Daily News Publishes Excellent Gridlock Analysis
By yours truly: http://www.dailynews.com/search/ci_4280394
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Whoopdie frieking doo - Walter got published and is cross-promoting himself on Mayor Sam.
"Non-portability" of Proposition 13? Is that a joke?
The way to solve the problems with Proposition 13 is to repeal it.
I can't believe you oppose rent control but support Proposition 13. They are essentially the same solution directed at different markets, and they both should be repealed.
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To 9:41: Jealousy doesn't become you.
To 10:25:
Here's the difference:
Rent control interferes with the free market raising prices.
Proposition 13 interferes with the government raising taxes.
Prices change in a free market to effect the efficient allocation of resources. Taxes, by contrast, rise regardless of need or efficiency, due to political forces (e.g., rich developers installing career politicians who then give your money to their sponsors).
Repeal prop 13 means retired folks on fixed incomes will be taxed out of their homes. Bad idea...
Wacko Walter Moore-on is full of bad ideas.
Associated Press
Immigration protests that drew hundreds of thousands of flag-waving demonstrators to the nation's streets last spring promised a potent political legacy — a surge of new Hispanic voters.
"Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote," they proclaimed.
But an Associated Press review of voter registration figures from Chicago, Denver, Houston, Atlanta and other major urban areas that had large rallies found no sign of a new voter boom that could sway elections. There was a rise in Los Angeles, where 500,000 protested in March, but it was more of a trickle than a torrent.
Maybe they thought the chant meant they were supposed to vote in Mexico's election. . . .
When Mr. Moore posted this to his Web Site last week, I wrote a critique/response:
3 Miles Per Hour
It's lengthy, but definitely worth your time.
I e-mailed my critique/response to Mr. Moore last week, and while I think he read it, he didn't post a link to it here. Needless to say, I'm quite disappointed; I think Mayor Sam readers deserve to consider several different perspectives and make up their own minds.
Walter's analysis on any issue related to real estate needs to be taken with a grain of salt, since he is a real estate BROKER and wants to sell you...
castles without hassles!!!
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