Antonio Stays Put
Rick Orlov reports that Antonio Villaraigosa is putting an end to all talk that he is a hopeful for the Democratic National Committee chairmanship.
Antonio wants to stay in LA and focus on the mayoral race. And of course face a pending recall.
The Sister City couldn't be happier!
Antonio wants to stay in LA and focus on the mayoral race. And of course face a pending recall.
The Sister City couldn't be happier!
Tony knows that his future in elected office is tied to his local effort. He knows he must deal with the recall. Maybe soon he will respond to the notice of recall.
He knows that if Jimmy is vulnerable he can't let Hertzberg take the job, because Hertzberg will have no problem getting re-elected and that would leave Tony out of the Mayor's office for a long time. Plus in four years, he may have to deal with Padilla, Delgadillo, Cardenas, Reyes, Garcetti as potential Latino candidates for Mayor.
She's not Latino, but unless Huggy gets elected and is doing well, I am sure Laura Chick will run in four years.
I hate when all of a sudden people start talking RACE. Who cares? It's not the race but the experience and qualifications. Whether they can relate to what the residents want. I don't like when people start saying things's about time for a Latino Mayor. NO IT"S NOT. What their basically saying is that no matter what experience as long as their skin color is brown they should win. They need to get educated in the 20th Century if they still think that way
Like the DNC needs anyone associated with Kerry now.....
Delgadillo is less Latino than Garcetti. Like Eric, he has one Latino parent and one white parent, but can't even speak Spanish.
As for "culture and issues" what does that mean? Having a mexican family isn't enough? Representing a district that is 65% Latino doesn't do it. Last I checked, the two unopposed folks in the council are Padilla and Garcetti. I guess la gente in CD13 feel he doesn't get the culture and issues of their neighborhoods.
I think Antonio would make a great DNC chair, but not now--this is something he should do after he is mayor and governor.
As for the mayor's race if Poopy is re-elected, I think it is Delgadillo's. Tough to vote against someone named "Rocky". Just ask Fueuer. If Rocky is in Sacramento, I say it is Garcetti's or Padilla's.
Isn't Gil Garcetti himself only half Mexican, thereby making Eric only 1/4 Latino?
But then why does any of this shit matter?
More importantly, when are we getting Maxim to do a spread on City Hall Hotties?
In time Eric will be headed to Washington no doubt. He doesn't even rep my district but I sure wish he would. He truly has a passion for the job he's doing. Just look at the e-news mail he sends out. All council members should show what they've done in their districts. doubt if anyone could match Eric's.
From Antonio's own lips, he's not interested in the 14th District. This is what he said to Rick Orlov: "I'm running for mayor and that's all my focus." He's just proved the recall people 100% right. He didn't say, "I'm running for mayor, and besides looking after CD14, I'm focusing all my efforts on the mayor's race" Antonio's statement should be printed on every recall petition.
Something tells me that the previous blogger is taking Antonio's word out of context. I read the article and the way I read it, he's saying that as far as future endeavours, the Mayor's race is the only office/position that he is looking at for the future. If we're going to quote articles, let's make sure that we're doing it responsibly and not twisting them around to the point where it's used out of context.
to the previous blogger: Let's take another quote from the newspapers: Antonio to Howard Fine of the LABJ. "When interviewed, these people made it clear I was doing a good job as a councilmember and they wanted me to stay there, he (Villaraigosa) said." By "these people" Antonio meant the recall people. Did they really say that? Of course they didn't. Antonio is once again misleading people. Or am I taking it out of context again?
antonio believes he has accomplished so much as cd14 councilmember that he needs three people to replace him. is that why he is endorsing/supporting in the race to succeed him a school board member, a Los Angeles city commissioner and the head of a neighborhood council?
school board member jose huizar, commissioner cynthia ruiz, neighborhood council president manny hernandez.
The only one who would have a chance in hell is Jose Huizar. He lives in the district and the community loves him. Manny Hernandez lost his crediability a long time ago when he resigned from the Highland Park NC then came back and hasn't been to a meeting since. Ruiz doesn't have any experience at all. She needs more time.
Prove that he has endorsed anyone -- he may like them all -- but no endorsements -- come on guys.
To Meat:
Manny has been going around Highland Park telling everyone Antonio has endorsed him. So there you go.
Okkkkaaayyy -- does that prove anything? What about ruiz and Huizar - how do we know Antonio endorsed any of them.
And if it makes you feel any better -- he has not endorsed anyone.
And just because i know this doesn't make me a field deputy or anything -- i am not on Antonio's payroll -- i am not on any of them. Antonio has not endorsed anyone for a yet to be seen open council seat.
If Antonio endorses anyone, my money is on his "comadre" Cynthia Ruiz. Family first.
Meat is not on Antonio's staff nor payroll nor is he a relative.
Then is Meat Antonio? Didn't Mayor Sam say that?
Mayor Sam - Meat should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My question to Meat is if you're not on Antonio's payroll, then how in the world would you know whether he endorsed anyone or not? People around the city are saying you are one of his field people. You busted yourself by giving way too much information that regular people or even insiders on 4th floor wouldn't know about Antonio.
My question to Meat is if you're not on Antonio's payroll, then how in the world would you know whether he endorsed anyone or not? People around the city are saying you are one of his field people. You busted yourself by giving way too much information that regular people or even insiders on 4th floor wouldn't know about Antonio.
I am who i am -- which is more than i can say for the mr/mrs anonymous's out there.
My expertise isn't just Antonio -- ask me about Hahn, ask me about the Red Sox, or even the Los Angeles Clippers. I can also talk about Schwarzeneggar as well pretty in depth -- not sure anyone of Antonio's staffers can or even Antonio himself - who i am not.
da-da-da-definately Antonio. Definately
If Meat were Antonio, he wouldn't have enough time in the day to be commenting 24/7 given all of Antonio's time restraints runnning from camera to camera and lying to residents of East LA. I think Meat just sits at his desk all day lusting for Mayor Sam.
Let's see how long certain council members grandstand Friday during presentations. Guaranteed Tony will be the one standing the longest. Meat, get a life. Funny how of all the people who blog, you're the only Tony supporter.
His other supporters are probably surfing around looking for his missing blog.
Saw some poll results today....sticks and stones... Antonio 25% Hahn 21% .....Alarcon 4%
Oh so frightened -- blog away crazies.
Crazy how since the last time i saw a poll Antonio was at 23% Hahn 26% -- now with this oh so pwoerful recall campaign launched against Antonio, and those pesky recall supporters "following" antonio whereever he goes, along with actually being able to get signatures (yeah right)Antonio took a major hit -- he went up 2%!!!
Hahn by the way is away.
Don't believe me? go and fund your own poll -- see the facts for the themselves. blog away.
Oh yeah -- that CD 14 grassroots campaign against Antonio in CD 14 -- 75% approval 16% disapproval 9% no opinion -- didn't Antonio only get like 59% of the vote the first time -- interesting his numbers have gone up -- must be all those darn lies he's been telling -- finally breaking through and tricking everyone. Right guys? blog away.
Oh wait...looking deeper into the poll -- folks believe (for no good reason of course) that crime has gone down since AV has been a councilmember -- oh my gosh -- do the facts actually coorelate? wait they do!!!! who would've thought. blog away.
have fun throwing your time and money into a deep black hole -- called?....Hahn's reelection campaign. Blog away.
You are sounding more and more like an idiot every day. Here's one for you. NBC 4 POLL AS OF 9:21 am Thursday. RECALL Antonio 54% Don't know where you got those poll numbers and interesting you're not posting where people can find them but I'll tell you the grass root organizations in CD 14 WANT HIM GONE. The recall campaign hasn't even started cause Antonio is being a whuss and not responding to the letter of intent. If he's so sure the recall won't happen why hasn't he responded so the group can get to work? CAUSE HE KNOWS HE WILL BE OUT.
Meat, the only reason crime is down (how arrogant to give credit to Antonio) is because we have one of the best Chief of police throughout the country thanks to MAYOR HAHN. Since Antonio is a supporter of gang members (proven by his record on crime up on the hill) I will give credit where credit is due and that is to our LAPD working their butts off handling calls and doing the best with little resources. What's Antonio doing with that left over campaign money he has? Most likely giving it to organizations outside CD 14 because he just takes from the poorest communities. HERTZBERG
continued....sorry I meant to say Hertzberg has told community groups he can hardly wait to debate Antonio. He will nail him on issues Antonio's taken credit for and Hertzberg knows first hand Antonio had nothing to do with. Let the games begin....
Typical of Antonio I heard that today he gave 1,000 Turkeys to Eagle Rock. People are pissed.....As if Eagle Rock neds those turkeys as much as other poor communities....typical of him just to get votes
It doesn't surprise anyone that Antonio AGAIN WAS ON TV saying he was giving out turkeys but not in the poor communities in CD14 but to the rich people in Eagle Rock. Talk about sleazy character.
Hey buddy, why can't you or anyone else get their facts straight.
Couple of questions -- were those turkeys only for eagle rock residents???? answer: NO
Did a majority of the turkeys go to residents of eagle rock? answer: NO
Gosh Meat, where did those turkeys go to? and where does eagle rock fit in?
Well lil boy or girl, it was the distribution ctr, because of logistic issues, perhaps folks need to stop making these random snap judgements and THINK a little bit.
OK Meat, you've put me in my place and i am humbled, where did a majority of those turkeys go? they were picked up primarily by agencies that work in El Sereno and Boyle Heights and the rest of the district, in fact i'll put money on the fact that Eagle Rock got the smallest %% of the turkeys there.
So who's angry buddy? apparently just you and the other person you see everyday in the mirror.
What a loser you sound like. First of all people called Antonio's FIELD OFFICE and they said the turkeys were for Eagle Rock. Since you're on the payroll go straigthen them out. There are community members who are going to research this whole fiasco and tell us the truth. It won't surprise me once again that Antonio lied to everyone. He would have been a bigger man not having the press there also.
To Meat:
HEEellllloooooo. Does Toony not know his directions. Why in the world would he make Boyle Heights go way up to Eagle Rock to pick up turkeys? The buzz around the community is some organizations got VOUCHERS
continued...VOUCHERS not turkeys. That person who wrote if anyone is looking for Tony all you need to do is find a camera and boy was he right. Tony is courting Eagle Rock any lame brain knows that. He consistently insults our intelligence yet we know him well. He's the one who should look in the mirror.
We figured out who you are Meat...
Sadly if Antonio was giving for the right reason (and we all know he wasn't) then why have the cameras there. Again his arrogance. Taking money from poor communites, lying to the people, giving money to rich people who don't need it, grandstanding, integrity issues, drug letter and the list goes on and on....
meat = Antonio
Meat doesn't = Antonio. But Meat does a great job. The reality is - Antonio has extended his lead over Jim Hahn in the latest polls. Antonio is at around 27% to Hahn's 23%. This is very bad news for the Mayor. No other candidate is in sight. The next is at around 13%. Antonio is the next mayor. Get used to it. The recall? Forget it. If you live in the 14th. do you really see anybody supporting it?
I AM IN THE 14TH AND NOT ONLY MYSELF BUT A WHOLE LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE YOU IDIOT. I can hardly wait for us to get going cause when it starts we will be a ball on fire that can't be stopped. The momentum is gearing behind the scenes and we will come out like a bolt of lightning Antonio won't know what hit him.
And MEAT you gave yourself away again. Who would know so much about the turkey give away so soon if it just happened yesterday? AN ANTONIO FIELD STAFFER
Goodness -- we have some angry folks on this blog today...did someone forget to take their nap?
TURKEYS, TURKEYS, TURKEYS, We are talking about Antonio Villaraigosa and his office giving away around 1,000 turkeys to the community while Hahn is selling this city to the higest bidder. (yawn)
OK, how can i explain this in simpleton terms -- Ok little kids i am about to tell you a story about a citycouncilman who gives turkeys away to folks during thanksgiving. Last year mr villaraigosa gave away the same amount of turkeys in Boyle Heights where the distribution ctr was set up last year, this yr the distribution center was in Glassel Park (not eagle rock, i was wrong). They gave over 700 turkeys away and around 200+ vouchers for turkeys -- there are over 50 organizations involved and most of the turkeys are going to end up in the ovens of the hard working folks in boyle heights and el sereno.
Folks on this blog like to say because i know this info somehow i am on antonio's payroll -- i am not, but i like how no one says "hey meat you know this info, but its wrong" they like to rebutt with the line that this means i am a member of his staff. I confess when i error, does anyone else on this blog? No, except one time on the Fourth Floor, this person named deputy dog confessed his errors and it was very big of him.
All really anyone has to do is call Antonio's eagle rock office, which i did, geesh - how hard is that?
You are the "little round short" field staffer from Antonio's office and that's why they call you Meat. Who do you think you're kidding? There's no other person on this blog that knows all the info you do about one particular candidate. It's obvious. Antonio has big troubles ahead. I guarantee that during the debates Alaracon and Hertxberg will ask Antonio WHY DID YOU LIE DIRECTLY TO US. He told them He Was not going to run for Mayor. Antonio says that his constiuents wanted him to run. I've asked people from Highland Park, Eagle Rock, Boyle Heights, El Sereno and NOT ONE PERSON knows another person who told him to run. ANOTHER LIE
Good god man -- are you hellbent on finding me out? am i your life's passion?
i do not work for Antonio -- i am not a field staffer, i am not his computer guy -- i was never on his assembly payroll, speaker payroll, his current mayoral payroll, city council payroll, senate payroll, not a single one.
More importantly who are you? and the same 5 people you speak to in the district don't count. I think you'd agree that Antonio encounters many more people than you do on a daily basis -- so in that repsect there are other folks on this earth who have a different opinion as you and maybe, just maybe they asked Antonio to run.
Are there folks who know who i am -- yes -- do these folks support other mayoral candidates, yes -- do they think you are foolish for thinking i am on Antonio's payroll, yup.
blog away.
To Meat: You say to others who blog that we're hiding under a blanket and you're not. Then don't be a hypocrite and use your first name. You can't cause you're an Antonio field staffer and many of us know it. Interesting Antonio and Parks came out in press to ask that Mayor pay back Fleishman money. HOwever, THEY TOOK CAMPAIGN money as well so why don't they PAY IT BACK. WE all know ANtonio has all that left over state campaign money.
More than happy to reveal my first name -- i'll do it on the same day that Mayor Sam, Chief Parker, Chief of Staff, CITYWATCHER, 4NIC8...and others do.
More importantly -- why is Hahn letting our city go to the dogs?
Since you are the biggest supporter of Tony I'm asking the question "Why did Tony let his CD 14 go to the dogs? Meat, better start looking for another job.
I guess ending the MTA strike, where Hahn sat on his thumbs doing nothing while the city went to the dogs -- Antonio sued to get in and end the strike -- sending the dogs home.
Reviving the Gold Line (which was dead) now a nearly billion dollars of investment will be going into the district.
A new El Sereno constituent center --
Hahn gets to sell his office to the highest bidder -- you want that - fine.
All according you JUST YOU Meatball. I can hardly wait for next weeks debates. We'll have lots to talk about namely Antonio should start calling Gray Davis and getting advice on where do you go from after being in the gutter for so long? Meat, it amazes me your kiss butt attitude to Antonio. Sadly, you aren't in touch with the communities and have no clue what is REALLY going on in CD 14. You're so high up Antonio's bootie you've lost all touch of reality. That reality will be shinning real soon so get ready!
At least the Mayor has made this city safer and is trying to get more police. No one else ever talked about wanting more police until just recently. So those fools should stop whining that the Mayor hasn't done enough for public safety. That's a load of bs. Look at the stats and the record. Now today South LA who voted against Measure A thanks to Maxine "idiot" Waters want more police to patrol Jordan High. WE DON'T HAVE THEM thanks to you losers.
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