The Villaraigosa response to the whiners
Compare the Records on Education: Villaraigosa vs. Hahn
Hahn’s Education Record
Jim Hahn has simply failed to be an activist mayor on education. It hasn’t been until this election that he has taken an interest in reforming our schools.
At the April 17th mayoral debate, Jim Hahn said that the role of the Mayor was to be “somewhat at the table.”
Jim Hahn told the LA Weekly that he has not gotten involved in education because he has had “a lot of things on his plate.”
Jim Hahn has attended three school board meetings one of them was in 2002, one of them was during this campaign (he showed up at the wrong time) and one was at a private school on behalf of Mark Abrams.
Antonio Villaraigosa’s Education Accomplishments
Former Mayor of Los Angeles Richard Riordan says that Antonio Villaraigosa’s delivered for kids: “When I was Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio was Speaker of the California Assembly. I can tell you first hand that Antonio delivered for Los Angeles’ kids. He passed the largest school construction program in history, a law eliminating social promotion in public schools and funded smaller class sizes. Antonio Villaraigosa has dedicated himself to improving public education. I look forward to working with him to improve L.A.’s. schools.”
Outgoing UTLA president John Perez says: “I have worked with Antonio Villaraigosa for fifteen years – first as a staff member at UTLA, then for six years in the state legislature, and now as a Councilmember. When Antonio is elected Mayor, students, teachers, and parents in Los Angeles will have they best advocate for education this city has ever seen.”
The Record
In 1998, authored SB50, creating Proposition 1A, the $9.2 billion school bond ($6.7 billion for K-12 schools) for school construction and modernization projects that funded projects currently underway here in Los Angeles. It also was the model for two subsequent statewide school bonds totaling another $25B that are also helping to fund even more new local schools.
He co-authored AB 2041, providing $1 billion to public schools to assure that every student has a textbook that measures up to the state’s academic standards.
Authored law to give $212 million in discretionary funds to cash-strapped local governments in California.
He joint-authored AB 1292, establishing a six-year, $20 million academic improvement and achievement program to fund activities increasing college participation in low-performing high schools.
Co-authored AB 1475, the Safe Routes to School bill, which provides annual funding of about $20 million to fund projects for bicycle and pedestrian safety and traffic calming measures to protect children on their way to and from school.
Authored AB 1055, providing $2 million to improve playground safety while using recycled material such as crumbled rubber from used tires for playground surfaces.
Secured $1 million for Plaza de Raza for at-risk youth programs.
Authored AB 611, streamlining the school facility approval process for minor school projects, enabling LAUSD and other districts to expedite long-overdue projects, such as the installation of air conditioning and heating.
Co-authored AB 1777, the landmark 1996 legislation lowering class sizes to a 20 to 1 student-to-teacher ratio in kindergarten through third grade.
He launched the “Earn and Learn” program in partnership with Youth Opportunities Movement, East Los Angeles Skills Center, Housing Authority and Archdiocese Youth Employment to provide high-risk youth in City housing projects the opportunity to secure employment during the summer. Youth employed through the program must attend school and will receive mentorship and participate in team building and job training activities.
Authored AB 1X, creating the California Peer Assistance and Review program, the first statewide program of its kind in the nation, to assist veteran teachers in need of professional development.
Authored law to require schools to report hate crimes and hate-motive incidents and require state curriculum guidelines to include human relations education with the aim of fostering an appreciation of the diversity of California's population and discouraging the development of discriminatory practices.
Formed the "Community Based Organizations Sports League" to provide sports opportunities for hundreds of at-risk youth.
Sponsored three Los Angeles reading fairs where more than 2,000 free books and library cards were awarded to students and more than 2,000 people participated. Sponsored several events for children in Los Angeles, including an essay writing contest where 4,000 school kids wrote essays in four contests and the winners traveled to Sacramento and a giveaway of over 500 bicycle helmets to kids at a Bike Rodeo in Cypress Park.
Helped pass AB 1626, the 1998 state law eliminating social promotion in public schools, assuring that students at risk of academic failure have access to remedial instruction.
Helped pass AB 25, the 2000 state law creating and funding Kindergarten Readiness Programs around the state.
Helped pass AB 33, the 1999 state law creating the Parent Involvement Grant Program and providing $20 million in funding for statewide grants to encourage parents to get involved at their children’s schools.
Helped pass AB 471, the 1999 state law requiring school district accountability on teacher credentials and encouraging the recruitment of more qualified teachers.
Expedited the opening of two new charter schools, serving hundreds of local children – the new Oscar De La Hoya Animo Charter School and the new Renaissance Arts Academy Charter School.
Arranged for the installation of a computer lab at Glassell Park Elementary School free of charge to the school.
Secured City funds to complete the funding package for the Boyle Heights Technology Center, a computer training center currently under construction on Fourth Street in CD14.
Is this really necessary? I get enough of this spun excrement in the mail as it is -- do you have to report it here.
I hope ADV's campaign is paying for the blog's propaganda services.
ADV was in the state ASSEMBLY? Really?
I hear John Kerry was in Vietnam!
Same question applies.
Done anything in THIS century Antonio?
City's been paying you $150K a year. How come ALL you accomplishments are dated 19-- something?
Been away? Been on sabbatical? Been in rehab? Long vacation?
OH YEAH. Your the councilmember for one of the poorest districts in the city. Tack on a few mini-items at the end, some not EVEN in your district, that any staff member could do with a phone call (WELL, not YOUR staff members).
ADV was one of only three members of the Education and Neighborhoods committee for two full years.
It "bored" him, `so he skipped out to help Kerry lose and raise money for another job.
Anybody else, in ANY other job would have been fired the first 6 months.
Save us the embarrassment of having an absentee, bored, pre-occupied mayor -- tell ADV to take a hike.
Come back when you've done something to earn the FIRST two years of city salary.
Chief Parker,
That's fine keep posting LOOOOONNNNGGG topics, it just reflects the fact that you don't want people to read the recent blogs that were doing fine.
Good luck with this tactic..Spin it, Censor it, Deny it all you want, the people will know the truth!
I just LOVE how ADV gets to take credit -- because he was speaker (1 vote) for a bit more than a year -- for EVERY good thing that the ENTIRE assembly did, as if it was his own solo act.
BUT, he won't take ANY responsibility for the huge budget messes and other debacles that happened during the same time period. Can't have it both ways, ADV. You the boss? You get praise for the good, and you burn for the bad!
If someone starts another blog at, let us know. The topic posting on this site is getting ridiculous.
Don't worry, the press people that visit here don't read the blog topics -- they're all oldm retread stuff and campaign pablum. They get that the same time, or earlier than this blog does... they DIG DOWN for the "goodies" the REAL people in the know post.
And the hack ADV spinners can't answer fast enough or thoroughly enough to undo the damage to little Tony's "aura."
There are two other blogs already -- intended to draw people off here. Both Tanked. Hahnwatch and CD14.
OH yeah, Hahnwatch is where Parker's going to "reveal" the 80 (now 163) invisible neighborhood watches!
This was posted by CP:
Outgoing UTLA president John Perez says: “I have worked with Antonio Villaraigosa for fifteen years – first as a staff member at UTLA, then for six years in the state legislature, and now as a Councilmember. When Antonio is elected Mayor, students, teachers, and parents in Los Angeles will have they best advocate for education this city has ever seen.”
So Antonio is more responsible than I thought for the 50% plus drop out rate in Los Angeles. 15 years? What did he do? Did he get money from the teachers union to cover up for the pathetic results?
If you visit the schools you will see how majority of the money spoken on this blog topic of AV achievements did not filter down properly for the projects indicated. You have schools being taken over by the state, why? Because they are underperforming and AV was in cahoots with this socialistic district for 15 years, that is a disgrace and I would not boast any affiliation to a failed department. LAUSD has failed the children for the last 20 years plus.
The "hedge" words used to describe the only actions ADV has taken in the field of education since he became a CM tell the whole story:
"EXPEDITED the opening of two new charter schools, serving hundreds of local children – the new Oscar De La Hoya Animo Charter School and the new Renaissance Arts Academy Charter School."
That means, he didn't start, fund, or have much to do with the actual organization of these schools -- just pushed a few minor buttons near the end to get them open...maybe a week earlier than if he hadn't?
"ARRANGED for the installation of a computer lab at Glassell Park Elementary School free of charge to the school."
Means didn't pay for it, plan it, or have much to do with it's existence... just pushed a few minor buttons to get someone ELSE to do the work.
"Secured City funds to COMPLETE the funding package for the Boyle Heights Technology Center, a computer training center currently under construction on Fourth Street in CD14."
That means someone else did most of the work, and he rounded up a few thousand bucks extra to top it off. THIS IS TWO YEARS WORTH OF WORK??
If it's anything like the other projects in his district, it was PROBABLY supposed to open in 2004, and his staff botched the paperwork, AGAIN!
But his MAIN task in education was tghe committee he played hookie from half the time.
This is like a "student" who ditches most classes and fails his exams, but wants the teacher to give him a passing grade because he empty the trashcans at the end of the day.
YOU FAILED, ADV. You DON'T get to graduate and move to the next level.
Take CD14 over again, Flunkee!
Nearly half of the Latino and African American students who should have graduated from California high schools in 2002 failed to complete their education, according to a Harvard University report released Wednesday.
In the Los Angeles Unified School District, the situation was even worse, with just 39% of Latinos and 47% of African Americans graduating, compared with 67% of whites and 77% of Asians.
While LAUSD knows that certain programs work, like smaller classes and better-trained teachers, it won't be able to afford them without massive overhaul to the funding system, said Perez, head of UTLA.
"There's really no free lunch," he said. "It's really that simple. If you want better schools, you have to pay more taxes."
MORE TAXES!!!!!!NO WAY!!!!LAUSD just do your job that your paid for, work!
WE need Eliseo to post early.
We are losing our momentum from the Florida hits we put on ADV.
Now is is perfect time for Eliseo to announce that we have fulfilled our quota.
Tell us Eliseo and we will crown you King of CD 14.
Only two more days...
John Kerry was in Cambodia and Laos.
And I was stationed at Disneyland.
Anonymous 5:32PM
It is so obvious you are an AV supporter pretending to be anti-AV.
You sound stupid.
BFD to all these. . . that's the state whose job it is to do these things. This, in case you haven't been paying attention, is the CITY election. Riordan spent eight years being the "education mayor" and what changed--the unions took more control, so what a total waste. Let the next Mayor take care of the city and fugetit.
The mayor may have to "take care of the city" single-handedly if the public schools keep churning out more dropouts than graduates (and many graduates who shouldn't be considered as such).
Villaraigosa is in bed with the teachers union, he won't change anything. He will make it look as if smaller schools will help, with taxpayers money, but he will keep the same lame staff, incompetent administrators, and scorned teachers.
Please please please tell me one thing ADV has done in the 2 yrs he's been a councilman cause the media can't even find it. He and Bitter Bernie looked like Pen and Teller at the Crenshaw school this morning. Forget that his own district is suffereing from homicides and overcrowding but ADV doesn't like being in his own district only when there's a photo op.
Gee you would think with all the experience ADV had in assembly he would have done something, anything here in LA especially while sitting on Education & Neighborhood Committee.
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