Special Briefs on the Pre Election Scene for Saturday
The Bobby Shriver for Supervisor Campaign's video response to challenger Sheila "Zelda" Kuehl's "You can't really hold people you elect responsible" comment.
The Shriver Campaign for LA County Supervisor, has been quick to capitalize on the latest asinine comment from a Left Wing Radical once known as "Zelda".
** The last remaining Montebello Calderon Political Family Officeholder, Assemblyman Ian Calderon, has apparently learned how to manipulate the Campaign Finance Rules (with the help of Pops Charles and Indicted Uncles Ron and Tom of course), in his short time in Sacramento as the Los Cerritos News reports .......... Hews Media Group-Community Newspaper has obtained documents that show California State Assemblyman Ian Calderon filed reports with the California Secretary of State indicating he spent over $13,000 in campaign funds to maintain and operate a personal vehicle, when those campaign funds should have only be spent on a committee leased or owned vehicle.
** Who is LA City Hall Watchdog Jack Humphreville supporting to replace outgoing District Three, LA County Board of Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky? This may give you a hint ........., We cannot allow the County to engage in financial folly like the City did during the Villaraigosa era. That is why we must reject the public unions’ attempt to hijack the Board of Supervisors and jeopardize the financial health and bond rating of the County. That is why I support Bobby Shriver for Supervisor
** For voters in the West San Fernando Valley 45th Assembly District, we would like to remind you of the "Singular (with only one rib broken, allegedly) Legislative (after hours?) Accomplishment (would Rachel agree?)" of your Freshman Assemblyman Matt Dababneh, as noted on video by his fellow "Shermanator Caucus Member" 43rd AD Assemblyman "Slobo Mikey" Gatto.
Ron Kaye has some further background on Dababneh's BREAK A RIB proclivities below .....,
As he faces a rematch with Shelley, Dababneh boasts on his website about his legislative accomplishments, specifically the only bill he actually authored that became law: a measure tightening the laws on companies selling pet insurance.
The one moment when Dababneh actually caught the attention of the Capitol doesn’t come up anywhere. It was the time back in the spring when he escorted a Republican staffer home after a party. After a night of fun and games, she awoke with a broken rib – a subject the entire deliberative body found most amusing when a smirking Assemblyman Mike Gatto, true to tradition, hazed Dababneh when he spoke to his first bill on the Assembly floor by joking about a rib........, with a rib-breaking record of accomplishment, his chances of reelection should take a "Shelley" on Tuesday.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: 2014 District 3 LA County Board of Supervisor Campaign, Assemblyman Ian Calderon, Assemblyman Matt Dababneh, Bobby Shriver, jack humphreville, Ron Kaye, sheila kuehl, Susan Shelley
Shriver too. Kick some butt.
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