Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Tuesday

In case you didn't notice it, Monday the City celebrated it's 225th birthday. How was it done? With fireworks, parties and jocularity? Nope. Mayor Villaraigosa and a bunch of other pols walked from San Garbiel (which is an entirely different city) to Olvera Street. Woo hoo! There was lots of talk of diversity and other warm feelings during the walk. In the meantime, 99.99999% of other Angelenos didn't even know it was our birthday. Imagine such a travesty in New York or San Francisco. No way!
Speaking of the Mayor, its reported that Tuesday he's expected to endorse Democratic candidate for Governor Phil Angelides. We reported some time back that the Mayor was causing discomfort for some Democrats in that he did not quickly endorse Angelides.
Here in Van Nuys is reporting that Assemblyman Lloyd "The Bachelor" Levine is proposing legislatsion to force grocery stores to recycle plastic shopping bags. Why do we need this? Don't we have more pressing issues Lloyd? I've seen many stores set up their own recycling programs. It saves them money and its good PR. Why can't the market make this happen? And how are we going to pay for an army of inspectors who are going to make sure that recylcing is going on? Come on Lloyd - is this good public policy or is it merely PR?
Its Donald Trump vs. Jack Weiss according to West LA Online. The billionaire developer apparently put up some kind of sign on the Sunset off-ramp of the 405 pointing the way to his Trump National Golf Club. Wacko Jacko is livid and has been trying to chase down anyone at Caltrans who can tell him if this sign is legit or not. I am sure the homeowners and Neighborhood Councils out that way are on it too. Ditto the same question to Jacko we gave to Lloyd - there HAS to me more pressing issues out there.
With the return of the City Council Tuesdsay, its time for a new season of The Zuma Dogg Show. The Doggster himself gives a sneak preview of his strategy for round two of the Quiet Revolution.
Recycling is good; people bringing their own cloth bags would be even better. There's only so much earth, and if we can avoid unnecessarily filling it with plastic bags that we use for about 37 minutes on average -- the trip home from Von's -- so much the better.
It's also Donald Trump vs. Palos Verdes. I love Old Glory as much as anyone, but he should have received the proper permit and gone through the channels before he put up that huge flag on the golf course. Arrogant prick.
All well and good Walter - but do we need the government to intefere with business like this? I've been to a number of stores where they have their own recycling and sell cloth bags. Some even give a discount or a prize of some sorts if you use the cloth bag. This kind of legislation is unnecessary and is nothing more than pandering.
Molester protector update:
Cardinal Roger Mahony, who has emerged as one of the leading advocates for illegal immigrants in the United States, said he sent letters on Monday to Bush and congressional leaders urging them to break the impasse.
At the mercy of the state
IT'S quite amazing that the state could consider reopening a prison among the densely populated southeast Los Angeles County suburbs almost on a whim.
Yet, such a drama has been playing out in the Whittier area for the last several months, while the city of Whittier, a respected Los Angeles developer and the law-abiding populace watch helplessly from the sidelines. While the drama is not over, it has been defused.
Assemblyman Rudy Bermudez, D-Norwalk, said two bills (one his own) have scratched the 74-acre Fred C. Nelles Correctional Facility site from the list of future prisons. However, the door remains open for some kind of state use, because the state has refused to sell the land, negating the sale of the property to Meruelo Maddux Properties, despite Meruelo receiving approval from the state's Department of General Services as the highest bidder.
But aren't our state-elected officials looking out for us?
Hardly any state politicos came to the residents' aid; only Assemblyman Ron Calderon, D-Montebello, spoke out against the prison proposal saying it makes Whittier "a prisoner in its own town." Bermudez took credit for de-listing the site in a press conference last Friday, but really he accomplished nothing. We still have a closed facility - a jail that the Whittier/Pico Rivera residents have had put up with for 105years; It is still empty and the promise of new homes and commercial improvements as vacant as the weed-strewn eyesore it has become.
We've seen more elected officials howl against any new Wal-Mart than a new prison. State Sen. Gloria Romera, Assemblywoman Judy Chu and Rep. Hilda Solis held a rally against a Wal-Mart as if it were the plague, yet did not speak a word against a strong-armed state move to plop a prison amid a densely populated region of Los Angeles County with a high minority makeup.
September 4, 2006 at 19:13:19
"Some Thoughts on Putting 'Labor' Back in Labor Day
by Jayne Lyn Stahl
A friend, in San Francisco, e-mails me today and tells me that money is taking over the Bay Area. From where I sit, it looks like money is taking over America; greed has evolved to such a degree that it has become not merely an art form, but a wild fungus that spreads from the roots to every nerve, every layer of modern society.
From Los Angeles, it looks like the lords of the manor have stolen the piggy bank, and that only spiritual gridlock remains. On this Labor Day, nobody talks about labor; instead, everybody talks about sales. Everybody talks about war, but no one about the war on labor in the name of national security.
Despite its ongoing, and steadfast efforts at appearing vacuous, Southern California is a microcosm of the future, a mecca for the kind of corporate corruption that can only perpetuate poverty under the pretext of equal opportunity. The face of Los Angeles now is a harbinger of America in, say, 2025. The tyranny of traffic masks the illusion of mobility. The Bentleys, and Prada handbags, conceal the simple basic truth of sweatshops, and thousands of immigrants who work for far less than minimum wage, and live in substandard housing, in the hope that their children might yet share a piece of the apple pie which is continually being denied them. Labor Day now belongs to them as much as to you and me. Their song "si, si, si puede..." is no different from the one sung by my grandfather Sam on his way to Ellis Island from Minsk. In today's big cities, hunger is multicultural, housing limited, and the specter of freedom, not religion, is the opiate of the people.
Los Angeles Apartments & Rentals Rent Survey: East Los Angeles Area July 2006
Mayor Sam the Clowncil athough back won't have their meetings til next week. They are at a Conference of California League of Cities.
The illegal immigration march was a total bust. Not that many people showed up on Saturday.
Antonio looked like a clown yesterday at city birthday. Why did he have to have all the b.s. speakers at Lincoln Park then march to Olvera Street and again more speakers? I also want to know why Mickey Mouse and Disney were promoted all over the place with Channel 7? It was the City of LA's birthday and there wasn't anything to show that celebration at all. There were guys from Academia Semelia school handing out flyers saying boycott Disney.
7:35 - thanks for the clarification. I know a former Jaycee who served on the City Council of another LA county city. This person told me that the League of Cities conventions are not a lot different than Jaycee conventions. Given that, one more week of vacation. (Don't get me wrong - Jaycee conventions are awesome, excellent training in the daytime and fun, fun, fun at night. Its definitely a great thing for the members. But for City Clowncil members to be chasing down the hallways inebriated at 1:00 in the morning, not so sure about that)
Mayor Sam,
Thanks for featuring my public comment on "A New Era in Politics."
Thanks to Mr. KABC, Sean Hannity, Brian James, Mark Isler and Big Doug McIntyre, John Zeigler and Matt Drudge for allowing me to not only provide "citizens alerts" to the public, but actually BREAKING news stories on the airwaves days and sometimes weeks before any other mainstream media. (And sometimes the ONLY place to hear these things.)
Also, LA Times, Daily News, City Beat, LA Weekly, KTLA, Spirit of Venice, all the blogs AND OF COURSE MAYOR SAM, for the added exposure of my search for the actual truth. (It ain't always in the newspapers, as I have found.)
Plus, you'd be surprised how many staffers at City Hall have been helping Z.D. with my run for City Council, tipping me to bamboozlements on the agenda I might have otherwise missed, and even Captian Musquiz of City Hall Police, who have now all seen the Adobe presentation regarding the Brown Act.
I thought my role in L.A. politics would be limited to one or two public comments before City Council over injustices at Venice Beach...But now I see, everything up till now has only been an appetizer-warm up and Round One is only starting this week.
So remember, despite The Mayor's quote in LA Times declaring, "HE would fire any Superintendant that didn't meet HIS approval" -- even though he has ZERO firing power over the position, let's hope Marlene Canter & LAUSD selects the retired Roy Romer's new replacement before The Mayor's A.B. 1381 goes into effect next year. (If it ever even gets to take effect, cause the court challenges are getting ready to fly.)
Plus, JUST IN CASE, Ballot Measure "R" (Term Limits/Ethics) DOES'T get removed from the ballot tomorrow (I think it has a great chance of being removed), I'll be appearing on TV 35 three times a week (plus all the replays) and talking out commercial time on the radio (plus all my phone calls) to make sure every voter knows the big bamboozle on that one.
AND, I'M SAD TO SAY, the number one issue on Z.D.'s Top-40 this season (and for many seasons to come) will be: Illegal Immigration.
In the past two weeks, since Council meetings have been on recess, the issue has become the number one issue locally and nationally. So it's time for some Z.D. style attention getting on this issue.
And remember City Council, all of this Z.D. backfire simply because you wouldn't let me an my friends sell incense and first amendment protectd T shirts at Venice Beach. (And it's State property that you are enforcing this unconsititutional local ban.)
How much you wanna be The Mayor and City Council NEVER would have banned the sale of $1 incense on the boardwalk of Venice Beach if they knew all this would have happened.
I'm telling you...I haven't even really gotten started yet, you fools.
Zuma Dogg
Candidate, L.A. City Council '07,
Candidate Mayor of L.A. (even sooner since re-call is likely.)
Mayor & Lincoln Hts NC are corrupt.
NC pres is USC employee and AV/Huizar pet.
Meruelo is a scumbag! He buys inside data ---BFF Villaraigosa.
Highest Bidder, PLEEEEEAAASSE!
Meruelo is a double scumbag! Donated heavily to DeLeon's Assembly campaign!
Mayor Scab too chicken to show at the ILWU labor rally in Wilmington yesterday. Worried that he couldn't control the message no doubt. Hope he enjoyed the lame b-day celebration.
Don't forget that there are/were illegal Trump course signs posted on the 110 Freeway on your way to San Pedro, as well. Someone put a significant deliberate effort into both producing and placing the fradulent signs.
how about that Felipe Calderon? What is AV's take on the Mexican Election? When is AV going to host him and shut down the city for him? Maybe he can do it during a Chivas game in the Coliseum and declare L.A. the "official" mexican city for a day.
by Zuma Dogg (
This Bill is so confusing and non-transparant, it's tough to decipher the actual facts from the Mayor's fiction.
Just saw a story on CBS 2 News regarding what is next for LAUSD/A.B. 1381. Unfortunatley, due to the non-transparancy of the issue, and the Mayor being somewhat delusional as to his authority, Z.D. had to call Jennifer Davis of CBS 2 News to clarify the comments, "Next for The Mayor: Selecting a new LAUSD Superintendent to replace Roy Romer who retires this fall."
HERE'S THE REALITY: The Mayor (and his "Council of Mayors") DOES NOT get to hire or fire the School Superintendent, under any circumstances.
LAUSD selects a candidate, of their own, for School Super. Then The Council of Mayors need a 90% vote (80% Mayor V., plus at least 10%/half of the other Mayors' vote) to ratify (approve) or reject the candidate. If Council of Mayors do not get the 90% needed within 30 days, the LAUSD candidate is automatically approved.
A.B. 1381 won't take effect until January '07. Romer is retiring now, and LAUSD will have a list of candidates this month sometime, and a new School Superintended selected sometime in October (Z.D. predicts based on the most accurate of sources.)
And contrary to Mayor Viagraosa's quote in The Los Angeles Times decalring, "HE would fire any Superintendent that doesn't meet HIS approval", I have some bad news for the Mayor. He (and his Council of Mayors) don't get to HIRE or FIRE nobody!
So if Mayor Tony V., decides he doesn't like the new Superintendent (because it ain't one of his "back pocket" homies) -- his ONLY course of action will be to:
Take taxpayer's money and BUY OUT the remainder of the Super's contract. (And it'll most likely be a four year contract to buy-out.)
EVEN THEN, The Council of Mayors DO NOT get to choose their own LAUSD Superintendent: Again, LAUSD will select another candidate for The Mayors to get 90% vote, to approve or deny.
But, none of this will probably even be an issue, cause the whole A.B. 1381 will probably get overturned by the courts for being non-transparent, not put before a vote of the people (even though the comitte responsible for the Bill said it "must" be put to a vote of the people), and we already know the whole concept is in violation of State Consititutional law. (The Mayor can't oversee the school board.)
Anyway, BIG UPs to Jennifer Davis of CBS 2 News for returning my call to decipher the Mayor's propoganda campaign, and replace it with actual facts! Can't wait to see further, accurate, coverage on this most important issue.
Zuma Dogg
Public Advocate of The Community for all blogs and videos (see myspace links).
Baquet, rumors of your demise were just that. Here are some story ideas that hopefully, will be taken into consideration.
1. The "mental breakdown" of one "DGARZILA". One can explore the his crusade against Brady West water. Might even join DGARZILA on late night stakeout of Westwater on the tent-cover streets of Skid Road.
2. Is Jim Alger a secret pinky buddy of Walter Moore?
3. The rise of Populist Hero Zuma Dogg. follow the Dogg around the town (on MTA of Course), as he spreads the truth about the City Clowncil and "BOSS POLLORAIGOSA".
4. Expose on the multiple personalities that make up "COUNCILMAN JOHN"
5. Reveal the idenity of the captain of the Pirate Ship "THE RAGING QUEEN"
Lastly, don't feel shy about reporting on our "DEAR LEADER" Mayor Polloraigosa. He must be sad that he didn't get more inch coverage of his trek from San Gabriel Mission, leading his
flock to the fiefdom of "LOS ANTONIO ANGELES".
Actually, government intervention to fight pollution IS warranted because a free market system does not impute the true cost of the externality -- in this case, the pollution caused by the plastic bags. By effectively raising the price of the plastic bags to the users -- to reflect the bags' true cost to society -- we can produce a more efficient use of resources (e.g., more use of cloth bags, more recycling, and less "direct to dumpster").
I just posted a new update on our sexual predator Jaime Green in Skid row.
Just after posting that Item we have a
new item about the "mental breakdown of dgarzila".
Jaime Green is a borderline personality , these types usually try and find ways to get others to fight their fights for them. Thus , Jaime trying to take the focus off of him and bring it to Brady Westwater.
Try and get me to say something libelous and Untrue about Brady Westwater. Then that can be discredited and then Jaime Green can publicly say I was not telling the truth thus destroying my credibility.
Well, I have been around long enough to know that these games are played . And I might be in my mid 3o's and supposedly not as astute as you Mr Green. So you claim in your e-mails , by your own admission exposing yourself , that I can't see thorugh your games? Please......
For instance the popularity of Zuma Dogg on Mayor Sam , thus the paragraph on how we need to folow him around. Of course the supposed Mental breakdown revolves around the old crusade on this blog about Brady Westwater. Probably won't be bringing that up anytime soon or ever , I got my arguments this past weekedn about PRop R form mayor sam bloggers and have come to my own conclusions. But the reminder that I did not like the way Brady Westwater has to do with stirring up popular culture on this blog. To stri up the locals against me. It is so obvious. It is called kissing up.
Anyway , the clue can be found at his photo site at flickr.
Jaime Green , before I stopped associating with him after the discovery of his proclivities , talked about how he beleived that everyone who associates with homosexuals are "closet queens",he even said he had prrof Antonio Villaraigosa was in the closet. at his photo site above pictures of Antonio Villaraigosa , he writes ANTONIA.
Jaime Green also has a bad obsession about our mayor. I remember seeing at his flickr blog a phot of the mayor and the photo of a penis next to him. This is not natural nor is it normal.
And of course the other thing he is doing to thorw people off is his insinuation at being homophobic witht the homophobic rhetoric.
Yes I know it is you Mr . Green.
Or should I say Chester
Don ,
Did you know that Jaime Green was sent in to the Elena Popp camp by Fabian Nunez during her run , to keep people from helping , since most everyone downtown knows about Jaime Green. And many people across the City.
Sad !!! Sad!!!! SAd!!!
Gawd....I wish I had a TIVO of asshole AV endorsing Angelides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Mexican midget never looked worse or uglier. This was indeed a LOW for politics on ANY level! EMBARRASSING FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!
Garza, why don't you grow up and get over it??
After all, you were in your 30's when it happened. You were far from being a little kid, except maybe emotionally. A gulf war vet too.
What's the big thing about being poked on the rear with a hot dog? it sounds like innocent male bonding/horse-play to me.
I'd just laugh it off, but then I'm secure with my sexuality. Are you secure with your sexuality? What is your orientation? Perhaps you had a flareup of homosexual panic??
So go ahead--poke those frozen franks at me. Im secure--I can take it. No problem. It's just good old fashioned guy stuff.
Garza, grow up.
Why do you want to insist it was just being poked on a buttock .
It was far worse than that and of course I have witneses that can prove it. It was not poking me on the behind it was forcing that frozen weiner between my crack , that is an invasion of my personal space. I thought thatI couldn't do anything about it , but I was told otherwise.
So no I won't stop letting the people know how you did more than that. ANd how you continue to get homeless latino men and youth high and drunk so you can have your way with them. When people say no they mean it. I wasn't high or drunk when you pulled these stunts and when I said no , you should have stopped. no , all you did was laugh.
I am in pain right now because I was stupid enough to think I could walk the whole 9 miles from San Gabriel to Olvear Street. I am trying and doing what I can right now to rehabilitate my body. BUt the demyelinating neuropathy has taken it's toll on me. So yes , being disabled and having muscle weakness and having a pervert like Jaime Green continue to minimize his behavior as
horseplay is not funny. Once I found out I had rights and that Jiame Green could be prosecuted under the hate crime laws for what he was doing to me because I also Suffer with a mental disability and not to mention a physical disability , I was able to write my landlord and let them know if they didn't do anything anbut this to protect me , well you get the picture....
The law specifically states that if you get somoene inebreated it is not consensual. JAime is doing this to people in our neighborhood.
So now everyone knows. Guy stuff!!!???? Really ,is this the new rationalization?
this isn't a sorority , nor is it the barracks on base. This is a hotel where I pay rent have a laease and am entitled to the security of my personal space.
You went over the edge and people will have to know about it , plus I Can't sleep at night knowing you are getting away with destroying the lives of others? is that horseplay? I don't think so.
So no I will not stop . You are a sick person Jaime Green , a very sick person.
You thought that just because I am a big person , who was going to beleive me , an old man doing that?.That I was ok to target and that I wouldn't defend myself in other ways. Well , you thought wrong.
I can tell that that poster above is Jaime Green he has left his siganture. Minimization of his crime by claiming it was poke on the butt and also his attempts at claiming my
mental age is that of a child. things he does to rationalize himself that he did nothing wrong . A defense mechanism.
Sometimes Mayor Sam, we do need legislation that appears to be government interferring with business. Mandatory recycling is good no matter what.
What bothers me the most is that the City has been unable to get the word out to the residents that you can put your VONS bags in your blue bin. All plastic bags from supermarkets can go in the blue bin to be recycled.
Re: to question What is Urban Semillas?
Here's your answer:
An event organized by Urban Semillas
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