California NOW Endorses Jerry Brown
For Immediate Release:
OAKLAND - In recognition of his consistent support for women's equality and reproductive freedom, the PAC for the National Organization for Women's California chapter today announced its strong support for Jerry Brown for Governor and condemned Republican candidate Meg Whitman's treatment of women in the workplace and her failure to support a woman's right to choose.
"As Governor, Mayor, and Attorney General, Jerry Brown has promoted and defended women's rights," said California NOW President Patty Bellasalma. "Jerry stands for fairness and equality and never ever backs down. We have every confidence that he will do the same as California's next Governor."
"While much of Meg Whitman's record is still unknown, what we do know is cause for alarm," added President Bellasalma. "According to numerous news accounts, Meg Whitman committed an act of workplace violence against one of her female employees at eBay; and the allegations that she failed to pay Nicandra Diaz Santillan, a member of her household staff, for some of the time she worked and threatened to replace her when she became pregnant are deeply concerning. The abuse of employees, whether in the workplace or in the home, is not acceptable."
"Meg Whitman spent millions of dollars attacking a woman's right to choose during this campaign. Jerry Brown is the only candidate for Governor who we trust to protect a woman's right to choose," added Bellasalma.
"For California women, actions speak louder than words. We know Jerry Brown's record, and we know Meg Whitman's record. The choice is clear. We strongly urge California women to vote for Jerry Brown for Governor," she continued.
As Governor, Jerry Brown named women to nearly one-third of the state's posts - more than any other chief executive before him. This included 131 Judges, 5 cabinet members, 2 department directors and 10 deputy directors. Governor Brown also required equal pay for women in jobs requiring equal skill, effort and responsibility as their male counterparts.
In 1978, Brown signed AB 1960, a bill to prohibit discrimination in hiring, employment, or promotion on the basis of pregnancy. In 1976, he signed AB 3881, granting women workers state benefits during pregnancy. Jerry Brown also signed AB 1985, a landmark bill to prohibit sexual harassment.
As Governor, Jerry Brown signed the "Pregnancy Freedom of Choice Act" giving unmarried women under the age of 21 the opportunity for state-funded prenatal care and counseling; as well as a bill to require county health clinics to provide physicians and surgeons with lists of family planning and birth control clinics.
After the passage of the Hyde Amendment, the Carter Administration cut off federal funding which previously protected the right to safe and legal abortions. Despite losing federal funding and the Supreme Court ruling that states were not required to fund abortions, Brown continued to provide state funding for abortions for low-income women.
Jerry Brown also supports Roe v. Wade, the Freedom of Choice Act, and Medicaid funding of abortions. He opposes any Constitutional amendment outlawing abortion, mandatory parental notification/consent laws, and clinics that do not provide women with medically accurate information about all of their medical options.
Jerry Brown's campaign has also been endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice California and
Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California (PPAC), two leading organizations focused on fundamental women's reproductive health issues.
Labels: California NOW, Jerry Brown
Dare I say it? No.
Yum yum, another taco.
Does Jerry Brown support abstinence? Well cause we know he practices it himself.
Does NOW strongly urge Democratic men to call female Republicans whores?
When is the protest of Attorney General Jerry Brown's Sacramento Office, by the NAGs for Moonbeam's sexist comments?
Hags R Us may have some economic opportunities at a certain ex. KMART site in Sunland Tujunga.
Nothing makes Red & Michael more crazy than yet another endorsement for Jerry Brown! Say, why was Meg cutting a secret deal with the police union? I thought she was beholden to noone!
I also remember some comments about police chiefs being able to spoll like yours truly.
why does Joe hate the police?
Why does Michael oppose pension reform and support back room deal making?
golly gee whizz... hags and nags? And you wonder why Republican women aren't taken seriously by the majority of California women? Hmmm. Mama alwats said you are known by the company you keep.
Tammy Bruce, who used to head the LA office of the N.O.W. is no longer a part of it, and is NOW a Republican. Smart lady.
This LA Times article is the reason why Brown should have apologized from the get-go.
To the commenter who said that Brown apologized, guess again. You're just fucking wrong.
Who cares what a bunch of angry butch Yentas think? They should raname the group, NOALYH, National Organization of Angry Leftist Yenta Hags. Anyone with a dissenting view is not welcome there, which is why Tammy Bruce bailed out. Only 6 days until Friday..........
NOW endorses "Moonbeam"........Hypocrisy knows no bounds!
Any Tough Guys here?
I see there are OLDsters here-- who want to hang a STALE crumb on the NEXT GOVERNOR of CA, but truly:
you're going to look silly calling him "moonbeam" AFTER next month.
--Oh I suppose it IS Possible nutMeg-it's your fault I hired an illegal-Whitman COULD: find another
$100 MILLON to toss into her, uh, smear campaign --But: where to find a person in California who hasn't already Decided "Nope"?
Meanwhile IF you're REALLY tough--think you can handle it, here's a movie for You:
A lot of women don't support NOW. THey do not represent a strong majority of women. Brown should have apologized immediately. You can't compare what Whitman did to what Brown did. Two different issues. Brown showed what he really thinks of women by using that term or at least not standing up to his guy for saying it. PPL is a joke even to their own officers. They doll out tons of money for political candidates and can we say 'CHRIS ESSEL.
Griff Harsh, the husband of California gubernatorial candidate Nutmeg Whitman, acknowledged in a statement on Thursday that “it is possible” he received and wrote notes on a letter from the Social Security Administration back in 2003, regarding the former Housekeeper/Maid. The Harsh/ Whitman household then fired their housekeeper in June 2009 (after nine years of service), when Nutmeg handlers decided that she was an election liability.
And now the Jill Armstrong, a former full-time nanny of the Harsh/ Whitman dungeon, came to the defense of the Housekeeper/Maid and told the San Francisco Chronicle that she believes Diaz's claim because she "know[s] the family" and "what it was like."
Meg, Meg, Meg, where do I start, you have reportedly spent $140 million of your own money to get elected Governor but you couldn’t use some of it to get your housekeeper (after nine years of service) some legal help to get her papers, and worse you lied about it. Wow, what a WITCH, of course I meant it with a “B”.
But your comments on holding employers accountable for hiring undocumented workers real takes the cake, I assume you exempt yourself and your husband, or will you be turning yourself in.
Meg on holding employers accountable:
Meg you think you can buy the election, but what puzzles many is if you real cared and loved California then why not do your civic duty and vote, seems more rhetoric than anything else.
In good times we might give you a try but not in our disaster mode that we find ourselves in after that so-called outsider Independent Republican, named Arnold Schwarzenegger (sold to us by radio personalities John and Ken), ruined our state, yah we will trust another one of you liars, think not. And another thing nine years this maid was in your house, in your house and you failed to learned this major thing about her, come on this sounds like a huge lie that no one can believe in.
Ebay paid out $200,000 because Nutmeg assaulted an employee, so it’s not the first time she has mistreated an employee. Good luck winning Nutmeg, money will buy you admiration from the majority just from the Gay Old Party (GOP), but not from all of California.
Women bosses are often too hard on other women. That is no excuse for being mean. But it is that way it is.
I wouldn't want a pregnant women doing a job that she couldn't do. And, gender doesn't matter. If you can not do the job for any reason you just do not belong in that position.
Meg knows how to run a business. She knows what it takes to run a company and a budget. Jerry never ran a company and knows nothing about business or creating jobs.
Those that run a business know what it takes to make one successful. Jerry has no clue.
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