A Guy in LA
Tom LaBonge, the guy who made the Griffith Park Master Plan pointlessly complicated even to the point of becoming downright baffling, lacks sufficient gravitas to organize the rebuilding and re-landscaping of Griffith Park.
Everyone who's remotely adult around here knows that when it comes to Griffith Park, LaBonge is more kid then Councilman, anxious to hear every plan, anxious to stitch in toys for everybody (except, famously, Forest Lawn Burbank), anxious to take more lousy photos of the Park to send off to his constituency, anxious to grease City concessions before trees and wildlife. Cheerleader Tom LaBonge is no Frederick Law Olmstead.
But beyond LaBonge---who could have, say, fixed the drinking fountain at Dante's View with the $100,000 he spent on his last campaign, a lot to Durkee and Associates of Burbank, even while running against nobody---could this City be more bereft of leadership?
Did you see them all in line at 10 p.m. last night: Bratton, the new Fire Chief, the Mayor, LaBonge? I wonder where they---and local media---all were at 7 p.m. last night when fire really started to bump. Planning that four-way photo op?
Don't get me wrong---firefighters worked long hard hours, and everyone loves firefighters---but it might be worthwhile to examine the top-down strategy behind fighting this fire, and also why, when it kicked up again in the late afternoon, broadcast media weren't there, trading their affiliate dollars against real news at a very criticial time.
The fire seemed beat at 5 p.m. yesterday, but most of the action at that time still seemed airborne. By 7 p.m., the fire was out of control. Something happened between 5 and 7, and that might have been a strategic problem. Between 6 and 7 p.m., I saw one fixed wing craft make take four or five painfully wide circular passes between the Park and Franklin Hills before finally making its drop---I don't know, is that typical? It seemed to be doing its own reconnaisance....meanwhile, there was no broadcast media coverage until the news shows at 8 p.m.
PS, with my binos, through the smoke, and admittedly it's early this morning, but it doesn't seem like Dante's View is "destroyed." The familiar tall silhouetted canopy is there, and we know it has a few redwoods, which are supposed to endure fire well. I see the trees are denuded but thus far this morning it seems they're not totally charred. But if Tom LaBonge and the media are all reporting it as "destroyed," I guess it must for sure be destroyed then, eh?
I noticed how the Mayor made off to Latin America last week when all the undocumented Latin Americans here held their May Day rally. Maybe he'll head off to Yellowstone today.
Everyone who's remotely adult around here knows that when it comes to Griffith Park, LaBonge is more kid then Councilman, anxious to hear every plan, anxious to stitch in toys for everybody (except, famously, Forest Lawn Burbank), anxious to take more lousy photos of the Park to send off to his constituency, anxious to grease City concessions before trees and wildlife. Cheerleader Tom LaBonge is no Frederick Law Olmstead.
But beyond LaBonge---who could have, say, fixed the drinking fountain at Dante's View with the $100,000 he spent on his last campaign, a lot to Durkee and Associates of Burbank, even while running against nobody---could this City be more bereft of leadership?
Did you see them all in line at 10 p.m. last night: Bratton, the new Fire Chief, the Mayor, LaBonge? I wonder where they---and local media---all were at 7 p.m. last night when fire really started to bump. Planning that four-way photo op?
Don't get me wrong---firefighters worked long hard hours, and everyone loves firefighters---but it might be worthwhile to examine the top-down strategy behind fighting this fire, and also why, when it kicked up again in the late afternoon, broadcast media weren't there, trading their affiliate dollars against real news at a very criticial time.
The fire seemed beat at 5 p.m. yesterday, but most of the action at that time still seemed airborne. By 7 p.m., the fire was out of control. Something happened between 5 and 7, and that might have been a strategic problem. Between 6 and 7 p.m., I saw one fixed wing craft make take four or five painfully wide circular passes between the Park and Franklin Hills before finally making its drop---I don't know, is that typical? It seemed to be doing its own reconnaisance....meanwhile, there was no broadcast media coverage until the news shows at 8 p.m.
PS, with my binos, through the smoke, and admittedly it's early this morning, but it doesn't seem like Dante's View is "destroyed." The familiar tall silhouetted canopy is there, and we know it has a few redwoods, which are supposed to endure fire well. I see the trees are denuded but thus far this morning it seems they're not totally charred. But if Tom LaBonge and the media are all reporting it as "destroyed," I guess it must for sure be destroyed then, eh?
I noticed how the Mayor made off to Latin America last week when all the undocumented Latin Americans here held their May Day rally. Maybe he'll head off to Yellowstone today.
Little Antonio has shown the world he's not a leader but a Mecha, barrio gang banger who supports illegals and sold his cops down the river. I hope this story gets as much media attention as MacArthur Park. Didn't Antonio say he was going to clean up city hall?
One member objects, saying Villaraigosa's alleged campaign finance violations are too important to not be heard by the commission...The Los Angeles Ethics Commission decided Tuesday to refer accusations of campaign finance violations against Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to an administrative law judge, despite objections that the mayor's involvement makes the case too important not to be heard by the panel.
Before deferring to the wishes of his colleagues, Ethics Commissioner Bill Boyarsky argued against the referral, saying the case is more significant than most and should be heard by the Ethics Commission SO MEMBERS CAN ASK DIRECT QUESTIONS IN A SETTING EASILY ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC.
You are correct about LaBonge in regards to his aptitude to handle the Griffith Park Master Plan/Restoration Plan. Tramways, Hotels, Water slides, and looting the Native American art works from the Southwest Museum. LaBonge's actions have alieated the members of the Griffith Family, more on that later.
In regards to restoration, this needs to be a community effort. The park contains two camps whichcan be use to bring our city youth into the park and teach enviromental stewardship. Griffith Park is a natural Gem and will be again.
Well, watch. Here we go. After the library fire, we got a 77-story skyscraper we didn't need. After the Griffith Park fire, we'll get a "mandate" to develop the Park. There goes nature; nature can't be trusted, not even in the country's largest urban park.
The thing is, the fire on the south side of the hills hasn't done much that nature doesn't routinely do. Most of that brush takes like five years to grow back. To the degree trees are lost, that's serious, but in the places where there used to be clusters, I still see clusters. LaBonge couldn't fix a water fountain, but now he'll build a water slide.
I'm glad if Dante's point is destroyed, it should never have been allowed to develop in the first place with non-native plants. Joseph, your comments about Tom LaBonge (and Redspot in CD 14 as well)were absolutely correct. He's an embarrassment to the city and was a total jackass in front of the cameras yesterday (along with the other elected officials all trying to get in the camera shots).
The Mayor, Police Chief, Councilman LaBonge and Fire Chief Berry just gave an update. Both Dante's View and Captain's Roost were burned in the fire. LaBonge pledges to rebuilt both places. "THOUGHT TO PONDER", is LaBonge the only person who's opinion counts on Griffith Park matters ? . The two garden areas should be reconsider. Lets try go native on these gardens. I just hope that LaBonge dosen't think that he gets "CARTE BLANCHE" on restoration issues.
Hmmm... mark my words, some staffer is going to steal my following comment and make it his own idea, whereupon our "Rocket Scientist" Mayor will take credit for it:
As soon as the Griffith Park fire is extinguished, the "Million Trees" Program will include the replanting of trees destroyed by the fire, and additional trees will be planted in little groves all over the Park.
One hopes they won't be eucalyptus trees; once they catch fire, they burn like torches!
Good afternoon Mr. Foster,
Where would L.A. be without the Mayor's, err, your insightful thoughts. Imagine LaBonge having to share the stage with "CHIEF FORESTER SARNO"
Someone should put her to work digging holes for trees (if you will). Perhaps she will find the meaning of earning an honest paycheck for an honest day's work (in one of the holes she dug)?
A local group is now saying that if their version of the Master Plan had been used the fire could have been prevented.
Disclaimer: I'm not a member, I've just gone to a couple of their meetings and I'm on their mailing list.
The LA River Master Plan and the Friends of Griffith Park seem to be nothing more than a smoke screen to allow developers to make more money. Condos on the river bank, a monorail in the park. Where will all natural animals go; squirrels, dear, coyote; remember the brown rat has New York City people afraid to walk down any dark street. They are here now as shown in the LA times artice this week.
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