Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Thursday

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert O'Brien is considering a motion to strike the controversial City Council terms limit extension proposal, Measure R, from this November's ballot. Opponents of the measure argue that the proposal is unconstitutional given that it deals with two different subjects - term limits and ethics reform. City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo - who advised the Council the measure was likely unconstitutional - is now faced with the prospect of defending a plan he does not support. O'Brien will likely rule Friday. In the meantime, the issue - coupled with a few others - has created an all out war between Neighborhood Council leaders and assorted anonymous Measure R supporters here on our pages.
The Los Angeles Board of Education voted 6-1 to overturn recently enacted legislation to give Mayor Villaraigosa more control over the school board. Lone hold-out: Villaraigosa protege Monica Garcia. In other news, Republican Mayor of Fresno, Alan Autry is fighting mad that the school take-over plan for his city was shunned by Villaraigosa and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.
LA City Nerd has a review of the lame, lackluster and shortsighted City of LA's 225th birthday. And with hopes that either the 250th in 2031 or the 175th anniversary of the City's incorporation in 2025 might be better. At that point, Tom LeBong, Jr. will probably be Mayor, so we'll see.
Thursday evening Mayor Villaraigosa will speak at the California Chamber of Commerce's dinner in Santa Monica.
Labels: proposition r, rocky delgadillo
Mayor Sam are and DGARZILA on same MEDS?
Villaraigosa is attending Mecha Convention that same evening. How is he at two places at same time.
Before you talk about others, maybe you need to not drink before you write.
For a $100 gift certificate at the new Home Depot, which prominent former local official works at Mayer, Brown?
Judge to decide on term limit measure by Friday
LA Daily News
Los Angeles voters will know by Friday afternoon whether a measure that would give City Council members an extra term and add new ethics rules will be on the Nov. 7 ballot.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert O'Brien considered a petition this morning to strike Proposition R from the ballot, but did not issue an
The lawsuit challenging Proposition R was filed by West Los Angeles resident Neal Donner with the support of U.S. Term Limits, a national group that supports term limits.
City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's office hired the firm Mayer, Brown Rowe & Maw to assist with the case - although officials could not say how much they've budgeted for outside counsel until the City Council first reviews that information.
The League of Women Voters and Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce have filed court papers to help the city keep Prop. R on the ballot.
(213) 978-0390
MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- In a horrifying show of brutality, gunmen barged into a bar in central Mexico early Wednesday and tossed five human heads on the dance floor, after covering patrons with their weapons, officials said.
School started this week & wish the clowncil members would go back to school. My predictions for this fall.
1) Measure R fails.
2) Housing Bond passes because of Parke Skelton & that's why. Not because of MAV or clowncil members.
3) Garcetti receives a serious run for the presidency, & loses.
4) Even though Antonio endoreses Phil...Antonio will not appear in one commercial or TV spot supporting Phil. Maybe one during the last week before elections.
5) Speaker Nunez finally realizes he has no shot for mayor in the future, because Rocky will build up his political capital by appearing as an independent voice against an unruly Clowncil.
6) Bratton makes a cameo on The Shield.
7) Zuma Dogg catches a pair of Clowncilmembers smooching in either the 1rst, 13th, 14th, or 4th districts.
11:11 I don't get #7
Some people aksed me to make a Z.D. for L.A. City Council blog where they could feed me information about people and things, anonymously (I thought that's what Mayor Sam was for).
But, some people want an additional filter of anonymoty, then I'll recap the good stuff here. Plus, there's not gonna be extensive news coverage like there is here at Mayor Sam.
Just a way for people to reach me, see what I'm doing regarding my City Council run (where I'll be attending meetings and a chance to invite me to EVERYTHING, so I can hit as much as I can, and a chance to post stuff happening in your district you think I would be up for reading about.
Hit me up,
Mrs. Samantha E. Allen-Newman,
Why hasn't Terminator endorsed you?
Zuma Perro go to sleep.
Corruption never sleeps, so I can't either.
East Coast guy again.
Zuma Dogg: I'll be back in L.A. September 25th - October 1st. How bout you meet me at the Korean Bell in San Pedro at around 11:00 am on the 27th. (yes, i know, it's Jim Hahn territory). Or, if that's not good for you, how about you meet me on gymnasium in the Imperial Courts housing projects at 2:00 that day. Or if that does not suit you, how about we meet on Long Beach Blvd. and 55th St. at 4:00 p.m. There is a basketball court on that corner. That's my schedule for that day. If that does not suit you, i will be back in L.A. in for two weeks in October leading up to the November election. We can debate anytime, on any issue.
Captain Jack, I made the offer to ZD, Walter or Alger however, I will take you up on your challenge and check out Ms. Newman's campaign and if she's not running against someone i know personally, I will give her some money. And I won't use the fact that she's a Republican against her and not give her the money. Thanks for letting me know about her candidacy. You can be a good fundraiser.
11:01 - It's Jim Hahn.
I can't beleive the LA Slimes actually printed something negative about our midget mayor.
POLITICAL RALLY AT LA SCHOOL RAISES QUESTIONS...Stories vary about how Foshay Learning Center became the site of an Angelides event Tuesday that involved students.
As endorsement rallies go, this one was made to order: Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa endorsed Democrat Phil Angelides for governor Tuesday before a crowd of cheering children chanting: "Go, Phil, Go!"
But there was a problem: Students attending Los Angeles public schools are not supposed to be used as props for partisan political events. To make matters worse, students missed class when they were not supposed to — all the while enduring political speeches in a steaming auditorium. One group of students had to stand on stage for about an hour, and one girl fainted on stage.
Dumb Weiss-Ass is on ABC this morning sounding like an idiot as usual. All of a sudden his #1 priority is crime. PLEASEEEEEEE
He actually stated, "it looks like a tax but actually isn't."
East Coast Guy,
Thanks! Call me and leave a message if I don't answer -- (phone number posted on and let's hook-up at one of those locations when you get to town.
Maybe we could film it on camcorders and run it on public access and youtube. thanks,
East Coast Guy is fake character.
First he scores an interview with future City Attorney (the fix is already in, that's why City Attorney's position WASN'T included in Council's bogus "R"/Term Extentions Measure), L.A. City Councilmember Jack Weiss,
Then Doug McIntyre aggressivley questioned/grilled The Counilmember on everything I had on my checklist, as I was on hold waiting to ask a question.
So, I look forward to the re-appointment of Bratton (based on the highest of praise you say the City has for him), 1000 new cops AFTER attrition, the moneyfor these cops is NOT (really) a tax raise.
Illegal Immigration is a Federal issue, not local. Said, "Want to be careful people don't ask him next year, 'Hey, how come you wasted all that money on a DUMB Gang Czar" (Excuse me, I know some people may have said it could be a waste of money, but I haven't heard anyone else, except you call it DUMB.
And, a whole lot more things but I gotta roll right now, I'll transcribe the tap and post more comedy gems.
Yeah, I heard Weiss too. He spouted the usual claptrap about how Special Order 40 is actually good for the city; and dodged McIntyre's question about his and his colleagues responsibility for LA's destructive sanctuary city policies.
To the best of my knowledge, Terminator has not endorsed any Assembly candidates in Los Angeles. Depending upon how the whole AB1381 thing ultimately goes down, I may or may not ask for the endorsement. Am I comfortable going forward without Terminator's endorsement? Yes.
I do have McClintock's and Brulte's endorsement. And of course Captain Jack's endorsement!
East Coast guy - thank you for taking an interest in my candidacy. I won't be offended if you've already given money to DeLeon; I would probably chuckle.
First, we would like to thank Scribe "SKID ROAD" Lopez for the heading in todays review. Note to Lopez, keep eye out for one "RABID DGARZILA CREATURE". It has been known to stalk prey (WESTWATER SPECIES) in the dark hallows of Skid Road. One can hear the creature swalk platitudes about "DEAR LEADER" POLLORAIGOSA.
Second, Scribe Blume has balance article on the hero worship of our "DEAR LEADER" Mayor Polloraigosa. It won't be long now that the directive comes from City Hall. It will mandates the following;
at 8:00 AM, students will pledge their loyalty by chanting " GO POLLO GO" !!!, at end of school day, students will chant "DEAR LEADER, SI SE PUEDE".
Third, one needs to keep an eye on the Central Valley where "FRESNECK" Mayor, Alan "BUBBA" Autry is mad at the MECHA twins NUNEZ and POLLORAIGOSA. Autry is dealing with the same problems that plagues LAUSD. Yet, when Autry demands the same mayoral oversite, he gets the shaft. Warning to California DEMS. This may come back to bite you on State Races in November as the Central Valley is growing as a voting block.
The Mechistas are losing, big time! There crappy marches bombed big time. Their illegal voter fraud scheme backfired big time.
Everyone I know is excited about going to the polls for the first time in years! They were asleep for years and never dreamed a Mexican would sneak in with 250,000 votes!
NOW, everyone is excited because we are going to start getting rid of everything Mexican in this city!
And, believe me, Newsome will beat Vivalaaraza in four years!
Happy days are coming here again, folks!
SHould someone be filing a complaint with Child Protective Services in regards to the conditions at the Angelidas Rally ? Last I remember, one could be discipline for forcing a child to stand in place in a hot room. Where is the ACLU in protecting these chilldren from the dogma, partisan politics in a supposted, politics free zone of learning
As much as I think MAV & Phil were idiotic for holding the rally at Foshay, I must say this should not be a headline for LA Times. How about really posing the question & interviewing why elected officials and community groups are back the mayor so intensely. Let those people present the story, instead of attacking MAV for his consistent use of staged theatrics. We all know he is a media-sav mayor and will continue to use the media. In order to really understand the staged rally's and press, interview other people involved and present their story. I don't and nobody really cares about MAV's prepared remarks, when he is pressed on so-called, but already known unethical political campaigning.
Oh, the best of the morning to all of you! (Bows low and removes hat with flourish, throws hat up in air and catches it, puts it back on head and does a little jig)
THE JUDGE RULED ON THE MOTION. MEASURE R IS OFF THE BALLOT! The heartiest best wishes to two of my crew, Jeff and Jason as well as Mr. Donner. See this City Hall sots? Let loose the mainsail and foresails, this ship is coming about and we’re headed up the channel of the Los Angeles River. Pirates take no prisoners!
NUNEZ, PADILLA, ROMERO AND DELEON WALK THE PLANK IN NOVEMBER. Get on board lads, we have work to do!
It's soooo quiet now that Measure R is off the ballot. Could it be that the Clowncil is in hiding and afraid to come out and face the public?
Where is that written up, in the "real" news?
Hey, 12:26 pm
Measure to give City Council members an extra term in office ordered off the ballot - By Kerry Cavanaugh, Staff Writer
A measure that would have given Los Angeles City Council members an extra term in office was ordered removed from the November ballot today by a Superior Court Judge.
• Full Text: Judge's ruling on Proposition R View Full Story
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