Measure R goes down in flames, City will appeal

Ya know, kind of like what the City Attorney told them? Like a modern day Prophet, Rocky called this one dead on. Remember what the Council said? Basically "shut up Rocky and just do it."
Now the City is planning to appeal. All this while they use "outside council" at taxpayers expense.
OK. This old dead City Councilman has to ask; what part of "NO" don't you people understand?
You tried to sail this past everyone as fast as you could and you wonder why there is strong opposition to it? Now, to be fair, today’s victory for opponents had little to do with Neighborhood Councils. Personally I wish that it would have been an NC member that filed this particular suit but make no mistake, the NC's flexed muscle, achieved one of the two legal victories and provided a sounding board for opposition to grow... and grow it did.
City Council, look at the bright side. There is absolutely NO WAY that this would have passed the voters anyway so in a way today’s ruling was a gift. You've humiliated yourselves and can blame one judge, as opposed to the 70% of LA voters, the majority of the Neighborhood Council system, and every paper in town who would have shot this down anyway.
Keep fighting, it will only get worse.
Labels: proposition r
If these guys seriously appeal and waste more taxpayer money to keep their jobs they should all be recalled.
It was a stupid ass idea to start with. Lick your wounds and get back to work! (You now have 4 years less to get your job done so HOP TO IT!)
Oh, what a very excellent day for ZUMA DOGG to join Mayor Sam as an official blogger!
THE DAY THE JUDGE THROWS CITY COUNCIL OUT ON THEY AZZES 4 YEARS EARLIER, NOW...Cause they refused to listen to Rocky Delgadillo, Zuma Dogg, Neighborhood Councils, All the Public Comment Speakers at City Hall on TV 35, all the talk show hosts on 790 KABC who let Zuma Dogg expose the bamboozlement of Measure "R" that now I don't have to explain anymore, cause it got kicked off the ballot, cause even a fancy judge can see how F-ing shady that pompous ass, arrogant L.A. City Council is (and I'm not addressing any Councilmembers individually, but as a whole -- just the way you want it.
So I hope that "no boisterous behavior, code of conduct" (silly jibber-jabber) ain't in effect yet, y'all...Cause if you don't think Zuma Dogg is gonna be boisterous in Council Chambers, over "R" being removed...You probably think you have a chance at appeal.
PLEASE: Take The Mayor, and YOUR BOSS' advice: You lost the challenge, now PLEASE, there is no need to waste more City money fighting this on appeal, when the whole world sees how wrong it is.
So stop embarassing yourselves, and calling FURTHER attention to your corrupt, uncoonstitutional shadiness.
And, I'll get to put the focus back on The Mayor vs LAUSD, which is gonna be a better showdown than Ortiz vs Gracie in the UFC.
So after everyone has a chance to read "Measure R goes down in flames, City will appeal" story, I'll post something relating to this as my first story, with some youtube video, that you can look forward to seeing here at Mayor Sam.
SORRY Mayor V. & The Notorious CCP (City Council Posse).
Zuma Dogg gets to be an offical blogger on Mayor Sam, y'all...
Just in time for election season!
FROM MAYOR SAM: Its official. The leader of LA's Revolution of Summer 2006 is heading into the Fall as an official blogger here at the Sister City. Yes, Mayor Sam and Zuma Dogg have officially joined forces to shake up the folks on Spring Street.
So? No one gives a shit about you. You're a gadfly (and even better...unlike're a gadfly that no one will follow because of how ridiculous you are).
Oh you are so wrong...Jarvis was a grouch who appealed to all those old people that yelled at me to keep off their lawn when I was a kid. They were the power force then, cause, well there were a lot of them!
Now its all about the youngsters and Zuma Dogg (that's double GG cause he's twice the G you'll ever be) will lead them to City Hall like a modern day rappin' Pied Piper, y'all.
MAV pulled a fast one on the Clowncilmembers. MAV doesn't go against Measure R at first, leaving it to the courts, while garnering all Clowncil votes for AB 1381! Sorry-Ass Clowncilmembers!
Tom LeBong here! Jeffrey? Is that you? Is your name really Jeffrey? What is the name of the speaker who calls himself Zuma Dogg? Isn't his name Jeffrey? What's your last name? I need names, the security of the city is at stake! Give me his last name! I don't care about the Brown Act Mr. City Attorney, we have employees here! Jeffrey what is your name? I'm Tom LeBong.
This is a great day in LA for the little guys. Thank you to all who were our voices and WON. Zuma Dogg you are indeed a fresh voice in council. We all look forward to seeing you next week.
This is great news. Congratulations to the plaintiffs, and thank goodness for Judge O'Brien. Rule of law is not dead in this city.
Don't give TOO much credit to Delgadillo, though, because the bottom line is: he signed off on Measure R. His letter to the City Council stated, at the end, that he approved it as to form and legality.
Looks like the Clowncil might have to start looking for REAL jobs....
Councilman John Conglomerate said:
"All this while they use "outside council" at taxpayers expense."
Don't you guys mean Counsel?
Mayor Sam:
What's a G, and how does one attain such status?
No, they won't look for jobs. It just means they'll have to play political musical chairs more often than they would like.
(Bows and tips hat with flourish)
Ladies and Gentlemen:
While a victory celebration is certainly in order, I would ask each one of you to cast your vote as to who you wish to see walk the plank first.
Shall it be Villabarbosa and his friend S'mee Nunez? Or shall it be the Italian Corsair Garcetti? Dear Ms. Hahn?
Your pleasure is my desire, savvy?
Capn' Jakoff is pretty fucking annoying with the stage directions and the bowing... by the time you get to the subject of his post, you're already too damn bored to care.
It's "cute" once or twice, shake-ur-spear, but by the 57th time it's just moronic.
Waste of space, here, and in the universe.
4:28 said: "It just means they'll have to play political musical chairs more often than they would like."
To which big rich lobbyists and getting-richer-by-the-term campaign consultants all shout --
"YAY!, more elections, more opportunities to curry favor with politicians and fleece them for campaign costs, Double-YAY. Term limits is MAJOR BREAK for US!!!
One or more of these 15 that SHOULD be working for the people for the next several years of their term will be heavily involved in a campaign to get elected to SOMETHING else, every year, sometimes twice a year, from now on... always.
Buy stock in yard sign printing companies!
The Captain (where's Tennille, by-the-by?), is just auditioning to be the next draftee to the Mayor Sam blog team, when Zuma-taphyte flames out in some major drug bust before the end of the year.
You got "Dancing with the Stars" and "Celebrity Duets"... this here is "Blogging with the Wannabes" (and Mayor Sam becomes "Mayor Simon).
Mayor Sam,
I realize your about 24 years old and that Howard Jarvis came to prominence before you were born, but if you think that self-promoting, beach combing bozo Zuma Dogg has anything in common with the guy who passed Prop 13, you're dumber than I thought. You were a racist, corrupt idiot when you were alive. Death hasn't improved the situation.
And your vote would be for whom, 4:38?
I like the pirate because he pisses YOU off.
Pirates are icons for little kids' birthday parties, old ladies' romance novels, and gay orgies.
That's about it. Bring on the rest of the (Valley) Village People. And least the songs might be entertaining.
Arrrrr, Arrrrr, Arrrrr (damn, got to get that moped fixed).
I admire Captain Sparrow. One can only wish that the shameless clowncil ruffians and brigand mayor would exhibit his fine manners and obvious proper upbringing.
Keep up the good work sir!
(bows in deference)
Someone got some 'splaining to do!
Please tell me how NCs (and the communities they purport to serve) "win" here:
Next term, 1,2,3 years from now, you most probably get a new councilmember, who most likely doesn't know shit from shinola, who sits on the bottom rung of the least important committees downtown for 2 years, and who hires staffers from Montebello and Modesto who get lost driving to your meetings (if they bother), until about the middle of term #1, when they jump ship to take another job and your now barely clued in councilmember hires their replacements from Monrovia and Mendocino (and we start again... rinse, repeat).
For the first 2 years none of them can find the city hall bathrooms, let along their own asses, and certainly have no idea at all about how city government works.
That is, typically, until about the time they run to be re-elected, the day after which, they start campaigning for a legislative position in some other jurisdiction (which elects on EVEN years).
Meanwhile, your last councilmember, who finally got decent committee work and learned a few tricks about city hall in term 2, is now either a paid lobbyist (hounding your new councilmember for favors), or filling some state seat, who he's re-learning a job and frustrating the hell out of his constituents there.
No sense even trying to cultivate competency on this merry-go-round. The only thing they ever get good at at this pace is packing up boxes and opening new campaign funds.
5:21 -- (also "jackoff") even on an anonymous blog it's still considered tacky to compliment yourself using an anon-identity.
Nice long post. So that explains why former speaker of the assembly, former union bigwig Villaraigosa spent two years on city council and only put forward ONE (non-ceremonial) motion, and didn't start or complete a single project in CD14?
These people are just TOO smart to get anything done. There's no real ramp-up time, nothing unique about sitting at the big table.
Any one of their senior staffers could do the job tomorrow, at half the price
Good to know!
These slime bags lost!!!!!!!
Did they really think they could get away with this shit??????????
We would have voted it down anyway, but thank you to the wonderful Judge who saved us the trouble!
Let's hope that the lawsuit soon to be filed against AV
taking over LAUSD meets the same wonderful outcome!
Hasta la vista, ASSHOLES in City Council and
Go back to Mexico where you belong!
Hon. Robert H. O'Brien, USC Law, Class of '61.
Possessed of good sense and fearless in rendering unpopular political decisions.
This one was a no-brainer. Two items combined violate the constitution and have to be knocked out.
Eric Garcetti needs to ask his Dad about the law before he spends more LA City funds on an appeal that cannot win.
Why is everyone so surprised when a judge follows the law and does the right thing?
(Bows low and takes hat off with flourish) Good evening ladies and gentlemen:
4:38pm - Ah, if I annoy you then I must be doing what I am doing correctly which is to be the boil on the buttocks of the status quo. Clowncil members and their assorted ilk have been known to wear their breeches far too tight. Try loosening them a tad, but not too much lest your brains come loose and fall out.
4:46pm - She's not here at the moment. She's speaking with Lisa Sarno out in the hallway about something.
5:10pm - Clowns are also icons at children's birthday parties. Methinks you are a Clowncil sot blogger. As for the Village People, I hereby nominate you for Village Idiot. Every village needs one. You are now ours. Bugger the idiot sot.
5:21pm - A sincere thank you for the kind words. And it is equally nice to see a genteel blogger amoung the sots and hot trollops.
5:33pm - Tacky? No, running downwind is what we're doing at the moment, luv. I expect to be tacky on the morrow. Too much rum for you and not enough for me!
6:09pm - Thor? Is that you? I thought I recognized your Valkyrie parked next to Zuma Dogg's Escalade! Bloody hell, man. It's wonderful to see you again too! And you've even remembered the secret pirate salute! Listen, I'm really pulling for Magni to win Rockstar Supernova. We'll have to get together and have a go at some of the wenches (wink, wink). And I won't wear my frilly shirt. I was saving it for a Zuma Dogg fundraiser.
Pleasant dreams lads and lasses, unless of course you are afraid to close your eyes for fear of pirates...and the Village Idiot.
I hear stupid bob hertzberg is making lots of money on the appeal. the city hired his firm to help. what a waste of taxpaer dollars. bob is a true clown.
Congradulations to all of those responsible for getting this measure thrown out of the November ballot.
But it is going to take a lot more fighting in order to send these clowncil member packing. The circle of corruption has finally turned on these idiots, but it is still strong enough to do some more damage in November. They are sneaky bastards and will certainly try something else. They hate to loose, especially to "ordinary people".
Hey Captain, I say get rid of AV's supporters Nunez and Romero first, then the rest before we take him on... his ship will have so many holes by then, he will certainly sink into the shark infested ocean.
Like the Captain said. NUNEZ, ROMERO, PADILLA AND DELEON WALK THE PLANK IN NOVEMBER. The rest walk in March.
If you think those guys are going to lose their electione, you've been drinking too much sea water.
parque esceleto
spill the beans
who is the double agent at city hall
Find someone (anyone) with a DOUBLE-digit IQ, and that's your likely DOUBLE agent!
LiSa SaRnO
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