More MEAV Team Plays
Among the more notable additions being considered as well as Murray and Mack are community economic development guru and a mentioned candidate for CD 10, Dr. Denise Fairchild as well as Loyola law professor and television commentator Laurie Levenson.
Turning to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, one of our readers pointed out former Assembly Majority Whip Richard Katz is being considered to take one of Los Angeles' four posts on the board. Our source says yes, he is on the list. In addition to Katz are former Assembly Speaker and Mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg and Councilman Bernard Parks. We already reported that MEAV plans to take the fourth spot himself as well as assume the Presidency of the MTA, something Mayor Hahn chose not to do. That signals some major firepower for MEAV's bold transit plans he discussed during the campaign.
what happened to the first comment? I saw it this morning but now it's gone...
#$@*$% Haloscan!
Putting Parks on the MTA Board is mistake. MEAV should put Greuel on the Board. She at least knows what she is talking about unlike Parks and LaBonge
I assume we will know today who MEAV appoints to key staff positions.
Nick Patsouras - Transportation
Warren Christopher - Police
Ari Swiller - Chief of staff
Keith Brackpool - Harbor
Look outside the transition team box....
Defintely no one from the transition team
That's what you think.
He owes Bernie.
Do we see any Valley people other than Hertzberg? David Fleming perhaps. Not sure about Bruce Ackerman or Bonnie Herman.
He can't appoint Hertzberg AND Katz and then Greuel. Too many valley people.
Well he needs one city councilmember and god forbid its Parks. Pick Rosendahl if you have too
I'm trying to support Antonio but if he appoints John Mack or Murray to police commission it will be hard. These idiots don't support LAPD and I can't believe Antonio would be that stupid. Rank and File don't like Antonio cause they say he's a gangster mayor and now to put racists who hate LAPD and have come out on tv condeming them is just naive. But then again Antonio is pandering to the blacks and they have him in their pocket. Command staff are already saying what a huge mistake that will be.
David Cunningham should stay. He's the only one who supported Parks' reappointment and is a good attorney.
MEAV needs to have a good business team. It's important for this administration to encourage business opportunities rather than seeing everyone go outside of LA
Agree with the previous poster. Is MEAV going to have a deputy mayor for economic development? Who is it going to be?
Are any of these appointed individuals from (live in) the City of Los Angeles?
I heard they are from Beverly Hills, West Covina, Pasadena, Sylmar, Compton, Long Beach, Orange County????????
Pathetic Buyout.
AV must be the puppet of the rich and powerful or the greedy and socialist-Take your pic all the same.
How ironic...i consider myself to be a rich, greedy socialist? Are you a bible-touting gun-slinging fascist?
11:54 AM Hi Parke Skelton, I knew you blogged here!
Yeah ok there buddy
I think MEAV should move fast when it comes to the business team. In 2001, Hahn reluctantly kept most of Riordan business team. Keeping the business team especially the Riordan staff is the best thing the MEAV staff can do. The team is working on numerous catalytic projects through out the city. I think MEAV needs to save what ever is still left. As for the Deputy Mayor- EXPERIENCE- PLEASE………….
By law, a Commissioner must live in the City of Los Angeles. Period.
Employees may live elsewhere.
What's wrong with Parks for MTA?
What's wrong with Parks for Police Commission. Now THAT would be entertainment.
What's happening with the Public Works Board?
A smart olive branch move would be to put the very talented Janice Hahn somewhere.
Wonder who AV will put as DM for public safety? Rank & file are praying AV isn't dumb enough to give Parks anything that will hurt them.
What the hell is going on with council? Can't lameboy Padilla have control? For the past months they are not in their seats on time and sometimes don't even come to chambers. It seems chaotic in chambers.
Putting Laurie Levinson on the Police Commission would be the equivalent of putting Melanie Lomax on it; she was a disaster, and Laurie would be as well.
Antonio can do better. Skobin is solid; putting either Mack or Murray would be OK, but not both.
It is a ton of work, by the way.
Also, Jimmy Blackman and Robin Kramer both live in the City of LA. Allen commutes and Ovrum lives in Burbank.
Dunno about Anita, but that's a one year gig for her.
Commisioners, by law must live in the City; not so with employees.
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