Pro-Illegal Blogger Video May Exonerate LAPD
A pro-illegal alien blogger captured a good portion of the protest and aftermath in MacArthur Park on May Day. The video shows that despite masked hooligans and other individuals attempting to engage the police and causing trouble, the police officers were remarkably restrained and well organized.
Indeed, it may have been the efforts of the LAPD that prevented the troublemakers from getting further out of control and starting actual riots.
More videos at MS2. Click here.
Indeed, it may have been the efforts of the LAPD that prevented the troublemakers from getting further out of control and starting actual riots.
More videos at MS2. Click here.
Labels: illegal immigration, lapd, mac arthur park, may day protest
what's up with the gay ass dude in the overalls with no shirt? man that is really gay.
The illegal alien supporters have failed to show America the footage of what was done to the officers. At least eight LAPD officers were injured by the assaulting crowd.
This video contains evidence of the following actions by illegal alien supporters in MacArthur Park.
-- Illegal alien supporters advancing on police lines.
-- Playing native American war drum patterns.
-- Refusing to disperse.
-- Clearly understanding police directives to disperse.
-- Holding weapons and challenging police.
-- Shielding themselves with babies near advancing police lines.
-- Displaying anti-American art comparing the US to sinking ships Titanic and Poseidon.
-- Covering their faces like bandits and Zapatista rebels.
-- Walking slowly with backs turned to the advancing police line to setup a victim scene.
-- Lying about injuries to women and children
-- Making comments about assaulting police
-- Smiling about the mayhem.
-- Displaying communist and anarchist flags.
-- Blocking streets with trash cans
Oh Please. Sing me a new tune commie boy. Illegals get higher respect here compared to Le Homeland.
What would El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, China, Cuba do to protestors?
Notice how most of the protestors are overweight and inarticulate, and also ungrateful for all the freebies that US taxpayers have given them. This is not the class of people we need in our country. All the more reason to secure the border and enforce the law.
Did you see that fat cholo getting busted by those latin cops? He was crying for his mommy.
Word already is spreading that LAPD officers are going to leave and go to smaller city depts. where they don't have to put up with this bullshit and get paid more. When you risk your life in a city and idiots like Bratton and Antonio come out against you better believe the cops will send a message. What those crime figures go up, homicides on the rise, no going after gang bangers like Antonio wants, no recruitment, Antonio will fail again on his goal, and cops will smile and wave. People are pissed and there will be backlash.
Wow, now I understand why anti illegal immigration people are portrayed as racist. I must be the most naive, head burried in the sand person in the world. I really thought you all were upset that people were breaking the law, entering the country illegally, and draining resources in this country via utilizing medical services, educational services, etc.
But it turns out, you're racist against latinos. Wow. I can't believe I was so wrong.
"-- Playing native American war drum patterns.
-- Displaying anti-American art comparing the US to sinking ships Titanic and Poseidon.
-- Covering their faces like bandits and Zapatista rebels.
-- Smiling about the mayhem.
-- Displaying communist and anarchist flags."
And this has to do with what regarding police action? Why do you even list this stuff. I don't know of too many people that support the message of the protestors. But they are free to say whatever the heck they want.
The thing people have issue with is the actions of police in response to a largely peaceful and passive crowd. To the point where the police cheif and now an unnamed Metro officer admit to mistakes made by the LAPD.
Wow. I am really proud of our police force. I was glad to see how well organized they were and how well trained to disperse unruly crowds. They were doing their job, and they did it well. No one was injured and they succeeded in moving the people out. I think there will be a lot of disgust with the City if they punish the police for being effective in their job.
To those who think LAPD did anything wrong watch this video. It shows the communists that the media has been hiding footage of.
I can't watch the video right now, but I am pretty sure you are building a strawman.
For those of you that don't know what a strawman is, it is fabricating an argument to argue against. Basically, your counterargument is not effective against what you are trying to argue against, so you construct a different argument and argue against that.
In the instant manner, the original poster wants to claim that the officers acted in a legal and lawful manner and followed department policy. To do this, he shows video of demonstrators throwing things at police and resisting police orders. Fine. Problem is, no one disputes that occurred.
I don't know anyone that is saying the police ought not have cleared the area. I do know that people are stating that LAPD cleared MacArthur park in a manner that was inconsistent with LAPD policies and procedures, and was inconsistent with existing law.
In other words, your video doesn't prove that the officers actions were legal nor does it prove that the officers used correct tactics and followed policy.
Who asked you moron? Get ready LA for yet another illegal protest in Hollywood June 24th. LAPD put in for vacation now and call in sick on that day. How much are these damn protests costing the city?
It's time we get tough with these protesting illegals, rather than coddling them like we've been doing. We should be at least as tough on illegals in our country as Mexico is with illegals in its country.
Mayor Sam, ur so full of shite on this one. Putting the graphics on top of this video to twist the truth.
here's the original version of that video
Without the bullshit propaganda graphics.
"playing native american war drum patterns"
omg are you serious? like that's a crime now??????
ridiculous. I'm on the side against the police on this one.
no amount of propaganda pasted on a video can change the fact that the police were way beyond the line of duty on this day.
LAPD inflamed that situation.
anyone who likes this style of policing should move to communist China. otherwise stfu.
NO Matt Dowd YOU should move to China. You're an idiot with a small dick who acts as if he knows it all. You side with illegals because people have said you are one. You think you're some rock star. Go get a job and become a respectable man. Does your mom know your not working and just screwing around going to meetings making trouble?
Well argued 2:45. Your ability to construct a logical argument built on a foundation of fact leaves me awestruck.
LAPD calls in sick = governor calls in National Guard instead. It's not going to be a monumental crowd so please do not argue that "all the national guard is in Iraq" because there are more than enough national guardsmen to handle a protest situation.
Anyways, I dunno that so many officers are going to want to risk being fired.
You obviously don't remember the Blue Flu. I do and this city was in big trouble. The officers need to send a message so I say the next time MS13 or 18th Gang bangers go into the "Central American" community to extort money, kill innocent people, assault people DON'T CALL LAPD. Officers should stay in their cars. What the Chief will fire the entire dept.? Doubt it. The blacks threatened violence and burning down the city if they didn't get their way and guess what? It didn't happen. They never say shit about the blacks killing innocent people in their community and keep blaming slavery 100 years later is the cause of their problems.
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