Since Too Many City Hall Spinsters Are Only Talking About Me, Here Are Some Things To Discuss Instead
Zuma Dogg doesn't spend all his cell phone minutes talking to so many people from across the city about real issues concerning them, to have all the focus of discussion on this site to be about him. So sorry City Hall spin doctors who are spending waaaaay too much time responding to my every post, when you should be putting in "special event fee waivers" for your fundraising scams, you pissed me off and now I think I need to remind the voters about a few issues affecting the City.
* Elections coming up in November, with lots of lively debate over the issues. But why bother when The Mayor and his team are stealing elections by gathering up everone from the neighborhood who ISN'T registered to vote, ride a bus caravan to thepolls, where his own people are running the polls and non-registered voters (whose IDs are not checked) vote for those who didn't show. Plus, absentee ballot is an ever bigger problem. And remember, The Mayor is the kinda guy who calls it a "Town Hall Meeting" (LAUSD), busses in his own blind dummies to speak FOR AB 1381: Meanwhile, if you didn't hop off the Mayor's own bus caravan, you were told by a "Gang Intervention Member" (NOT LAPD) -- "Sorry, Private event, can't come in."
(Even though ZD saw it come through Council for a "Special Event Fee Waiver", which means OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND PAID FOR BY THE CITY...So don't say "private event" and deny parents and kids entrance, you scared to debate ZD pussy!)
* But if you can get over THAT fact, and still give a sh*t, or excuse me, not become "disenfranchised" -- Measure R is an issue on the ballot you should be aware of. It extends their term limit from TWO (four year terms) to THREE (four year terms.) So why are they fighting SO hard to keep this on the November ballot? (Besides Garcetti being termed out, I think, so this would allow hin to run again in March, IF TERM LIMITS ARE LENGTHENED FROM TWO (eight years in office) TO THREE (tweleve years in office) -- THEY GET PENSIONS FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE! Aren't you excited to have them spend all this City money to fight to keep extend their stay in office, just enough to get a lifetime pension (in addition to all the other financal perks they stand to gain)? NO WONDER I'M RUNNING FOR CITY COUNCIL!
SO REMEMBER TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW...VOTE "HELL NO" ON R...All it does is guarantee that your money will go to THEIR pensions as they rob the city blind while in office.
* SPECIAL EVENT FEE WAIVERS: Might not sound like sh*t to you, but this is the biggest scandal to hit City Hall since ZD himself. (See ZD/MS story from Sunday)
All I'm gonna say on this is, when you see these dog and pony show "fee waivers" make sure it is an event open to the public, in the interest of the community(fundraising for the fat cats IS NOT community interest) and the money is ONLY for non-profits in the community, not commercial entities. (See "Jack Weiss Concern Over Fee Waivers" story from Sunday, too.)
* LAUSD: We all know the deal...Mayor wants control of $20 2/3 BILLION facilitites money and all the other money that will magically end up in his general fund. I challenge the Mayor to a polygraph test to ask the question, "Are you fighting for control of LAUSD because you care about the kids of LAUSD?" And, "Are you in this ONLY for the money and your own personal best interest? So there it is Mayor, two questions and if you pass, I'll shut up and move to Ventura County?
* FRIDAY CITY HALL PREVIEW: Not much on the agenda except a bunch of Tract Map stuff, that I didn't know much I made some calls. Tract maps are what they make, before they draw the legal document for new developments. So, it makes a good time to remind people there is something called the Planning Department.
They are this little old department responsible for the rules and guidelines that PROTECT tenants' rights in these condo conversions and all the other development that is kicking little old ladies out onto the street.
So, it's really great that we spend all this time on rules to protectthe tenants. But, the developers ignore.sidestep the rules...Councilmembers like Wendy Greuel (sorry, her name comes up a lot) do NOTHING to stick up for their consitituents LITERALLY being robbed by these developer, but using 1980's pay standards -- then they don't pay at all -- and there is NO enforcement of the Planning Dept. rules.
So, more on that, coming tomorrow. (See story "Noel Weiss Sticks Up..." story from Sunday.)
And Jack Weiss, who the Mayor has obviously gotten to the way Garcetti & Council got to the appeals judge reminds you..."There are many factors that go into crime, like Education. And that's why the Mayor..." (It was a converastion with Doug McIntyre on Illegal Immigrations effect on crime, and that was his snappy reply.) much more corruption to expose....but I think this is enough to jumpstart some debate on REAL issues, becasue believe me, nobody likes to see my name/names in print more than me...but it's getting ridiculous -- and talk about dishonoring the people whose lives are truly being affected by City Council & The Mayor's "transfer of funds" from the community/people who need it most, into their own coffers.
* Elections coming up in November, with lots of lively debate over the issues. But why bother when The Mayor and his team are stealing elections by gathering up everone from the neighborhood who ISN'T registered to vote, ride a bus caravan to thepolls, where his own people are running the polls and non-registered voters (whose IDs are not checked) vote for those who didn't show. Plus, absentee ballot is an ever bigger problem. And remember, The Mayor is the kinda guy who calls it a "Town Hall Meeting" (LAUSD), busses in his own blind dummies to speak FOR AB 1381: Meanwhile, if you didn't hop off the Mayor's own bus caravan, you were told by a "Gang Intervention Member" (NOT LAPD) -- "Sorry, Private event, can't come in."
(Even though ZD saw it come through Council for a "Special Event Fee Waiver", which means OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND PAID FOR BY THE CITY...So don't say "private event" and deny parents and kids entrance, you scared to debate ZD pussy!)
* But if you can get over THAT fact, and still give a sh*t, or excuse me, not become "disenfranchised" -- Measure R is an issue on the ballot you should be aware of. It extends their term limit from TWO (four year terms) to THREE (four year terms.) So why are they fighting SO hard to keep this on the November ballot? (Besides Garcetti being termed out, I think, so this would allow hin to run again in March, IF TERM LIMITS ARE LENGTHENED FROM TWO (eight years in office) TO THREE (tweleve years in office) -- THEY GET PENSIONS FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE! Aren't you excited to have them spend all this City money to fight to keep extend their stay in office, just enough to get a lifetime pension (in addition to all the other financal perks they stand to gain)? NO WONDER I'M RUNNING FOR CITY COUNCIL!
SO REMEMBER TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW...VOTE "HELL NO" ON R...All it does is guarantee that your money will go to THEIR pensions as they rob the city blind while in office.
* SPECIAL EVENT FEE WAIVERS: Might not sound like sh*t to you, but this is the biggest scandal to hit City Hall since ZD himself. (See ZD/MS story from Sunday)
All I'm gonna say on this is, when you see these dog and pony show "fee waivers" make sure it is an event open to the public, in the interest of the community(fundraising for the fat cats IS NOT community interest) and the money is ONLY for non-profits in the community, not commercial entities. (See "Jack Weiss Concern Over Fee Waivers" story from Sunday, too.)
* LAUSD: We all know the deal...Mayor wants control of $20 2/3 BILLION facilitites money and all the other money that will magically end up in his general fund. I challenge the Mayor to a polygraph test to ask the question, "Are you fighting for control of LAUSD because you care about the kids of LAUSD?" And, "Are you in this ONLY for the money and your own personal best interest? So there it is Mayor, two questions and if you pass, I'll shut up and move to Ventura County?
* FRIDAY CITY HALL PREVIEW: Not much on the agenda except a bunch of Tract Map stuff, that I didn't know much I made some calls. Tract maps are what they make, before they draw the legal document for new developments. So, it makes a good time to remind people there is something called the Planning Department.
They are this little old department responsible for the rules and guidelines that PROTECT tenants' rights in these condo conversions and all the other development that is kicking little old ladies out onto the street.
So, it's really great that we spend all this time on rules to protectthe tenants. But, the developers ignore.sidestep the rules...Councilmembers like Wendy Greuel (sorry, her name comes up a lot) do NOTHING to stick up for their consitituents LITERALLY being robbed by these developer, but using 1980's pay standards -- then they don't pay at all -- and there is NO enforcement of the Planning Dept. rules.
So, more on that, coming tomorrow. (See story "Noel Weiss Sticks Up..." story from Sunday.)
And Jack Weiss, who the Mayor has obviously gotten to the way Garcetti & Council got to the appeals judge reminds you..."There are many factors that go into crime, like Education. And that's why the Mayor..." (It was a converastion with Doug McIntyre on Illegal Immigrations effect on crime, and that was his snappy reply.) much more corruption to expose....but I think this is enough to jumpstart some debate on REAL issues, becasue believe me, nobody likes to see my name/names in print more than me...but it's getting ridiculous -- and talk about dishonoring the people whose lives are truly being affected by City Council & The Mayor's "transfer of funds" from the community/people who need it most, into their own coffers.
Labels: proposition r
THIS regurgitation of old news and non-news is the "expose" city hall didn't want posted???
(Private citizen turns off privately owned computer, goes back to watching Dr. Phil).
For the record, David Elliott AKA "Zuma Dogg" has never voted in a local election according to the Los Angeles County Registrar. In fact, Elliott has never even registered to vote in the state of California. If "Zuma Dogg" cares so much about democracy, why has he never bothered to exercise his democratic right in this city? Clearly, Zuma Dogg cares far more about self-promotion than local issues.
One must ask, why are all the elderly, unmarried ladies (spinsters, a non-PC word), talking about this creature?
If you had any sense at all of how life is in certain parts of the city where gangs wage war and destroy public life, day-by-day, night-after-night, you'd be singing praises to high Nirvana that someone WAS screening out thugs and murders from family oriented events.
You obviously have no children, Subhan’Allah!
I guess I would be mad too if some guy walked off Venice Beach and into city hall and ended up in LA Times, Daily News, City Beat, VH1, PBS, KABC, Bill O, Sean H, Matt D, and now on the first day back, City Council can't even get their own press (unless it's bad) without riding ZD's coat tails. That would cause me to spin like mad...
LA DAILY NEWS on The return of Council: For others, like Councilmen Dennis Zine and Bill Rosendahl, the time off provided a chance to get away.
For the council, it also was a
return to some of its critics.
Most notably, the council was serenaded with a rap song by Zuma Dogg, the homeless gadfly who managed to tie together criticism of the council's absence with illegal immigration and urging people to vote in the upcoming Nov. 7 election.
ZD mayhave seen it, but many others, just finding out Im on Mayor Sam, my not have seen it.
Or maybe one of the news reporters missed it over the weekend. Or maybe just reminded someone, again, who will remmber ow to tell their friend. Repetition, y'all = Effectivness!
Like I said, I'm new to politics and never did know sh*t about this stuff...but now I do, as u can c.
(Bows low and takes off hat with flourish) Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen:
God bless the spinsters, because without them there would be no laws to break or morals to offend! Emma, luv....are you a spinster?
Zuma, lad. You should do this one better. Challenge ALL the candidates in ALL the elections to show that they have in fact voted CONSISTENTLY in elections in their areas or the areas where they were registered to vote at the time. Not just the last election, but the 3 elections before that. Methinks the puppets that the master controls are double registered. We already know that one candidate has a different address on the driving permit, are there any more? Why is it that S'mee Nunez lives in La Canada but represents a different area?
Delicious Rose sisters, are you willing to sail with the pirate crew?
Aha, HALL OF RECORDS, (or maybe DMV) I knew I recognized that pissant wannabe pirate from some clerical position downtown.
Turn sideways and say into the mike "Number 49? You're next, 49? Okay 50? 50?"
This also explains why the Depp-shit mostly posts in the late afternoon, after the offices close, or the supervisor goes home early.
Is it true that Zuma Doggg has never voted? I used to think he was amusing and sometimes right on about the issues, but in my book the guy has lost a ton of credibility. How can he claim to care about L.A. whe he's NEVER EVEN VOTED?!
PLEASE, Dogg-breath save your clipping book for grandma. No one give a crap.
You fall off the Library Tower head first, you'll get your name in the paper, too. (Not that I'm suggesting you try that, but . . . okay, but just don't blame me). It's a good opening act, but the encore's a "bith".
The guy is ACTUALLY trawling for chicks on a mostly anonymous blog -- geez. Get real, even the REALLY hot chicks on this blog are all dudes.
But, maybe you don't mind that.
Sorry, this is a time-honored Mayor Sam's distraction tactic (maybe MEAT started it, of Chief Faker). When the blog writer starts getting really trashed, or can't prove what they say e.g., 80 FAKE NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHES or their own hypocrisy is being outed (like never voting), a new thread goes up RIGHT away --sometimes with nothing new on it, but it makes the boys and girls all run to the new post to comment and draws attention away from the scene of the crime.
Been there, Dung that!
So Z-Dog has never voted or even registrd to vote? That makes me sick. He can't use the "I'm new to politics" thing as an excuse anymore -- there was an election in June an Z-Dog was already battling City Hall back then. So why didn't he vote? For the past month he's been complaining about Meausre R (which I also oppose) but he still hasn't registered? He's had every opportunity in the world to register since he became a regular contributor to Mayor Sam's, but he hasn't done it? How can someone complain about term limits when he hasn't registered and has never voted? The irony, the hypocrisy! Turns out Z-Dog is nothing but a fame-craving hypocrite! I'm disgusted.
Mr. Pffffah,
Grab your balls if you have any and everything's gonna be alright.
4:18 PM
Can I search anyone's voting history?
Yikes, this pooch is very thin-skinned.
You need to read a little better. "Pfffah" said s/he was splitting the scene. (But the "grab your balls part" was very witty). I used that in middle school, myself.
Distracted is right, almost missed one of Dottweiler's better diggs at the dogg. It reads better in the original context, one the last open thread, but, anyway:
Dockweiler_Mutt-tt said...
For anyone who hasn't received their official Z-Dogg Spaced-Cadet Decoder and Typo-Correcter Ring in the mail yet (keep eating your Scooby Snacks to get the box tops), let me translate a short portion from one of the previous messages. . .
"And since all of y'all [all of you-all, a fake southern-ism, with built in redundance] are so focused on ME [I hope, I hope, I hope], instead of the important issues of the City [which I couldn't find with both hands and apre-programmed GPS]...I'm gonna post a BIG ASS STORY [aka, a story written by a BIG ASS, namely ZD] on Mayor Sam, [Mayor Sam'S} right now [i.e., I'm going to forward another anonymous rumor e-mailed by some future opponent of a councilmember up for election next term] ...saying all the sh*t [shit, shite, merde, ca ca, doodie] your bosses don't want me to say [because it probably isn't true and they'll just have to waste more valuable city time explaining to the nitwits that would believe anything ZD says, how it's not].
Y'all wannabees [want-to-bes, i.e., those also aspiring to appear as ignorant gadflies] need a bith slap [I'll get back to you on this one, after some checking. . . apparently a slap from a "bith" (possibly a slang term for a female dog with a lisp), but don't quote me on that] here it comes.
You type messages to the dead mayor's blog on the same keyboard you do THAT with???
Double-ewwwww (everyone Windex your screens, RIGHT away).
[Official notice: Not one cent of taxpayer money was spent in creating this post, nor was any governmental computer equipment -- sticky or otherwise -- used to create it -- I swear on Mayor Sam's exhumed grave! One animal was harmed in the process, but the bee-otch had it coming.]
September 14, 2006 3:58 PM
4:42 - Alas, you are incorrect. Consider the time change between here and Hawaii. My lunch hour is your rush hour, savvy? Or the other 'way round. My cocktail hour is your end of day shift. At least it is today. Tomorrow may be different.
I know sots blog on this board during work hours, because I've seen 'em! Next time close the door to your office, Deputy Mayor's Office Man.
By the by, me and the pirate crew take our hats off in memory of Gov. Rice of Texas. Ballsy wench was she. Loved the hairdo.
Who's Emma?
Hey ZUma Dogg. Are you circumcised?
check the register again. you cannot say dave elliott hasn't voted in california.
and now that i know you can be homeless and vote (thanks to the clerks office) i'm gonna register to vote against "R", but the votes probably won't count anyway, when hey rule against it october 3rd for the ruling.
and i am waiting to register until oct. 6th, the deadline to choose a district to run for city council.
and by the way, to be honest, i've voted in a bunch of elections in my life, and part of the problem why they may not see my name in the LA registry, is i have lived in areas in Cali outside LA (you should be able to find DE outside LA county) -- and have lived in NYC, Vegas and other areas outside Cali, too....So check the country, but the point is..yeah, I've voted in some elections and missed some/many elections. I don't care. That's where I was in that point of my life. Remember, it's no joke that I've been homeless and broke and all that. And yeah, on many of those day, I didn't make it to the polls. Big Deal. Now my eyes have been opened, and pointed in a certain direction. And it's just my nature to push the way I am pushing now. I even said, I only planned on protesting City Hall one time, as a "favor" to show support in numbers over the Venice Beach thing. Even then, I was still disenfranchised. I probably would have voted in the Governer election in Nov, like all the other idiots who vote every four years. But, maybe I would have missed voting, that day, if I couldn't make it for some reason.
So make fun of me all you want for voting or not voting in the past. Like everything, the truth is somewhere in between. Someone says I NEVER voted, which is a lie, but the spirit remains...I was your average once every four year voter...and I only planned on showing up at city hall once, maybe twice....but I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing from others, as I waited for my public comment...then people starting approaching me dircetly...and now all this...
So, you must work for the Mayor. Because just like the Mayor will criticize LAUSD for trying to lower the drop out rate ("They waited to long, and are only doing it because the Mayor brought it up, according to Mayor's allies/spokesman...see ZD MS story below) -- you find it offensive that I'm doing something about it NOW. What is FAR more offensive is the way City Hall is robbing it's citizen's blind.
BUT MY ONLY POINT IS: I know you can't go "cold turkey" cause the city would shut down...but start weening yourself off the corruption. And finally, Rocky Delgadillio wanted to say, "All we are asking, is that you be HONEST with voters."
Zuma Dogg don't vote -- too frigging funny! This guy complains about disenfranchisement and non-registered illegals at the polls when he isn't even registered to vote? Bwahaha! I wonder if this joke is still planning on running for city council. Makes me wonder, do you have to be registed to vote in order to run for public office? If Zuma Dogg isn't registered then who will vote for him?
So Zuma Dog has been exposed as a fraud. No surprise there, from now on we should call him Zuma Fraudd. He says he hasn't voted cause he never made it to the polls that day. No big deal he says. He must have been doing something else that day, according to Zuma Fraudd. He "couldn't make it for some reason," in his own words. Besides, he says people who vote in the "governor election" every four years are idiots, because their votes don't count anyway. That's telling 'em Zuma Fraudd, why bother voting when it doesn't count anyway? Three cheers for Zuma Fraudd! Three cheers for the ignoramus who got caught up in something big and is now in way over his head! Three cheers for self-appointed gadflies not voting because they must have been doin' somethin' else that day! Three cheers for whining about term limits when you've never once registered to vote in California! Three cheers for Zuma Fraudd!
Oh...that IS hilarious...Maybe I can register to run for City Council, but not have to register to vote!!! That way I can stay disenfranchised/bitter...but win City Council election and DO something about it.
I SWEAR I'M GONNA RUN ON THAT PLATFORM...And what you politicians don't realize, is of course I'm gonna run for Council, no matter how you try and spin me. Cause I don't care if I lose, because I'm not a career politician. I am gonna push and fight and spend hours on end with people like I have and will continue to do, and people can decide if they want to vote for me. See I have one thing going for me...I don't care if I win or lose. If I win, AWESOME!!! What a privilige and I would honor the people who voted me in by not changing a bit, cause I don't care about re-election. And if I lose, I think I have quite informative and effective on THIS side of the rope.
Wait a minute, Lexis Nexis doesn't have voter registration records for California. So saying that the Dogg isn't registered to vote isn't possible. The county offices close at 5:00pm and that information is not available on line or by phone.
Nice try wise guy. But then again if the amount of truth in the message is one you don't want to hear then attack the messenger.
And as my mother used to say, it takes a fraud to know a fraud.
To 5:41:
Ummm... You have no argument. Zuma Dogg himself admitted he isn't registered to vote.
5:35 I'm checking my politicians voting record and party. It should be interesting to find out who is who.
Ahoy Captain,
What do you have against a young single woman?
What's a spinster?
Jack Crow
To: "Besides, he says people who vote in the "governor election" every four years are idiots, because their votes don't count anyway." (And the idiot who says I never voted...let's both strap on the poly...)
Oops...I didn't say that and you did not copy and paste THAT quote from me anywhere. Maybe the reaosn you ae inefective is because YOU MUST REALIZE...You can only win a debate by attacking with truths. I don't have to make sh*t up...The truth is waaaaay funnier and more ingeniously deceptive than anything I ever came up with.
A spinster is an unmarried older woman who doesn't vote -- kind of like ZUMA FRAUDD but different.
ZUMA FRAUDD! ZUMA FRAUDD! Say it out loud like a chant. ZU-MA FRAUDD! ZU-MA FRAUDD!
Don't attack Zuma Fraudd. He's very sensitive. If you keep this up, ZUma Fraudd might start crying.
Spinster \Spin"ster\, n. [Spin + -ster.]
1. A woman who spins, or whose occupation is to spin.
She spake to spinster to spin it out. --Piers
The spinsters and the knitters in the sun. --Shak.
2. A man who spins. [Obs.] --Shak.
3. (Law) An unmarried or single woman; -- used in legal
proceedings as a title, or addition to the surname.
If a gentlewoman be termed a spinster, she may abate
the writ. --Coke.
4. A woman of evil life and character; -- so called from
being forced to spin in a house of correction. [Obs.]
Kintpuash, better known as Captain Jack (died October 3, 1873), was a chief of the Native American Modoc tribe of California and Oregon, and was their leader during the Modoc War
Don't attack HUIZAR Fraudd. He's very sensitive. If you keep this up, HUIZAR Fraudd might start crying
Editor Clryton,
KFI has releast a Press Release that disputes the story by scribe Vogel. the general manager of KFI stated that the L.A. Times should call the station before reporting on comments made by the former producer of the "JOHN ZEIGLER SHOW".
Simply your attempt to cover-up your actions in "HOTTIE AUDIOGATE" have been delted a mortal blow.
Even readers comments are making their way to the "letter to the editor page, sample below.
"The Times now considers the Angelides campaighn a confidential source for information that must be protected.
Presumably, the angelides campaign will no longer be mention in The Times to protect its confidentiality.
But this raise a question: Why did The Times grant confidentiality to the Angelides campaign? Doesn't it have any reporters who can get stories without getting into bed with a political campaign machine?"
Albert Kinderman
Huntington Beach
FYI, L.A.Observer reports that the powers to be in town, have sent the Tribune Company a letter listing concerns at the L.A. Times (cuts in staffing)
Concerns aside, this does not take into consider ethical questions about objectivity in the news room.
Ok kids stop the fighting. Fact is there are many politicans now in office who didn't register to vote until late in their careers. That's a sore loser who's posting crap. Zuma you have be flattered that all the CLOWNCIL MEMBERS staffers are attacking you now trying to distract the real issues of how their loser bosses deceived the public and will pay for it. DON'T RESPOND TO THEM. Any good publicist will tell you to just ignore their rantings. Let other people put them in their places. You obviously have hit some raw nerves in City Hall and they are livid. Stop talking to them on here. Post your stuff and move on. You have gotten more publicity in all the newspapers then the Clowncil and the publicity they're getting is really BAD PRESS.
This is the reason all these whining grown men are attacking Zuma. Because he's on a mission to kill Measure R and the NC's are organizing big time. Never before has a paper trashed a city council group so blatantly. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
CHALK up a victory for the Los Angeles City Council: The 2nd District Court of Appeal has ruled that although council members did all they could to make the wording of Measure R as ambiguous and unhelpful as possible, they didn't technically break the law.
And so, even though Measure R is designed to confuse, it gets to stay on the November ballot - treacherous language and all.
Way to go.
If voters knew what Measure R was all about - extending council members' time in office from two terms to three - they would strike it down overwhelmingly. Council members know this, which is why they've tried to disguise the measure with all sorts of political tricks.
One of those tricks: The council amended the ballot's questionable language from saying that Measure R "lengthened" council members' terms to noting only that it "changed" them.
Get it? That way, careless voters might not recognize Measure R as the assault on term limits that it is.
The first judge to look at the measure found this deception so offensive that he ordered the original language restored. But the city appealed, and the appellate court has ruled that although vague, the wording isn't illegal.
The council's description could have been "more complete, and thus more informative," the court observed, "by noting the measure increased the number of terms a council member could serve from two to three."
But, the judges added, "To comply with the election statutes, the ballot title need not be the `most accurate,' `most comprehensive,' or `fairest"' possible."
Nope, according to the court, anything short of an outright lie is apparently good enough.
Of course, the same class of people - self-serving politicians - write these laws, exploit them and interpret them, which may explain why the public is losing faith in government.
Fortunately, the people still have a say at the ballot box and can repudiate the cynical and deceitful games played by the council.
Depp-shit, MY how you do get around. . . yesterday afternoon
standing behind slacking city hall staffer in downtown L.A., today having your version of lonely-nooners in in the Aloha State, all within less then 24 hours!
"Between HERE?? and Hawaii??? If you were IN Hawaii, wouldn't you said: "Between THERE and Hawaii?"
Listen doubloons-for-nuts, don't let the jet-lag hit you in your lying ass in the way out of the territorial waters.
(And as for Annie Rice, my recollect is both Bushies took the silver spoons out of their mouths and stuck 'em where the sun didn't use to shine in her, without missing a beat_.
Just because you deliver sandwiches to city hall wonks and can scribble down some nameplates don't mean beached squid.
Is LA32 joining ANTI R forces.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
How sweet it is, at this exact moment I'm ordering 50,000 campaign bumper stickers complete with a little thumbnail photo of his Bee-otchness in full costume. . . they'll make me FILTHY rich:
"YES on Prop R! Keep City Council from Going to the DOGGS"
It seems to me the only way someone would know that Zuma Dogg never registered to vote is if they had a coonection in the county registrar's office. It seems to me like someone with such a connection is out to get Zuma Dogg. This brings up an interesting ethical question: Is this information relevant to a civilized debate even though it came from someone who clearly has an axe to grind with Zuma Dogg?
To wit, I think the the ad hominem attacks against Zuma Dogg (from all the posters calling him "ZUMA FRAUDD") are mean and inapproprate. It's uncalled for to attack Zuma Dogg personally by deeming him a FRAUDD, though it is certainly credible to call his credibility into question for his past lack of civic involvement. Go ahead and criticze the man for never having registered to vote in Los Angeles, but stop calling him names! It's petty and ugly.
RE: 50,000 bumper stickers saying, "YES on Prop R! Keep City Council from Going to the DOGGS"
Way to go! Now THIS is some worthy competition. HILARIOUS! Very clever and issue oriented...even though it's against me, I can respect THAT! yeah, yeah.
An allegation against ZD not voting---is that all you got? Is that best you jokers can do?
Sorry, the only fools I can see are the idiots attacking ZD.
You, too could think clearly, talk slowly, and be creative, ZD.
Throw out the bong, come to Jesus (or Heysoos, or anyone with a local detox center), and give up your useless life of self-promotion and self-abuse (you didn't think anyone saw you in that downtown parking lot, did you?).
It's too late to realize your childhood dream of being a doctor, astronaut, or western sheriff, but the city's sanitation workers do pretty well, and LAPD is desperate.
You P.R. wannabees on Spring Street, stop grabbing for the nitro. as a kind hearted observer of your "Demise of the Times", i just seek to direct you to the resurrection of a once proud fish wrap.
Grab hold of the persona of one Zuma Dogg, then watch your subscriptions among the 12-35 age demographics shoot you back to the level of the Chandler Era.
Your curent stooge "DEAR LEADER POLLORAIGOSA" just was nail in this evenings MARTINI REPUBLIC POST, "STALIN COMES TO WESTWOOD" was the headline given to the "HOUSING BOND LOVEFEST" today. No contrary opinion was allowed. Our "DEAR LEADER" was given a "rock star welcome" upon his late arrival. Then he launches into attacks on local media who dare to disagree with his "POLLONESS".
Why waste your time schilling for his "POLLONESS" when you have the leader of the masses who will bring democracy back to City Hall.
just to show my respect to contrary opinion, i would recommend that the "DOCKWEILER PUDDLE" be given his own column space (PAID FOR BY UNCLE MATTIE, you guys need the ad dollors). That puddle, or "COYOTE BAIT" can be the offical yapper for the fourth floor, non potty train pooches.
Editors Baquet,
i feel the pain of your downward spiral to low grade fish wrap. Enbrace the "D O DOUBLE G"!!! and give me a portion of the profits.
I read an LAT article a while back that said Villaraigosa failed the bar something like FIVE times. Does anyone know if he has since made additional attempts?
8:46, I think the number is FOUR, although I could be wrong. Four or five... whatever. He's obviously an empty suit.
What is being hailed as the largest gathering of Hispanic leaders in decades began Wednesday with promises to re-energize a campaign to secure citizenship for over 11 million illegal immigrants.
The four-day National Latino Congreso opened as the immigration reform movement is trying to regain momentum following internal divisions and as the U.S. Congress returns for its fall session having all but shelved immigration reform.
“This conference is designed to get us back on the offensive,” said John Trasvina, interim president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. “Congress is doing nothing for Latino issues.”
Sessions include speeches and workshops on registering Hispanic voters, running Hispanic political candidates, wage gaps between Hispanics and whites, environmental issues and a lack of access to health care in immigrant communities. The conference culminates Saturday afternoon with a rally.
CITGO Petroleum Corporation sponsors Latineeeoooo Congrezzzzz
"And we clean your toilets"
Mayor Sam, It appears you have been attacked by a yet unknown virus soon to be named the "And we clean your toilets" bug Call a geek, block this cyber quack, and go to Maybe they have some advice. Good Luck
1:53 AM, no, I think that's an actual person posting that. It's a direct quote from the guy who said illegal aliens "built" Los Angeles.
Thank you 5:13 AM You said that right!and 1:53AM must be a staffer
6:28 - I don't deliver sandwiches either. I have already delivered; you are a lazy ass sot who would rather whine than find the answer out on your own. Methinks you are a Clowncil member.
Emma, luv, I have nothing against single women. It's having more than one that makes me nervous....
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