Unofficial Election results for the Boyle Heights, Downtown LA, Greater Echo Park Neighborhhod Councils and more
Jose Aguilar 96
Adolfo Contreras 11
Renee M.G. Chavez 42
Juan Romero 128
William Morrison 41
Teresa "Terry" Marquez 29
Azael "Sal" Martinez 109
Authur "Art" Torres 84
Adolfo Contreras 9
Margarita Amador 207
Amanda del Pozo 210
Results for the areas listed below.
***DOWNTOWN NEWS has editorial on last Thursday's "watershed" election for Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council.***
This report on the Downtown Neighborhood Council Election in the "Downtown News"
Huge Crowd Turns Out For DLANC Vote
News Brief
The Downtown Los Angeles Neigh-borhood Council had an unexpectedly high voter turnout for its election for a new board of directors, officials reported last Friday. Nearly 2,000 people voted, either in person or by mail, in the election held Thursday, June 12. Ballots should be counted by June 17, said DLANC President Russell Brown. This year's election far exceeded expectations for voter and candidate turnout, with 67 people running for the 28 board seats. The balloting began at 2 p.m., and soon after a line wrapped around the block outside of Broadway's Los Angeles Theatre, where voting was taking place. "That's a great number of candidates with a great turnout, so it was quite exciting," said Brown. "There were a lot of people who had never voted before. It says a lot about people wanting to be involved." Terms for board members last two years.
Labels: Boyle Heights Neighborhood Council, Neighborhood Council Elections
Funny or Sad?: The First VP of the Greater Echo Park Elysian NC, Bennett Kayser, lost. At one point he got elected to the Charter Review Commission, ran for the school board, and now couldn't even get re-elected to his NC.
Certain to tick off Jan Perry: Altough the president of the Central Alameda NC is an African American, all the other candidates who got elected are Latinos. Even Jan can't stop the demographic changes.
Concerning: All the candidates for seats in the Northwest San Pedro NC election ran unopposed. Kind of like City Council elections.
OMG!!!!! you mean there are other councils out there aside from Lincoln Heights????
Would have never guessed it given the coverage.
Oh yeah, I forgot that while they talk about RICO, they forget that Jose Aguilar, the bionic man that can run for more than one council, and the irrepressible, reprehensible Hugo Pacheco the Pigeon also write and contribute to Mayor Sam. No conflict there.
were any non-latino's allowed to run in this neighborhood or is it restricted?
I got 151 votes. And I didn't even campaign.
The other guy got 256 votes.
I got more votes than Brady Westwater . Brady Westwater only got 44 votes.I didn't ask the Downtown Crew to vote for me until last Wednesday.
I should have campaigned. I could have blown the numbers up by over 5, 000 votes. I Could have gotten more votes than most City Council People get.
I now know I have a mandate downtown. I am starting to see that the people know who are those who only take credit for work done and those like myself who do the work.
I am also very politically connected downtown and across the southern California region. Who would have thought that.
If only I had not have not had confidence in myself.
Thanks to this election I now have proof that I can make things happen .
I pretty much have.
Great job Dan!!!
Damgumit!!!! If these election results stand, Gala-witless will have allies on the Boyle Heights, El Sereno AND Lincoln Heights Councils.
This and all the other BS committees and boards he sits on will make it tough to get him out of the Eastside!!! Hopefully the shame and attention this board brings will have an impact, or . . . maybe not.
Who am I kidding, maybe not.
RED SPOT - Don't have a soft spot and go after Galaviz!!!!!!
Don't stop till you get enough.
Hey Godzilla guy and Red Spot - Wasn't Brady writing for The Voice in the Eastside?
Is he now of the council?
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