BREAKING NEWS!!! Jamiel Shaw Sr. claim D.A. threats to taint his son as "gangbanger" for his crusade against Special Order 40.
****Link here to the KFI Podcast page, then click on the 5/2, 6:00 PM "John and Ken Show" labeled Jamiel Shaw, for audio.
Jamiel Shaw Sr. is on KFI's "John and Ken Show" with the startling story of Deputy D.A. Michelle Henisee and her stance made to him for maintaining the status-quo in regards to Special Order 40 and the repercussions that would result if Shaw Sr. continue his crusade for Jamiel's Law.
In the same conservation Henisee made some not so veil insinuations that the D.A. office would paint a portrait of Jamiel Shaw Jr. that is contrary to reality. One where Shaw is type casted as a red wearing, gang member who character is different from what has been portray in the multi media forums.
Currently, District Attorney Steve Cooley is on the air doing spin control on the actions of his prosecutor in this case. Shaw Sr. is standing by his story on the actions pertaining to the actions of Henisee.
Shaw Sr. in his brief appearance before Cooley called in, paints a picture of a political community that is adamant in maintaining the status quo regarding Special Order 40. He sights repeated visits and calls from the likes of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, council members, and their respective staffs.
We invite Jamiel Shaw Sr., Walter Moore or other reps of the family to email further information to for prompt posting on this thread.
Jamiel Shaw Sr. is on KFI's "John and Ken Show" with the startling story of Deputy D.A. Michelle Henisee and her stance made to him for maintaining the status-quo in regards to Special Order 40 and the repercussions that would result if Shaw Sr. continue his crusade for Jamiel's Law.
In the same conservation Henisee made some not so veil insinuations that the D.A. office would paint a portrait of Jamiel Shaw Jr. that is contrary to reality. One where Shaw is type casted as a red wearing, gang member who character is different from what has been portray in the multi media forums.
Currently, District Attorney Steve Cooley is on the air doing spin control on the actions of his prosecutor in this case. Shaw Sr. is standing by his story on the actions pertaining to the actions of Henisee.
Shaw Sr. in his brief appearance before Cooley called in, paints a picture of a political community that is adamant in maintaining the status quo regarding Special Order 40. He sights repeated visits and calls from the likes of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, council members, and their respective staffs.
We invite Jamiel Shaw Sr., Walter Moore or other reps of the family to email further information to for prompt posting on this thread.
Labels: Jamiel Shaw, jamiel shaw sr., Jamiel's Law, john and ken show, mayor antonio villaraigosa, special order 40, steve cooley
This is a shame, and I hope the catalyst to FORCE our political leaders to do the right thing. I hope all of this strong arming comes out into the open, and we will see who is getting paid for the cheap illegal labor flowing into california.
Only surprising thing is, that Cooley is a Republican who tends to go against the Mayor and local pols on a lot of issues, but I have no reason to question Shaw's report -- he's been under attack since appearing at City Hall, when Alarcon and Rosendahl jumped up before he even had a chance to speak to denounce him as a dupe of divisive forces and talk show hosts.
Maybe Cooley is just too lazy to go after any illegals and actually cooperate with ICE and local law enforcement officials. That means they'll have to start sharing data bases, which they keep separately, and it's insane they don't already.
Plus there's no support for going after illegal criminals from Jerry Brown, either -- he should be taken to the carpet on this, people should demand his views, what's he doing as State Attorney General, and what will he do as Governor?
If there is any truth to the story that he is a gang member or has ties to a gang, we need to know it.
That does not detract from the ill concived special order 40 but it will prove a good lesson. Get your facts first or you do more harm than good for the cause.
Cooley was on Ken and John today, and said that Jamiel was not a gang member, and that NO ONE ever accused him of being a gang member. The perp said that he "thought Jamiel was a gangbanger"... so the prosecution is using this 'mistaken identity' excuse to go easy on the perp! Cooley also said that the woman prosecutor (Hennessey) was the best of the best.
It's obvious, however, that Villar & Co. are doing everything in their power to keep Mr. Shaw quiet. Thankfully, it's not working.
I hope that the Jamiel case...and now the Janice Hahn scandal...will be enough to warrant the US Attorney's office to do an official investigation. We might just get lucky here in LA!
If you're in a high school, even middle school now, in the inner city or East L A or much of town, it's hard not to "associate with known gang members," if they're even in your PE class or on your street, and you say hi to them. IF there's more than that, it could get messy. But fact has been reported that Jamiel's mother Anita went into the military to get a good job and give him a good example -- because she knew it WAS hard in their hood to stay away from all gangbangers.
That's why Shaw, Sr. devoted his time to him, and made sure he was in school and sports -- in fact, Jr. was calling his dad and g.f. when gunned down. How many man-sized 17-yr-olds in that area are that close to their daddies? Most don't even have one around.
Fact is, they were all "trying to do the right thing," like he said.
Mr. Shaw said that his son was had a spider man backpack and it has a little red in it that's why that idiot woman thought he was a gang banger. But more importantly was it bullshit is Mr. Shaw stated that PERRY, PARKS AND WESSON are somewhat harrassing him to drop Jamiel Shaw law. They always go up to him and have their staffers go and talk to him all the time. tellig him he needs to drop it. THIS IS BULLSHIT. THIS IS BULLSHIT. WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY ARE?? WE NEED TO SUPPORT MR. SHAW
This is all about "urban culture" coming home to roost.
The baggy clothing, the hip-hop music, the dropping out, the out-of-wedlock children.
Mixed in with a healthy dose of white guilt (like Janice Hahn), the race card (like Perry, Parks, Wesson) and supporting illegals (Alarcon, Reyes, Villaraigosa, Huizar, et al), and it is ALL COMING HOME TO ROOST RIGHT NOW.
You wanted all this "cool, urban culture" kids? Guess what? You've got it! YOU'VE GOT IT!
Please everyone out there connected to an NC (neighborhood council), get your NC to take a position and write a letter to the mayor's office and your councilmember in support of Jamiel's Law.
You forgot to add Cardenas to the list of paid city officals destroying Los Angeles.
i just decided that i don't want s.o. 40 lifted.
let the killing continue. it is not going to happen in MY neighborhood, and if people are stupid enough to elect these idiots, we can just sit back and watch them squirm after the NEXT killing.
and if we are stupid enough to re-elect these idiots, the people will just get more of the same.
good luck, y'all. stick with the baggy clothing and hip-hop. keep fathering unwanted "keeds". go cry to richar alarcon and jan perry if she's not fawning over tony mohammed.
ain't MY kids who are gonna be killed or live in terror.
Jamiel Shaw gave this report live at the Walter Moore for Mayor event at the Ebell when Walter was making the "Case for Jamiel's Law" - then Shaw went on the Kevin James show on KRLA Thurs. night and Cooley said on John & Ken that he heard about it there and immediately began investigating. Cooley DID say on John & Ken that there is NO evidence that Jamiel Shaw II was a gang member, but the issue they were discussing was whether Espinoza thought he was for some reason - that must be what the defense is up to...
I find this really hard to believe. From the people I spoke to who saw Mr. Shaw at CCB, everyone was very respectful, and really, there is no benefit to the Office to have Mr. Shaw end his lobbying for Jamiel's Law.
The case has been handed over to excellent prosecutors who have successfully convicted hundreds - damn what am I saying, thousands of cases against gang bangers (both of the legal and illegal flava), they know what they're doing.
The D.A.'s office puts away the bad guys. Period. They have no vested interest in any outside influences (read: City Hall). And as Mr. Cooley's name is on that Official Sample Ballot I got in the mail yesterday, he ain't gonna toe no MAV party line now--he never has, especially now with that hot pup Steve Ipsen nipping at his D.A. heels.
It ain't like that between MAV and Cooley. It ain't like that between MAV and the entire D.A.'s Office. Please don't confuse the D.A. with the City Attorney...
Girlfriend, please.
No comparison. The Rocky and Bullwinkle show have made the higher managerial levels of the Office of City Attorney of Los Angeles a laughingstock. For reals, Rocky. You suck!
I can only imagine Madam D.D.A. was only letting the Shaw Family know what the defense either has, or will have up their sleeve come trial time. Those defense lawyers are somethin' else.
But it helps, as a prosecutor, not to have any surprises mid-trial. They have to make sure the evidence to prosecute is there, the veracity of their witnesses as untainted as possible and that the ammunition for a mistrial or a not-guilty verdict isn't suddenly going to pop up only to bite her in the ass.
Friday's Council Meeting looked much more like Mexico than America, with all the 4 Mexican Councilmembers taking up an hour together to push for the naming of a Cesar Chavez National Holiday (a committee headed by Alarcon's older sister, who spoke), then a lot of hoopla over Cinco de Mayor, with ALL of them speaking, some women singing a LONG song about love of Mexico, etc. Reyes, Huizar, Alarcon and Cardenas all looked so prideful when this woman in her festive get-up sang, like they never do about America -- their body language and giddy- to- somber facial expressions said it all.
THESE GUYS ARE MEXICAN TO THE CORE, and they all told where their fathers were born, what city in Mejico, Alarcon sheepishly admitting to being from "the Mejican-American city of El Paso."
In other cultures, you see this in an Italian-American or Irish Hall, NOT in the City Council.
Reyes babbled about "the ugliness of the immigration raids," and how there are no illegal people in L A, that people spoke Spanish "300 years before the anglos came," and all the La Raza crap that they fill the heads of their ignorant youth with, giving them the sense of being ENTITLED to "retake" L A.
Reyes said that with 5 Mexican Councilmembers now (counting Garcetti, who likes to play Mexican or NOT as it suits him, goes JEwish on his mother's side, sometimes passes as Italian or anglo...), "we" have something to teach all of Los Angeles.
Huizar rambled about the history of Cinco de Mayo, when peasants defeated the French Army and captures Austria's Emperor Maximilian (who the French persuaded to take the "job" of Mexican Emperor, with promises to protect him to the end), as showing that like America, Mejico stands up to those who want to conquor it.
Cardenas also tortured this analogy and they all claimed that ALL the people of L A should be grateful to them. It was all DISGUSTINGLY, openly pro-Mexican propaganda.
All while dozens of people in Van Nuys, who get to hear the Council once a month in person, waited. (Not counting the 3 women who are always there with the same thing, or that fool zuma dogg.) By the time they could speak, they were limited to 1 min. each because they'd lose a quorum.
Rosendahl and Hahn had their own time-wasting presentations, that were not pertinent to the Valley -- or in Rosendahl's case, to anything to do with cith jurisdiction, as usual -- and should have been done downtown another time. Greuels' presentation to a Valley school was appropriate, at least. Smith looked genuinely annoyed by the time-wasting, and he and Greuel then tried to hurry things along as the angry, slighted residents grumbled. But these damned Mexicans never for one moment, got that they'd wasted the Valley's time with their East L A, pro- Mexican crap.
According to an interview in today's Times Calendar, the Consul General from Mexico met with Espinoza, because as a Mexican national, he's obliged to make sure Espinoza gets a fair trial. (Although he says his sympathies are with the Shaws.) WHY is it that the Mexican Government doesn't claim them as citizens all along, like being responsible for their education, healthcare, and ALL their costs of being in this country?
Consul says he personally joined staff on a trip to Catalina Island to hand out passports and other ID"s -- why don't they do that all the time? Instead of demanding we give their illegals driving licenses, which they can then use to register to vote, illegal or no?
Consult estimates some 1.8 million immigrants in L A now (read, mostly illegals); why doesn't every single one of them go to the Mexican Consulate for documentation and financial assistance? Why does the MExican Consul only push the U. S. to do Mexico's bidding? Yeah, we know -- they're names range from Reyes and Alarcon, Huizar and Cardenas, to Gil Cedillo and their very existence depends on pitting their Mexicans against the rest of us, to wrest government subsidies.
It's 7:26pm on Saturday.
My kids are still alive.
Don't want to get rid of Special Order 40 folks? Fine. Its your kids who are gonna pay.
Tra-la-la. So be it. Looking forward to the Times equivocating how tonight's killings have nothing to do with Special Order 40.
One of these days, just as it happened to Parks' family, it will hit home again. So be it. Keep special order 40. It's just a matter of time.
What we should point out is there is a big difference between the so called Mexicans on city council and the politicans claming to be Mexican i.e Roybal Allard, Cediollo, Nunez,Molina etc. but act like TJ's. A lot of educated Mexican Americans born in this city have class and don't behave as idiotic as the morons on council. They have assimilated into this country as their fathers and mothers have and are proud Americans. Don't know what happened to the idiots on council but they have no class and behave as if they are in TJ. They show they have no class, no backbone, no brains, no leadership nothing.
Can Walter post what is the difference between Special Order 40 and Jamiel Shaw's law?? Its a litle confusing.
I love Mexico. I love Mexicans and I wish just one of you would read Special Order 40 so that you know exactly what it says and what it means. You are such a bunch of dumb asses.
Who's Jamiel anyway's?
Maybe if you call it the "innocent childen's law"
you would have be better chance of passing the law?
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