This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
why? it's not even a funny picture.
Av busted pulling up is pants once against by the best aiport security team.
Circumcised? Oy, I'm not sure. You want I should maybe show you, Bubbalah, or just call a couple of my mistresses and ask?
Any picture where MeCHa-boy Villar, (a group that's often anti-semitic, and definitely anti-Zionist), is playing footsies which Israelis is funny.
What's a shlemiel? Oh, sorry Mayor Villaraigosa, that's just Yiddish for 'most revered visitor'.
"Take it as a compliment."
"Score some chicks? What is this? I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, I don't understand this expression."
"Can we get a new interpreter over here? Does anyone in the room speak the 'American Scumbag' dialect."
the mayor is asking witch one of you is going first, and the guy in the middle is pointing to the guy in front of him saying he is.
"You know, I have to keep adjusting my pants because I lost all that extra weight jogging a year ago, and that's why I wasn't wearing my wedding ring, too"
"You know, I have to keep adjusting my pants because I lost all that extra weight a year ago -- AND HER NAME WAS CORINA"
(Doing his best Barney Fife impersonation, Mayor V. says):
"Airport security? I know a thing or three about that" (sniff, sniff)
Mayor V visiting a classroom in Sderot, the most bombed city in Israel. Not really that funny, but that's probably what it is.
"Oh yeah, well step outside and say that to my face you little midget."
AV: "Gee, I'm hungry. Anyone know where we can get some kosher carnitas around here?"
Caption: "This isn't Mexico, in spite of what your precious Mexican President says!"
"What's this Chinese writing on the wall?"
"Falafel? Yeah, I dated her."
(Adjusts trousers)
"Where my bitches at?"
"Jimmy Blackman and I were trying to bang some Israeli chicks last night because they look like Latinas.
The difference is that THESE women could beat the beat the crap out of US, rather then the other way around."
These little exercises in good old-fashioned American tearing down of the high-and-mighty really do piss off the mayor's staff, don't they?
It's bad enough he has a god-complex himself, folks. You don't have to co-enable him by warding off all ridicule as being blasphemous and "not funny".
Sorry for you, but he is one of the unintentionally funniest mayors L.A. has had in a long time - in part because so many people seem to worship the ground his tiny feet walk on, and he has yet - after 5 years on the city payroll, to do anything even remotely significant, let along "heroic".
If it wasn't for him being some kind of historic figurehead to many, he'd just be in there with so many other mediocre and sub-mediocre top city officials over the years.
I'm willing to be impressed, AV. Are you waiting for Term #2 to do something even just a tiny bit impressive?
"Excuse me while I whip this out."
"Hey Mayor! Doesn't the guy behind me look like Rosendahl?"
1:12, Mayor Sam threatens to expose identities when the humor is poked at HIS father after a clip that Higby posted, and I made something as innocent as a Herman Munster reference.
The person to whom you're writing has a legitimate security concern.
"Don't be so quick to unbuckle your belt Mr. Mayor. Adelitas is in TJ, which is that way."
2:34 and 1:12 are professional bloggers who need to get a grip. I think you didn't see that Mayor Sam was yanking your chain.
I don't work for the mayor. I'm not a fan, I'm not a lackey, i don't even care if he loses the next election.
what I do care is that the man did do something truly heroic, show solidarity with the people of Sderot by putting himself in danger and visit a place that gets bombed daily, and the only thing this and other blogs can do is continue to find fault with the trip, or make fun of him, and in this case, make fun of something good happening in Sderot. This picture was taken at the opening of a computer training program in Sderot's schools, a place where children feel forgotten by the world.
he might be the worst mayor this city's ever had, but I don't find it funny that this one humanitarian gesture in a bleak place is being used as fodder for the anti-V cannon. I think its rather sad.
The Mayor did something heroic? No he did something to grandstand once again.
If the Mayor wants to be heroic he'll stand up for Jamiel's Law or at least clean up the garbage in South LA. Showing up to a war zone protected by Mossad's finest is not heroic. How about standing up to the shady developers? That would be heroic.
Best captions so far:
"Excuse me while I whip this out."
"What's this Chinese writing on the wall?"
"Falafel? Yeah, I dated her."
thanks, mayorsam.
i'm the guy whose post on the other string you objected to.
it seems like you have no problem when we have fun with villaraigosa, but when you post your daddy's video, and I comment that it reminds me of the herman munster video, you go ape.
(I provided the Chinese and Falafel comments. Obviously, you know that since you seem to like to threaten to identify peoples' web IDs)
6:56 is a liar. I posted the comment about the Chinese writing and the "let me whip this out" from Blazing Saddles it was on TV the other night.
708, you're a jackass. I didn't say that I posted the "let me whip this out" comment.
I posted the Chinese letters comment, and I thought of it myself. It might also be in Blazing Saddles, but I've never seen that movie. It's not exactly brain surgery to come up with that line.
But I know one thing; YOU didn't post it. I did. Higby knows that because he apparently likes to look up peoples' identities.
idiot! chinese letters is NOT in Blazing Saddles you dipstick! The other saying is.
lie all you want i wrote both comments.
Pointing Man: "We understand you did such a great job helping Hillary, my opponent could use some help -- he's over there."
AV: "Let me see what I can do."
"Sorry pal, the Jerusalem Post reporter is off limits. Now pull up your pants and get outta here!"
AV: (Adjusts his belt, turns to his overcompensated deputy) You hear that Jimmy? The broads are off limits. C'mon. Let's blow this shawarma stand.
JB: (Wipes drool from the corner of his mouth) Duhhh, yeah boss, let's blow dis sherpa stand.
752, how about this?
I'll put my identity against yours that that post is tied to my computer's ID, not yours?
Higby will be able to prove it?
C'mon tough guy. It's a Mayor Sam throwndown. I wrote the Chinese letters comment, not you. Wager your computer ID against mine and we will have Higby break the tie.
Higby, let us all know whether I or 7:52 wrote the Chinese letters comment
C'mon. Tell us all who's the liar.
It's a MayorSam throwdown. Tell everyone who's lying here.
Yeah, I'll show it to you, foreskin and all.
The guy behind them looks like a thinner Zine - except the real Zine's been working on a Sister City deal with Beirut, his hometown.
Maybe he can offer himself up as a hostage during the next round of prisoner exchanges, broker a deal with Hezbollah to have a cooperative commercial and cultural deal with Israel, and give them free advice on what do do with their local paparazzi -- really do something useful.
How do you say "Lil Bito" in Hebrew?
What the hell's a "professional blogger"? Heck I've been putting inCREDibly hillarious stuff up here for many moons - some of it has even been pulled into the main threads and promoted by Mayor Sam, Red Spurt, and others (defrocked GM Greg Nelson as Andy Rooney, for one), and I don't get one frickin' dime.
If someone's out there paying bloggers to post here, I demand a chance to bid on the gig.
And if it's "government" work, you gotta bid it out - so post an RFP here so I can respond and cut some of my losses for time spent.
I'm not picky -- I can go pro or con on just about anything you need. (Although I do absolutely draw the line at not being able to saying anything nice about Zuma Dogg.) Sorry, but I don't do fiction.
"A man's gotta know his limitations!"
Looks like 7:52 is a proven, candy-assed liar and chicken.
Case closed.
Let's move on to tomorrow.
MOLE gets bris by MOYEL
All of you:
Does anyone really post here with a non-spoofed IP? Mine is formulated from thin air, and I change it every few weeks.
And now a caption:
"Dammit. All my Mechista friends told me in Israel, I would not be the shortest guy in the room."
"For the LAST time, Mr. Mayor, a KIBBUTZ is NOT a mandetory comedy camp for kids!"
"Okay, we'll help w/ LAX security, but I, for one, REFUSE to 'Celebrate Diversity!'"
(refering to man on far right)
"Maybe Shlomo here DOES look like Eric Garcetti before his nose job, BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE THE BOY!"
"Her name was 'Bella Abzug' not 'Bella Abdul.'"
"Just this once, Mr. Mayor, we'll reinstate 'Mariachi Mondays.'"
"That was MY wife you just effed"!!!
Mayor: "I never knew sex with a man was that satisfying. Come back to California with me and we can get married."
Pointing Man: "Get out of here!"
Is Mayor Villaraigosa's paid vacation costing DWP rate payers $300,000.00?
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