Mayor Sam Exclusive: Councilman Cedillo gives Convicted Felon Larry "Nativo" Lopez's Organization $10,000 from his CD 1 Officeholder Account
In a Mayor Sam Exclusive, we disclose CD 1 City Clowncilman Gil "Broken Deal Cedillo's" "$10,000 Civic Donation" to Convicted Felon Larry "Nativo" Lopez's Santa Ana-based "Citizen in Action Community Development Organization", from his District's Officeholder Account.
Lets play "Where's Convicted Felon Larry Nativo Lopez?" (in yellow shirt, white hair) to the upper left of speaking CD 1 City Councilman Gil "Broken Deal Cedillo".
** Blogger's Note: In a Mayor Sam Exclusive, we have discover, via reviewing the CD 1 2014 Second Quarter Officeholder Account 460 Form Report, that City Councilman Gil "Broken Deal Cedillo" made a "Civic Donation" of $10,000 dollars to the Santa Ana-based "City in Action Community Development 501-C3 Non Profit", who's CEO is none other than infamous Latino Immigration Rights Activist ......., and CONVICTED FELON, Larry "Nativo" Lopez. The "Civic Donation" by "Broken Deal Cedillo" to an established Non-Profit (while legal under Ethics Commission rules), would still be evidently in conflict with the Ethics Commission Ordinance, considering that the Non-profit in question is located out of his district. Its no secret that "Broken Deal Cedillo" and "Nativo" have been long allies in the quest to legalize assess to driving privileges (and other state services) for California's large Illegal Alien population. But in recent times, "Nativo" has had documented episodes of violating voter registration laws (along with questionable mental behavior), including pleading guilty to a Felony for falsifying his own voter information in 2011 ....., and judging from his organization's 2012 IRS 990 Tax Forms (posted below), serious fiscal issues (which the OC Weekly opined on). Considering that Nativo's Organization is having fiscal issues, its conceivable that "Broken Deal Cedillo" is merely helping a longtime political brother (while not funding the likes of the cancelled Lincoln Park Fireworks Show). But other discerning political observers speculate that there is a more nefarious reason for the $10,000 Civic Donation, considering that "Broken Deal Cedillo Jr." is under FBI investigation for his alleged "no work employment" with the Central Basin Water District---Scott Johnson.
Note the "$10,000 Civic Donation" from CD 1 City Clowncilman Gil "Broken Deal Cedillo's" 2014 Second Quarter Officeholder Account Report. From the Ethics Commission's Officeholder Account Ordinance .......,
SEC. 49.7.19. Officeholder Expense Fund.
A. To effectively serve and fulfill their responsibilities to residents of the City, elected City officers communicate with constituents, undertake efforts to assure efficient City services, and engage in professional development activities. To accomplish these duties and responsibilities, an elected City officer may establish and maintain one officeholder expense fund to pay for expenses enumerated in this Section that relate to carrying out the duties associated with holding elected City office.
To help Larry "Nativo" Lopez remember why he is a Convicted Felon, we post the following, kindly provided by Los Angeles County District Attorney Office Senior Public Information Officer Jane Robison, from June 22, 2011.
Activist pleads guilty to voter registration fraud
LOS ANGELES – Political activist Nativo Lopez pleaded guilty today to voter registration fraud after a judge said jury selection would begin without further delay, the District Attorney’s office announced.
Judge William C. Ryan immediately sentenced the Orange County resident to three years probation and ordered him to complete 400 hours of community service. The remaining seven felony counts, including perjury, filing a false instrument and fraudulent voting, were dismissed by Deputy District Attorney Ed Miller with the Public Integrity Division.
Trial was scheduled to begin today on an eight-count Grand Jury indictment returned June 29, 2010. Lopez, 59, of Santa Ana, was charged with using leased office space in Boyle Heights to register to vote in 2006, even though he lived with his family in Orange County. Lopez also was charged with casting an illegal ballot in L.A. in the 2008 presidential primary.
The case was delayed several times when Lopez refused to identify himself to the court and was ordered to undergo three psychiatric evaluations. A judge in April ruled he was competent to stand trial.
Page 1 of 2012 IRS 990 Form for the Santa Ana-based Citizen In Action Community Development 501 C3 Non-Profit Organization.
Page 2 of 2012 IRS 990 Form which notes that Larry "Nativo" Lopez is the CEO of "Citizen In Action Community Development.
Page 3 of 2012 IRS 990 Form
Page 4 of 2012 IRS 990 Form
Note that Larry "Nativo" Lopez's Organization is accruing interest on tax issues with the IRS.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: Broken Deal Cedillo, Citizen in Action Community Development, Larry Nativo Lopez, voter fraud
Makes you understand why his staff is also corrupt...
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