East L.A. to push for votes - Parke you know this as well as anyone, the numbers aren't there.
bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when MEAT comes for you?
You can't hide from your IP address. ... the truth is out there.
I am a little confused. Thought this was supposed to be an anonymous blog? Yet this Meat character (what type of person goes by the nickname meat? must be some veiled reference to his lack thereof) seems intent on "outing" posters who have different views than himself. As if it is not obvious who is posting. What will ahppen then is that the Hahn folks will just stop posting and logging on. If you wanted to have an Antonio only web site and blog, you shouldn't have opened it up to comments. No one cares about this that much-
If you're afraid of being outed, just go to the library, Starbuck, Kinkos or any friendly neighborhod internet cafe. IP's can only be traced back to the source of the host computer. But if anyone who has posted on this blog with an anonymous option is identified against their will, I would say that they have a strong legal case not only against Mayor Sam and Chief Parker, but against MEAT himself. Legal codes handling defamation are very extensive. Who knows, you may even be able to sue your ISP - internet service provider. So go ahead MEAT, make some lawyers day.
I think the city hall staffers using their city computers on city time are the ones who should be running to Starbucks!
You guys who are afraid of Meat outing you get on here and accused Tony of rape, etc.
You can't have it both ways.
Tony was accused of attempted rape, and this blogger is still posting.
Believe me, folks, the blogosphere is a big, interconnected space, and even ADV's dense thugs don't want snippets getting out there that his lackies and supporters are sniffing out people complaining on the blog in order to shut them up.
Because then the first question is...
"What does he have to hide?"
There are enough rumors floating around out there about some of his rabid fans in NELA vandalizing Hahn signs, stickers (and the cars attached to them), and getting heavy handed with any "Latino" who dares to not support ADV publicly.
The "RSVP" that's suddenly attached to every public meeting he's scheduled for in the area for the next 3-4 weeks is enough of a joke already, and shows signs of fear and frustration with the eroding base.
This blog is going to get boring now meat...Well, you get a kick out of censoring and using hostile tactics here on the bloggers. The only ones that have anyones IP are the hosts, Mayor Sam & Chief Parker. So which one of you is meat or is meat a connection to one of you that has access to this site. Meat, you just made this site lose traffick.
Oh Well, I'll see all of you or most of you at Charo April 30th, don't forget your cameras!
Since both Mayor Sam and Chief Parker are City employees, do you think anyone is in any real jeopardy of being outed. So much for the free speech guru and former ACLU president. Just like the prayer at the pubic school, he wants to be mayor so bad, forget about all of his principles. Then again, Tony is perhaps the most unprinicpled politician out there.
MEAT, earlier you stated "i can't wait to see what you are saying the weekend before election day."
Well I'll tell you what I'll be saying the weekend before election, and the weekend after, "I told you so, I told you so!"
Antonio just used his opportunity to do a FREE media play and show up at Jefferson H.S. Some of us had the opportunity to watch it, and the viewing had mixed responses. Some individuals liked it, and some thought he was just taking advantage of the situation there. Keep in mind we are a mixed crowd. Some are pro AV, others pro Hahn. What's great is that we might insult each other, but still we do not get offended and start censoring. Once you start censoring, those socialistic agendas do not have to be written, they are obviously executed by the one censoring. All in all, I realize that Antonio V. uses these vulnerable opportunities and uses the people emotionally for his own gain and political agenda. So many violent incidents happen in the junior high and high schools in the area he serves, I never or heard of him holding hands in prayer. May God forgive him for pimping himself and using religion as a tool to manipulate the minds of the young and adults.
Jefferson H.S. has always been there, now he shows up? I don't think that Antonio V. can help this city with its racial problems, we need someone who is not linked to racist groups like the Mecha and their Aztlan doctrine. His extreme views will only make ethnic groups divisive and result in chaotic situations. I don't buy it that he is going to help, first it's money, then maybe he will help you.
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