Outsiders Disrupt Graduation Speech
A bunch of yay-hoos - mostly socialist union leaders and not regular folks - showed up to try to disrupt a graduation speech by our Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Arnold was asked to address the graduating students of Santa Monica College, one of his alma maters. Graduates inside the stadium were generally annoyed by the paid protestors sent in by union nurses and teachers who are sorry to see Arnold putting an end to the gravy train.
People need to know that the folks who protest Arnold are not regular folks showing up with a magic marker and a placard. This is part of a highly organized, well funded anti-Arnold campaign headed up by some of the richest government employee unions in the state. These organizations get their money by forcibly taking it from their members, many of whom are actually Arnold supporters. But they have no choice, state legislators who receive massive contributions from these unions have written laws that give the unions the legal right to take money from their members, and use it on poltical causes without their permission. You should also know that a lot of these protestors are government employees who are engaging in these activities on your dime - that's right - they are on the clock and not at their posts!
By the way, look at the paid protestors in the photo above. One of them has a rude sign about Maria Shriver, the Governor's wife. Not only is it sad and wrong, but ironic given that Maria is a liberal Democrat herself and member of the Kennedy clan.
Its tradition to have elected officials speak at graduation ceremonies. This was not a campaign speech by Arnold. The protestors should he ashamed at themselves for ruining some good kids' special day. Conservatives and other thoughtful people need to speak up and not let paid liberal protestors seize the moment dishonestly.
In addition to the unions, one of the sponsors of this protest was ANSWER LA, a leftist group that is anti-Israel and pro-Castro. Hardly rank and file folks from the neighborhood. Go figure.
Arnold was asked to address the graduating students of Santa Monica College, one of his alma maters. Graduates inside the stadium were generally annoyed by the paid protestors sent in by union nurses and teachers who are sorry to see Arnold putting an end to the gravy train.
At times during Schwarzenegger's speech, cheers and boos mingled, and the graduates themselves appeared eager to hear the governor. Many applauded at one point when the noise from the bleachers briefly subsided.How rude it was for these special interest morons to distract and disrupt what should have been a special day for the graduates. These kids worked hard to get where they are at. They didn't need it turned into a partisan political rally.
People need to know that the folks who protest Arnold are not regular folks showing up with a magic marker and a placard. This is part of a highly organized, well funded anti-Arnold campaign headed up by some of the richest government employee unions in the state. These organizations get their money by forcibly taking it from their members, many of whom are actually Arnold supporters. But they have no choice, state legislators who receive massive contributions from these unions have written laws that give the unions the legal right to take money from their members, and use it on poltical causes without their permission. You should also know that a lot of these protestors are government employees who are engaging in these activities on your dime - that's right - they are on the clock and not at their posts!
By the way, look at the paid protestors in the photo above. One of them has a rude sign about Maria Shriver, the Governor's wife. Not only is it sad and wrong, but ironic given that Maria is a liberal Democrat herself and member of the Kennedy clan.
Its tradition to have elected officials speak at graduation ceremonies. This was not a campaign speech by Arnold. The protestors should he ashamed at themselves for ruining some good kids' special day. Conservatives and other thoughtful people need to speak up and not let paid liberal protestors seize the moment dishonestly.
In addition to the unions, one of the sponsors of this protest was ANSWER LA, a leftist group that is anti-Israel and pro-Castro. Hardly rank and file folks from the neighborhood. Go figure.
Liberal/Socialist mentality, using public funds to fund their rages and rants...typical.
How heavily is Marxism embedded throughout AV's staff? AV's decisions recently have been more Republican than Democrat. I would vote for AV if he became Republican. The Democratic Party is too passe.
BTW, I said I would vote for AV if he became Republican, assuming he runs for Governor, etc...
AV is going to piss off his old liberal friends...good.
The most ironic result was that the result of the protests will likely be counter-productive. Even the normally left-leaning KCRW commented that little was accomplished other than pissing off a great many students and they might have helped more than hurt the governor.
whatever, Mayor Sam. The Bodybuilder needs to be held accountable and if he has the audacity to show up at a community college after all he has done to raise prices and cut course offerings, then he deserves to be booed. these were not paid protesters, either. tell the truth. these are pissed off californias who are going to do everything they can to get rid of the Bodybuilder next November.
Those were union hacks and you know it. Tell the truth. Regular folks don't take time off work to go and disrupt what is supposed to be a special time for people who worked hard to earn their moment in the sun.
You liberals are just really awful people to do something like that.
Think of those students and their parents and having their day ruined. Just rude.
I thought this was the home of "Los Angeles Politics" not the home of Santa Monica politics.
Mayor Sam, get a grip, protesting is part of the game. You plan for it and you work around it.
Also, it easy for you to say these folsk were paid, but you ask every single protester? A representative sample?
That's not a fair statement and you know it.
What's wrong with Mayor Sam talking about something in Santa Monica? It is in LA County right?
God forbid that anyone be pro-Palestinian.
The protest was a disgrace. These are the same individuals that support our ridiculous drop out rate in LAUSD. These individuals do not want change, they want the same style of governing in our schools. We need school vouchers, not civil run institutions that year after year produce some of the worst results for percentage of graduates. After it is broken down by race, it gets worse!
To all the protestors:
Use the public tax dollars by actually working and improving our schools and health institutions.
I have a question...Where does a U.S. citizen who is 18-63 years of age go if they need medical assistance and cannot afford health coverage.
Any programs?
There are wonderful programs out there. Valley Community Clinic in North Hollywood for example. Their doctors are from Cedar-Sinai. If you're poor, they take you in. If you are working poor, they'll ask for a sliding scale donation. Also will give you free prescriptions.
And they run their program for 25 cents on the dollar what the county spends.
In the meantime, the County programs are useless. The dumbass county supes bring in a management team to clean up King-Drew and apparently those guys are on the take too.
See guys there was a place that gave cradele to grave benefits for all once - it was called the Soviet Union, look what happened to them!
Mayor Sam, don't blame the protesters for ruining the day for the graduates. Either blame the SMCC folks for inviting a controversial figure to give the keynote or, better yet, blame The Bodybuilder for pissing off people who care deeply about the future of education in California.
Don't blame the protesters. they were just exercising their right and responsibility to hold an elected official accountable.
ATTN: 3:00
SMCC has rights too, and they can invite any speaker they choose to invite. It might not be to your liking, but it was not for you and your goonies to judge and disrupt an official ceremony which rewards those that worked hard. What you have accomplished is hatred towards union groups from future taxpayers and citizens of this state. All they will remember is: Unions are selfish, disrespectful, and do not care about students. No money for you honey.
Mayor Sam:
anti-Israel and pro-Castro??? Give me a break. You've been watching Fox News too much because your babbling like an idiot, Mayor Sam. SMCC knew what they were getting into, so quit complaining because they got what they wanted...attention from the media to increase enrollment. People should be outraged that the governor will be spending more than $50 million dollars on this special election, yet, he has no problems cutting health insurance from hard-working folks in CA.
Where's tofu girl? I love u!
Mayor Sam doesn't believe the crap he posted. It's just an effort to get people to blog in. No offense, Mayor, but you're fervor for Antonio showed your true left-of-center leanings.
Anyone who thinks that Arnold ain't in trouble has no political sense whatsoever. Taking on nurses, teachers, fire fighters and police is politically idiotic. And having them protest you at every event is disasterous. This is going to go on through November and will haunt him.
"Taking on nurses, teachers, fire fighters and police is politically idiotic. And having them protest you at every event is disasterous. This is going to go on through November and will haunt him."
These folks are the "New Union Pacific Railroad" special interests who have corrupted the legislature and bankrupted the state.
California is worse off because of these leftie unions and Arnold will have the support of the people in order to reduce their stranglehold on the California budget.
If Arnold doesn't do it then the initiative process will.
Remember Prop 13?
Two things sewage breath -
One - I am absolutely 100% a Republican and Arnold supporter. I didn't support Mayor Poopy cause he was a LOSER and did NOTHING as Mayor.
Two - that group absolutely is pro-Castro and pro-PLO, they clearly state it on their website. They are leftist rabble rousers.
Now go suck on a grenade!
Dear pussy flap and Mayor Sap:
You two are nuts, and it's shame that you are so enlightened by the rhetoric from the right that you have no absolutely no fucking clue! If anyone is a special interest, it's AH-nold. Here's a quarter, go buy a clue, jerks!
Protestors are a total propaganda of marxism sewing itself into mainstream society.
Marxist Pigs!
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