"Measure 'R' Goes Down In Flames" (WHY IT WAS REMOVED: by ZD, & Rocky Delgadillo)
After you read the stories on "'R'Goes Down In Flames" and a couple other stories below from the past couple days on Mayor Sam -- Watch this video to see why City Council's own "Term Lengthening from two terms to three mingled with a lobby/ethics reform, never had a chance. (What if you want to vote "No" on extending their terms, but WANTED "Ethics/Lobby Reform"?) The judge agreed this is confusing to voters and he didn't see, after reading the Ballot Initiative, how this brought "ethics reform to lobbying."
Point is: City Council knew they could never get a "Yes" vote from the people for extending their own terms from two to three. So they unnecessarily and deceivingly
added an "Ethics Reform" portion (a popular position with the voters) to the (unpopular) "Term Extentions" (from 2 four year terms to 3 four year terms).
Thank you to the Judge today, who agreed with NC, Z.D., Rocky Delgadillio, Mayor Sam, all the people who showed up at community NC meetings throughout the city and City Hall for Public Comment.
And, of course, the people who filed the case against The City that was so easily overturned for reasons I don't have to explain anymore y'all...But if you want to read my recent post on, "Why 'R' Must Be Overturned", (AND IT WAS Y'ALL!!!) go to http://zumdogg.blospot.com, for more background.
Thanks to City TV 35 (back Tuesday at 10am, 7:30pm & 12mid), Mr. KABC, Doug McIntyre, Kevin James, Mark Isler, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Bill O'Reilly, all of whom had me on their radio shows in the past week, or so. (Will post the airchecks here, VERY SOON!)
MEANWHILE: And now for the comedy ed-u-tainment, courtesy of Zuma Dogg, Matt Dowd (www.MattDowd.com: L.A.'s greatest guitarist, Public Commentor on this issue and editior of this clip), Rocky Delgadillo -- and of course, none other than L.A. City Council for providing so much comedy, I need to look no further for more and more footage between now and November, y'all...yeah, yeah!
Zuma Dogg
Public Advocate of The Community
(typos WILL remain)
Point is: City Council knew they could never get a "Yes" vote from the people for extending their own terms from two to three. So they unnecessarily and deceivingly
added an "Ethics Reform" portion (a popular position with the voters) to the (unpopular) "Term Extentions" (from 2 four year terms to 3 four year terms).
Thank you to the Judge today, who agreed with NC, Z.D., Rocky Delgadillio, Mayor Sam, all the people who showed up at community NC meetings throughout the city and City Hall for Public Comment.
And, of course, the people who filed the case against The City that was so easily overturned for reasons I don't have to explain anymore y'all...But if you want to read my recent post on, "Why 'R' Must Be Overturned", (AND IT WAS Y'ALL!!!) go to http://zumdogg.blospot.com, for more background.
Thanks to City TV 35 (back Tuesday at 10am, 7:30pm & 12mid), Mr. KABC, Doug McIntyre, Kevin James, Mark Isler, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge and Bill O'Reilly, all of whom had me on their radio shows in the past week, or so. (Will post the airchecks here, VERY SOON!)
MEANWHILE: And now for the comedy ed-u-tainment, courtesy of Zuma Dogg, Matt Dowd (www.MattDowd.com: L.A.'s greatest guitarist, Public Commentor on this issue and editior of this clip), Rocky Delgadillo -- and of course, none other than L.A. City Council for providing so much comedy, I need to look no further for more and more footage between now and November, y'all...yeah, yeah!
Zuma Dogg
Public Advocate of The Community
(typos WILL remain)
Labels: proposition r, rocky delgadillo
"deceivingly added"
"term extentions"
"more footge"
Yee, gods. This blog better not never again be criticizen LAUSD for learning them kids badly.
Hey, the XML link of this post kept redirecting me to some Zuma bozo's MySpace page. What gives?
Get's lonely out there is L.A. wigger-ville... gotta force friendship anyway you can.
Listen to 790 KABC for Doug McIntyre (5am-9a, after Mr. KABC at 10p-1a, and Kevin James from 1a-5a).
Doug had on Councilmember Jack Weiss, today.
Here's Doug's comments on the recent Labor Day Weekend crime spree, followed by Councilmember Weiss' comments on the issue.
DOUG MCYNTIRE: "A disaterous weekend where while WE were buying mattresses the MURDERES were going nuts on the streets of Los Angeles.
Thirteen people slaughtered in Los Angeles over the three day weekend and many others injured.
[Z.D. SAYS: But Mayor V. won't give Chief Bratton the Gang Czar he needs to organize the "Crime Prevention Units" we are already paying for, but are inffective without someone to oversee and co-ordinate the effort/money being spent. Common Mayor, don't let it look like you're getting in the way of Chief Bratton and LAPD's efforts to make the streets safe for kids going to school and people trying to invest in the city.]
Also, in the S.F. Valley, a recent 17% spike in crime, largely fueled by bands of robbers, targeting small buisnesses and local restaurants.
With over fifty takeover robberies at local restuarants .
Until we get a grip on the crime problem all the other goals the leaders poiticians and just the community across the board, are gona be pipe dreams as long as people are nable to just go about investing in their communities without the fear o being senselessly slaughtered.
And kids forced to join gangs, not because they wanna be "gangbangers", but because they eed protection to get to and from school."
COUNCILMEMBER JACK WEISS: "I can't say it any better than you just said it Doug But I would like to mention the LAPD HAS kept the city safe from Paris Hilton today."
[Z.D. says, "I think that's an appropriate response to the issue."]
Zuma Dogg wants to aks The Mayor. Common Mayor, you wanna help the kids and the community and the schools. But, A.B. 1381 is probably gona get overturned quicker than City Council's Measure "R".
So di what you can NOW. Reduce school classroom sze. HEY! That's great...You can do what you do best. Pay your real estate connections to build thing, like a bunch of new schools. That can reduce classroom size to the necessary 25 students per teacher, so teachers can be more than ineffective, poweless, babysitters. (The teachers are powerless, cause the second a kid gets sent to the prcial's office, te kid is sent right back to the classrom, cause there's nothing they can do. And the parents just wanna complain, instead of taking responsibility and work with the teachers, parents stick up for their kids, who can do no wrong, and blame it all on the powerless teachers.
PLUS, Mayor V., at least give Bratton's Drug Czar thing a try, otherwise it looks like you're standing in the way of Public Saftey for your own political agneda/motivations.
Zuma Dogg
Listen to 790 KABC for Doug McIntyre (5am-9a, after Mr. KABC at 10p-1a, and Kevin James from 1a-5a).
Doug had on Councilmember Jack Weiss, today.
Here's Doug's comments on the recent Labor Day Weekend crime spree, followed by Councilmember Weiss' comments on the issue.
DOUG MCYNTIRE: "A disaterous weekend where while WE were buying mattresses the MURDERES were going nuts on the streets of Los Angeles.
Thirteen people slaughtered in Los Angeles over the three day weekend and many others injured.
[Z.D. SAYS: But Mayor V. won't give Chief Bratton the Gang Czar he needs to organize the "Crime Prevention Units" we are already paying for, but are inffective without someone to oversee and co-ordinate the effort/money being spent. Common Mayor, don't let it look like you're getting in the way of Chief Bratton and LAPD's efforts to make the streets safe for kids going to school and people trying to invest in the city.]
Also, in the S.F. Valley, a recent 17% spike in crime, largely fueled by bands of robbers, targeting small buisnesses and local restaurants.
With over fifty takeover robberies at local restuarants .
Until we get a grip on the crime problem all the other goals the leaders poiticians and just the community across the board, are gona be pipe dreams as long as people are nable to just go about investing in their communities without the fear o being senselessly slaughtered.
And kids forced to join gangs, not because they wanna be "gangbangers", but because they eed protection to get to and from school."
COUNCILMEMBER JACK WEISS: "I can't say it any better than you just said it Doug But I would like to mention the LAPD HAS kept the city safe from Paris Hilton today."
[Z.D. says, "I think that's an appropriate response to the issue."]
Zuma Dogg wants to aks The Mayor. Common Mayor, you wanna help the kids and the community and the schools. But, A.B. 1381 is probably gona get overturned quicker than City Council's Measure "R".
So di what you can NOW. Reduce school classroom sze. HEY! That's great...You can do what you do best. Pay your real estate connections to build thing, like a bunch of new schools. That can reduce classroom size to the necessary 25 students per teacher, so teachers can be more than ineffective, poweless, babysitters. (The teachers are powerless, cause the second a kid gets sent to the prcial's office, te kid is sent right back to the classrom, cause there's nothing they can do. And the parents just wanna complain, instead of taking responsibility and work with the teachers, parents stick up for their kids, who can do no wrong, and blame it all on the powerless teachers.
PLUS, Mayor V., at least give Bratton's Drug Czar thing a try, otherwise it looks like you're standing in the way of Public Saftey for your own political agneda/motivations.
Zuma Dogg
Speaking of AV and gangs, a little blast from the past:
“When I was a teen-ager in East Los Angeles, gangs were a part of my everyday life, just as they are a part of the landscape in neighborhoods throughout Southern California today…My memories have been brought into sharp focus since I decided last month to be the plaintiff in an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit to invalidate an ordinance that bars alleged gang members from Las Palmas Park in the city of San Fernando.”
Antonio Villaraigosa, LA Times 1/20/92
Gee, Zuma, you're as insufferable with your self-congratulations as the freakin' Clowncil.
The League of Women Voters attorney Stephen Kaufman, in arguing that was appropriate to have the two issues … ethics reform and term limits … in the same measure, said that, “sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.”
Let this be a lesson for all of us who thought the League of Women Voters was a group who looked out for the people.
They have been exposed for what they really are, just another arm of the political machine that thinks they do not have to be accountable to the people.
The stain of your actions will haunt your organization for decades to come.
Good evening, Mr. Hernandez. (Removes hat respectfully).
I know that I had alluded to this previously, but Mr. Kaufman's connections to Villabarbosa should be examined carefully. Kaufman is the bloke holding the treasure chest, savvy? Take a look at who contriubted to Villabarbosa's campaigns and you will find the same sots who contribute to the S'mee Nunez and that carpetbagger DeLeon and that cursed wench Romero. Aye, there is more than just a treasure buried there.
The arrogance with which the elected officials in California act eclipses my own foppish behaviour. Tis sad to see this same arrogance and swaggery put into castigating gentlemen such as yourself.
I, for one, appreciate your efforts.
3 Blog posts in a row on the same topic?!?
COME ON PEOPLE! Concise is Nice.
I called Mr. KABC to take a victory lap with him, cause he let me talk about the injustinces and bamboozlements of "R" that the judge just removed from the November ballot. And he was so cool, he said this on his show tonight. (Heard 10pm-1am on 790/KABC-AM)
MR. KABC (09/07/06/11:25pm):
"May I say Zuma, YOU were the one who called this. You get the credit for being the one who said this is illegal. You didn't know whether a judge would allow it, or not. But, you said, "(ZD points as presented on Mr. KABC, Doug McIntyre, Kevin James, Mark Isler and on City TV 35, for the past two months.)"
You found this issue and championed against t and a judge, after reading the inititiative, saw the wisdom in your argument and ruled against it." - Mr. KABC, being nice, but he nurtured my calls along, for two months about this.
Plus thanks to Matt Dowd and Rocky Delgadillo for your preentation before City Council, as aired on City TV 35, and posted on Mayor Sam from Thursday.
Zuma Dogg
Props to ZD, from a fellow late-night Angeleno.
Late Angeleno.
Were you my date on the westside?
All this glory hogging is really something to see.
Any law student who had completed a class in legislation could readily see that a two issue initiative clearly violated the California Constitution and would be invalidated, either prior to or after the election.
This is not brain surgery.
What is mystifying is the question as to how the Council got so bamboozled into trying to pass such an obviously flawed piece of garbage. Don't they have a lawyer?
Yes, City Council has an attorney. His name is Rocky Delgaillo. He told council (as counsel) "R" was confusing to voters, and opens the city up to legal challenges.
City Council told him, "We didn't ask for an opinion, just type it up."
So, you can have yourown legal counsel advise you on the facts, but that doesn't mean you ollow the LEGAL advice. HENCE, the illegallity of the measure, and it's removal from the ballot.
Zuma Dogg congrats brother! You did do it and were the only one besides the 3 NC's reps who was all over the media telling them.
David you are so right calling the damn League of Women Voters for what they are. Every woman should call and leave a message for those idiots especially that Cindy Conner who has been arguing the Prop R case. Rocky better lose that appeal OR HE CAN KISS HIS ATTORNEY ASS GOODBYE.
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