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Monday, March 05, 2007

Greuel for Council

She has a write-in candidate running against her but Wendy Greuel is another council member essentially getting a free pass. Still, I'm going to vote for her (even though I no longer technically live in her district and am a constituent of Tom LeBong but I forgot to re-register in time - is that illegal? Does anyone want to sue me for voting for Wendy Greuel?).

Wendy is a good egg even though there are a few issues I disagree violently with her on. We'll get to that in a minute. She's a regular person who like me, grew up in the Valley in the 70s and 80s with a family that owned a blue collar, hard working business. She shops where I shop and she is genuinely a nice person. The major issue I am gratified to see her attack is the unfair business taxes we have in Los Angeles. As the child of small business persons, Wendy knows how damaging LA's tax system is to business and its why we don't have the types of companies that would allow young adults to have the jobs to afford housing here in LA. Her efforts at tax reform - though not entirely successful yet - are at least laudable.

Now there are three things I disagree with Wendy on - and I know she has to pander to her district so I'll give her a bit of a pass. But I will put her on notice that her point of view is damaging overall to the financial health of the city when it comes to:
  • Her opposition to Home Depot in Sunland-Tujunga.
  • Her position on the Studio City Golf and Tennis (this is one where I truly believe she personally understands the right thing to do but she is under tremendous pressure from the wackos at the Studio City Residents Association).
  • Her efforts towards what they call "anti-mansionization" laws which is really an attack on the American dream of home ownership.
That being said overall Wendy is a good Councilmember and deserves to be re-elected. (Full disclosure: Mayor Sam campaigned for Wendy in 2002.)


Blogger Walter Moore said:

I respectfully dissent from our esteemed Mayor Sam.

ALL Clowncil incumbents need to go. Here are a few of the reasons:

Year after year goes by, and still we don't have enough police. That should be their Priority No. 1, ahead of anything else. There is no excuse for the ongoing carnage.

These are also the people who hike our taxes, and did so dishonestly, by calling it a trash fee hike.

They did so, moreover, in a year when the City's ANNUAL revenues had already risen $717 million. And they managed to spend all that money. Do you feel $717 million better off that last year?

They voted to give dog food guy millions.

They voted for Measure R, another dishonest measure.

They voted to impose price controls on hotels near the airport and, when presented with a proper petition to compel them to repeal that measure or submit it to a vote, they repealed it, then turned around and re-enacted it.

They single out property owners to foot the bill for all their "affordable housing" proposals, rather than sharing the burden among all taxpayers through an increase in the sales tax -- because they know that's the only way to get near the required two-thirds majority.

There are other policy issues I disagree with them on (e.g., Special Order 40, carnage at the animal "shelters"), but the foregoing should be enough for most people.

Every one of the incumbents should go. But because the local media practice "press release journalism," the oblivious voters never awaken from their political coma.

Aside from that, she's terrific.

March 05, 2007 10:37 PM  

Blogger Walter Moore said:

P.S. Don't even get me started on the Grand Avenue give-away boondoggle, or the likely multi-billion dollar airport remodel, or the subsidies to airlines to fly to Palmdale...

March 05, 2007 10:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Sick of Greuel? Write-in DAVID CAIN for CITY COUNCIL

March 06, 2007 1:27 AM  

Blogger Zuma Dogg said:

Mayor Sam,

Issue number one in Greuel's district, as far as ZD has experinenced is "Valley Village." She is so developer friendly, it's like a hooker who doesn't even charge the client. just "do it, do it, do it" -- no regard to wearing a condom or practicing safe sex.

March 06, 2007 2:03 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

david cain is a JOKE.. check his "credentials" he has a DISHONERABLE discharge from the coast guard.. as his claims for serving in law enforcement? mentoring? Bee Keeper? buying beehives and attempting to care for them does not make him a beekeeper. He buys honey from Piru Honey and tries to pass it off as his own. He is a total house of cards. Dig beneath the surface and he is a fake and into whatever he can stick his fingers in to feed his ego only.

March 07, 2007 4:00 PM  

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