ZD Weekend Update
F*CK Saturday NIGHT Live...It's Zuma Dogg's, "Saturday DAY Live!"
Clips from my Public Access comedy show BEFORE I showed up at City Hall for the first time because they unconstitutionally robbed me of my income, like they rob everyone else; AND to keep things "substanative" (for all the crybabies who would complain I'm wasting space on Mayor Sam) -- a "weekend update" of the stories featured this week on Mayor Sam, for the more causual weekend readers.
* Speaking of Public Access, why is Knucklehead KNunez trying to pull the plug on Public Access channels in '08 when it's part of the franchise agreement with the cable companies. Scarry, because when Nunez and pals want something (like to squash the voice of the people, who want to warn the People of their corruption) he gets it. NUNEZ, allow myself to introduce myself: Zuma Dogg. And you're on my radar, fool, so aks your boss The Mayor about me -- cause YOU gotta go!
* FR: LA Times - Costs of New LAPD Headquarters Grow Again
(See Mayor Sam's Friday thread on this, too.)
"Two Los Angeles city managers have recommended the City Council again increase the budget for the new police headquarters complex -- BUT ALSO SCALE BACK THE PROJECT.
[GREAT...Spend $100-$200 million more (depending a which point you start counting), but get less: Now that IS L.A.politics.]
Meanwhile, the price tag of the overall project continues to grow because of higher than expected design, land acquisition, materials and debt costs, city officials said. The latest budget increase is not likely to be the last one, the two administrators warned. [BAIT & SWITCH, Y'ALL!]
EXCUSE ME, if LAURA CHICK is reading...Can you please run an audit of this project, because I also heard the City has had problems with this contractor in the past.
* Does anyone know how much the City (and The People) is going to have to spend to defend City Council's fight to keep their own "Term Extentions"/"Lifetime Health Care Benefits" package on the November ballot? (If the court rules that the votes won't be counted, or voters say no -- which at this point seems likely -- Garcetti will be termed-out, and Zuma Dogg can run for the much more ZD friendly district with no incumbant/all that money.)
* Is this "El Grito" Festival that I saw on the agenda Friday that got a "special event fee waiver" the next Labor Day Fundraising Fiasco like the one in El Sereno?
* Is the Mayor dividing the City with his outrageous rantings on how people are dividing the City? (See "Mayor Lashes Out..." story from Friday on Mayor Sam.)
* Watch out for Mayor V./Nunez's "House Parties". They sound like fun, unless you care about elections. Even National Politicians like The President are forced to "bow down" to The Mayor V/Nunez Election Posse, because first they stole the elections, got themselves in office, and now repeat the process for their pals. And since LA is such a safehaven for non-documented residents from around the world, thanks to The Mayor spending his career fighting for the rights of criminals, they thank him at the polls (even if they aren't allowed to even REGISTER to vote). So now this "House Party/Election Day Poll Caravan" carries enough political leverage thoughout Sacramento and Washington, that Govenors and Presidents are taking note and making promises for the future. Hey whatever works!
* Why waste money having the Planning Department put in place all these tenant rights, for these condo conversions and other development projects, when the developers sidestep the rules, ignore the conditions completley (don't pay the tenants nada) then their Councilmember doesn't lift a finger to stick up for the tenants getting screwed.
www.ZumaDogg.com for ALL videos, myspace page, phone and email contact. (Call with stuff on Nunez...I hate that shady fool.
Clips from my Public Access comedy show BEFORE I showed up at City Hall for the first time because they unconstitutionally robbed me of my income, like they rob everyone else; AND to keep things "substanative" (for all the crybabies who would complain I'm wasting space on Mayor Sam) -- a "weekend update" of the stories featured this week on Mayor Sam, for the more causual weekend readers.
* Speaking of Public Access, why is Knucklehead KNunez trying to pull the plug on Public Access channels in '08 when it's part of the franchise agreement with the cable companies. Scarry, because when Nunez and pals want something (like to squash the voice of the people, who want to warn the People of their corruption) he gets it. NUNEZ, allow myself to introduce myself: Zuma Dogg. And you're on my radar, fool, so aks your boss The Mayor about me -- cause YOU gotta go!
* FR: LA Times - Costs of New LAPD Headquarters Grow Again
(See Mayor Sam's Friday thread on this, too.)
"Two Los Angeles city managers have recommended the City Council again increase the budget for the new police headquarters complex -- BUT ALSO SCALE BACK THE PROJECT.
[GREAT...Spend $100-$200 million more (depending a which point you start counting), but get less: Now that IS L.A.politics.]
Meanwhile, the price tag of the overall project continues to grow because of higher than expected design, land acquisition, materials and debt costs, city officials said. The latest budget increase is not likely to be the last one, the two administrators warned. [BAIT & SWITCH, Y'ALL!]
EXCUSE ME, if LAURA CHICK is reading...Can you please run an audit of this project, because I also heard the City has had problems with this contractor in the past.
* Does anyone know how much the City (and The People) is going to have to spend to defend City Council's fight to keep their own "Term Extentions"/"Lifetime Health Care Benefits" package on the November ballot? (If the court rules that the votes won't be counted, or voters say no -- which at this point seems likely -- Garcetti will be termed-out, and Zuma Dogg can run for the much more ZD friendly district with no incumbant/all that money.)
* Is this "El Grito" Festival that I saw on the agenda Friday that got a "special event fee waiver" the next Labor Day Fundraising Fiasco like the one in El Sereno?
* Is the Mayor dividing the City with his outrageous rantings on how people are dividing the City? (See "Mayor Lashes Out..." story from Friday on Mayor Sam.)
* Watch out for Mayor V./Nunez's "House Parties". They sound like fun, unless you care about elections. Even National Politicians like The President are forced to "bow down" to The Mayor V/Nunez Election Posse, because first they stole the elections, got themselves in office, and now repeat the process for their pals. And since LA is such a safehaven for non-documented residents from around the world, thanks to The Mayor spending his career fighting for the rights of criminals, they thank him at the polls (even if they aren't allowed to even REGISTER to vote). So now this "House Party/Election Day Poll Caravan" carries enough political leverage thoughout Sacramento and Washington, that Govenors and Presidents are taking note and making promises for the future. Hey whatever works!
* Why waste money having the Planning Department put in place all these tenant rights, for these condo conversions and other development projects, when the developers sidestep the rules, ignore the conditions completley (don't pay the tenants nada) then their Councilmember doesn't lift a finger to stick up for the tenants getting screwed.
www.ZumaDogg.com for ALL videos, myspace page, phone and email contact. (Call with stuff on Nunez...I hate that shady fool.
My god, this Zuma Dogggggg is an idiot.
DE LEON closed his campaign office. this assembly district is a "BLUE SEA" of goverment waste and dependency. "RED ISLANDS" of reason do exsit, but are small in size. Question, is what Kevin will do with all the "Special Interest" money that was given to his campaign.
Zuma read my post on Mayor Sam post above you on "HIS POLLONESS"
Michigan 34 Rusted Dome 7
ZUMA, Great weekend to you from the "BLUE TOXIC SEA OF CD 14"
Are you really sure about the cable access shows ?
Pos tlinks we need to see this.
I know that the telco bill is taking the ability of the City to negotiate and get money from the cable companies , like the city does now.
What a cocksucker.
Cable companies initially opposed the legislative push but chose to support it because they would be allowed to opt out of their current agreements with cities or counties in favor of statewide franchises.
Yeah, They had a guy from Time Warner at City Hall addressing the issue of Public Access. It sounded bad, so I followed up with some questions of my own and the deal is: Because the telephone companies can now carry cable (and they are not required to carry public access (cause they are a phone company, not a television cable provider) -- crybaby Nunez is fighting to have Public Access stripped away from the People. Because if you're a corrupt politician, robbing your People blind...why not squash the Public Access channel, which was mandated to provide a voice to the community to speak out against the politicians who have millions in contributions they use to buy campaing ads. But when you are SO shady, all it takes is a guy like ZD with a public access show to take down the whole bunch, I guess?
It won't happen until '08, but I'm gonna start giving Nunez all the good publicity he deserves, NOW.
So remember, from now, till the end of time, when you see the name Fabio Nunez on a ballot, or taco bell application -- VOTE NO ON NUNEZ!
DeLeon has no competition.
Why waste time and energy.
The "Republican" didn't even want it KNOWN at first that she was a GOP, the district is SO overwhelmingly Democrat.
No poll fixing, retard. Just the realities of life.
Don't you ever CHECK on anything before you start spouting this ignorance? In that area, if you win the primary, IT'S ALL OVER!
You don't like "Messicans" much do you dogg? Is it because the old-timers and first generations don't let "dogs" in the house (too dirty).
Why is it all the "special events" waivers your trouncing have to do with activities in Latino communities, when these take place all over the city. Why single out the Eastside?
Maybe you've only got ONE SOURCE for this, and it's so obviously someone trying to create a scandal in Huizar's district before the next election begins. From user, to being used. You didn'tget far.
THIS IS WHY PROP R. WILL PASS EASILY. . . because the NCs loudmouths, have BECOME like corrupt, useless government, themselves - and in a very short period of time.
And the BIG boys and girls downtown are better at this game. . .
Okay, so here y'all, is what I'all was telling y'all about the meet-and-greet/stay
in your seat/bound for defeat sub-1-percenter loudmouth "can I get a second
to that e-motion" NC "leaders"
Now this is ABOUT the 4th or 5th time the "review commission" (374 members,
so far) has met - for 2-3 hours each time (plus they have a couple of sub-committees.
. . SHEESH), and their latest agenda follows.
Let I'all break this down for you'all,
20 mins. for public comment (no one attends but the same gadflies that hound the
BONC), 5 mins. to approve the mins. of the last uneventful meeting ("Madam
Chair, I think their needs to be a semicolon in paragraph 6, intead of a comma"),
20 mins. to decide if they should have yet ANOTHER subcommittee (budget... just
how the hell much money are they floating to this group?), 45 mins. about how to
"organize their work" (at this their 4th or 5th meeting??) -- how about
piles of NO MORE THAN 50 SHEETS, and another 3/4 hour to discuss what SPECIFICALLY
they should evaluate (again, at their 4th or 5th meeting... wouldn't that be
Meeting #1 in the "real world"). Are y'all adding this up?
At one televised meeting they spent 20-30 minutes talking about what kind of SNACKS
TO HAVE AT FUTURE MEETINGS, y'all. They'all is months into this, and have
YET to "evaluate" anything but the TREAT MENU!!
NCs is screwed y'all. Sarno at DONE, 3-4 unmandated sub-cultures* (congresses,
alliance, ANTI-Prop groups, regional NC groups, sub-regional NC groups, etc.) all
bumping purposes against each other and meeting to meet to talk about what they
CAN'T get done at home (never there, DUH!). Plus a "review commission"
that agendizes SNACK SELECTION, and is about to spend big bucks on a consultant's
FEES?? A BONC that can't fill it's seats and get a quorum, and DONE staffers
that manage to hang in under the "queen of mean" reassigned to new gigs
every 5-6 weeks.
*One meeting of the unmandated was a 5-HOUR GIG this weekend.
And some people here think this is the "rising tide"
that's going to lead a revolt against city council?
After how many hundreds of AGENDAS????
(For anyone not a lawyer, here's the mission statement below, in "Ingles"
-- "Are NCs Effective?
I think that question's just been answered, though. They'll meet for a year,
pay their consultant thousands of $$ to pat their heads, file lots of agendas, eat $5,000
worth of junk food, and then create a "report." The final report (621
single-spaced pages) on whether NC's "work" will be summarized as
"mas o meno"
"some do, some don't"
"DONE is helpful; DONE is a hindrance"
"More outreach is needed, (NCs shoud "meet" about outreach more often)
"More training is needed (about things no one at City is qualified to teach)."
And, finally,
"We'all need to meet for another year (with better snacks)."
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2006 - 6:30 PM
MISSION STATEMENT: The Neighborhood Council Review Commission is appointed pursuant
to Section
912 of the City Charter and shall meet for twelve consecutive months to evaluate
the provisions of Article
IX of the City Charter, the Regulations adopted pursuant to Article IX of the Charter,
and the efficacy of the
system of Neighborhood Councils.
Approval of the minutes (Allotted Time: 5 minutes)
Discussion and possible adoption of recommendations relative to the establishment
of a Budget
Committee. (Allotted Time: 20 minutes)
Discussion and possible adoption of recommendations relative to a plan for the organization
of the
Commission?s work. (Allotted Time: 45 minutes)
Continued from 9-7-06
Discussion and possible adoption of recommendations relative to the identification
of areas for
evaluation and review by the Commission. (Allotted Time: 45 minutes )
What is your position on immigration Zuma Dogg?
Darzilla, do you believe criminal behavior is ok to overlook?
I mean, is't ok to steal someone's shoes because you want them? It's ok to break into someone's home because you want to steal their valuables to buy drugs? It's ok to deface other people's property because you're a "wanna be artist/gang banger marking his territory?"
Well I don't. I believe law breakers are criminals. Stealing services from those who are here legally is wrong. Making our schools overcrowded and making our classrooms dumb down is stealing an education from those who are here legally forcing us to send our children to private school.
As far as El Grito is concerned-how about all us Americans go to Mexico, take over their streets and government property to celebrate our Independence Day on July 4th. And let's ask the mexican government and people to pay for it...
You dumb ass-
Don't pull that card, cause I don't accept it.
I hammered Jan Perry as being, "Queen of the Dog & Pony Show" when I saw a bunch of "waivers" with HER name on it. (Part of that is because downtown is in her district, so it's not all her fault.)
The thing that triggered all of this was my comments about Vanity Fair/KTLA/Commerical entities.
Then someone from CD14 sent me a flyer on the Labor Day thing, and warned me about El Grito, and it was on the agenda Friday.
But dude/dudette...If the shoe fits, wear it...You haven't said this isn't happening. Only that I'm picking on Jose's district, which is a PUNK move on your part.
When someone else calls me from another district and complains, I'll cover that one.
Meanwhile, ask Wendy Greuel and Bill Rosendahl and even Jack Weiss how they have liked the publicity I've given them crybaby douchebag.
It's a real insult to the people that Jose Huizar is SUPPOSED to be representing, when you think I am focusing only on him...YOU IDIOT...IT'S HIS CONSTITUENTS THAT ARE OUTRAGED. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A HATE MONGOR, DIVIDING THIS CITY.
So every Councilmember seems to have some issue their constituents are outraged over. Bill R.=Venice Beach, Wendy Greuel=Developers screwing tenants, Jose Huizar=Milking the community, plus...
So wave the racist shit, cause that's all you got. But that's doing a real dis-service to the people Jose Huizar is milking.
Look at Jumbo.
I dn't thank so!
You go Jumbo.
ZD's response is that he's NOT racist, just trying to narc LATINO councilmembers of fee waivers.
He's done the same for a BLACK one!
HA, that's a good one.
An equal opporunity Wigger racist.
When are you morons going to understand that fee waivers are just disguised TAXES not being charged to overtaxed taxpayers, anyway?
You hold a festival in the park (unofficially) and invite 100 friends and no one says squat.
You invite 200 friends and ASK permission, and you get FEES assessed for hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
It's the people of L.A. using city property WITHOUT having to pay additional TAXES.
What's your beef, because YOU didn't think to ask for waivers?
You should post fresh and ACCURATE information any time you have it.
You haven't yet.
3rd-hand rumors, passed through someone who's local government IQ is below zero don't count.
I don't work for the city, never have, but I've already forgotten more stuff about L.A. govt. than your ignorant rabble-rousing postings here have proven you to have.
If it wasn't for the new "commerce" aspects and and the extra pennies the "scene of the accident" clicks your deadheaded rants bring to Mayor Sam's pockets, I'm sure no one would be tolerating this regurgitation of self-promoting moronic yellow urinalism you try to pass off as "breaking news".
Watch your back, moron. You piss off enough people in power, you don't get any breaks from anyone the next time you run afoul of the law, for anything. That's no threat, because I'm in no position to threten anyone. That's just common sense. Keep poking any sleeping bear in the cave with a blunt stick, and sooner or later they find you in ER impaled on it.
Didn't you get the memo? The current public debate is about...
ILLEGAL immigration.
Don't forget:
I . L . L . E . G . A . L
4:42, you're a cunt
When are you morons going to understand that fee waivers are just disguised TAXES not being charged to overtaxed taxpayers, anyway?
Right, not overtax, but current tax dollars in the coffers. We can use that NON OVERTAX fee waiver money for homeless, job creation, schools. Instead it's given to friends and families of politicians.
Red Island...nice. They don't appear to be lonely. I'm a blue but the more I find out about DeLeon the more I think about staying home and not voting. As for the Republican, she gave her word that she wouldn't try to cloud the water during the primary, and she kept it.
I got a chance to meet Samantha the other evening, and honestly can't find anything bad to say about her. She's personable, not attached to special interests, a true member of the community and...well, trustworthy.
If the only thing you can say about her is that she didn't let it out that she is a Republican (and a very moderate one at that) in the beginning then that in itself is really quite minor.
Other than that, she's everything that DeLeon isnt which actually says quite a bit.
Hey Sam, don't let the blues scare you. This blue respects you. Keep doing what you are doing. It's not going unnoticed.
4:42 AM is issuing serious threats. ugh. total jerk.
Saw that 4:42 AM post. What a sicko. Cut and past it Zuma. Mayor Sam should report this maniac to the police.
To say that DeLeon has no competition is rather arrogant. Reminds me of the old saying not to count chickens before they hatch. But then again, Deleon runs with the wolves and the Republican does not, and when you run alone and out in the open you have no competition.
Ya basta Kevin. Go back to NoCal
The threats----Probably the Troll. When all else fails, it gets frustrated and makes sick threats. MS please quit removing the posts. Let the world see how it propogates it's venonm all over the internet. The only thing you are achieving by removing the posts when we all know what is going on is.......nothing.
Susanna Gonzalez.
If you are blue means you are a cop do everyone a favor get Mayor Sam to tell you who this sicko is and arrest 4:42.
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