Hit Me Up Wih A Donation, Y'all..So I Can Fight City Hall on Friday
I've been pushing and fighting City Hall since April. Maybe some of you with paypal accounts can hit me up with a donation on my website so I can make it down to Spring Street. (I think the donation button works, if not, you can donate with the T shirt button -- and you can increase the donation amount by increasing the number of shirts). If not, I'll still be effective on the blogs and talk radio shows. But if some people come through...Sorry City Council...I'll see you in chambers. www.ZumaDogg.com
I don'have PayPal, but I want to send you a contribution. This will be my first political contribution in YEARS...cuz you're worth it!
Where do I send the check?
Keep up the good fight! You can bring these theives down!
try paypal anyway...might work with a credit card...or send me an email and i might be able to email you an invoice...otherwise..I'll get a mialing address in the next 24 hours, i hope and will pot it...Thanks 6:50P for your comments!!!
and to zumaisaliar... didnt check it out, and don't need to. Why don't you take everything I've ever stated publicly, then hire polygraph test guy...tel me where and when...and fire away. We can video tape it, and post it on youtube.
Wow, this just goes to show all ZUMA FRAUDD cares about is fame and money. We were fools to think ZUMA FRAUDD really cared about the issues. He's actually using Mayor Sam's previously legitimate website to ask for money? Pathetic.
I already posted this in the other thread, but I'll post it again here in response to 6:55 pm (who felt the need to refer to Zuma Dogg as ZUMA FRAUDD).
It seems to me the only way someone would know that Zuma Dogg never registered to vote is if they had a connection in the county registrar's office. It seems to me like someone with such a connection is out to get Zuma Dogg. This brings up an interesting ethical question: Is this information relevant to a civilized debate even though it came from someone who clearly has an axe to grind with Zuma Dogg?
To wit, I think the the ad hominem attacks against Zuma Dogg (from all the posters calling him "ZUMA FRAUDD") are mean and inappropriate. It's uncalled for to attack Zuma Dogg personally by deeming him a FRAUDD, though it is certainly valid to call his credibility into question for his past lack of civic involvement. Go ahead and criticze the man for never having registered to vote in Los Angeles, but stop calling him names! It's petty and ugly.
Does it show all i care about is money and not the issues when I'm putting all dignity to the side so I have a chance to mae it down to City Hall to fight for what I believe is right. Then I hope every religious organization and every non-profit group never collects a donation either. And well Councilmembers...I won't go that far. Yeah, I'm pretty bummed that I've put so much time into this over the past five months I let everything else fall to the wayside. But I don't want to let City Hall corruption off the hook, just cause I'm a few dollars short.
Laugh all you want at me...As long as I can make it to Chambers for one more round...well we all already know I don't care about dignity. And what an honor that someone created the first ZD blog about me. Daaaaaaaaamn...No one is more surprised by all this hoopla than me. BUT I F-ING LOVE IT!!! I feel kinda bad for the person and others who's day I am ruining...I like to make people feel good, not bad...but I know people will remind me...the people getting mad are the one's who stand to lose the most ($$$/Power) by ZD exposing the fraud...Y'ALL!
Hey Daniel DWeeb or whatever your name is: what's the matter with calling ZUMA FRAUDD names? He can dish it but he can't take it? Oh, that's right, ZUMA FRODD is very sensitive and we don't want to make him cry.
See ZUMA FRODD doesn't care about fame or money, which is why he's always mentioning when his name is in print and now begging for handouts on Mayor Sam. That's a great idea! Let's send contributions through Paypal so he can by some cheap-ass beer and get drunk. How much you want to bet that's where the money is going?
Oh, and ZUMA FRODD cares so much about the little people that he's let everything else in his life "fall by the wayside." By everything else in his life, he means selling t-shirts and incense, sleeping in cars, and circle jerking with Matt Doud. What a sacrifice!
I'm sorry, Daniel Dwaz-Dweeb, but how can we take Zuma FRAUDD seriously when he's never been registered to vote in the State of California? He's just wasting all our time y'all! Making a mockery of himself in city council chambers just so he can get some free press, y'all. Now he wants you to give him money, because he's never worked a real job in his life y'all! How can ZUMA FRAUDD criticize Mexican immigrants, when he himself has never worked a day in his life, let alone pay taxes, y'all!
Zuma once again I'm advising you to NOT validate the negative posts with your answers. You have to learn to take the high road and not let these people get to you. Others will blast them for being ignorant and bitter. I think it was a clowncil member or staffer who did the investigation into Zuma on registering to vote. If that's all they have then so be it. You are the voice for many people in this city who can't make it to chambers and question all the unethical bullshit this group has been doing for years. You are being attacked because you're scaring the shit out of them and exposing them. They will go after you and bet Bitter Bernie is the most vindictative of all. Now stop responding to them. We support what you've done.
September 14, 2006 7:22 PM
Watch the lies...there are a lot of them in your post. it's bad enough you aren't speaking on issues...If you want to attack me, there's plenty without lying...but now, your posts are ALL lies and your own fiction. Too bad you lump your posts under anonymous. At least identify your self as anonymous1 (or something so people know it's the same person). Cause you are having a good ol time being 100% innacurate. But, I guess today is my official initiation into politics. I must have finally made it on the right people's radar. IT FEELS F*CKING GREAT...I guess I owe a bunch to Mayor Sam...AND everyone who keeps me informed. Everytime I try and pull myself out...THEY PULL ME BACK IN!
and how is that one person posting under "zuma dogg" -- can more than one person use the same name, or did you hack in, hack?
I can not even begin to say how inappropriate I think it is to solicit contributions openly on MS...
Sam, how much longer are you planning on letting this chirade go on?
. . . and what's your "piece" of the action?
So now ZUMA FRAUDD is upset that people aren't having a civilized political debate "on the issues." He's against personal attacks all of a sudden, even though he never used to have a problem referring to Councilmember Parks as Bitter Bernie. ZUMA FRAUDD had no problem insulting Parks on a personal level before today, but now that an investigation has revealed that the FRAUDD never voted in Cali, he suddenly wants a thoughtful political debate only concerning the issues. Pot meet kettle. Hypocrisy meet the FRAUDD.
I just left some clothes at the Goodwill in Palms that are about your size.
Tell them my name, and say I said they should give them to you for free.
Your friend,
-- S. Crewyu
Ok Zuma Dogg made a very good point on these special event waivers. If these events have insurance why aren't the permits paid by that? Secondly El Grito is for the clowncil members and their campaign donors. Look at all the corporate sponsors around the city hall travesty already being set up and yet tax payers have to pay for this party for the clowncil.
Huizar your an idiot. Why are we paying for El Pueblo when its being co-sponsored and El Pueblo is a money making machine.
MOTION (CARDENAS - HUIZAR - GARCETTI - PERRY) relative to declaring El Grito on September 15, 2006 a Special Event (fee s and costs absorbed by the City = $12,500). DECLARE El Grito, sponsored by the City of Los Angeles and various other co-sponsors on Se ptember 15 , 2 006, a "Special Event" (costs absorbed by the City) and requirements, INCLUDING insurance.
CD 14 MOTION (HUIZAR - SMITH) relative to declaring the Independ ence Day at El Pueblo on September 16- 17, 2006 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City = $12,000). DECLARE the Independence Day at El Pueblo, sponsored by MCG Entertainment and El Pueblo on September 1 6-17, 2006 ,
One of the clowncil member's assholes are posting WRONG INFO ON THIS SATURDAY'S HUGE MEETING. Idiots don't know that a lot of people citywide know where the meeting is and will voice their opposition to Measure R. How low can they go posting the wrong time and address. Looks like they are sooooo afraid they don't want people to show up. TOO LATE WE'LL ALL BE THERE.
The Citywide Alliance of Neighborhood Councils will be holding the Neighborhood Council Forum in the Faculty Center at Los Angeles City College (on Vermont Ave., 1 Block north of Melrose in East Hollywood) on Saturday, September 16th from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.
As of now, Measure R (Term Limits and Ethics) will be on the November ballot.
We will have City Council President Eric Garcetti, Councilwoman Janice Hahn, and Jason Lyon from the Silver Lake NC on hand Saturday to present their views on Measure R and other matters.
The name-calling won't die down. Someone is calling me "Daniel Dweeb," which is kind of clever though not very original. Posters are continuing to call Zuma Dogg the ZUMA FRAUDD or ZUMA FRODD depending on spelling. I previously stated that this kind of personal attack should be out of bounds. HOWEVER, someone pointed out to me that Zuma Dogg and most others on this site refer to the City Council as the City Clowncil. Thus, another ethical questions arises: Is it appropriate for posters to take cheap shots at Zuma Dogg by calling him ZUMA FRAUDD when he himself never hesitated to deride the "City Clowncil?" My gut is telling me that Zuma Dogg opened this can of worms when he started engaging in name calling and personal attacks, therefore he shouldn't be surprised to be subject to the same kind of cheap shots.
On another note, I couldn't agree more with the poster who questioned the propriety of Zuma Dogg using this site to raise money. I fully support Zuma Dogg's engagement in the democratic process by choosing to run for election. However, his using the Mayor Sam website to raise money stinks to high heaven.
uh oh.... the end of Mayor Sam has arrived... and it only took the homeless deadbeat mutt from Ohio a week.
Zuma Dogg,
City hall is infected by an infamous internet troll who posts here in others names, ask Walter Moore, and hacks, be careful. This one is also an obsessed quack who does background checks for something like a DUI which is then blown up. It scares people from their constitutional rights to speak out against city hall and posts "check their criminal records," to get them fired and ruined. Antonio and some nasty staffers like the ones you are seeing here, are benefitng from this internet troll and have not done much to stop it. How did someone go to the voting records unless they had a connetion to the registrar's office? Smart thinking. MS knows all about it, but has not taken the steps needed to get rid of the bug. Maybe he can not but when he hears from someone saying "I did not make that post" he does not always take the posts down. That is not fair. I like MS and I know he is not doing it to favor Mayor Antonio but who ever has the power to stop the troll from doing it here has to do that. And more of us will come here and speak freely about what is wrong with this administration. Many people are afraid right now.
The mutt refers to Tom LaBonge as Tom Le Bong in city council constantly so he deserves no respect at all.
To the insipid poster that keep telling ZD not to respond to negative comments about him, a couple suggestions. . .
-- look up the condition known generally as "OCD" and quit spitting into the wind;
-- is this some trick to get him to shut up? (Because -- believe me -- the only "positive" comments are coming from his own gummed up keyboard).
Please be a little more specific when you refer to someone else posting here as "the mutt", okay?
No skin off my bones in the long run, but there's LAUSD grads that confuse easily and already enough fake posters running around. (How DO they do that?)
Dockweiler_Mutt-tt said...
" already enough fake posters running around"
Hey Buddy; A picture of a skull doesn't make you real.
Time to tally the tote-board at this first Annual Zuma Tell-all-athon and see how the newest blogger on Mayor Sam's Wigger City is doing in his financial journey.
There go the numbers. . .Ca Ching
Well, that's buy enough gas to get there from the beach (on a lawnmower).
Mow some grass on the way over (just don't smoke it), and maybe you can pass the hat along the way.
Who minds wiretaps if you have nothing to hide?
Wow, this just goes to show all HUIZAR FRAUDD cares about is fame and money. We were fools to think HUIZAR FRAUDD really cared about the issues. He's actually using Mayor Sam's previously legitimate website to ask for money? Pathetic.
First of all, I Zuma Dogg, have never refered to Council as "City Clowncil." Please direct me to the post.
Secondly, I have never called Counclmember Parks "Bitter Bernie" and NEVER insulting Parks on a personal level. Please ask him. And I would hate to have him think so, since I did not.
Word HAS gotten back to me, this IS about the "waivers" -- yeah, yeah -- and all the momentum I have gained in the past three weeks while council was on hiatus.
And to the person who says, "don't respond." Since I see everyone sees through there lies, and has my back, better than I can even have it...It will allow me to chill a bit...cause this HAS become a round the clock thing.
And to the YOU BIG DUMMIES who are complaining that I asked for donations so I can get to city hall friday, Mayor Sam has a donation link on the site itself...I left him a voice mail that if he thinks my post is too tacky, I'll take it down...but it's no biggie...tons of sites aks for donations, including this one, and so do all the politicians.
Thanks to everyone who sent me all the "dirt" about City Hall stuff I wasn't really hip to, since these overly-transparant spin doctors are causing people to side with me even more, and re=assure me I'm on the right track and don't worry about the spinsters. (Worry...ever post...now reduced to out and out complete lies, instead of just the ususal, "he's an idiot" stuff caused me to call some old friends from school and show them what an impact I've made and how rich and powerful politicians are all trying to figure out how to bring me down. WHAT A COMPLIMENT, AND YOU HAVE MADE THIS THE BEST DAY SO FAR!!!
And election season is just getting started.
And now, I think I better fire up new episodes of my public access show that airs in all 15 districts. I've been lax at turning in new ones...but I think today's and this past weeks ZD MS stories would make for an excellent script!
4th Floor,
"If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."
Daniel Dwaz,
Who's in the County's high ranks and friends with MAV?
Wiretaps are a convenient way to tell the authorities about the crooks while not leaving your house. I'd love one.
Listen to 7:25
I can not even begin to say how inappropriate I think it is to solicit contributions openly on MS...
8:04 PM
INTERNET TROLL= Ulysses Sanchezzzzz
8:10 You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. The $$$ ventures are hot and bothered.
Manolo Cevalos
TO 8:04 PM
MCG Sports, Inc.:
MCG Sports, Inc. is a private held company that manages and promotes sporting events and athletes including professional soccer teams and players, as well as professional boxers. MCG Sports, Inc. is a leader in the effective use of SmartSMS™ Premium Text Messaging campaigns in support of professional soccer and other sports.
About Manolo Cevallos:
Mr. Cevallos is a professional sports agent representing players and organizations from around the world with the heaviest concentration in South and Central America and in the U.S. His thirty years of involvement with soccer at the professional level began as a player in Ecuador. His weekly column "Deportimundo y mas" is published in 80 different newspapers and reaches over 7 million people. Learn more about Manolo Cevallos at www.ManoloCevallos.com.
Forward-Looking Statements:
With the exception of historical information, this news release and accompanying information may include forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated as a result of various risks. There are numerous factors that could contribute to such differences; therefore, such projected events and anticipated results are not warranties or guarantees that such events will occur or that the Company will achieve such results. For more information about this corporation and risks involved in the investment of their publicly traded shares, please see the Company's web site(s), and/or documents filed with the SEC, which are easily accessible in the EDGAR database system.
President Manolo Cevallos
MCG Sports, Inc.
Phone: (213) 389-1051
Mobile (310) 484-9344
Fax: (213) 389-5775
Email: manolo@manolocevallos.com
Walter knows better than to listen to the troll, Troll. And your fifteen minutes are up. Go scare some city hall democrats. They are the ones that used you till you were all used up.
The previous comment supposedly made by me -- which has since been deleted -- was fake. So whether you liked or hated it, it was made not by me, but by someone who REALLY needs to get a life, and start stalking someone more . . . "stalkworthy."
Walter, you look yummy!
Asking for money on a blog looks unseemly to many. But look around. Westside white guy K-Rod has a tip jar. So does your hero, media mogul Marc Cooper. And at least I give you something in return: an e-book of your choice.
Can we survive without your money? Of course. But it always drives people in a tizzy when we ask---my experience, in fact, is that traffic goes down as soon you ask.
But you shouldn't get down on someone for asking for money if you care enough about the site to be bothered by the intrusion. You can always just wait for the next post, the same way you pikers turn off KCET during the fundraisers.
Antonio's asking for way more than Zuma Dogg, and can you get the cracked sidewalk in front of your house fixed? (No, but there's always $100 million available for affordable housing.)
So think about slipping something into the Doggpound. When you support the blog of your choice, you help make that blog better, not worse.
9:21 PM said
Good point. KRod even has the nerve to call it a "subscription" whereas at least ZD, Mayor Sam and others just ask for a donation, not promising anything for your kindness, other than a thank you.
Yea yea!
Where did that post by the angry City Hall Staffer to Walter go? Is the 4 floor anxious about the identity of the Troll? They should kick back. We alredy know who it is.
OMG this is getting good! Beyond my wildest dreams...Thanks everyone!
Keep up the fight Zuma. Do not let them scare you away from asking for a donation. It is the American way and if you do some good it was money well spent. I will take you and Walter Moore for whatever you are running for. You can bring these crooks to their knees.
Walter M. and Zuma D.
You are my Doggs.
The mayor was somewhat less chivalrous after the event, when reporters asked him why so many public-school children had been whisked away from their lessons to watch an inherently political event — one featuring a cast of elected officials, union leaders and a banner with the words “Middle Class Tax Cut” printed on it 26 times. Villaraigosa argued that the endorsement gave students a handy civics lesson, even as he threw the school’s administrators under the proverbial bus by saying he played no role in denying the students instructional time.
“I didn’t choose to take the kids out of class. The school did,” he declared.
Officials at L.A. Unified were deeply unhappy with that explanation, saying they themselves learned about the endorsement event late Friday from Foshay principal Veronique Wills, who in turn told them that she had been contacted by Michael Trujillo, a member of the mayor’s privately funded school-reform-campaign team, who assured her that use of the campus had already been cleared by the district. “The request for students was not made by the district or the school,” district spokeswoman Lucy Okumu said curtly. Trujillo confirmed that he called Wills, but insisted he gave no orders. Either way, Foshay administrators drew the line at the midday request by the Angelides camp for even more kids to fill the auditorium.
Question from 10:00 PM
Answer to 10:00 PM
No. You are own your own. But you know that by now, okay? And stop using foul language, even with the asteriks. Make your point in acceptable English.
zuma my man,
Trujillo plays dirty, he'll rot in hell one day.
Mr blogger at 10:32 PM
I'm a senior at Roosevelt and did research for my class and I'm going to show it to my principal. Why is my mayor a bad guy. I am lost bcuz I don't know everything but I am sad to find out my leaders lie.
Villaraigosa volunteer advance man Michael Trujillo dug into his pocket recently to keep Hahn supporters hot and thirsty at a Los Angeles Valley College rally on a warm Saturday afternoon.
The event was for Villaraigosa to get an endorsement from Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.
But, when about 50 chanting Hahn demonstrators showed up, there was a visible angst among the councilman's supporters.
Rather than engage in the group handwringing, Trujillo took action.
Spotting a nearby vendor who was being surrounded by the Hahn supporters, Trujillo paid $300 to buy all the water and soda the vendor had available.
"It was hot out," Trujillo said. "I figured it was better off going to our people."
The Villaraigosa campaign also stalled the start of the event and then had almost every elected official on hand make remarks until the Hahn demonstrators tired and left the event
Ace Smith, a feared and skilled practitioner of the black arts of politics, heard about James' work on the Massachusetts race and hired him in 2003. Smith, a 46-year-old consultant based in San Francisco, said James has proved himself a "superstar" with a "brilliant political mind."
Millman and James run into each other often on the campaign trail. And, in the small world of Los Angeles politics, they also see each other socially. Not long after the March 8 election, which set up the rematch between their candidates, Millman and James encountered each other at a party thrown by Villaraigosa supporter Michael Trujillo, also a friend of Millman.
Millman recalled it as awkward: "I guess Nathan and some other people took my presence there as the embodiment of the enemy," he said. "I don't consider Nathan the enemy at all." "How do you view Millman as the enemy? Come on," said James, taken aback at the idea that there was any antipathy between them.
Aware of the political hostilities swirling in the air, Trujillo, who is Villaraigosa's volunteer driver on weekends, said he declared his party "Switzerland."
The 26-year old, who describes himself as "old," said both James and Millman "eat, breathe and live politics," and are "addicted to the adrenaline rush" of watching their work turn up in the news.
James is known to work to the edge of human endurance. And Millman, Trujillo added, "may look like a modern-day version of Dennis the Menace, but behind that lurks one of the most operational operatives I've ever met. He's tough."
Millman, who greets the world with an almost ever-present smile, often keeps tabs on the Villaraigosa campaign. His M.O. when he arrives on Villaraigosa territory is to keep it friendly, keep it fun -- and hope his opponent messes up.
It's a job he carried out with a professional and friendly air. But there is also a discernible hint of impish glee as he offers up pre-fabricated anti-Villaraigosa zingers or hands out the Hahn campaign's hit piece du jour against Villaraigosa.
Millman concedes he has a fondness for public mischief, a taste he cultivated in college. He was once kicked out of his home gym during a basketball game after unfurling a banner that took a personal swipe against the opposing coach.
He has a sardonic, even crooked sense of humor, but it tends to go straight when the topic is Hahn. He calls the mayor a "profile in courage" and also "incredibly nice."
Millman said he was attracted to the idea of working on a "challenging" campaign. Hahn, he knew, faced four well-funded and well-known opponents in the first round. His chrome-plated reputation was dulled by investigations into his administration. And his decision to oust Bernard C. Parks as police chief had irked many black voters.
I'd much rather work on a campaign that will be interesting and close, rather than a total loser or a bona fide winner," he said.
James, who has an angular face that telegraphs his serious demeanor, is the spokesman for the Villaraigosa campaign. But other campaign workers way that no title could aptly describe all that he does. "He's like a 24-hour seven-day-a-week campaign office," Trujillo said.
James, who lived in Oakland with his girlfriend, drove down to Los Angeles in January in his tan 1985 Volvo. He has embarked on a crash course about Los Angeles. In a gray messenger bag that is so large it threatens to dwarf his thin frame, he carries an academic tome about progressive politics in the city.
On a practical level, James said he is fascinated by the way campaigns get their message to the media. And Los Angeles, because it is not a place where local politics garners much attention, is a challenging place to learn, he said.
James is also committed to electing Villaraigosa. If given a chance, he will spool out Villaraigosa campaign themes in an endless stream. But, like Millman, James plans to be in the game long past this election: "I want to be working on campaigns. And I want to be winning them."
10:39 PM
Sure you are.
10:42 just answered your question.
Now go crawl back under your rock, Troll.
I.D. NUMBER 1234344
Schedule E
Payments and Contributions Made (Other Than Loans)
Villaraigosa for Mayor - General 2001
Mike Trujillo
Mission Hills , CA 91345 SALARY $3,000.00
Jimmy Blackman
Reseda , CA 91335
SALARY $22,000.00
Tsilah Burman
Woodland Hills , CA 91367 SALARY $3,000.00
Monica Gil
Los Angeles , CA 90046
SAL $11,000.00
Brian Hay
Pasadena , CA 91101
SAL $6,000.00
Suzanne Manriquez
Los Angeles , CA 90042
SAL $6,000.00
Juanita Martinez
Los Angeles , CA 90026
SAL $6,000.00
Jill McNaughton
Pasadena , CA 91103
SAL $10,122.08
Lisa Sarno
Los Angeles , CA 90027
SAL $12,000.00
Ulisses Sanchez
Los Angeles , CA 90033
SAL $3,000.00
Elena Stern
Redondo Beach , CA 90278 SAL $6,000.00
Villaraigosa for Mayor 2005 - General
Herb Wesson Iii Campaign Consultants $3,069
Michael Trujillo Campaign Consultants $3,000
Joe Ramallo Campaign Consultants $3,000
Nathan James Campaign Consultants $3,550
Nathan James Campaign Consultants $3,500
Hernandez, Paul C. Campaign Workers Salaries $2,910
Cordero, Celine Campaign Workers Salaries $3,723
Hey SC Fred (10:45)
Time is _______
Mr blogger at 10:32 PM
I'm a senior at Roosevelt and did research for my class and I'm going to show it to my principal. Why is my mayor a bad guy. I am lost bcuz I don't know everything but I am sad to find out my leaders lie.
September 14, 2006 10:39 PM
"And we clean your toilets"
Give it a rest, ZD. You're just a weird sideshow at Council. Sure, you occassionally have a kernel, maybe even a nugget, of a point to make to the Councilmembers. But you're primarily a nut.
Zuma Dogg is great. And he doesn't have to fabricate a high school student to prove it.
You're primarily a nut. That is known. And if you don't stop yelling at ZD to stifle his message and stick to the issues THE ISSUES we are going to tell everyone who you are.
Do your balls itch?
Only when you stop scratching them.
It's late. The Troll gets vulger after midnight. Pathetic city hall staffers can't fight a battle on the issues anymore. Need some nut who can distract us with questions about itchy balls. Where were we before the Troll turned into a pumpkin at 15 to midnight? We were discussing the very relevant subject of Zuma Dogg seeking donations. I stand with Mailander. Let's give ZD a chance. Or quit complaining that we have bad government. I know I will.
Happy Birthday!
It's late. The zuma lover gets vulger after midnight. Pathetic NC wannabe polticians can't fight a battle on the issues anymore. Need some nut who can distract us with questions about itchy balls. Where were we before the NC's turned into a pumpkin at 15 to midnight? We were discussing the very relevant subject of Zuma Dogg seeking sex. I stand with Gay Mailander. Let's give ZD Gonorrhea. Or quit complaining that we have bad sex. I know I will.
You have bad sex. Since when is that news?
Many thanks 12:11 AM
Love the way you mimiced my post. I feel like William Faulkner.
How cute!!! Troll trying to be smart.
I doubt she's ever actually read Faulkner. She's too busy blowing Boks, Bickhart etc. to get an education...
Actually she should spend her time going to the hair restoration place. She's bald baby...and possibly a biological man. Oh well, Bickhart didn't mind.
It wasn't Zuma who posted the vulgar remark. Gee you guys are desperate to say anything negative about him. You posters have become obsessed with Zuma.
Anyone out there know who the hell George Esparza from Huizar's office is? Jose gave him an appreciation award at council on Wednesday cause he's leaving and kept saying he did all this shit in Boyle Heights. NOT TRUE. No one in BH knows this guy or ever heard of him or seen him. Another Huizar staffer bites the dust. And did we find out why Eric Robles left? Pretty lame for Huizar to ask for special event waivers for people who obviously have money.
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:
It's a little too early to me, but a little rum in my coffee should help. (takes a gulp) Ah, much better.
So the sots have climbed upon the Jolly Rodger to commence an attack upon the Zuma Dogg. Good form, sots! While you are busy chasing after a Dogg, we can do what we need to do on the inside.
Emma, luv? Good morning dear. Is the henhouse unguarded this morning? Are the roosters all about crowing their skinny little necks off?
For those of you who are fearful, fear not. Look to see who has the skull and crossbones among you.
As for the sot who insists that I have not delivered a promised meatball sandwich, the sandwich was delivered as promised. You couldn't see the meatballs because of the sauce, savvy?
Bugger meatballs. They often stain the shirt that you want to wear to Mr. Dogg's fundraising party. Speaking of which, Mr. Dogg, will there be entertainment at your party? Plank walking?
Hey, Semen 3rd Class Jackshit.
I'm the "sot" you need to be "outing" and I can't even follow your "clues" to reveal the identity of ME, you waste-of-real-estate.
So, if I can't figure out who ME is from your "outing" of the "meatball" then you is what?
WRONG WRONG WRONG, ring the gong.
Bugger yourself, you seagoing Chief Faker, and get a clue.
Sqwak -- prissy pirate got stuffed!
George Esparza was known thorughout Boyle Heights. He was the one that Nadine Lopez was accusing of sexual harrassment. And this after Nadine and George sparked up a joint during working hours! George's wife or mother of his kids got a cushy city job being eye candy for her boss Ozzie at that Roybal Community Center.
Huizar is just letting go of damaged goods. Incidentally, George used to work for Jackie Goldberg, I guess she taught him how to role a dubie!
If Cap'n Jack's predictions about who walks what, and when, as as reliable as his identification of bloggers here, then:
got nothing to worry about, and "the rest" can sleep tight.
Names! You must have names! You are also incredibly dense. I figured it out already, and NO, I am NOT going to tell you. Do your own homework! If you STILL can't figure it out, do us all a favor. Go ask Lisa Sarno. She'll tell you.
Booo, hisss, LOUSY performance. . .
Neil Simon-sez "I know, but I'm NOT going to TELL you (to prove you DON'T know).
Cheesier than the cheesiest telenovela. It's "Pirata La Fea" - ugly on the outside, but. . . even UGLIER on the inside (and don't know jack-shit-sparrow).
It's me.
The person who's supposed to be "outed" by the dude who likes it "pirate-style", for revealing the lack of support the sub-1-percenter NC leaders have (don't have).
I don't know Lisa Sarno, so I guaran-damn-tee she don't know me!
I work IN the 'hood, am not a hanger-on at City Hall, like the near-dead unmandated who just can't WAIT for the next 4-hour meeting with OTHER unmandateds, "to serve their communities".
BS is correcto. "Ugly" remains to be unseen.
PLEASE, Lisa Sarno know's something about neighborhood councils???
Don't make me giggle.
It's so unnecessary to be competent when you're a mayoral appointee.
Are you Charles Brink? The rhetoric sounds about right. Or are you a member of the Olympic Park NC? Pico Union NC? Boyle Heights NC? Whitley NC? Westside NC?
And the pirate was right. Go read the Letters on LA Weekly's website about "mandated" NC's.
Of course, it takes a rocket scientist to figure this out. Now we know why Alger gets ripped so much.
September 20, 2003 Los Angeles Daily News Councils hope to be certified
2 new Northridge panels are replacing older group By James Nash Staff Writer NORTHRIDGE
A group that promised to do battle with Los Angeles City Hall as the city-certified Northridge Neighborhood Council has been replaced by two smaller, less-militant groups.
The Los Angeles City Council voted in June against certifying the Northridge Neighborhood Council, which would have allowed the group to join dozens of advisory groups advising city officials on neighborhood concerns. City leaders said the Northridge group failed to reach out to the 60,000 people it was supposed to represent and fought with officials and other residents.
The leaders of the Northridge group, however, said they were punished for their outspokenness on controversial issues in Northridge, notably the long-shuttered city swimming pool at Northridge Recreation Center. Elbowing aside the leaders of the established group, two new neighborhood councils now are forming, with the dividing line at Reseda Boulevard. Leaders of the
two groups say they will attempt to be recognized as official neighborhood councils next year.
"We're just trying to get started again after all the chaos," said Dorothy Boberg, an organizer of the proposed Northridge East Neighborhood Council.
"It was too bad that there was a clash of personalities. We really needed to start over again with new leadership."
Leaders of the old neighborhood council fumed that they were being pushed aside by people who they say would rather kiss up to city leaders than advocate for Northridge.
"Essentially what it is, is a bunch of self-appointed wannabe people trying to speak for the community when they haven't been elected," said Charles Brink, vice president of the old neighborhood council. "Until the court adjudicates who's the neighborhood council, it's not decided."
Brink and other leaders of the old group have said they plan to file a lawsuit to overturn decisions by the Los Angeles City Council and Board of Neighborhood Commissioners denying their application for city certification.
NOT on the "brink" - not even close. But then, the screaming loudmouth sub-1-percenters aren't on the "brink" of being representative of their own areas, either.
Not getting elected by one household out of every 100 (and that's the one's with several HUNDRED voters).
If only someone had donated a buck every post on this "donate to me" posting. That dogg would be licking himself in exstacy (or because of exstacy).
Does "outing" the poster who's saying neighborhood concils are un-representative and unmandated change the statistics he/she quotes from the DONE website for some of the supposed NC leaders starting a war with city council?
51 votes from among 50,000 stakeholders, 79 votes for 20,000 stakeholders, many many of the same people shouting at councilmembers are below one percentage participation. Does outing change this reality, or just work to shut up the person telling little know but critical facts in the equation?
To 10:38am:
You are mixing up your 'George's. George Esparza had nothing to do with Nadine Lopez and never worked for Jackie Goldburg. George Magallanes is the one who was sued for sexual harrassment after having an affair with Nadine Lopez. He currently works for Ed Reyes, not Jose Huizar.
Watch this Jihad boys and girls, forget about Dockweiler Mutt vs. Zuma Dogg. Our "POLLONESS" called out the KFI duo yesterday. It led the news on Channel 5.
4:03 You are right on everybody turn on your radios to 640 Am this is great that little midget is finally getting exposed.I have to go now because they are going to be taking calls now.
DEAR LEADER POLLORAIGOSA dishes KFI's "JOHN and KEN at a dinner honoring latino broadcasters. KTLA aired video of "HIS POLLONESS" accusing the radio dur of dividing Americans. BAQUET, CLAYTON, round up the scribes, a JIHAD is brewing. "HIS POLLONESS" stood and Praise KTTV TONY VALDEZ (YOU KILL PEOPLE FAME) for standing up to the radio duo, (and dropping all pretesives of objective journalism). The battle is on!!!!, and just maybe, more than likely, "HIS POLLONESS has picked the wrong fight
DEAR LEADER POLLORAIGOSA dishes KFI's "JOHN and KEN at a dinner honoring latino broadcasters. KTLA aired video of "HIS POLLONESS" accusing the radio dur of dividing Americans. BAQUET, CLAYTON, round up the scribes, a JIHAD is brewing. "HIS POLLONESS" stood and Praise KTTV TONY VALDEZ (YOU KILL PEOPLE FAME) for standing up to the radio duo, (and dropping all pretesives of objective journalism). The battle is on!!!!, and just maybe, more than likely, "HIS POLLONESS has picked the wrong fight
Mayor Sam Please do a blog about this John & ken vs the midget Imagine even the midget and his staff will be bloging away on this subject.Also lets do one on the DOG the Bounty Hunter!
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