Huizar for Council

To be tarred and feathered by Walter Moore and Zuma Dogg.
To unleash the most massive torrent of CD14 cutting and pasting I've ever seen.
To get publicly thrashed by most of my readers.
Now I don't live in CD 14. But one thing I learned about logic in college is that in the absence of a better decision to make a change, the proper decision is to stay with the status quo.
Has Mayor Sam lost his fucking mind?
Maybe. It is late. But hear me out.
I have a lot of concerns about Jose Huizar. He probably never should have been elected in the first place. He's shady. He's too tied to the Mayor. He didn't do much for LAUSD as a board member. Damn maybe I should oppose him.
But the only real alternative is Alvin Parra and Alvin's proven he's the "not ready for prime time" politician. Its probably better to suffer through another four years of Jose Huizar than to put Parra in for on the job training over the next eight (or 12 if David Hernandez's Measure R appeal is not successful). Parra's mailer on the whole "child molester" issue was really a cheap shot and a poor judgment call. It reeked of desperation and should not be rewarded.
Listen up Jose. Like a conditional use permit, this is a "conditional endorsement. " You have to prove yourself over the next four years or that's it buddy. Grow a spine and say no to the Mayor some times. Start to stand up for your district for real. Stop doing shady deals like you did with your house. You might just remake yourself into a great Councilman.
Okay - start the slings and arrows, I'm ready.
Labels: proposition r
you made the right choice!
It's tough when all the choices are horrible. Back in the mayoral run-off of aught-five, a caller to McIntyre the in Morning said it best: Which Menendez brother do you like better? Sometimes there's no right answer. Maybe that's when one should follow Joseph Mailander's advice: don't vote for either.
I still haven't decided how to vote in the school board race in my district. Both the candidates are horrible, because one is status quo, and the other is a Villaraigosa pawn. Unlike the third district, we don't have a Pugliese alternative. There IS a write-in candidate, but she's scarier than the other two.
I may vote against the Villaraigosa crony, but I may instead vote for neither. I think that's the only way I can send anything approaching a message with my lone vote.
Let's think about that. If we refuse to vote for horrible candidates -- especially when we're in the voting booth casting votes on other subjects -- we send a message to potential good candidates. That message is:
"If you run, I'll vote for you. I care. I'm here. I'm voting for some people and on some issues. But I won't vote for crap candidates. So next time around, if you run, you'll get my vote."
I think I've talked myself into that. From now on, I'm only voting for candidates I genuinely support.
Parra homer piece just turned my vote for huizar. after all the mudd slinging this piece made me laugh so hard i cant even remeber all the past stuff.
Mayor Sam,
you were reading my mind.
Works for me, MS, and I was anti-Huizar last time.
Yup, thanks Mayor Sam because your reasoning is exactly what many in the district think. Jose better watch his step and be more visible to helping his constituents. They're going to give him a second chance but keep on his butt.
All the dirty campaigning Alvin did backfired and people who were not going to vote decided after receiving those mailers from Alvin to vote for Jose.
mayor sam,
awesome take!
a lot of people would like to see a run-off, too, to add some additional focus to the issues as you can only do during campaign season.
You've got a martyr complex, MS. This wouldn't bring out the CD14 cut-and-pasters - not much anyway.
Most of the Pacheco-istas that poured on the C&Ps have gone over to Huizar's side already.
That's why Parra's defeat is going to be the most one-sided in decades. It's time for some continuity in the district.
From Mayor Sam (don't delete this Walter or Zuma its really me - Zuma we had excellent salmon sandwiches Sunday and Walter I drank some General Foods sugar free coffee out of your mug the other day)
Okay now that I got past the screeners because for some reason this computer won't properly
access blogger, I want to respond to Mr./Ms. 936 am:
Its not so much a martyr complex but past experience. HOWEVER, if the CD14 crew has matured as much as you say they have that is good news.
And assuming Huizar is re-elected this will be first time that the District will actually get someone in office for more than a few years for the first time in years. Hopefully that is a good thing.
And Huizar knows we are all watching him and giving him the opportunity to transcend Antonio and become a future great leader of LA. He has the potential - now will he just avoid shadiness? Time will tell.
Zuma what planet are you on? No one wants to see a run off. Please, no way Alvin will get that far. Why aren't you raving about your guy Alvin like you have for weeks now? You listened to the wrong people. Alvin, Jimenez, Art Pulido and the only one who I respect Jose Aguilar. I like Jose A. he's a nice guy but wrong to support Alvin the loser. Zuma got sucked into their b.s. and reading your posts showed how naive and how much you have to learn in LA politics. Better luck next time.
hate to break it to you, my opinion of Alvin isn't based on posted comments, here. it's from talking to him and listening to him at two candidate forums. excuse me...i guess you're not allowed to do that. just line up and vote for the incumbent, right? I have not endorsed any candidate in CD 14, but I have commented on how impressed i am with alvin's knowelege and ability to articulate it. i think he's a valuable resource to the city and i wish he and huizar could bury the hatchett, play nice and work together. Cause I think he could be of ttremendous help to Weezy and Co. (But that's probably like expecting the Van Halen reunion to work out.)
This is the ZD mantra about Alvin that's difficult to grasp.
He's impressed with Alvin's "knowelege and ability to articulate it."
(ZD spelled "knowledge" wrong, so what does that tell you? In most rationale worlds, that would end the debate, right there).
1) Since ZD knows nothing whatsoever about CD14 or how the city works, how smart do you have to be to impress him? He won't KNOW when you're bullshitting him, and making stuff up on the spot. He has no factual reference points to know "knowledge" from cow dung.
Alvin could be telling him how Boyle Heights was the cradle of early civilization, and was settled by the Mesopotamians in 800 BC, and it would seem "smart"!
2) Alvin has been around awhile, and can spout a bunch of info off the top of his head. So what. Idiot savants can tell you the batting average of every major league ball players in the past 100 years.
3) Can he accomplish anything?
Let's check recent history.
And for the sake of argument, let's say we assume Parra is right, and Huizar was inattentive and away too much, and Alvin's the smartest cat there.
As one of the more experienced "field" hands for Huizar he should have been the top dog from day one, suggesting the best solutions, providing answers before people asked the questions, and making the boss look good while he was getting up to speed (or "away").
4) What DID Alvin accomplish during that first year (look at his own materials).
Nothing, zilch, nada . . . all he can talk about it what he did for Gloria Molina more than a decade ago), and complain that Huizar wasn't around to "guide" him.
Smart, productive, experienced workers don't NEED that level of guidance, they thrive when the boss is "away" and they can step in and solve problems.
5) Alvin complained, did n't do squat, and was demoted for being less productive than the "new" kids in the office, and then went all bitter and nasty once he was exposed as incompetent.
Know-how and "git-r-done" don't always go hand in hand, especially when you have a history of shoot-yourself-in-the-foot disease that "Homer" has exhibited all along.
The intelligence angle sure is a sore spot with you, isn't it? What candidate is known for being not too smart? Church Lady Voice: YOURS!
2:16pm, Notice what you wrote right after you corrected ZD's spelling:
"... In most rationale worlds, that would end the debate, right there)."
Did you really mean to use "rationale" there instead of "rational"? Just mentioning it now since it looks like we're being very picky today.
(Continuing with the picky theme: Manzano, Fix that cap lock or get a new keyboard.)
"Rationale Worlds"
Worlds where there is a rationale for continuing debates.
Whta's yuor prblome?
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