This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
you need to check the blog on Parra blow, it so funny.
All incumbents must go. Details at the Wendy Gruel comments page.
All incumbents must go? Because great thinkers like yourself should be making decisions? Give me a break...
How about being a productive member of the community, rather than just a bitter do nothing.
Now now Romeo - Walter is not a do-nothing. He's a Chief Economist! Of the venerable Los Angeles Policy Institute! Which even has a blog!
He was once Editor of the Georgetown Law Journal - so this is definitely the pinnacle of his career.
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