Villaraigosa Campaign Calls for an Apology
Tony Villar's campaign sent me this e-mail today. Again i am happy to post e-mails from Jim Hahn can anyone get word to them? At the very least they will get a clean post from me.
March 29, 2005 Contact: Nathan James
For Immediate Release
Villaraigosa Campaign Calls for Apology
Ugly Confrontation by Hahn Campaign Manager In Front of Hahn Office
LOS ANGELES – The Villaraigosa campaign called on Mayor Jim Hahn to apologize for the actions of his campaign manager Bill Carrick.
This morning, Carrick verbally assaulted a Villaraigosa campaign volunteer outside the Hahn for Mayor office on Wilshire Blvd. Carrick also destroyed a piece of Villaraigosa campaign property brought to illustrate Jim Hahn’s record of missing debates.
“This is the ultimate sign of a desperate campaign,” Villaraigosa campaign manager Ace Smith said. “Jim Hahn should take responsibility for his employees’ actions and apologize. Campaign volunteers on public property shouldn’t have to fear Hahn’s henchmen.”
March 29, 2005 Contact: Nathan James
For Immediate Release
Villaraigosa Campaign Calls for Apology
Ugly Confrontation by Hahn Campaign Manager In Front of Hahn Office
LOS ANGELES – The Villaraigosa campaign called on Mayor Jim Hahn to apologize for the actions of his campaign manager Bill Carrick.
This morning, Carrick verbally assaulted a Villaraigosa campaign volunteer outside the Hahn for Mayor office on Wilshire Blvd. Carrick also destroyed a piece of Villaraigosa campaign property brought to illustrate Jim Hahn’s record of missing debates.
“This is the ultimate sign of a desperate campaign,” Villaraigosa campaign manager Ace Smith said. “Jim Hahn should take responsibility for his employees’ actions and apologize. Campaign volunteers on public property shouldn’t have to fear Hahn’s henchmen.”
Former Jim Hahn supporters are said to be endorsing Tony Villar's campaign this week, any clue as to who?
Again crybaby Villaraigosa. As if his losers are the most courteous. Jimmy Blackman has to be without a doubt the rudest most arrogant idiot he travels with. Why wasn't Antonio sitting in his seat during council today? Why has he been excused from Friday's April 1st city council meeting for personal business? Hasn't he missed more than enough days in the 2 yrs he's been in office? Antonio can get all the endorsements he wants. This is exactly how it played out in 2001. It's all in timing and thankfully the media is beginning to print the truth about his zero record and his baggage.
Classic debate techniques shown by Antonio. Answer and pivot - frame and re-frame right back to Hahn's weaknesses.
This record is a referendum on Hahn's record, the voters of CD 14 believe in Antonio and want him to become their next mayor.
over 61% support of the voters of CD 14 are proof enough Antonio is a fine councilman for his district. Jim Hahn not getting the vote of 75% of the voters is a scary, scary hill for the Gotti family to climb.
blog away dum-dums
No matter what anyone says, that is a damning figure...75% of the electorate decided to vote for someone else besides the incumbant. By the way, MEAT, could you please tell that blogger who loves using the word "wimp" that it doesn't have "h" in the spelling? I'm getting tired of his/her constant misspelling while I'm reading the drivel.
So don't read the "drivel" ADV-lover... what'sthe matter, no self control? Typical. No wonder you idolize ADV. Move on, stick to the topics. If poor spelling is your best comeback, you need to start your own Sesame Street Blog and go somewhere else.
How about "whiney"? That has a "h" in it and it's the best word out their to describe Villarigosa's campaign tactics.
Boo Hoo (another word with an 'h'), how's that? OH, by the way, Mr. "stop him, he spells poorly" above... in your message, you spelled "incumbent" incorrectly (not that your boy's ever going to beccme an incumbent mayor, but...) May I "report" you to the MEAT spell patrol as well, MORON!
MEAT -- this thread isn't about the debate. Try to keep up.
MEAT -- speaking of keeping up... if we use the same numbers (from the primary), that means 68 PERCENT OF THE VOTERS DON'T WANT VILLARAIGOSA FOR MAYOR EITHER! Oooops, careful with that MEAT math, always a two-edged sword.
Looks like we better start over with two new candidates using that same logic. Neither of these boys got a majority IN THE PRIMARY. (I think that's why there's going to be a runoff, DUH!)
Junior campaign cadet lesson of the day for you: DON"T USE CRITICISMS of your opponent that can easily be spun back on you. DON'T quote out-of-date numbers that show your boy to be unelectable, as well. Does anybody here even REMEMBER 2001.
DON'T SAY Hahn is MIA, when ADV has the worst attendance record in city council. Don't crow about 61 percent of the vote, when you've just LIED about him having an 81 percent approval rating (DROPPED 20 POINTS on his home turf in 2 weeks????) Don't crow about getting a majority of votes IN THE WORST TURNOUT in 30 years. Don't say Hahn hasn't KEPT HIS PROMISES, when ADV PROMISED not to even run for this position in the FIRST PLACE.
(Yikes, are you people THAT dumb. Your candidate is the BIGGEST hypocritic to EVER run for mayor).
HAHN increased his share of votes in CD14 over 4 years ago by a bigger percentage than Villaraigosa did!
I DEMAND AN APOLOGY from the Villaraigosa campaign for allowing lapdog MEAT to keep insulting the mayor by calling him to a convicted mobster, Gotti. Waaaaaa, they're being mean during a big city election, Waaaaaaa! (Can't take the heat? Move to Alaska.)
I DEMAND AN APOLOGY from ADV and his staff for pretending to be representing the 14th district for two years when ALL they've been doing is running a 24-month, city-funded pre-mayoral campaign. Waaaaaaa!
ADV doesn't have the balls to be mayor, he can't even take the heat of the election without crying abuse. What happens when he's mayor and Arnold of "W" mistreat the city -- he'll be in a fetal position in the corner of his office sucking his thumb. GEEZ, what a whhhhhhhimp!
(Will someone please report back to me how many words I've spelled incorrectly, so I can sleep better tonight? Thanks!)
When describing Hahn, the word "limp" seems more appropriate than "wimp"; referring, of course, to a portion of the male anatomy.
“'This is the ultimate sign of a desperate campaign,' Villaraigosa campaign manager Ace Smith said."
Yes it is, and I'm surprised Villaraigosa-supporter Chief Parker would expose Villaraigosa's sheer desperation by reprinting the release here.
Are there no issues? Did Tony V. show SO badly in the debate they have to resort to this pissy little "he hit me first" stuff?
I'm embarrassed for the city that this is the best challenger we can come up with against such a weakened incumbent.
No wonder there's no NFL franchise here. Nobody can take the hits.
And we KNOW ADV isn't "limp" don't we? Isn't that why his political career is in such trouble he had to take a cut and become a lowly city councilmember (as a consolation prize).
DO YOU REALLY want to get those rumors rolling again? DO we really want to ask "Sac Nighties" what his/her screenname is a veiled reference to, re: Villaraigosa?
Shall we discuss the BEST KNOWN aspects of Villaraigosa's "legacy" in the state capital, here, again. (NO, might have to APOLOGIZE!)
We DO know ADV is a LIMP, IMPOTENT politician, however... Moon Canyon, Southwest Museum, Elephant Hills, Pacific School, 1/2 cent sales tax, Hermon dog parke, Santa Fe Hill, 13 homicides in CD14 this year... SHALL I GO ON??? The blog will shut down from the SHEER WEIGHT of ADV's political failures.
BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH for, poster. Your boy DOES not want to turn the conversation to "virility" anymore!!!
This election is, indeed, a referendum on four years of Jim Hahn's administration.
When you have the corruption, double dealing, political favoritism and plain quid pro quo for those who donated large sums to the anti-secession and Hahn's campaigns, coupled together with a $15 Million LADWP expenditure to a favored press hack to puff up Jimmy, you have an administration that leaks money.
Just look at those who have been fired in disgrace and await a call from the D.A. or U.S. Attorney:
Doug Dowie, Ted Stein, Leland Wong, Troy Edwards, and now the the spotlight turns, finally, to James Acevedo. These folks were manipulating awards to their friends and to contributors.
Of course Hahn calls for eliminating fund raising by Commissioners, but only after he has millions raised by them in the bank. Who will raise that money for him this runoff election, especially in light of the polling showing him so far behind?
No folks, slinging mud at Antonio won't cut it this time. It is too little, too late, and too far to go.
The Fat Lady is warming up for May 17th, but she may be called upon to sing earlier if more indictments, in addition to the one that has already been issued for Dowie's #2, come down sooner.
"I demand an apology, too. Just because I'm a convicted felon doesn't give you the right to insult me and compare me to any of these lowlife L.A. politicians. Even I wouldn't sink low enough to swim in that cesspoll."
John Gotti
Tony V. is screwing the "Fat Lady" too? Man he really has sunk to a new low.
I thought he only screwed CD14 these days.
Boy, if you think the people in this city REALLY care how many PR flacks get picked up on fraud charges, you haven't been paying attention, at all. Look at the much-hyped polling. Feds could storm F-H's offices with the L.A. SWAT team tomorrow, and it wouldn't make the list of top 5 issues the voters care about when voting for mayor.
DREAM on, scandal boy! (But keep hoping that will get ADV elected. He needs something besides his lousy bumper sticker quotes to make him electable citywide).
Good for Hahn bring out Antoino's record as ACLU vice president. He was against a gang injunction to keep gang bangers out of a San Fernando Park where families were to afraid to go to. Antonio supported the gangbangers instead of the families. Antonio has always opposed gang injunctions. I'm sure valley people love knowing that. The only way ADV knows how to answer a question is attacking Hahn. Parke, Ace, Meat please coach your boss how to answer with an educated answer. Intersting that Parke and Ace are quoted more in papers then Antonio. As always Antonio could never fight his own battles.
This is a great post I found on another article......
The Flyswatter says:
*Acevedo is one of many in default on loans (though the land they sit on is worth much more than the debt)--including close allies of AV (this will come out next week)
*Jimmy Blackman hasn't taken a leave of absence, though 80% of his time is campaign related. Look for LA Times piece on this and AV's 80 new neighborhood watches soon
*The bombshell of the campaign--stay tuned....
If this happens I will call and renew my subscription to LAT. They've lost readership because of their unbalanced reporting.
No kidding, ANON. "Angry Poster" may have actually BEEN a Villaraigosa supporter, they're so desperate to get something resembling an "attack" going, the more "personal" the better. His campaign letters keep referencing the "coming attacks" to get poor suckers to give more money. It's their bext fundraising tool.
No doubt the "standoff" at Hahn HQ was intended to incite just such an incident so Tony's people could have something new to cry about (other than his SAD performance at the debate).
This is the "reward" for being seen as the leader in the race. The big papers now begin taking a closer look at Villaraigosa's lackluster career, decline in power and influence, and manufactured "accomplishments."
Who's legacy can stand up to real scrutiny better, Hahn or Villaraigosa?
The end result of the 2001 race was the best indicator of that answer. Very little (that has "legs" and can be proven, nonstop rumors of "indictments" notwithstanding) has changed.
Villaraigosa's people do NOT want to run on his flimsy record, especially not the last two years worth.
Too bad, the worm has turned, and it's eating up the ADV campaign excrement for fuel.
Also Tuesday, there was a brief confrontation between Hahn campaign manager Bill Carrick and a Villaraigosa campaign volunteer, who tried to come into a Hahn news conference with a sign reading "Missing in action." Carrick refused to let him in the offices.
A Tony political operative is sent by Parke Skelton to disrupt a Hahn press conference, and you ask for an apology? How stupid can you get?
But let's see who else wants an apology, this time from Tony:
-That girl from Sacred Heart that Tony got pregnant, she wants an apology for ruining her life and setting her family on the run to Fresno - you know one day that kid, must be about 33 now, will come looking for you.
-Maria Elena Durazo for not marrying her and passing her off to Miguel Contreras.
-June from the Venice Room, she still has that scar you gave her.
-Father John Morretta of Resurrection Parish, for flat out lying to him, maybe you can go to him for confession, you are, after all, a reformed Catholic!
-The Mothers of East L.A. for lying about them and destroying their scholarship program, have you given any schoalrships away?
-The residents of the 14th District not for lying to them but for your insistance that they released you from your promise.
-Your daughter Priscilla, for leaving that bruise that prompted a child abuse case to be filed against you.
-That guy from La Fonda, I'm sure he still has a scar from when you stabbed him.
-Your wife for, well, just being you.
-Martha Reyna for, well, just being you.
-Your son, Tonito, for all the times that you abandoned him at those South Pasadena baseball fields, how many times did he have to walk over to Jesus Quinonez' house waiting for you to pick him up while you were out there being a man!
-Bob Hertzberg, for either making a pass at him or setting him up with one of your sluts, and you wonder why Cynthia doesn't want him to endorse you.
-El Sereno residents for reviving the dead Long Beach Fwy extension and supporting the connector road.
-Parke Skelton and Steve Barkan, for not being honest with them and telling them about all those skeletons in your closet, you know more are coming - timing, timing, timing.
This list goes on and on.....
Yeh, yeh. So the rumor is that SpongeBob is going to endorse his pal Antonio. How's he going explain to all those Republicans why he is supporting the former president of the ACLU? So like everyone already knows it so get on with it Boob.
Villaraigosa is now playing chicken or should I say chicken-shit and backing out of debates with Hahn. Obviously he doesn't know how to stand alone without his bullies. He's afraid Hahn will tear him up like he did on Monday. Thankfully Antonio's record is coming out. Hahn was verbally attacked for months with Antonio and the rest of the bullies. But now Antonio is crying cause he doesn't want to debate alone with Hahn cause he has no record to speak of and always has to talk about 4 years ago. Antonio didn't you say to the media just last week that this election is about TODAY? Again, the flip flopper. Be a man. Whoops I forgot you don't know how.
With all due respect to the growing influence of blogging, and Mayor Sam's, specifically, in the grand scheme of things. . . which do you think has more impact on the voters: Hahn's people not sending their releases HERE, or Tony V. boycotting nearly EVERY drive-time local radio talk show (because they're all TOO conservative for him and the hosts might ask "tough" questions).
Hahn holds many of the same liberal positions on key social issues for the city, and has not been "MIA" from drive-time. The spectre of political cowardice hangs over the ADV campsite in this part of the election.
Is Antonio the Stepford (Wife) candidate? All smiles and a nice suit. If the voting public wants to know where ADV stands on the issues, it's simple: Invite David Doak, Parke Skelton and Ace Smith to debate Tony.
Tony V. - you can't "broaden" your base past the 45 percent you got four years ago by hiding out with the faithful and sending children to stage protests in front of Hahn's HQ. You're preaching to the choir. Come out of hiding. Talk to mass media, debate every week, answer questions truthfully, for a change.
It's your only hope of avoiding being a two-time loser citywide, and future alumni of the Art Snyder School for Washed-Up, Nearly Recalled, Out-of-Work, Ex-Pol Lobbyists.
But can Parke debate him AND keep his hand up Tony V.'s back, all without moving his lips while Tony's "talking?"
Attention Deficit Villaraigosa has been MIA at city council meetings. Didnt' someone fill out a public information form to find out exactly how many days he's been out of council since last year? Yes, Hahn and Antonio agree on many of the same issues. THE BIG DIFFERENCE IS HAHN HAS DONE SOMETHING ABOUT THEM, public safety, after school programs, traffic, neighborhood councils, afforable housing. Someone ask Antonio what he's done about neighborhood councils besides not going to the ones in his district. Please add the investigation into the 80 neighborhood watches with taking money from 2 of his districts neighborhood councils.
Wasn't Art Snyder the discredited, nearly indicted ex- CM, and Villaraigosa mentor that told him how to best "handle" CD14 in the first place (the "way" that's been so successful?) "Just dump all the council dollars into Eagle Rock and Mount Washington," said Snyder. "They're the only one's that vote anyway. Screw the other 80 percent of the district!"
Sory.....To debate Hahn
I'm a strong Hahn supporter and think he's best for the job, but I have to admit that his performance at the debate Monday night has caused me to worry. He seemed unusually mean-spirited and more like a bully. I hope he changes this quickly before turning off his supporters.
Give me a break you're no Hahn supporter. Hahn did great job Monday at the debate and he needs to continue to state how Antonio flip flops on issues, has no record as a councilman, is former ACLU who supports gang bangers, has his kids in private schools because LA public schools aren't good enough. Antonio has been attacking Hahn for months. Its about time voters hear what a lame ass Antonio is. It will most certainly not turn off supporters.
Hot off the wire Bob Hertzberg will stay out of the race!
High Five to Bill for kicking out the loser yesterday at the head-quaters.
Now, lets image if Mayor Hahn volunteer tried pulling off the same stunt Antonio volunteer attempted which was supported by Parke and Ace and Villariagosa.
Antonio would hold a press conference and say the following " The reason why Maxine Water, Mike Hernandez, and Richard Alatorre
support me is beacuse we support the rights of the Crips, Bloods, and 18th Street Gang Bangers."
Oh, Parke I'm off script again why are we holding this press conference again? Antonio you stupid ass you are supposed to say "Mayor Jim Hahn is getting desperate and has to attack me."
Well, if you reverse the situtation Antonio is sure acting like his poll show him 20 points behind Jim Hahn!
I'm not being a racist I'm just putting a face on the type of Violence Gang Members that benefit when people like Antonio and the ACLU filed law suits to stop gang injunction against the City of Los Angeles who are trying to protect the public.
I say f_ck the gang-banger civil rights what about the real victims of gang violences the community!
Parke and Ace no matter how hard you try Antonio Villariagosa is Bleeding Progessive Liberal. In the primary at the Democratic Central Endorement Debate Antonio said " I'm proud to be a Progessive Liberal" now Antonio please do not Flip-Flop on this statement!
I'm a strong Villaraigosa supporter and think he's best for the job, but I have to admit that HIS performance at the debate Monday night has caused me to worry. He seemed unusually mean-spirited and more like a bully. I hope he changes this quickly before turning off his supporters.
Tony, Tony, Tony, why do you pay Parke, Ace, Steve and any other bozo with their hand out, all that money. Don't you know how to handle that private school question yet. The answer is, and always should be:
"I will not sacrifice my children for my political principles."
Hillary and Bill used it and it is so much better than, "I'm Catholic and want my children to have the same education I had." You got kicked out of Cathoic school for using drugs! Everyone knows that.
Where should I send my bill?
Another person Tony should apologize to:
The 15th murder victim in your district this year. Are you going to show up at the crime scene Tony, it is after all, right smack in the middle of your base - right on El Sereno Avenue.
ANON said: "Well, if you reverse the situtation Antonio is sure acting like his poll show him 20 points behind Jim Hahn!"
Tony V. knows the score -- and he remembers 2001 better than anybody, including his paid strategists. They didn't take the beating from Hahn 4 years ago, he did (and they told him he was winning, and way ahead, THEN, too).
The rest of the race is based on track record and he hasn't had one he can run on since 1999. He may as well be behind Hahn at this point since one-on-one debates are about what have you DONE and what will he DO. He hasn't DONE anything in YEARS, and he doesn't have a clue what to say he'll DO without turning off some portion of the electorate he needs to win.
This phase of the campaign takes guts and thick skin. Hahn isn't perfect, but he does has the stomach for a tough campaign. Tony V. doesn't -- he's scares easily and wimps out better than anybody in local politics when challenged.
Did Tony say "progressive" liberal. He meant to say "Regressive" liberal. His campaign hacks need to remember he's an over-the-hill political dinosaur now. One of the first things to go is your eyesight whe you get to be hid age.
Get him the LARGE PRINT cue cards from now on, or he's gonna keep mis-stating your bumper sticker slogans.
Antonio stopped going to homicides scenes last year when he needed to spend time out of his district campaigning. Having an Antonio supporter go to Hahn campaign headquarters with a sign to try and disrupt the press conference is an act of desperation.I smell fear coming out of his team. Could it be that the voters citywide are beginning to see who the real Antonio is? How in the hell can you support the gangbangers and not understand families being in fear of going to their local park? Valley people take notice. All those Pacoima, Van Nuys gangs will have a free for all with Antonio.
Sounds like the cry baby's are coming out of CD 14. This race will be fought and won in the San Fernando Valley, specifically in CD 3 and CD 12; not in CD 14 or CD 15.
Your attacks are only resonating with your fellow bloggers who despise Villaraigosa. Your only causing yourself higher blood pressure by posting on this site.
Villaraigosa and Hahn are cut from the same cloth. Same policies and same agenda, but each are going at it a different way and each will either continue to fail (Hahn) or can only do better than the current administration.
Jim Hahn has broken many promises as mayor, but he too owes apologies to folks in this city as well.
Please Jim apololgize to the following:
Your wife - for cheating on her with your former chief of staff while City Attorney.
Your son - for cheating on his lesbian mom while you were City Attorney.
The family in the San Fernando Valley whose daughter was brutally murdered because you would constantly cut deals with wife beaters.
All the women of have been beaten in this city for cutting deal after deal with their wife beating husbands.
The residents of the San Fernando Valley for painting a picture of them that compares them to shady casino types.
All your former City Attorney's who you forced to cut deals when they opposed it, to go leniant of wife beaters.
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's office for putting him in a situation where there was nothinv but chaos for his first year. The equipment was outdated the filing system was horrific and the spirit of the city attorneys was low but improving because Hahn was finally gone.
LAPD for failing to get them the 1,000 new police officers he promised them. 2001 - broke promise
2002 - broke promise
2003 - broke promise
2004 - broke promise
2005 - broke promise
Every family looking for housing in this city. Hahn promised $100 million a year for the trust fund. He has come no where near that number, but money that was spent goes into the (gotti-like) hands of James Acevedo who pockets 4.1 million for doing nothing. Thats 40 more police officers and 133 new housing units for familes in the San Fernando Valley.
The community of Watts -- 4 years ago Hahn took the powerful symbol of the Watts Tower and used it against Antonio to help with racist voters. The Watts tower and the community that lives around it should not be a part of Hahn's smear campaign.
All immigrants of every stripe -- During a primary debate Hahn said "illegal aliens are destroying our economy." Hahn please apologize to all the Irish, German, Italian, Mexicans, English and African immigrants who come to this country and make it stronger.
All the Gays and Lesbians in the city -- Hahn you should lead by example and come out of the closet, it actually may help you with voters, i am sure you'll get a 5 point bump from that community. But by denying your true feelings you are like that wife beating husband for not allowing the truth to come out and instead resort to beating whoever or whatever is in front of you.
The taxpayers of Los Angeles - for misusing, misspending and misalocating their money into PR schemes for your reelection efforts.
DWP ratepayers - for introducing language that would increase their rates when it is 100% unnecessary, after having the DWP spend millions on PR contracts for a department that is a monopoly.
Senior Citizens -- For not returning the money from Charles Fizgerald, after the financial pyrmiad scheme your "good friends" did, it cost the retirement nest eggs of hundreds of senior citizens that were duped by your friends to invest in their real estate ponzi scheme.
shall i keep going...
blog away dum-dums
Give credit to Kuwata and Carrick for keeping Hahn out of allthose primary debates. Those debates were just to see who got to go to the big dance with Hahn. Now that the big dance is on, Tony turns intoa wallflower?
Parke I don't blame you for trying to keep Tony out of the debates, it's pretty hard to sell shit. But hey, Karl Rove did it. Is that why you instructed Tony to respond that he was a reformed Catholic. Going after that conservative reiligious base, like Karl. Don't forget, this isn't the bible belt. Even reformed Catholics stray - just look at Tony.
Here's another apology that Tony owes, to you. For making you believe that you have are some kind of politcal guru. You're just as bad as your former boss Victor Griego, what is his won/loss ratio - 10:90?
And yes, please keep going with the Hahn apology list, it is very entertaining especially since one of those benefitting from his supposed lack of domestic violence crack downs is Tony. That case regarding that female State employee that Tony fought with in the State Capitol garage is still on file with the State Police, right? Parke can't have this one sealed.
MEAT you're acting like a desperate little man. I'm sure you just finished your meeting with Parke and Ace on what to post here. The difference with what you posted and the previous blogger is you're a paid Antonio staffer and the other person is someone who knows Antonio all to well. Aren't you going to say anything about the ACLU issue? C'mon what's Antonio's excuse this time? Oh yeah, you never mentioned where Antonio stands on the 3-12 issue. Why don't you answer? If Antonio says he supports it then his buddy Bitter Bernie will be pissed. IF he opposes he will get blasted citywide. WHERE THE HELL IS ANTONIO, AGAIN NOT IN COUNCIL. HE'S NOT IN HIS SEAT AND THERE'S A LOT OF AGENDA ITEMS ON CD14. CD14 YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE BEING WASTED WITH THIS LOSER.
Okay, MEAT, please do "go on" (since it took you all morning to draft that rant). But let's take a more positive stance this time. How about promises KEPT in most recent office held. . . and to make things easier for you and Tony V., let's JUST look at what Hahn has done for the Eastside (ADV's home "turf"). I'll start, you may want to take a week off from the throwaway newspaper to do your research, (but it won't help). And, no fair trying to list all 80 (FAKE) NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES as separate items, not that you or anyone else could:
Below are highlights of Mayor Jim Hahn's accomplishments and initiatives in Eastside Los Angeles neighborhoods.
-- Mayor Hahn’s efforts to put more police on our streets, restore Los Angeles’ community policing program, and bring new leadership to the Los Angeles Police Department have gotten significant results. Compared with just two years ago, violent crime is down in every LAPD area, including the Hollenbeck and Northeast areas, which serve East Los Angeles neighborhoods. Citywide, crime is down 18 percent compared with two years ago.
-- Expanded the city’s nationally-recognized LA’s BEST after school program to serve over 5,500 additional students at over 45 additional schools. The program now provides free of charge a safe, educational, and fun place for more than 3,900 students at 29 elementary schools in East Los Angeles. Citywide, it serves over 20,000 students at over 125 schools.
-- Successfully advocated to bring the Gang Reduction Program to East Los Angeles to provide millions in grant funds to after school, college preparation and other programs that give young people positive alternatives to gangs.
Worked with LAPD to enhanced efforts to reduce gang-related crime in East Los Angeles, including provision of additional resources to areas with high gang-related crime through the LAPD’s Community Safety Operations Task Force.
Led the effort to reinstate the Senior Lead Officer (SLO) Program, LAPD’s community policing program, to provide a direct link between Los Angeles communities and the police department.
Created a Joint Park Safety Task Force and directed the LAPD to deploy specialized resources to neighborhood parks that most need additional security. The task force created stop-in centers at over 60 city parks to enhance police presence, including more than a dozen parks in East Los Angeles.
Worked with LAPD to ensure the department tracks and monitors pedestrian and traffic stops to help the department identify potential problems with racial profiling. Mayor Hahn included requiring this data collection as part of the consent decree he negotiated when he was City Attorney.
Removed more than four million square feet of graffiti from over 86,000 locations in East Los Angeles.
Launched a program to increase arrests of those who illegally dispose of items such as couches, televisions, mattresses, or other hazardous waste on city streets or alleys. Since the beginning of the Hahn Administration, more than 46,000 tons of illegally dumped items have been removed from East Los Angeles neighborhoods.
Supports more than 80 neighborhood councils across the city, including those that represent East Los Angeles neighborhoods. Mayor Hahn provided up to $50,000 for each neighborhood council to use for operating expenses and neighborhood projects of their choice.
Worked with the Los Angeles Public Library to open or renovate branch libraries in East Los Angeles, including the Arroyo Seco, Cypress Park, Edendale, and El Sereno branch libraries.
Provided over $1 million to East Los Angeles communities through the Neighborhood Block Grant (NBG) program, which is helping to make streetscape and housing improvements in Lincoln Heights and El Sereno.
Advocated for and closely monitored the East Central Interceptor Sewer (ECIS) project to ensure that it was completed on-time and on-budget. The project, which rehabilitated the city’s sewer system in East, Central, and South Los Angeles neighborhoods, increased the system’s capacity and will greatly reduce the number of sewage spills. Prior to the construction of ECIS, heavy rains would cause sewage to flow into the streets and there were some instances where children were walking through raw sewage to get to school. ECIS was the largest public works project in the city’s history.
Worked with the Department of Recreation and Parks to rehabilitate or open a dozen park facilities in East Los Angeles neighborhoods, including new skate parks in Hollenbeck, El Sereno, and Lincoln Park, the new Dodger Dream Fields at Bishop Canyon and the Montecito Heights Recreation Center, and the new Audubon Center at Debs Park, which is the second urban nature center in the country.
Working to develop a park at Taylor Yard in Northeast Los Angeles. A partnership with the State of California, this park will include soccer and baseball fields, nature trails, picnic areas, and habitat restoration.
Negotiated an agreement with the Los Angeles Unified School District to allow greater community use of school facilities and expand recreation and open space for Los Angeles families.
Lobbied successfully to secure federal funding for the 6-mile Eastside Light Rail project to extend the Metro Gold Line into East Los Angeles.
Created the Street Smart program, which targets for traffic-reducing improvements 35 of Los Angeles’ busiest streets and when completed will save Los Angeles drivers an estimated 15 million hours per year. Streets that will be improved in East Los Angeles neighborhoods through this program include Colorado Boulevard, Valley Boulevard, San Fernando Road, and Mission Road.
Created the Traffic Safety and Congestion Relief Plan, which identifies and makes improvements to 25 of Los Angeles’ worst intersections every year. These improvements make the intersections safer and help reduce traffic congestion for over 1 million drivers every day.
Worked with the city’s Community Development Department program to hire hundreds of qualified young people in Boyle Heights through the Youth Opportunity Movement, which provides education, job training and employment services.
Provided funding that is helping to bring over 600 new housing units to East Los Angeles through the $100 million Housing Trust Fund. Under his leadership, Los Angeles went from having one of the worst records on housing to becoming home to the nation’s largest local housing trust fund. In the last three years, Los Angeles has doubled the pace of housing development.
Expanded the adaptive reuse ordinance, which is helping to adapt vacant buildings into thousands of quality housing units. Over 1,000 adaptive reuse units are in various stages in East Los Angeles.
Worked with local labor organizations to help Homeboy Industries graffiti clean-up team members find jobs with the Painters and Ironworkers.
I guess Carrick and Kuwata won't have to use the Watt's Towers anymore. That picture of Tony with that stupid smile plastered on his face standing next to Maxine speaks volumes!
Promises KEPT, OH shit, MEAT now you've opened up a can of worms... the only promises ADV ever keeps are the backroom brokered deals you can't print the details of here -- the one's that are contingent on people making campaign contributions to him. (Unless of course your "deal" is outbid by a bigger contributor).
Someone else Tony needs to apologize to:
Every true blooded homeboy out in the Eastside for having their tough guy images shattered by people who think that pussy Tony was somehow some tough guy.
Did anyone rebutt any of my comments NO.
Just in case you missed it I will copy and paste it once more. I may do this again and again. I can't have anyone miss anything i wrote.
Copy and Pasted Once More:
Jim Hahn has broken many promises as mayor, but he too owes apologies to folks in this city as well.
Please Jim apololgize to the following:
Your wife - for cheating on her with your former chief of staff while City Attorney.
Your son - for cheating on his lesbian mom while you were City Attorney.
The family in the San Fernando Valley whose daughter was brutally murdered because you would constantly cut deals with wife beaters.
All the women of have been beaten in this city for cutting deal after deal with their wife beating husbands.
The residents of the San Fernando Valley for painting a picture of them that compares them to shady casino types.
All your former City Attorney's who you forced to cut deals when they opposed it, to go leniant of wife beaters.
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's office for putting him in a situation where there was nothinv but chaos for his first year. The equipment was outdated the filing system was horrific and the spirit of the city attorneys was low but improving because Hahn was finally gone.
LAPD for failing to get them the 1,000 new police officers he promised them. 2001 - broke promise
2002 - broke promise
2003 - broke promise
2004 - broke promise
2005 - broke promise
Every family looking for housing in this city. Hahn promised $100 million a year for the trust fund. He has come no where near that number, but money that was spent goes into the (gotti-like) hands of James Acevedo who pockets 4.1 million for doing nothing. Thats 40 more police officers and 133 new housing units for familes in the San Fernando Valley.
The community of Watts -- 4 years ago Hahn took the powerful symbol of the Watts Tower and used it against Antonio to help with racist voters. The Watts tower and the community that lives around it should not be a part of Hahn's smear campaign.
All immigrants of every stripe -- During a primary debate Hahn said "illegal aliens are destroying our economy." Hahn please apologize to all the Irish, German, Italian, Mexicans, English and African immigrants who come to this country and make it stronger.
All the Gays and Lesbians in the city -- Hahn you should lead by example and come out of the closet, it actually may help you with voters, i am sure you'll get a 5 point bump from that community. But by denying your true feelings you are like that wife beating husband for not allowing the truth to come out and instead resort to beating whoever or whatever is in front of you.
The taxpayers of Los Angeles - for misusing, misspending and misalocating their money into PR schemes for your reelection efforts.
DWP ratepayers - for introducing language that would increase their rates when it is 100% unnecessary, after having the DWP spend millions on PR contracts for a department that is a monopoly.
Senior Citizens -- For not returning the money from Charles Fizgerald, after the financial pyrmiad scheme your "good friends" did, it cost the retirement nest eggs of hundreds of senior citizens that were duped by your friends to invest in their real estate ponzi scheme.
blog away dum-dums
MEAT you're wrong when you say Hahn didn't get the police officers he promised. In his 2003-2004 budget he had money for 320 officers and council voted NO. Instead you should be giving Hahn credit for all the police officers we have kept. If Bitter Bernie was still chief like Antonio has said "he was the right guy" to only the Crenshaw residents then flip flopped in the valley, we would have lost way more then the 1,000. So factually Hahn has gotten us way more officers in the long run. It was nice to hear Antonio state for the record that Bratton was one of the best chief's in the nation.
OOOOOh, MEAT's gone "personal" against Hahn now. Talk about desperate tactics. What, the Gotti's threatening to put a hit out on you for using their name too much?
Reposting don't make it true MEAT... but are you also working on your list of ADV promises KEPT?? I'm sure even someone as mathematically challenged as you can count them on the fingers of one mutilated metal shop teacher's hand.
One -- two -- two -- two -- two -- Thr... TWO -- TWO!
Without a Hertzberg endorsement, Tony V. is SCREWED (like CD14). If Bob stays out of it, NO WAY, ADV picks up anybody to the right of Vicente Fox in this one.
MEAT here's another apology that Tony owes. To the Latino community in general. Tony's people, under Parke's direction, are out there telling Latinos that the reason they should vote for Tony is that he will be the first Latino mayor. Well exactly what has Tony done for Latinos? Here's a list:
-After being handed the Assembly Speakership from the 1st Latino speaker, Tony sabotages a potential 3rd Latino speaker in a row - Cardenas - and hands the speakership to Hertzberg.
-As speaker of the Assembly and despite a record number of Latinos in the Assembly, Tony doesn't even appoint one to Chair a committee.
-After baiting Latino activists with the line, "the 45th Assembly District should not go to a white man", he hands it over to Goldberg.
-Looking to attract millionaire funders, Tony appoints Ron Unz - the person who killed bilingual education - a prized seat on a State Blue Ribbon commission. Unz uses this platform to take his campaign to kill bilingual education to Arizona and has Nativo Lopez recalled from the Santa Ana School district board.
-Tony goes against MALDEF in their lawsuit to get a Latino congressional seat in the San Fernando Valley and his testimony is used by Berman and Waxman to defeat Latino empowerment.
See a pattern here? Almost in every instance when Latinos could have benefitted Tony chose Jews over Latinos. Even before he became a "reformed Catholic" Tony's feature article in the L.A. Times Magazine by Matea Gold in 2001 he is quoted as saying he prefers the Jewish religion over Catholicism. I know Parke and Ullysees will cry anti-semitism here, well how about anti-Latinoism? The facts speak for themselves.
Antonio and his flacks are telling Latinos he'll be the first Latino mayor and is starting a Latino movement to overtake city politics. If that happens you can expect illegal vendors all over the city, piracy DVD vendors, gangbangers to control communities and so on. The city will be run by a bunch of illiterate Mexicans like Gameboy Padilla (if he keeps his prez) Jose Huizar LAUSD, and Gason as Chief. Its like Cardenas said "LA is not ready for Latinos to run this city." Right on Tony C.
MEAT/Ullysees, you want rebuttal on personal issues - why don't you rebut the Venice Room incident or the La Fonda incident or the Capitol Garage incident or the Tony/Bob roomate incident....
But for starters you said:
"Please Jim apololgize to the following:
Your wife - for cheating on her with your former chief of staff while City Attorney.
Your son - for cheating on his lesbian mom while you were City Attorney."
Last I checked, Jim Hahn did do the honorable thing and dissolved a dysfuntional marriage by legally seperating. I'm sure he and his ex-wife have apologized to their son - as any honorable parent would. What about Tony, holding on to that sham of a marriage just for his political gain. Have you seen Corina smile lately. I believe the case she filed for divorce the day after Tony's 1994 Assembly victory is still open. Let's hear it for Parke, the marriage counselor.
Today, on the steps of City Hall, Mayor Hahn will announce that he has received the endorsement of Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael Antonovich.
Wow...sounds like Hahn is a pretty corrupt person. Anyone willing to dispute the claims of MEAT? Doesn't sound like it. I'll take the silence as a nod that the info is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
And yes, Hahn did the honorable thing and got a legal separation and is doing his best as a single parent. Even Antonio field staffers gossip about his womanizing and how they have to cover up for their boss. Let's get back to the issues. MEAT what has Antonio done while on the Education and Neighborhood Committee? Yes, we know he's missed more times then we want to count but in 2 yrs what has he done?
Dispute the claims of MEAT, are you really as stupid as that "dodge" sounds (posted by MEAT pretending to be "anonymous" of course).
People have disputed every DAMN claim MEAT has made here for months, and his reponse is always the same... (Duh, I don't believe you, so I'll just post it again!!!)
81 PERCENT APPROVAL RATING CD14 MEAT -- post the proof of that before you move on to more lies and innuendo, demanding "someone dispute me!"
You're a walking self-dispute, you don't need any help, there.
BECAUSE... Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do what he says he'll do. Someone prove me wrong.
End of story!
HELL, I'm ready for Latinos to run L.A., in a heartbeat!
GOOD Latinos, HONEST Latinos, HARD WORKING Latinos, PROMISE-KEEPING (Look that term up ADV) Latinos, DILIGENT Latinos, NON-SELFSERVING Latinos. . .
Any day! But what does all that have to do with ADV? He don't "qualify!" I can think of DOZENS of L.A. Latinos my "Anglo" fingers would darken an ink-a-vote form for as mayor -- today.
But NOT one that comes with the negative political baggage that follows Antonio Villaragosa around lurking behind every corner.
BUT, I wouldn't vote for a SWEDE with ADV's history of deception; I wouldn't vote for an AFRICAN AMERICAN that's done as little for his own district as ADV has in the last two years; I wouldn't vote for a ARMENIAN that provides as poor constituent service as ADV does to his supporters; I wouldn't vote for an ARAB that shows as little respect for the hard work of community activitists and Neighborhood Councils as ADV does in CD14; I wouldn't vote for an ASIAN AMERICAN that shows up for work as little as ADV does in council and on council committees.
(Get the point...?)
No poster at 12:15 your the stupid one cause I am not meat posting anonymously. In fact, I can only tolerate so much of your stupidity let alone your futile attempts to discredit that which is credible. The only dispute people have been making are personal accusations followed by incoherent sentences lacking any skills in grammar or debating.
I am sure these comments have touched a nerve. Please continue your childish debate.
No poster at 12:15 your the stupid one cause I am not meat posting anonymously. In fact, I can only tolerate so much of your stupidity let alone your futile attempts to discredit that which is credible. The only dispute people have been making are personal accusations followed by incoherent sentences lacking any skills in grammar or debating.
I am sure these comments have touched a nerve. Please continue your childish debate.
"The only dispute people have been making are personal accusations followed by incoherent sentences lacking any skills in grammar or debating."
Let's deconstruct your sentence there, in which you call others "incoherent," shall we?
The simple sentence within your rant says:
"...sentences... lack skills..." I'm pretty sure you didn't mean to to say that the sentences lacked something (since sentences can't have "skills"), but that the people "posting" the sentences lacked those skills (i.e., grammar and debating).
Also, while one can be skilled IN grammar, grammar itself isn't a "skill."
Now who's "incoherent?"
LAUSD grad, huh? Sorry, that must have been when ADV was running the assembly and "fully supporting public schools."
(I may be "childish," but I passed 4th grade English; sorry about your education).
LA Times wants to know.
Is there a true story out there.
This Blogg is a well kept secret.
We want to hear the face to face,record to record of both candidates in the city run off.The past debates are history. We were watching to many candidates.
We want to see and hear the difference between guys. Eight debates is what Hanh wants now that the real run off race is on. Seems fair to the working public for both of them to let the city folks check them out.
We get one for 4 years or we get one for 8 years, that is a serious choice.
phone for these reporters.
1-213-237-7000 not a message machine.Ask for:
Michael Finnegan jessica Garrison
Jeffery Rabin or Richard Faust
Some dum-dum wrote this:
From the Dum-Dum - "After being handed the Assembly Speakership from the 1st Latino speaker, Tony sabotages a potential 3rd Latino speaker in a row - Cardenas - and hands the speakership to Hertzberg."
FROM MEAT: Wow, whats great about this quote is that it props up Tony Cardenas. Now if Tony really had a chance, do you think he would have gotten more votes than himself and his mother. The mother comment was from a LA Times story regarding Tony Cardenas's failed bid for Speaker, much like his failed bid for Secretary of State and his failed bid for council district 2. If it wasn't for gameboy padilla creating a new seat for Tony, Tony wouldn't have won anything. I think the proof is in the pudding on Tony Cardenas, thank God he was never speaker.
As speaker of the Assembly and despite a record number of Latinos in the Assembly, Tony doesn't even appoint one to Chair a committee.
FROM MEAT: This statement is 100% false, thats a LIE. There were many Latinos who chaired several committees during his tenure. SO come up with better facts before you open your dumb mouth.
After baiting Latino activists with the line, "the 45th Assembly District should not go to a white man", he hands it over to Goldberg.
FROM MEAT: Another LIE. Antonio never said it, and if he did you can't prove it. But coming on this blog and lying is a simple sport for the dum-dums on this blog. That seat was a civil rights mandated seat, and to say that Jackie Goldberg doesn't hold up the spirit of civil rights is one of the dumbest statements made on this blog.
Looking to attract millionaire funders, Tony appoints Ron Unz - the person who killed bilingual education - a prized seat on a State Blue Ribbon commission. Unz uses this platform to take his campaign to kill bilingual education to Arizona and has Nativo Lopez recalled from the Santa Ana School district board.
FROM MEAT: You can ask Nativo Lopez yourself regarding his opinion of Antonio. As for Ron Unz, that appointment has to be the one of the smartest moves Antonio made while speaker. Ron Unz was ready to launch another anti-latino initiative, this appoinment saved the state from that.
Tony goes against MALDEF in their lawsuit to get a Latino congressional seat in the San Fernando Valley and his testimony is used by Berman and Waxman to defeat Latino empowerment.
FROM MEAT: Antonio never went against MALDEF, he just stated the truth. The question in front of Antonio was what was the level of support in Howard Berman's district? Antonio won Howard Berman's district against a non-latino candidate. That was the issue, how is that going against the Latino community?
blog away.
I take it from your lack of response, MEAT, that you were not able to come up with even a SMALL list of promises ADV has kept to the Eastside in two years?
(See Hahn's list above...)
I'll assume your silence means that, or that you've figured out by now that the "accomplishments" listed for 2003-05 on his campaign literature are all as bogus as the "80 Neighborhood Watches" (in a district with 12 neighborhoods).
Too bad, I'm sure I wasn't the only "hater" looking forward to deflating what little is left of the "Villaraigosa as Competent Councilmember" MYTH still floating around out there among the more gullible.
MEAT your the man or woman...well its pretty established that you are a man. Thanks for the fun facts.
Now to your bloggers from CD no I won't say what I was planning to say cause in the end its not worth it. You've already hijacked this site so who cares anymore
They wouldn'e be believable, anyway, since Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do what he says he'll do. Someone prove me wrong.
End of story!
MEAT does post "fun facts" sometimes. Just not "true" facts.
Those aren't required when you support ADV -- because "all you really need is LOVE."
Make up your minds, ADV-lovers. Are the disgruntled masses of CD14 "filibustering" the blog (that was the previous claim), or "hijacking" it?
Or is it just that people who support ADV, like, just you know, like, "feel" like he's the best candidate, you know? (And it's just like, you know, so HARD to put into words the warm fuzzy feeling he gives them - deep inside).
He's "groovy" right?
Hahn will win re-election, Rocky will become AG, and thank goodness we will have Nick Pacheco back in public service as City Attorney.
I know many have been asking how Nick is doing... word on the street is that he is doing well and helping Rocky so that the seat will be open for him. There is no more qualified candidate. In the meantime, he can is accepting new legal clients and can use the help to pay his bills until the campaign starts. Does anyone have an updated phone number for him? The last working one I can find is (213) 269-9898.
Los Angeles needs Nick Pacheco!
He just isn't "Hahn" like Steve Lopez said. How vapid can you get.
A year ago, Kerry was a shoo-in for president because he just "wasn't Bush" -- then as the election go closer, people started to examine who they were "for" as much as who they were "against."
The shift has already started -- and ADV's people are getting very nervous because of it (some have been there before... 2001). They're trying to "invent" confrontations with Hahn, since debates are not exactly Attention-Deficit Villaraigosa's strong suit.
Pacheco was at a neighborhood council meeting in CD14 this week.
When was the last time Villaraigosa attended a neighborhood council meeting in CD14. (When was the first time? When he was lying, I mean RUNNING for City Council?)
Why would ADV attend a neighborhood council meeting?? He barely show up for city council committee meetings, including the one's he supposed to be running. How long before we find out he lost another $20 million in Transportation committee funds?
Oh yeah, I forgot, that wasn't his FAULT. Losing $20 million in taxpayers funds is everybody else's fault (not the committee chairman's), but some 3rd party scam artist overbills the DMV one-tenth of that and it's because Hahn "mismanages."
We aren't all CD14 anti-Villaraigosa people. We're citywide anti-Villaraigosa and we strongly support Hahn. LAT while investigating those 80 "lied" neighborhood watches should as suggested on this blog check into Antonio taking money from the neighborhood councils in his district when he already had money. That shows how greedy he is. MEAT you refuse to answer the issue of 3-12. Will a reporter please ask Antonio where he stands on this issue and get it on record. The only reason not to answer is because you don't have a clue. Flip Flop Villaraigosa
Is the correct pronunciation of ADV's last name now "Veer-agosa" because he's trying so hard to swerve away from answering these tough questions?
For crying out loud bloggers, wake up and smell the coffee. The only reason a candidate needs to debate is if he is losing. HAHN NEEDS TO DEBATE BECAUSE HE IS LOSING! My advice to Antonio - stick to your guns and spend your valuable time talking to your constituents. Let Hahnie-Boy cry and throw his temper tantrums because he can't get what he wants. Geez, somebody call the waaaaaaaambulance for this petulant child!
I guess I should have included you die hard Hahnie-Boy supporters with the petulant child comment. SOMEBODY CALL THE WAAAAAAAMBULANCE!!
MEAT, I'm not going to call you Ullysees on this post because in you 12:56 post you obviously went crying to Steve and Parke for help. Your too much of a dum dum to do that research so quick. If you're anything like your love interest Tony, you must be like all those other Latinos in politics who need a good Jew around to validate their positions, thought and general existence. "If I only had a Jew." - before you get all anti-semitic happy on me, that quote comes from the creator of the Family Guy - a pretty cool Jew.
Again, you spun, spun, spun. MEAT you said, " I think the proof is in the pudding on Tony Cardenas, thank God he was never speaker." The point being made was that Steve and Parke had ordered their campaign workers to use the "Tony will be the first Latino mayor of L.A." rap. Using that rationale, it didn't matter if it was Cardenas or not, the fact is he was Latino and Tony sabotaged his campaign for Speaker. Tony uses the nationalist Latino line only when it suits him personally - or when he's directd to do so by Parke. All you did here is verify my comment.
MEAT you went on to say, "This statement is 100% false, thats a LIE. There were many Latinos who chaired several committees during his tenure." First off, there is a difference between "many" and "several." Maybe I should have been more specifc and mentioned Assembly leadership positions or chairmanships of key and powerful committees. Who cares if Tony named a Latino to the Sub-Committee of the Committee to Oversee the Comittee to do Something. Who Chaired Rules, Budget or for that matter who did he name as his lieutenants - NO LATINOS, despite a record number of Latinos in the Assembly.
MEAT you said,"Another LIE. Antonio never said it, and if he did you can't prove it. That seat was a civil rights mandated seat, and to say that Jackie Goldberg doesn't hold up the spirit of civil rights is one of the dumbest statements made on this blog." You are right, no one can hold a candle to Jackie's civil rights history. But I know Jackie personally and she agonized over her decision to run. She initially decined stating that the seat was meant for a Latino. Jackie knows a thing or two about the empowerment of people of color. But eventually she succumbed to Parke and Tony's rantings about there "not being a qualified Latino." Where have we heard this before? You know where, in the justification of any progressive white reaching to hold on to influence in communities of color - just like Parke. It is not everyday that a puppet like Tony comes around. As for not being able to prove Tony's Chicano nationalist rhetoric when he first ran for this seat - ask Ramon Muniz, a community leader in Cypress Park and longtime adminsitrator at CSUN, the mecca of Chincao Nationalism. Or for that matter Tony Torres and Marco Palma, this was Tony's rallying cry. Why do you think Ramon isn't supporting Tony this time around?
MEAT, you said "Antonio never went against MALDEF, he just stated the truth. The question in front of Antonio was what was the level of support in Howard Berman's district?" We all know that he structured his answer to get Berman and Waxman's endorsement - they were the first to come out, right? Another answer, which is also the truth but would have towed the line for Latino empowerment is "Yes, I got a good level of support from that district but with a Latino congressman, I probbly would have gotten more votes because only 7% of all Latinos came out to vote - a mobilized Latino community with a recognized congressional leader would have generated more votes for me that I surely did need."
I can go on about Ron Unz and Nativo Lopez, but what's the point. All you, Parke and Steve will do is spin, spin, spin. Just remember, it takes Latinos to mobilize Latinos, not Jews.
I was shocked to read that Alarcon actually said this at the LA County Democratic meeting a week ago........Richard Alarcon introduced and nominated Antonio Villaraigosa. In offering his endorsement, Alarcon said it was not about character, but it was about what is good for the future of Los Angeles.....
No wonder why people posted here that Alarcon is now Antonio's bitch. Alarcon told everyone while campaigning what a loser Antonio was and he didn't deserve to be in the run off then he turns around and endoreses him.
Hey, you guys forgot about Antonio stealing babies so he can eat their pineal glands.
What a bunch of f*cking losers you all are. I bet the last time you walked a precinct was to pick up your unemployment check.
Pacheco as City Attorney? A councilmember was enough. I think if CD 14 is so angry they should advocate secession from the City of Los Angeles. I won't shed a tear if you guys go away. I know the folks in South LA and the Valley won't either.
Fridge, you're out of touch... ADV doesn't actually steal the babies, himself -- he never does his own dirty work. He get's googlie-eyed groupies like you to do it (then avoids direct debates with people he knows can clean his clock one-handed).
Oh, and he's hungry for more "pineal glands" too, Your shift for stealing the next batch of babies is 4 to 6 a.m. Don't be late, he's a vindictive bitch when he get's mad. Just ask the people who aren't supporting him in CD14 whose community improvement projects are (mysteriously) ALL on hold until after the election!
Imagine that!
4:16 p.m. is speaking for the whole city now -- typical, arrogant ADV-loving bastard!
Hey 4:22 pm jerk-off...I'm no "ADV Lover" But you can love your right hand right now if you want too? If anything, Hahn is my first choice if there is a choice.
Anonymous at 3:36, it's pretty obvious why ADV doesn't want to surround himself with other strong Latinos -- he's threatened by them and afraid they'll steal his thunder as the "great Brown hope."
Why else is he at odds with nearly every activist Latino in his district, why there are no significant Latinos listed under his endorsements (lots of African Americans?)
This is why the only neighborhood council president in CD14 endorsing him for mayor is also the only Anglo NC president in his district. These are not coincidences. He can't control Latinos who know what they want and have experience in organizing communities themself, so he shuns their meetings, stymies their projects, and tries top pit them against each other.
You and your handlers better tread VERY LIGHTLY when you answer that last, long post (3:36). ADV's out-of-touch with the community advisors probably won't know any better, but you/all would be WELL advised NOT to trash-talk Prof. Muniz like you usually bad mouth people who "fail" to support your hero, Villaraigosa. That guy is an untouchable, salt-of-the-earth Latino who can't be bought off like some others. He learned his "Si se puedes" straight from THE man himself -- Cesar C. -- while ADV was still just training to pretend he was somebody important.
Think HARD before you go there, CARNITAS - you're not worthy to spit-shine that man's boots...
Bob Huggy hasn't endorsed yet because of the following: Big Boy Bob wants to run for City Attorney and he wants Antonio's endorsement. But Tony has got a big problem.
Does he tell Bob he's backing Jack Weiss for City Attorney and lose Huggy's endorsement? Or does he promise to back Bob and lose the support of Jack?
How long will Huggy wait for Antonio's answer? Is Antonio running out the clock?
Does this remind you of an episode of "Soap"?
Carnitas (MEAT) is Uylssess everyone so why keep denying it. Its said at community meetings, NC meetings and citywide, everyone knows. Talk issues any day and Antonio is toast. Only an uneducated lowlife, sleaze bag would send a supporter over to the Hahn campaign with a stupid sign. Hahn's people has way more class then to do something stupid like that especially in front of the press.
75000-80000 hits and some very interesting stuff and neither the LAT or the Daily News prints one frigging word. I don't know if Los Angeles needs a new mayor. I do know it needs some new newspapers!
Hmmm so everything i said you can't rebutt. When something new is said i put it down for the dribble it is.
I don't respond unless there is actually something to respond to, 90% of the folks on this blog repeat the same batch of LIES they like to see on the blog.
But if you are going to come at me with some facts -- let's go. I also see no one is denying everything i laid out regarding Jim Hahn -- why because you can't LIe about the truth.
blog away idiots
Talking to yourself again, MEAT. Everyone else has moved on to more important things. . . but it's obvious you STILL don't get it. The flow isn't PRO-Hahn, it's ANTI-Villaraigosa. And little thing you dream up to poke and Jimmy with, ADV is WORSE, and it can be easily proven. (And you've NEVER sucessfully refuted that!)
Here's the challenge again:
Antonio Villaraigosa is a pathological liar who can't be trusted to do anything he says he'll do. Someone prove me wrong.
End of story!
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